Mechanical Properties of Dental Materials

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Residual Stress stress is within the material within the during welding
manufacturing process

Structural Stress stresses produced in the structure during In abutments of FPD

function. Weights they support provide
the loadings

Pressure Stress induced in vessels containing in denture making when undergoing

pressurized materials pressure and heat

Flow Stress force of liquid striking against the wall Molten metal alloy striking the walls of
acts as a load the mold during casting

Thermal Stress Materials is subjected to internal stress materials that undergo stress such as
due to different temperatures causing inlay waxes, soldering and welding alloys
varying expansion in the material

Fatigue Stress Stressed caused due to cyclic rotation of Rotary instruments undergo rotational or
a material cyclic fatigue




General Description A mixture of mercury & A mixture of submicron self-hardening/curing Self or light hardening
silver alloy powder that glass filler and acrylic mixture of fluoride mixture of sub-micron
forms a hard-solid that forms the solid containing glass glass filler with fluoride
metal filling. tooth colored powder & organic acid containing glass
Self-hardening at restoration. Two types that forms a solid tooth powder & acrylic resin
mouth temperature may be colored restoration. that forms a solid tooth
self-hardening/cured or colored restoration able
light cured. to release fluoride.

Principal Use Dental fillings & heavy Esthetic dental fillings Small, non-load Small, non-load
loaded bearing & veneers bearing fillings, cavity bearing fillings, cavity
restorations. liners, cements for liners, cements for
crowns & bridges crowns & bridges

Leakage & Recurrent Leakage is moderate Leakage is low when Leakage is generally Leakage is low when
Decay but recurrent decay is properly bonded to the low. Recurrent decay is properly bonded to the
no more prevalent than underlying tooth. comparable to other underlying tooth.
other materials Recurrent decay direct materials. Recurrent decay is
depends on the tooth Fluoride release may comparable to other
material bond. be beneficial for direct restorative
patients with risk of materials. Fluoride
decay. release may be
beneficial for patients
with high risk of decay.

Overall Durability Good to excellent in Good in small & Moderate to good in Moderate to good in
large load bearing moderately sized non-load bearing areas non-load bearing areas
restorations. cavities

Cavity Preparations Requires removal of Must be placed in a Adhesive bonding Adhesive bonding
Considerations tooth structures for well-controlled field permits less removal of permits less removal of
adequate retention & tooth structures tooth structures
thickness of the filling.

Clinical Tolerant to a wide Very little tolerance to Must be placed in a Must be placed in a
Considerations range of clinical the presence of well-controlled field of well-controlled field of
placement conditions. moisture operation. Very little operation. Very little
Moderately tolerant to tolerance to presence tolerance to presence
the presence of of moisture of moisture
moisture in placement
of restorative material.

Resistance to wear Highly resistant to wear Moderately resistant High wear when placed High wear when placed
in the chewing surfaces in the chewing surfaces

Resistance to Brittle subject to Moderately resistant to Low resistant to Low to moderate

fracture chipping on filling fracture in high load fracture resistance to fracture
edges but good bulk restorations
strength in larger high
load restorations

Biocompatibility Well tolerated with rare Well tolerated with Well tolerated with Well tolerated with
occurrence of allergic minimum occurrence of minimal occurrence of minimal occurrence of
reaction allergic reactions allergic reactions allergic reactions

Post Placement Possible sensitivity to Occurrence of Low Occurrence of

Sensitivity hot and cold in the hypersensitivity, highly hypersensitivity, highly
early days of the depends on the ability depends on the ability
restoration to adequately bond the to adequately bond the
restoration to the restoration to the
underlying tooth underlying tooth

Esthetics Silver gray, metallic Mimics natural color Mimics natural color Mimics natural color
color does not mimic and translucency but and translucency but and translucency but
the natural color of the can be subject to can be subject to can be subject to
tooth staining & discoloration staining & discoloration staining & discoloration
over time over time over time

Relative cost to Generally lower than Cost of filling depends Cost of filling depends Cost of filling depends
patient other types of on the size of the cavity on the size of the cavity on the size of the cavity
restorations and the dental and the dental and the dental
materials used materials used materials used

Average number of one One One

visits to complete

❖ Use of Alginate:
PIT & FISSURE SEALANTS ■ Used for crowns, bridges, veneers,
❖ What are pit & fissure? braces, custom whitening tray
■ Grooves ❖ Advantages:
■ Chewing Surfaces ■ Cheap material that serves its purpose
■ Dental Plaque ■ Has a limited working time based on
■ Dental Caries the temperature of water used and
❖ Pit & Fissure Sealants - Several types of available in both standard and
resins, both filled and unfilled, have been fast-setting varieties.
employed as pit & fissure sealants ■ Easily removable
❖ Resin Systems Includes: ■ Easier to use than other impression
■ Cyanoacrylates materials
■ UDMA ■ Has a neutral taste
■ Bis-GMA ■ Easy to mix
❖ General types of Resins: ■ Non-toxic
■ Unfilled Resin ■ Has a good shelf life
■ Filled resin ➢ Esthetic Restorative Materials — --
❖ Are sealants effective? ❖ Materials used:
■ Adaptation ■ Ceramic
■ Low Viscosity ■ Composite
■ Proper Conditioning of Teeth ■ Porcelain
❖ Pit and fissure sealants are approved by: ❖ Advantages:
■ American Dental Association ■ Excellent esthetics
■ American Academy of Pediatric ■ Conservation of tooth structure
Dentistry ■ Good longevity
■ American Society of Dentistry for ■ Can be repaired
Children ■ Bonds to tooth structure
■ American Association of Public Health ■ Complex tooth preparation needed
Dentistry ■ Economic restorative material
❖ Preventive Resin Restorations (PRR) ❖ Disadvantages: Technique sensitive
■ Success Rate: 75% ■ Placement takes longer time than
■ Considered as high success rate amalgam and other restorative
■ 9 years materials
■ Better than the traditional amalgam ■ Risk of microleakage and secondary
treatment caries
■ Meticulous oral hygiene maintenance
ALGINATE IMPRESSION MATERIALS & ESTHETIC ■ Lower fracture toughness, cannot be
RESTORATIVE MATERIALS used in areas of high occlusal stress
➢ Alginate Impression Materials — -- ■ Biocompatibility issues with bisphenol
❖ Types based on setting time A
■ Type 1 - fast setting (1-2 mins) ■ Polymerization shrinkage effects
■ Type 2 - normal setting (2-4.5 mins)
❖ Made of:
■ Are refined from brown saweeds
■ Contains sodium alginate, calcium
sulfate, trisodium phosphate,
diatomaceous earth, zinc oxide, &
potassium titanium fluoride
❖ Two forms:
■ Powder Alginate
■ Paste Alginate

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