Probability and Statistics Soln 20
Probability and Statistics Soln 20
Probability and Statistics Soln 20
Part I: Probability
Problem 1. Let X be an essentially bounded random variable with mean zero. Show that
Solution: The equation of the straight line connecting the two points (−M, e−M ) and (M, e M ) on the curve
y = e x is
e M + e−M e − e−M
sinh M
y= + x = cosh M + x
x 2M M
M −M
where sinh M = e −e 2 is the hyperbolic sine function. Since the function y = e x is a convex function, it
lies under the the straight line on the interval [−M, M], hence
x sinh M
e ≤ cosh M x. (1)
The above inequality can also be proved as follows. We write x ∈ [−M, M] as a convex combination of M
and −M as follows:
1 x 1 x
x= 1+ ·M+ 1− · (−M).
2 M 2 M
From the convexity of the function e x we have
1 x M 1 x −M sinh M
ex ≤ 1− e + 1− e = cosh M + x.
2 M 2 M M
Now let M = k X k∞ . Because |X | ≤ M almost surely from (1) we have
sinh M
e X ≤ cosh M + X
almost surely. Taking the expectation and using the assumption that E X = 0 we obtain Ee X ≤ cosh M.
Problem 2. Let λ be a positive number. Suppose that X is a random variable with E|X | < ∞.
Suppose that
λE f (X + 1) = E{X f (X)}
for all bounded smooth functions. Show that X has the Poisson distribution Poisson(λ).
Solution: We will apply the identity in the problem to the bounded smooth function f (x) = eit x (for a
fixed t ∈ R). The left-hand side is equal to λeit φ(t), where φ(t) = Eeit X is the characteristic function of
X. The right-hand side is E[Xeit X ] = −iφ 0(t). Note that under the assumption E |X | < ∞ the function
φ(t) is continuously differentiable and the differentiation under the expectation is justified by the dominated
convergence theorem. Therefore φ 0(t) = iλeit φ(t).
i t −1)
Let g(t) = φ(t)e−λ(e . We have
g 0(t) = φ 0(t) − iλeit φ(t) e−λ(e −1) = 0.
Hence g(t) is a constant, i.e., g(t) = g(0) = 1. It follows that the characteristic function of the random variable
X is φ(t) = eλ(e −1) . This is the characteristic function of the distribution Poisson(λ). By the uniqueness
Sn = a + X1 + X2 + · · · + Xn,
where a is a positive integer and {Xi } are independent and identically distributed random variables
with a common distribution
Solution: It is clear that Pa {τ0 < ∞} = 1 and 0 for p = 0 and p = 1, respectively. We assume that 0 < p < 1.
Let q = 1 − p for simplicity. Consider the function
f (x) = .
It is easy to verify that f (Sn ) is a martingale. For each integer b > a let τb = inf {n : Sn = b} and τ = τ0 ∧ τb .
Then the stopped martingale f (Sn∧τ ) is bounded. By the martingale convergence theorem, it must converge
almost surely. Since Pa {τ < ∞} = 1, the walk Sn∧τ stops at either a or b and we have
Note that f (0) = 1. If 0 ≤ p > 1/2, then letting b → ∞ we have τb → ∞ and f (b) → 0, hence
P {τ0 < ∞} = f (a). If p < 1/2, then f (b) → ∞ as b → ∞ and we must have P {τ0 > τb } → 0. This means
that P {τ0 < ∞} = 1.
For the case p = 1/2, we can use the same argument with the function f (x) = x. We have a = bP {τ0 > τb }
or P {τ0 > τb } = a/b. Letting b → ∞ we have again P {τ0 < ∞} = 1. We have
1 0 ≤ p ≤ 1/2,
P {τ0 < ∞} = 1−p
1/2 < p ≤ 1.
Problem 4. Let Z = (X,Y ) be an R2 -valued random variable such that (1) X and Y are independent;
(2) both X and Y have mean zero and finite (nonvanishing) second moments; (3) the distribution of
Z is invariant under the rotation counter-clockwise around the origin by an angle θ not a multiple of
90 degrees. Show that X and Y must be normal random variables with the same variance.
Solution: We first show that X and Y have the same variance σ 2 = E |X | 2 = E |Y | 2 . By hypothesis, we have
E|X |2 − E|Y |2
(1 − cos 2θ) = 0.
If cos 2θ , 1 we have E |X | 2 = E |Y | 2 ; otherwise cosθ = sin2 θ = 1/2 and the equality obviously holds.
From (2) by induction we can show that
Õ n
X∼ i = 12 ani Zi
where {Zi } are independent and have the same distribution as either X or Y , say Xi ∼ X for i ∈ I and Zi ∼ Y
for i ∈ J. Each coefficient has the form ani = ± cosk θ sinn−k θ for some k. Since θ is not a multiple of
90 degrees, there is a constant 0 < λ < 1 such that |ani | ≤ λ n . Furthermore, since X and Y have the same
variance we have
|ani | 2 = 1.
Í2 n
We show that Lindeberg’s condition is satisfied for the sum i=1 ani Zi . Indeed, by Chebyshev’s inequality
! !
o o
E |ani | E |X | ; |X | ≥ n + E
Õ Õ n Õ n
|ani zi | ; |ani Zi | ≥
2 2 2
|ani | 2 |Y | 2 ; |Y | ≥
i=1 i ∈I
λ i ∈J
( ! ! )
λ n
|ani | 2 E |X | 2 + |ani | 2 E |Y | 2
i ∈I i ∈J
E|X |2 → 0.
Now by the Lindeberg central limit theorem, the above sum converges in distribution to a normal distribution,
hence X (and also Y by the same argument) are normal random variables.
We can also work with characteristic functions without using the Lindeberg central limit theorem. We have
φ X (t) = φ X (ani t) φY (ani t).
i ∈I i ∈J
2 σ 2 /2+o
( |ani |2 t 2 ) = e−σ 2 t 2 +o(t 2 ) → e−σ 2 t 2 /2 .
φ X (t) = e− |ani |
Solution: Let Xi denote the covariate vector of unit i, and X = (X1, . . . , X N )> denote the covariate matrix
for all N units. Let zi denote the treatment allocation for unit i, which equals 1 if the unit is assinged to drug
A and 0 otherwise, and z ∈ {0, 1} N denote the treatment allocation for all N units.
Let φ(X, z) denote the pre-determined criterion for balanced covariate means, which equals 1 if the allocation
z is acceptable and 0 otherwise. By construction, the criterion is invariant when we switch treatment and
control groups, i.e., φ(X, z) = φ(X, 1 − z). Note that under a completely randomized experiment (CRE) with
half of the units assinged to each treatment group, Z and 1 − Z follows the same distribution. This implies
that, under the randomization (i.e, the CRE with balance criterion φ),
Therefore, under re-randomization, Z and 1 − Z must have the same distribution. Consequently, for any
1 ≤ i ≤ N,
E(τ̂ | X, φ(X, Z) = 1) =
2 Õ
N i=1
E (Zi | X, φ(X, Z) = 1) · Yi (1) −
2 Õ
N i=1
{1 − E(Zi | X, φ(X, Z) = 1)} · Yi (0)
2 Õ1 2 Õ 1
= · Yi (1) − 1− · Yi (0)
N i=1 2 N i=1 2
1 Õ 1 Õ
= Yi (1) − Yi (0)
N i=1 N i=1
= 0.
Therefore, τ̂ is an unbiased estimator for the A versus B causal effect on the outcome Y .
Problem 6. Provide a counter-example to the assertion that Problem 5 is true in small samples
with odd N.
Solution: We consider an experiment with three units, among which two will be assigned to drug A and the
remaining one to drub B. Suppose each unit has a scalar covariate with covariate values (X1, X2, X3 ) = (0, 0, 10)
and the potential outcomes Yi (1) = Yi (0) = Xi for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.
We consider re-randomization with the following balance criterion:
( N N
1Õ Õ
φ(X, z) = 1 zi Xi − (1 − zi )Xi ≤ 8 ,
2 i=1 i=1
i.e., a treatment allocation is acceptable if and only if the absolute value of the difference
between covariate
means in groups A and B are less than or equal to 8. Consequently, for all = 3 treatment allocations,
only 2 are acceptable:
By the definition of potential outcomes, τ̂ is the same as τ̂X in the above table. From the above table, under
re-randomization with the balance criterion φ, τ̂ has probability 1 to be 5. Note that the true casual effect of
A versus B on outcome Y is zero. Therefore, in this example, τ̂ is not unbiased for the casual effect.