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Toxicology Letters
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Generic physiologically based kinetic modelling for farm animals: Part II. T
Predicting tissue concentrations of chemicals in swine, cattle, and sheep
L.S. Lautza,*, S. Hoeksa, R. Oldenkampa, A.J. Hendriksa, J.L.C.M. Dorneb, A.M.J. Ragasa,c
Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
European Food Safety Authority, Via Carlo Magno 1A, 43126, Parma, Italy
Department of Science, Faculty of Management, Science &Technology, Open University, 6419 AT, Heerlen, the Netherlands
Keywords: The development of three generic multi-compartment physiologically based kinetic (PBK) models is described
Physiologically based kinetic model for farm animal species, i.e. cattle, sheep, and swine. The PBK models allow one to quantitatively link external
Farm animal species dose and internal dose for risk assessment of chemicals relevant to food and feed safety. Model performance is
Global sensitivity analysis illustrated by predicting tissue concentrations of melamine and oxytetracycline and validated through com-
parison with measured data. Overall, model predictions were reliable with 71% of predictions within a 3-fold of
the measured data for all three species and only 6% of predictions were outside a 10-fold of the measured data.
Predictions within a 3-fold change were best for cattle, followed by sheep, and swine (82%, 76%, and 63%).
Global sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the most sensitive parameters in the PBK model. The
sensitivity analysis showed that body weight and cardiac output were the most sensitive parameters. Since
interspecies differences in metabolism impact on the fate of a wide range of chemicals, a key step forward is the
introduction of species-specific information on transporters and metabolism including expression and activities.
1. Introduction chemical properties) and the compound’s biochemistry (e.g. Vmax and
Km, metabolic clearance) (Brochot et al., 2007; Reddy et al., 2005).
Animal health risk assessment of chemicals aims to protect a range Model parameters correspond to physiological and biochemical entities
of farm and companion animals from the harmful effects of chemicals specific to the body and compounds, such as affinities of the compounds
present in the feed chain (Alexander et al., 2012; Toutain et al., 2010). for the tissues, or metabolic clearances. PBK models can be refined as
It accounts also for impacts on human health due to transfer of che- chemical-specific, class-specific or generic for a given species or range
micals into the food-chain (Alexander et al., 2012). For a given che- of species and can be applied to a wide range of data poor compounds
mical, inter-species differences in toxicokinetics (TK) and tox- bearing in mind the underlying uncertainties associated with data gaps
icodynamics (TD) can be investigated through the quantification of and poor characterisation of kinetics (Beaudouin et al., 2010; Clewell
inter-species variability in physiology, diet, absorption, metabolism, et al., 2004; Cohen Hubal et al., 2019; Edginton et al., 2006).
distribution and excretion (ADME), target receptors and toxicological In the area of animal health, the use of kinetic information and PBK
sensitivity in different life-stages (Dorne and Fink-Gremmels, 2013). models is currently mostly limited to two main applications. The first
Recently, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommended one is on therapeutical dosing of veterinary drugs in a given species, the
to further support quantitative risk assessment through a better un- second one is on determining residue levels and transfer of regulated
derstanding of such inter-species differences in TK and TD processes compounds (feed additives, pesticides, veterinary drugs) or con-
and the development of generic biologically-based models (EFSA, taminants (persistent organic pollutants, toxins) in animal products
2014). Such biologically-based models include tools for allometric (e.g. meat, milk, eggs). Such carry over and residue levels can then be
scaling, physiologically based kinetic (PBK) and physiologically based used as occurrence inputs and combined with human consumption
TK-TD (PBTK-TD) models (Huang et al., 2015; Riviere et al., 2016). patterns of animal products for human exposure assessment (Dorne and
Generic PBK models integrate physiological and anatomical features Fink-Gremmels, 2013; Huang et al., 2015; Riviere et al., 2016). A recent
subdivided into body compartments (i.e. organ volumes), connected review assessed the available models in farm animal species and pro-
through blood flow, chemical specific parameters (e.g. physico- posed the future development of generic PBK models in risk assessment
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: l.lautz@science.ru.nl (L.S. Lautz).
Received 7 June 2019; Received in revised form 2 October 2019; Accepted 12 October 2019
Available online 14 October 2019
0378-4274/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L.S. Lautz, et al. Toxicology Letters 318 (2020) 50–56
L.S. Lautz, et al. Toxicology Letters 318 (2020) 50–56
Table 1
Compound-specific parameters and data used for PBK model evaluation.
Parameter Unit Parameter values and references
Melamine Oxytetracycline
Poapolathep et al. (2015).
Absorption rate constant for cattle and sheep (Schifferli et al., 1982).
Absorption rate constant for swine (Pijpers et al., 1991).
Based on allometric scaling and dependent on the body weight of each species, equations are given in the SI (SI part 3.2).
L.S. Lautz, et al. Toxicology Letters 318 (2020) 50–56
absorption rates for melamine in the included species were not avail-
able in literature, melamine absorption rates were extrapolated from
chicken, leading to uncertainty in the PBK model inputs for this para-
meter with still reliable predictions in cattle and sheep (Poapolathep
et al., 2015). Overall, literature data on melamine in various tissues of
the included species were very limited, so the quality of the included
papers is of high relevance for the reliability of the model performance.
Milk concentrations were overpredicted by the model in most cases
when only about 2% of ingested melamine has been reported to be
excreted in milk (Cruywagen et al., 2009). Nevertheless, melamine
patterns in milk were dose dependent and variation was based on the
milk yield which differed between studies (Battaglia et al., 2010;
Cruywagen et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2011). This discrepancy might be
due to the modelled blood flow for the mammary gland, which is higher
compared to the renal blood flow. In swine, the organ concentrations in
muscle and liver were overpredicted and showed large variability at
high exposure concentration (1000 mg/kg). The rationale for such
overpredictions are threefold. First, measured melamine tissue con-
centrations in swine showed large variability within the animals tested
Fig. 4. Comparison of model prediction (solid line and 95th confidence interval) as well as between the measured concentrations of laboratories, leading
and observed data (red dots) (Sun et al., 2002) are shown for concentrations of to discrepancies between model prediction and observed data
oxytetracycline in blood from sheep. (Tkachenko et al., 2015). Second, experimental concentrations in swine
were very high compared with those for sheep and cattle (Cruywagen
4. Discussion et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2011; Tkachenko et al., 2015). However, the
calculated clearance using allometric scaling was similar to measured
Generic PBK models have been developed for three farm animal clearance at high dose and steady-state conditions (0.072 vs 0.079 L/h/
species namely, swine, cattle and sheep. The performance of the models kg) (Wang et al., 2010) even though renal clearance may be altered at
was illustrated and validated for melamine and oxytetracycline elimi- high concentrations (Juhlin et al., 2008). Third, due to limited data
nated via renal excretion while comparing measured data and predicted availability of experimental data for tissue: blood partition coefficients,
outputs in these species. Overall, the generic models provided reliable tissue partitioning was estimated with a QSAR for polar chemicals
predictions within 3-fold of the measured data. (Hendriks et al., 2005) which is based on tissue constituents (e.g. polar
For melamine, a data gap for melamine was identified with regards lipids, non-polar lipids, water, protein) and octanol/water partition
to absorption rate in the digestive tract of ruminants (Cruywagen et al., coefficient. This limitation however, did not affect the prediction of
2009, 2011). However, differences between exposure and excreted organ concentrations for sheep and cattle which were reliable.
concentrations in ruminants suggest that the absorption of melamine is For oxytetracycline, a veterinary antibiotic administered orally and
higher than 75%. In monogastric animals, such as swine, the absorption intravenously, absorption is only partial in the swine’ intestine (Pijpers
of melamine is nearly 100% and unchanged melamine is detected in et al., 1991) and was not characterised in adult ruminants, i.e. cattle
urine only (Cruywagen et al., 2011; Dorne et al., 2013). Since and sheep, and may vary compared to monogastric species. For other
L.S. Lautz, et al. Toxicology Letters 318 (2020) 50–56
Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of the cattle (upper panels), sheep (middle panels) and swine (lower panels) PBK model applied to oxytetracycline. Sobol’s sensitivity
indices were estimated for the blood concentration in the three species at three time points (from left to right): 1.25, 9.5, and 24 h for cattle, 0.5, 6.5, and 21 h for
sheep; 0.5, 5, and 21 h for swine. Estimation of the Sobol' total sensitivity indices (TI) are presented in dark green and estimation of the Sobol' first-order indices (FOI)
in light green. The nine most influencing parameters according to the total sensitivity indices are shown.
substances, such differences in absorption between monogastric and while for sheep, 76% of the predictions were within a 3-FC.
ruminants already have been observed (Ratz et al., 1995). Oxyte-
tracycline undergoes no metabolism and is excreted in urine unchanged 5. Conclusion and recommendations
(Nouws et al., 1985). Overall, measured blood concentrations were
often available in literature, whereas tissue concentrations were scarce Generic PBK models with species-specific physiological parameters
for more than one time point. For oxytetracycline, model predictions were developed for three farm animal species. The models share the
were reliable compared to observed data. However, Nielsen and Gyrd- same structure for all three species with the exception of the milk
Hansen (1996) reported very low blood concentrations after oral ex- compartment, which has been added for cattle and sheep as an extra
posure, leading to overestimation of the model predictions, compared elimination route of high relevance to food and feed safety. The model
to similar studies in swine (Pijpers et al., 1990, 1991). Differences in the performance was illustrated for melamine and oxytetracycline which
measured blood concentrations between the studies cannot be ex- are renally excreted. In this context, further model validation is needed
plained by small changes in the administered dose. Furthermore, through PBK modelling of residues in edible tissues (e.g. muscle,
kidney concentration of oxytetracycline in swine were underestimated kidney, liver) and animal-based products (i.e. milk) from cattle, swine
by the model. These differences might by due to inclusion of the urinary and sheep for a range of compounds However, a range of data gaps and
formation in the kidney in the measured data, while the model predicts recommendations for future work can be highlighted for these three
kidney tissue only (Black and Gentry, 1984). Another explanation may species:
be the underestimation of tissue partitioning of oxytetracycline in the
kidney. In the literature, a cattle and a sheep PBK model for oxyte- 1 Peer-reviewed literature providing tissue residues and milk residues
tracycline were developed to predict concentrations in different organs, for a range of regulated compounds (pesticides, feed additives) and
after intramuscular administration and fitted model parameters based anthropogenic or naturally-occurring contaminants (e.g. persistent
on experimental data (Achenbach, 2000; Craigmill, 2003). Based on organic pollutants, mycotoxins) are still relatively scarce. Extensive
this approach, the predicted concentration were within a 3-FC in 95% literature searches and data collection from pre-market dossiers
of cases (Achenbach, 2000; Craigmill, 2003). With regards to con- should be performed to develop kinetic databases to further explore
centrations, our PBK model provided predictions with slightly lower the predictability of the models for a larger group of compounds.
accurate predicted values for cattle (82% predictions within a 3-FC) 2 Current generic model do not incorporate developmental aspects.
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L.S. Lautz, et al. Toxicology Letters 318 (2020) 50–56
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