Water Consumption and The Water Footprint in Aquac
Water Consumption and The Water Footprint in Aquac
Water Consumption and The Water Footprint in Aquac
* Correspondence: stesymeo@civil.auth.gr
Abstract: Aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry that contributes to the growing global demand
for food. Numerous studies have investigated the necessity of increasing food production while
reducing its negative effects on the environment. Aquaculture involves the cultivation of aquatic
animals such as fish, shrimp, and mollusks that require water for their growth and maintenance in
various types of aquaculture operations, such as recirculated aquaculture systems (RASs), ponds,
and sea cages. This study investigates mainly life cycle assessment (LCA) in relation to water con-
sumption, the water footprint (WF) and water budgeting approaches in aquaculture. In addition, it
contributes to the expansion of knowledge and understanding of the different methodologies used,
production practices, types of water (freshwater, marine or brackish) and direct or indirect water
consumption in intensive, semi-intensive and extensive types of aquaculture. Notably, this study
focuses on water consumption and does not include water indices that account for all the water used
in a system, regardless of whether it is returned to the sourced watershed and is therefore available
for other uses. Approximately 15% of the reviewed studies focus on the fish processing stage of the
production chain, which emphasizes the need for more research on this stage. The species of carp,
tilapia, shrimp, and catfish are the most frequently studied aquatic animals in relation to water con-
sumption in aquaculture. Research on water consumption patterns can contribute to the develop-
ment of a more water-efficient aquaculture system that is essential for promoting sustainable prac-
Citation: Symeonidou, S.; Mente, E.
Water Consumption and the Water Keywords: water footprint; life cycle assessment; aquaculture; consumptive water use; water
Footprint in Aquaculture: A Review. consumption; consumptive water productivity; water budgeting; hydrologic analysis
Water 2024, 16, 3376. https://doi.org/
fish producer, with a contribution of 35% to global fish production in the year 2018 [5].
One of the fastest-growing markets for livestock feed worldwide is aquaculture, and fish
consumption constitutes an option for supplying the growing human population with
environmentally sustainable protein sources. Between 1961 and 2017, the average annual
growth rate of global food and fish consumption was 3.1%, which was higher than the
2.1% annual growth rate of all other foods containing animal protein, such as dairy, meat,
and milk, and nearly twice as fast as the global population was growing (1.6%) during the
same period [5]. Moreover, the demand for aquatic food products is anticipated to in-
crease globally, and estimates of population and income by 2050 indicate that more than
500 megatons (Mt) of meat will be required annually for human consumption [3]. The
worldwide per capita food consumption of fish and seafood from 1961 to 2013 increased
from 9.96 kg/capita/year to 19.86 kg/capita/year [6].
Systems for raising livestock that produce meat and other animal products rely heav-
ily on natural resources. According to Mekonnen and Hoekstra [7], 29% of the global ag-
ricultural sector’s water footprint (WF) is used in the production of animal feed, whereas
beef accounts for one third of the WF worldwide. Only in recent years has the scientific
community begun to pay considerable attention to the WF of aquaculture.
Investigating the sustainability of aquafeed production has also emerged as an im-
portant issue. Concerns regarding sustainability exist for capture fisheries, which are es-
sential for the production of fishmeal and fish oil because, due to the depletion of many
marine fish stocks, fewer fishmeal volumes are available for fish farming, which increases
the cost of fishmeal and makes alternatives more affordable [2]. Due to cost concerns, as
well as the knowledge that wild fish are a finite resource, efforts are being made to identify
substitute feed ingredients that provide lipids and protein, including microalgae, yeasts,
insects, and plants [8,9].
Aquaculture consumes water directly and indirectly. Direct water use in aquaculture
can be categorized into consumptive water use, which refers to the removal of water from
the system that is not returned, such as the sum of the reductions in stream flow, ground-
water and water incorporated into the farmed biomass, and total water use, which in-
cludes all sources of water input and output, such as runoff, precipitation, seepage and
any water added by management practices [10]. Consumptive use occurs when freshwater
is used and cannot be released into the same watershed because of evaporation, product
integration, or discharge into the sea or other watersheds [11]. The portion of water that
is not returned and either evaporates or is incorporated into products and/or organisms
is considered consumed and no longer available, whereas water withdrawal refers to the
diversion of water for human use from streams, rivers, or aquifers; however, some of the
water is returned and may then be recycled or restored to the environment [12,13]. Fresh-
water in the aquaculture production system itself is related to the direct water footprint
(WF), whereas the indirect WF refers to the amount of water used throughout the entire
supply chain of aquaculture operations, including the production of feed, energy, and
other inputs [14].
Vasquez-Mejia et al. [15] reviewed quantitative water use (volume of water input into
a system irrespective of whether it is returned to the sourced watershed) and focused on
finfish aquaculture utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA). This review included LCA im-
pact factors such as water dependence, which accounts for total water use (the total vol-
ume of water used, diverted, flowed or pumped from a river, divided by fish growth rec-
orded during a reference period) [15]. Bohnes et al. [16] performed a critical review of the
LCA of aquaculture systems, whereas Philis et al. [17] compared the status of the LCA of
salmonid aquaculture production systems. Furthermore, Ghamkhar et al. [18] analyzed
particular procedures (energy, feed and infrastructure) and specific impact categories
(water use, land use, and eutrophication potential) of the LCA of aquaculture. The afore-
mentioned reviews are focused on LCA approaches and investigate water use regardless
of whether it is consumed and no longer available for other purposes.
Water 2024, 16, 3376 3 of 23
According to Boyd [19], the primary concern should be consumptive water use by
freshwater aquaculture, as this consumption diminishes the amount of water available for
other advantageous uses and enables estimates of the economic value of water. The
amount of freshwater consumed in the production chains of aquaculture processes is a
field that has begun to be explored more thoroughly in recent years. Furthermore, the
identification and assessment of the water-consuming procedures in brackish and marine
aquaculture are important for proper water management practices, and further research
in this area is needed.
Thus, this study reviews the literature, focusing, for the first time, solely on the as-
pects of aquaculture water consumption—namely, water that is not returned to the
sourced watershed and is not available for other uses—including studies based on life
cycle assessments (LCAs), as well as water budgeting/hydrologic analysis approaches and
water footprint estimations. It aims to (a) summarize the main findings of the studies per-
formed on the investigation of water consumption utilizing water budgets, LCA and wa-
ter footprint accounting in different types of aquaculture systems (freshwater/brack-
ish/marine), (b) analyze the aquaculture supply chain stages, management practices and
highlight the main related methodological concerns in relation to the water consumption
patterns, and (c) suggest future research activities.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart for the selection methodology of the studies under review. Source: [26]
34 works were chosen using the methodology shown in Figure 1, and their main
characteristics such as the examined aquaculture species, the region of the study, the esti-
mated indexes, the applied methodologies and the supply chain stage are analyzed in
Table 1.
Water 2024, 16, 3376 5 of 23
WP 5/
Supply Chain
ID Study Species Region Indexes CWP Methodology Aquaculture Type Water Type
Malcorps et al.
1 Shrimp Global WF 1 WFN 7 NR 11 Feed production NR
Mohanty et al. WF, CWU 2,
2 Pacific white shrimp India ✓13 HA 8 ponds Fish production brackish water
[28] CWUI 3
Feed and fish
Guzmán-Luna et extensive, semi-intensive and inten-
3 Tilapia Mexico WF WFN production, freshwater
al. [14] sive
Fish processing
pond, open waters, paddy field, and Feed and fish marine and
4 Song et al. [29] 24 farmed fish China WF WFN
industrial farming system production freshwater
Fish, shrimp, and bi- marine and freshwa-
5 Jiang et al. [30] Global WF ✓ WFN NR Feed production
valves ter
ponds; lakes, reservoirs and rivers;
marine and
6 Yuan et al. [31] 22 popularly farmed fish China WF WFN rice fields; Feed production
industrialized systems
39 major fish and crusta- marine and
7 Pahlow et al. [32] Global WF ✓ WFN NR Feed production
cean freshwater
Feed and fish
Pérez-Rincón et
8 Tilapia, cachama, trout Colombia WF WFN ponds production, freshwater
al. [33]
Fish processing
Feed and fish
9 Newton et al. [34] Atlantic salmon Scotland CWU LCA 9 marine net pens marine
fish primary pro-
Henriksson et al. Feed and fish
10 Tilapia Egypt FWC11 WFN and LCA ponds freshwater
[35] production
Henriksson et al. Feed and fish marine, brackish and
11 Eight species Indonesia FWC LCA ponds and cages
[36] production freshwater
Water 2024, 16, 3376 6 of 23
WP: water productivity; 6 CWP: consumptive water productivity; 7 WFN: water footprint network; 8 HA: hydrologic analysis; 9 LCA: life cycle assessment; 10 FD:
freshwater depletion;.11 NR: not reported, 11 FWC: freshwater consumption, 12 WC: water consumption, 13✓: Included in the study.
Water 2024, 16, 3376 8 of 23
3. Results
3.1. Analysis of Findings
An LCA was used in 29.4% of the reviewed studies to analyze the environmental
performance of aquaculture, including its water consumption throughout different stages
of the supply chain, whereas 26.5% of the papers used the WFN approach to estimate the
WF associated with feed and/or fish production and processing. The remaining studies
(44.1%) used a hydrologic analysis approach that applies a water balance accounting for
inland aquaculture (Figure 2).
As shown in Figure 3, studies on the analysis of water consumption, which have fo-
cused mainly on water budgeting, LCA estimations and the WF in aquaculture, have fo-
cused primarily on the last ten years, even though the time frame that concerns the find-
ings of the current review is for the period of 2004–2024. Notably, the inquiry was per-
formed until May 2024.
Number of studies
4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 3. Number of papers published on years 2004 to 2024 of the reviewed studies.
Water 2024, 16, 3376 9 of 23
and pollutant discharges of 24 farmed fish species. Their estimations included the feed-
related WFs of the 22 fish species examined in the study by Yuan et al. [31]. The WFs of
fish farming, as well as economic and protein production, were measured in the baseline
year of 2014. In addition, with 2020 as the target year, 29 scenarios were created to repre-
sent the species composition of fish raised in aquaculture. They performed optimizations
for all predefined scenarios to minimize WF, prevent reductions in the economic and pro-
tein outputs of China’s fish farming system, and reduce the strain on wild fishery cap-
tures. In this study, gray water was calculated using nitrogen as a proxy. The production-
weighted average WF of farmed fish was 5.51 m3 kg−1, which is greater than that reported
by Yuan et al. [31] and Pahlow et al. [32], who focused on the feed production stage. Fresh-
water-farmed fish presented a production-weighted WF of 5.02 m3 kg−1, whereas the WF
of mariculture fish was 16.08 m3 kg−1 (with a significant amount of gray WF). According
to their study, blue water is consumed during fish farming because of evaporation, and,
for example, compared with the water equivalents of feed consumption, which were 4.00
m3 kg−1 and 3.90 m3 kg−1, the average evaporation losses of raising tilapia and sea bass were
higher (5.21 m3 kg−1 and 4.58 m3 kg−1, respectively).
The WF studies under review in the present study broadly consider that the amount
of water consumed in the process of producing animal byproducts such as bone or blood
meal might be minimal, since it is already calculated for the production of food for hu-
mans, and that the water consumption to produce fish meal and fish oil can also be re-
garded as negligibly small. Based on these hypotheses, Pahlow et al. [32] considered the
aforementioned feed ingredients to have a negligible WF and that the types and quantities
of plant-based components are the primary determinants of feed-associated water con-
sumption. According to Verdegem et al. [13], water use for fish oil and fish meal produc-
tion is minimal compared to the amount of water used for crop production, and the types
and quantities of plant ingredients used in the feed are the primary determinants of feed-
associated water use. Malcorps et al. [27] obtained data on the global average freshwater
demand for the processing of fish meal and fish oil from Chatvijitkul et al. [62].
Malcorps et al. [27] gradually replaced fishmeal with plant ingredients in shrimp feed
and evaluated the effects on terrestrial and marine resources such as land, fish, nitrogen,
freshwater, and phosphorus. Their findings showed that a complete substitution of 20–
30% of fishmeal totals might result in an increase in the demand for freshwater. Data were
obtained from Chatvijitkul et al. [62] and Mekonnen and Hoekstra [59]. In the alternative
plant scenario, gray water increased as a result of the increase in the amount of fertilizer-
demanding crops for the needed ingredients, whereas blue water decreased as a result of
the high inclusion rate of pea protein concentrate. Changes in the inclusion of specific
ingredients affected the total WF, with variations in the green, blue, and gray components.
The research findings for the total WF of Litopenaeus vannamei under different scenarios
(fishmeal 20%) were strikingly comparable to those for Penaeus monodon (fishmeal 24%)
(both close to 1600 m3 MT−1), which were similar to the findings of Pahlow et al. [32] (fish-
meal inclusion of approximately 25%).
The outcomes of the research conducted in Mexico by Guzmán-Luna et al. [14] re-
vealed that when comparing the WF evaluations of tilapia filet protein, two and four times
more freshwater is needed compared to the WFs of beef and pork protein, respectively.
Because of the continuous effluent loads from the ponds, tilapia filets use more freshwater
than beef, pork, and poultry do and furthermore contaminate more water than other ter-
restrial animals do. They estimated the energy, land and blue, green and gray WFs of
semi-intensive, extensive, and intensive tilapia aquaculture. The results of the study [14]
revealed that the blue WF of the intensive system was 14 times greater than the blue WF
of the extensive system and 4.5 times greater than the blue WF of the semi-intensive sys-
tem, mainly because of the intensive system’s reliance on high refreshment rates (refresh-
ment rates of 250% of the pond water per day) and higher stocking density. They argued
that water exchange rates must be reduced to reduce blue WFs. While green WFs are neg-
ligible in extensive systems (with no need for aquafeed), they are relatively large for tilapia
Water 2024, 16, 3376 11 of 23
produced in semi-intensive and intensive systems. The gray WFs of tilapia were also high
(greater than those associated with meat production). The use of aquafeed and water re-
freshments determines the total WFs during the fattening phase of semi-intensive and in-
tensive systems, and according to their findings, that stage adds the greatest amount to
the WF. Guzmán-Luna et al. [14] estimated WFs for extensive, semi-intensive and inten-
sive systems of tilapia as blue WFs of 927 m3 t−1, green WFs of 5 m3 t−1, gray WFs of 398 m3
t−1, blue WFs of 2909 m3 t−1, green WFs of 7827 m3 t−1, gray WFs of 1873 m3 t−1, and blue
WFs of 13,027 m3 t−1, green WFs of 7831 m3 t−1, and gray WFs of 1873 m3 t−1, respectively,
whereas Pérez-Rincón et al. [33] estimated a WF of 5486 m3 t−1 for the aquaculture of tilapia
in Colombia.
Pérez-Rincón et al. [33] computed the direct and indirect WFs among the three spe-
cies that are produced most frequently in Colombia: tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus),
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and cachama (Piaractus brachypomus). The WFs of tilapia,
cachama and trout cultures were 5486 m3 t−1, 6193 m3 t−1, and 19,854 m3 t−1, respectively.
The concentrated feed had the highest overall WF for tilapia, followed by the blue WF,
which is related to the volume of water that remains stored in the ponds. For trout and
cachama, on the other hand, the gray WF was the highest because fish excretions and left-
over feed contain high concentrations of solids and nutrients. The direct WF is the primary
component of the total WF in all three species, accounting for 63% of the total WF in
cachama, 50% of the total WF in tilapia, and 85% of that in trout, according to an integrated
analysis of the data. The gray WF was the primary component of the direct WF in the trout
and cachama cultures, whereas the blue WF was the main constituent in the tilapia cul-
ture. The gray WFs in all the cases were linked to nutrients in the water, which were pre-
sent as leftover food and fish waste. Despite the low effluent concentrations, the produc-
tion of trout had the highest total and direct WFs. During the trout fattening stage, if the
ponds’ input flow was equal to the theoretical amount (18 L s−1), the total WF would drop
to 5841 m3 t−1, demonstrating the importance of flow rate optimization for this crop.
Jiang et al. [30] formulated a food–energy–water–carbon (FEWC) index ranging from
0 to 100 to assess the sustainability of aquaculture globally. These results indicate that the
sustainability of aquaculture is generally low. They estimated that the water consumption
due to aquaculture production was approximately 122.6 km3 in 2018. Because aquafeed
was the only variable considered, the WFs may have been underestimated. The FEWC
index results showed that developing nations typically have relatively high water/energy
intensities (water/energy consumption per unit of aquaculture production), probably be-
cause these countries tend to have low feed conversion ratios, inefficient farming technol-
ogies, and resource-intensive species. Norway is a developed country with a subsustain-
ability score for food and water that is more than ten and two times greater than that of
Egypt, respectively, even though the volume of aquaculture production in both countries
is comparable. This disparity may be explained primarily by factors such as feed technol-
ogy, management and farm species, and different culture environments (freshwater vs.
marine), as aquafeed input is typically less necessary in nature-based mariculture.
Gephart et al. [25] computed the WF of marine fish protein consumption and assessed
the potential freshwater savings from substituting with terrestrial protein without consid-
ering the WF generated from the feed resources for marine aquaculture, which include
agricultural compounds. Troell et al. [8] complemented their approach and investigated
the WF of the crops used to feed marine aquaculture, and their estimations resulted in a
total WF of 8 km3 yr−1.
practices and helps in the evaluation of the potential environmental impacts, helping
stakeholders make informed decisions to enhance sustainability.
Newton et al. [34] utilized a midpoint CML2001 with a focus on acidification poten-
tial (AP), global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication potential, ozone depletion po-
tential, consumptive water use, photochemical oxidation potential, and land use in farmed
Scottish salmon aquaculture. In addition to eutrophication potential because of direct ni-
trogenous emissions into the marine ecosystem, more than 90% of the impact on the farm
gate was attributable to feed. The total amount of water required was estimated based on
crop rainfall requirements and assumed to be provided either by irrigation or precipita-
tion. The consumptive water use in m3 t−1 was obtained by extrapolating rainfall to the
given yields per hectare. Mekonnen’s and Hoekstra’s [60] data on crop water require-
ments were used to validate the estimates in the study. The overall effects of feed produc-
tion are anticipated to increase with the increasing substitution of marine ingredients with
refined vegetable ingredients, as vegetable ingredients account for more than 99.7% of
each category in the cases of both consumptive water use and land use.
Henriksson et al. [35] investigated best management practices in the aquaculture of
Nile tilapia and explored five LCA impact categories—eutrophication, global warming,
acidification, freshwater consumption (FWC) and land use—using CMLCA v5.2 for
model construction. The FWC in industrial processes was derived from Ecoinvent v2.2,
whereas the FWC in agriculture was defined by the blue WF according to Mekonnen and
Hoekstra [60]. Water scarcity indices and water degradation were not considered when
accounting for FWC; instead, it was defined as the amount of FW consumed via evapora-
tion. The study area presented high pond evaporation rates (average of 556 l m−2 month−1).
According to their findings, FWC was primarily caused by pond evaporation due to
Egypt’s warm and arid climate combined with long grow-out times, followed by the con-
sumption of irrigation water in agriculture (accounting for 7–12% of the overall FWC).
Henriksson et al. [36] quantified the environmental impacts and socioeconomic indi-
cators for six different projections of Indonesian aquaculture growth through 2030 by in-
vestigating ten production systems and eight species. The amount of fresh water lost to
evaporation in ponds was computed using climate data across Indonesia, and the evapo-
ration rate was assumed to average 317 ± 76 l m−2 month−1. Regarding freshwater con-
sumption, only consumptive use was considered, which was limited to the use of fresh-
water that was rendered unusable for other purposes due to pond evaporation (not cages)
or dilution with seawater. With respect to freshwater consumption and land use, groupers
performed better than did any other species, as they were primarily fed wild-caught fish
being raised in marine cages; however, in the other impact categories, they performed the
worst. The impact category with the highest overall dispersion between outcomes was
freshwater consumption, which also showed the greatest variation across production sys-
tems. Irrigation and pond evaporation dominated freshwater consumption in freshwater
systems. Brackish water ponds (milkfish and shrimp) were found to be the primary con-
sumers of fresh water (the dilution of marine water into brackish water is a water-con-
suming procedure). Caged tilapia and pangasius farms used marginally less water than
pond farms did because feed production accounted for more than 80% of freshwater con-
sumption in these systems.
Two of the reviewed studies used the AWARE approach [2,37]. In Boulay et al. [63],
according to the new WF framework outlined in the ISO 14046 standard [64], a life cycle
assessment (LCA) was used to evaluate freshwater-related impacts. The suggested ap-
proach, known as AWARE, is predicated on measuring the relative amount of water that
is still available in each area after human and aquatic ecosystem demands have been sat-
isfied. Water consumption is the portion of water withdrawn that is no longer available
for the users of the originating river basin as a result of product integration,
evapo(transpi)ration, or discharge into other basins or the sea. Cooney et al. [37] per-
formed an LCA of RAS for perch production and examined the impact categories of acid-
ification potential (AP), global warming potential (GWP), freshwater and marine
Water 2024, 16, 3376 13 of 23
ecotoxicity potential (FAETP and MAETP), eutrophication potential (EP), net primary
production use (NPPU), cumulative energy demand (CED), and water use. Feed produc-
tion accounted for 43% of the water use (AWARE) category, with fish production coming
in second at 22% and electricity production at 20%. The average volume of water needed
to produce one kilogram of fish was 1.49 m3. Féon et al. [2] investigated pan-sized trout
production using insect-based meal rather than fish-based meal and compared a baseline
scenario with three other scenarios: one with a baseline consisting of zero mealworm meal
and two with 15% and 30% of fish meal replaced with mealworm meal. The large amount
of water that was consumed directly from the river, which was required in some processes,
such as egg production (which did not vary across scenarios), had a significant effect (on
AWARE). The proportion of mealworm meal in the feed decreased the impact on AWARE,
in contrast to other impact factors investigated. The study’s findings suggest that includ-
ing mealworm meal in fish feed may not produce many environmental benefits. Nonethe-
less, mealworms were supplied with food from agricultural coproducts (such as beet pulp
and wheat bran) and specially prepared feed that included dietary supplements and ag-
ricultural coproducts with effects on the environment.
Haslawati et al. [41] performed a cradle-to-farm LCA to assess the potential environ-
mental impacts (terrestrial ecotoxicity, global warming, terrestrial acidification, freshwa-
ter eutrophication, human carcinogenic activity, water consumption and human noncar-
cinogenic toxicity) of the giant freshwater prawn GFP in Malaysia. Pond preparation,
farming, stocking, and harvesting were the four main methods of iterative farming. The
software SimaPro was used for the impact analysis, with background data from the
databases Ecoinvent 3.0 and the ReCiPe 2016 midpoint method. In the ReCipe 2016
method [65], every impact related to water is derived from water consumption, which
refers to the utilization of water in a manner in which the resource is incorporated into
products, evaporated, or transferred to other watersheds or to the sea. No discernible im-
pact on water consumption was observed in this study.
The environmental hotspots in seabass and meagre farming associated with fish
feeds of different granulations were studied by Konstantinidis et al. [40]. The amounts of
raw materials, heat, and energy required during the production of fish feeds were consid-
ered. The amounts of energy, fuel and feed required for each size class, which are required
to produce one ton of meagre or seabass, were determined using an LCA of Greek cage
farms. They used the ReCiPe 2016 method [65] with 18 impact categories. They considered
three feed size classes with various compositions, or “formulas”, comprising varying pro-
portions of wheat, fishmeal, fish oil, vitamins, soy, etc. In particular, in seabass and mea-
gre, fry production affected the impact category “water consumption” by 85.4% and
66.2%, respectively. Due to the extensive water requirements of hatcheries, fry production
is the main factor affecting water consumption. When meagres and seabass were com-
pared, meagres showed a noticeably smaller impact on all eighteen environmental impact
The assessment of environmental and energy performance throughout the life cycle
of Nile tilapia production for harvesting at varying weights was investigated by Petroski
et al. [38]. The impact categories included global warming, area occupation, energy de-
mand, water consumption, acidification and eutrophication. The water volume required
for the production of inputs (such as irrigated agriculture/manufacturing processes) and
fingerlings, as well as the evaporated water from the lake’s cage, was considered when
calculating water consumption. Although the smaller fish required more fingerlings than
the larger ones did to produce 1 t of Nile tilapia, the smaller fish had a better feed conver-
sion rate. The fish rearing and fattening processes were primarily responsible for acidifi-
cation and eutrophication, whereas feed production dominated the impacts of area occu-
pation, energy demand, water consumption and global warming.
Viglia et al. [39] investigated the water and energy demands in American catfish aq-
uaculture systems from the cradle to the processing/packaging gates and conducted in-
depth interviews with stakeholders. For the estimation of indirect energy and water
Water 2024, 16, 3376 14 of 23
consumption, SimaPro software (v, the Ecoinvent database, and the ReCiPe mid-
point (H) method were used. The freshwater depletion potential impact category was cal-
culated (freshwater depletion according to Simapro [66] is the amount of fresh water con-
sumed). The water embodied in the agricultural production of feed ingredients accounted
for the vast amount of water used in feed production (98%). Ninety percent of the total
embodied water (1038.2 L kg- 1) concerned direct water use (evaporation, water replenish-
ment, and pond refilling after drawdown) in the hatchery stage (933.3 L kg−1). Τhe largest
percentage (59%) concerned direct water inputs for filling ponds after harvesting and
evaporation, whereas the water demand for feed production was 40%.
shrimp produced from the earthen grow-out ponds using inland saline groundwater. In
the study by Mohanty et al. [52], lower rates of water exchange demonstrated noticeably
better crop performance, productivity, and water quality compared to zero water ex-
change. Additionally, the results under three different feed management protocols
showed that the total water use (TWU) and CWUI increased with feed input, while it was
also noted that the yield and the growth performance increased with the length of the
refeeding period.
Carp polycultures in India were investigated by Mohanty et al. [44], Das et al. [49],
Sharma et al. [50] and Das et al. [45]. The consumptive water use per kg of fish in the
treatments used by Das et al. [49] ranged from 1.66 to 1.96 m3 kg−1. A substantial portion
of consumptive water use (CWU) was contributed by seepage and evaporation losses.
Sharma et al. [50] estimated the total water requirements in a semi-intensive polyculture
system to be 10.3 m3 kg−1 fish (or 6.5 m3 kg−1 fish if the seepage losses were considered
green water), of which 7.6 m3 kg−1 was the system-associated demand. Mohanty et al. [44]
reported that TWU increased with increasing water exchange at various stocking densi-
ties. Furthermore, the CWUI ranged from 5.61 to 6.38 m3 kg−1 fish. According to all these
studies, the amount of water needed for carp production varies based on the culture con-
ditions. According to Mohanty et al. [44], moderate/reasonable rates of water exchange
significantly improved crop performance overall and water use efficiency (WUE) com-
pared with high water exchange at relatively high densities and no water exchange at
relatively low densities.
Large outdoor concrete tanks (50 m2) were used to test the effects of different water
exchange practices (0%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% in total in four phases over three
months) on fingerling production in Indian major carp in the study by Das et al. [45].
When calculating TWU, consideration was given to the initial water amount in the tanks
as well as the following water replenishment for evaporation loss (in control) and ex-
change (in treatments) supplied during the rearing stage, whereas the computation of
CWU took into account the water volume lost from the tank (exchange and evaporation)
in the raising stage. Water loss from seepage in tank systems was minimal and was not
considered in the study. However, the consumptive water uses included the water ex-
changed on a regular basis and the volume of water added to replenish evaporation loss.
Due to its higher water productivity as measured in terms of number and biomass pro-
duction of fingerlings per unit (m−3) of TWU and CWU, the study suggests 80% as the
optimal water exchange rate in concrete tank rearing systems for the production of finger-
lings of Indian major carps.
The amount of water consumed for carp culture was estimated by Adhikari et al. [46]
at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture in Orissa, India, where field research
was conducted in six ponds. According to the study, evaporation and seepage are im-
portant factors influencing water loss in ponds. The amount of water that evaporated from
the ponds was determined by weather conditions such as humidity, dry weather, and the
depth and size of the ponds. The soil type and the method of estimation were the primary
causes of the variation in seepage. Location-specific differences existed in terms of seepage
loss and evaporation in their study.
Three studies focused on carp–prawn polycultures in India (Mohanty et al. [47], Mo-
hanty [53], and Mohanty et al. [51]). Mohanty et al. [47] examined the effects of feed re-
striction on water productivity, sediment loading, and compensatory growth (CG). The
impact of feed restriction on sediment loading, water productivity, and the compensatory
growth (CG) performance of Indian major carps was investigated by Mohanty [53], while
the computed CWUI ranged from 5.43 to 6.58 m3 kg−1. They concluded that the rate of
sedimentation increased with increasing apparent feed conversion ratios, while the water
exchange requirement, CWUI, and TWU increased with increasing feed input. In the
study by Mohanty et al. [47], for various water management practices, the computed
CWUIs (m3 kg−1 biomass) were 6.62 (no water exchange), 9.31 (10% water exchange on a
Water 2024, 16, 3376 16 of 23
monthly basis) and 7.08 (10% water exchange depending on the water quality variables).
Evaporation loss contributed significantly to CWU, followed by seepage loss.
Tucker et al. [48] explored catfish aquaculture in the USA. In order to replicate
groundwater withdrawal for the foodfish grow-out stage of ictalurid catfish production
in northwest Mississippi, they employed a hydrological model., using a 50-year daily rec-
ord of evaporation and precipitation. The total consumptive water use index was cal-
culated as ~2.7 m3 kg−1, when ground water computations used for producing fingerlings
and water used to produce grain-based feedstuffs were combined with simulated ground
water use for the most effective set of water conservation techniques in food fish grow-out
ponds. They argued that when ponds are not emptied on a yearly basis, the volume of
wastewater decreases significantly. Moreover, extending the time between pond empty-
ing gives the biological and chemical processes in the pond more time to eliminate water-
borne wastes. According to this study, reducing CWU (through appropriate siting, reus-
ing water, and capturing rainfall) or increasing fish production per hectare are two ways
to improve the water use index.
4. Discussion
Figure 4 presents the percentages of the reviewed studies based on the type of aqua-
culture water (freshwater/brackish/marine), the stage of the supply chain (feed produc-
tion/fish production/fish processing), the water system (closed/semi-closed/open), and the
culture technique (monoculture/polyculture). The studies that address the fish processing
stage represent approximately 15%, a fact that highlights the need for further research on
Water 2024, 16, 3376 17 of 23
this relevant stage of the production chain. Freshwater aquaculture dominated the studies
under review (70.6%), similar to the monoculture method (79.4%).
85 79
80 71 72
Per cent (%)
29 28 28
30 24 21
20 15
0 brackish
fish production
fish processing
feed production
Figure 4. Distribution of the studies under review, expressed as a percentage, based on the type of
aquaculture water, the stage of the supply chain, the water system, and the culture method.
The distributions of the aquatic animals under investigation are shown in Figure 5.
The most common crops studied are carp (40.6%), tilapia (34.4%), shrimp (28.1%) and cat-
fish (25%).
Figure 5. Distribution of the aquatic animal organisms examined in the studies under review.
The CWUI values for the shrimp and carp species in the reviewed studies are shown
in Figure 6. The variance in the values is due mainly to the various management strategies
and the spatiotemporal factors that affect the water balance of the examined aquaculture
Water 2024, 16, 3376 18 of 23
Figure 6. Comparison of the CWUI values of shrimp and carp species under different management
practices in the reviewed studies. *,**,*** Mohanty et al. [42]: three stocking densities, i.e., 400,000
per ha (T1), 500,000 per ha (T2) and 600,000 per ha (T3); Pattusamy et al. [43]: three stocking densi-
ties, that is, 30 m−2 (T1), 45 m−2 (T2) and 60 m−2 (T3); Mohanty et al. [28]: rearing densities [T1: 0.4
million post-larvae (PL) ha−1, T2: 0.5 million PL ha−1,T3: 0.6 million PLha−1]; Mohanty et al. [44]: var-
ying intensity levels [T1: 6000 fingerlings ha−1, T2: 8000 fingerlings ha−1, T3:10,000 fingerlings ha−1];
Mohanty et al. [52]: two different water management protocols in T1 (no water exchange) and T2
(water exchange on requirement’ basis depending on water quality), and T1 (Regular feeding, 4
times a day), T2 (2-week feeding followed by 1 week no feed), T3 (4-week feeding followed by 1
week no feed); Mohanty [53]: T1 (regular feeding, 2 times a day), T2 (4-week feeding followed by 2-
week no feed), (8-week feeding followed by 2-week no feed); Mohanty et al. [47]: T1 (no water ex-
change), T2 (periodic water exchange),T3 (regulated water exchange); Das et al. [49]: four cropping
patterns, i.e., single stock–single harvest (SSSH), T1: intercrop of minor carps and Indian major
carps, T2: single stock–multiple harvests (SSMH), T3: multiple stock–multiple harvests.
Water 2024, 16, 3376 19 of 23
5. Conclusions
According to the studies included in this review, WFN studies are applied mostly at
the country/global scale, and most of the papers examine multiple species. On the other
hand, LCA research, which is focused on impacts, is used mainly at the farm level or re-
gional scale. Water budgeting/hydrologic analysis is mostly applied to aquaculture ponds.
The species of carp (40.6%), tilapia (34.4%), shrimp (28.1%), and catfish (25%) are the most
frequently studied crops.
Water consumption varies in space and time (for example, evaporation is dependent
mainly on climate conditions). Therefore, an examination at the farm/regional scale is val-
uable, especially in aquaculture systems such as ponds. The global perspective of the vol-
umetric approach of WFN is also valuable because it provides the possibility to examine
the hidden water embodied in the products and to track the water trade among countries.
Furthermore, WFs can be used in demand-side research to estimate diet-related water
consumption. The different methodologies applied make comparisons of water consump-
tion challenging. In LCA, green water consumption of agricultural systems is usually side-
lined, because it is taken into account as a consequence of the land use change. However,
in aquaculture, the inclusion of green water consumption is meaningful, especially when
agricultural ingredients are used in aquafeed formulations.
In pond management, water accounting and quality monitoring are crucial for im-
proving aquaculture performance and productivity. Improvements in management prac-
tices, such as reducing unnecessary water exchange, water reuse or proper management
of the stocking density of species, to increase aquaculture sustainability, and water
productivity should be further investigated. The demand is increasing, and research on
water productivity can provide insights into the proper water management of aquaculture
requirements in the context of producing more crops per unit volume of water.
Many of the studies focused only on the indirect water consumed in feed production
or examined only direct water consumption. Additionally, differences in the processes
that are part of the system boundary have been noted in LCA studies. Only 15% of the
studies included in this review addressed the fish processing stage, indicating the neces-
sity for additional research on this pertinent stage of the production chain. Future research
Water 2024, 16, 3376 20 of 23
should focus on water consumption across the whole supply chain from cradle to grave
to obtain more comprehensive and comparable results.
Freshwater aquaculture and the monoculture method dominated the reviewed stud-
ies (70.6% and 79.4%, respectively), and further research is needed in the water consump-
tion patterns of brackish and marine aquaculture and the polyculture method, as well.
According to Pahlow et al. [32], the source of the feed’s components used in commer-
cial aquafeed is not recorded in official statistics, despite the fact that aquaculture produc-
ing countries rely on imports to varying degrees [32,68]. More comprehensive databases
are needed to reduce the uncertainties of studies in that field.
Different inputs such as feed, energy, fertilizers, water refreshments and so on are
needed for semi-intensive, extensive and intensive systems, which results in different en-
vironmental impacts. RASs reuse and purify culture water to a large extent, thereby using
a lot less water than traditional systems. They are used to produce a wide variety of fresh-
water and saline species. RASs do not experience water seepage, whereas there is consid-
erable water loss in semi-closed agricultural systems such as aquaculture ponds, as a re-
sult of evaporation, seepage, and water exchange [54]. RASs have great potential to in-
crease water productivity, and according to the studies included in this review, water con-
sumption in RASs has not received sufficient research attention. Therefore, this topic
should be further examined in the future.
The expansion of aquaculture and the resulting increase in demand for plant ingre-
dients in aquafeed may impact the availability of agricultural resources such as freshwa-
ter. Therefore, the quantitative impact should be explored in relation to the optimal con-
stitution of aquafeed products (in terms of sustainability and fish health) and to alterna-
tive solutions for water-intensive ingredients. Trade-offs exist between various feed ingre-
dients, particularly in regard to replacing marine ingredients with vegetable-based ingre-
dients. Although marine ingredients do not consume water, their availability is extremely
restricted. Resource demand calculations are crucial for understanding the environmental
impact of aquafeed production. According to Yuan et al. [31], the main elements that could
eventually lead to a decrease in the WF are the feeding rates, feed components, fry and
harvest fish weights.
A review on the papers focused mainly on the investigation of the water consump-
tion patterns on aquaponics and integrated aquaculture–agriculture would be recom-
mended as future research.
Research on water consumption and the WF of the aquaculture sector has garnered
attention only in recent years. The various methodologies, fish species, technologies, man-
agement practices, water types, aquaculture systems and spatiotemporal scales make in-
vestigating water consumption in the aquaculture sector a challenging task, and further
research is essential for promoting sustainable practices in the future.
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