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High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171 001: "Advertisement Notice"

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No.HHC/Recruit./DJ-Misc./2024-I- Dated Shimla, the 28th November, 2024

Advertisement Notice No. : DJ-Misc./2024 (1)

Website/ Recruitment portal for online applications :
Opening date of Online Application : 30.11.2024


The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites Online Recruitment Applications

(ORA) on the above-mentioned Recruitment Portal from all the eligible desirous

candidates for filling up clearcut/anticipated future vacancies of the following posts on

the Establishment of District Judiciary in the State of HP as per "The Himachal

Pradesh District Judiciary Staff (Recruitment, Promotion, Control, Conduct,

Discipline and Other Conditions of Service) Rules, 2022” (R&P Rules, 2022):

Sl. Particulars of Advertised Essential Edu. Qualification/

Pay Matrix
No Vacancies (Category-wise) Eligibility Criteria/ Experience etc.
1. CLERK (Group-C) Pay Level 03  Graduation from a recognized
i.e., Rs. University and having basic knowledge
TOTAL POSTS- 63 20,200- in Computers like operating the
(Regular/Contract) 64,000/- of computers, Windows and Linux
the pay operating systems and typing out and
(i) REGULAR– 49 POSTS Matrix taking printouts etc.
 Screening Test, Written Test, Typing
Catg. Clear- Anticipated Total Test & Document Verification (DV) as
cut per R&P Rules, 2022.
UR 18 4 22  The candidates shall have to qualify
SC 6 2 8 typing test with a speed of 30 W.P.M. in
ST 2 0 2 English (on computer using a software
OBC 8 1 9 module) and 25 W.P.M. in Hindi on
EWS 2 0 2 computers (by using Kruti Dev-10 font)
PH 6 0 6 wherefor separate test shall be held,
Total: 42 7 49 after qualifying the Screening Test.

(ii) CONTRACT (Clear-cut)– 14 POSTS

Catg. Total remuneration
UR 7 as fixed by the
Govt. of HP
SC 2
from time to
Total: 14

2. STENOGRAPHER-GRADE-III Pay Level 06  Graduation degree from a recognized

(Group-C) i.e., Rs. University with at least 50% Marks.
25,600-  Eligibility Criteria
TOTAL POSTS- 52 81,200/- of Only those Candidates who fulfil any
(Regular/ Contract) the pay two of the following four criteria are
(i) REGULAR (Clear-cut) – 22 POSTS Matrix eligible to apply:
1. 75% in Matriculation (10th):
Catg. Total Candidates must have secured 75% or
more in their Matriculation
UR 2 examination.
SC 5 2. 75% in 10+2 (Intermediate):
ST 3 Candidates must have secured 75% or
OBC 8 more in their 10+2 (Intermediate)
EWS 1 examination.
PH 3 3. 60% in Graduation:
Total: 22 Candidates must have secured 60% or
more in their Graduation.
4. 55% in Post-Graduation:


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(ii) CONTRACT– 30 POSTS Wages/ Candidates must have secured 55% or
remuneration more in their Post-Graduation degree.
Catg. Clear- Anticipated Total as fixed by the Post-graduation includes any
cut Govt. of HP recognized degree obtained after
UR 7 1 8 from time to graduation, such as LLB, M.Ed. (after
SC 8 0 8 time B.Ed.), or any equivalent degree.
ST 1 0 1  Having speed of 80 W.P.M. in English
OBC 6 0 6 Stenography & test will be conducted on
EWS 4 0 4 computer software.
PH 3 0 3  Typing test in English with typing speed
Total: 29 1 30 of 40 W.P.M. on computer (Software).
 Typing test in Hindi using ‘Kruti Dev-10’
font with typing speed of 30 W.P.M. on
 Provided that only 10% of the mistakes
in transcribing the dictated matter and
typed matter in typing test shall be
allowed. In other words, the candidates
committing more than 10% mistakes in
transcribing the dictated matter and the
typed matter in typing test shall be
declared as unqualified.
 Candidates shall have to pass the
Stenography Test (Hindi) during their
probation period after the appointment.
3. DRIVER (Group-C) Pay Level 05  The candidates must have passed
i.e., Rs. matriculation from the recognized
TOTAL POSTS- 06 21,300- Board.
(Regular) 67,800/- of  Candidate shall possess a valid driving
the pay license for LMV at least for three years
Catg. Clear- Anticipated Total Matrix and experience as a Driver for driving
cut LMV for at least three (3) years.
UR 4 0 4  Screening Test, Proficiency Test of
SC 1 0 1 driving & Document Verification as per
OBC 0 1 1 R&P Rules, 2022.
Total: 5 1 6  Preference shall be given to those
candidates who have good mechanical
knowledge of automobiles.

4. PEON/ ORDERLY/ CHOWKIDAR/ Pay Level-01  The candidates must have passed 10+2
SAFAI KARAMCHARI/ i.e. Rs. examination from the recognized Board.
CHOWKIDAR-CUM-SAFAI 18,000-  The candidates will be shortlisted in the
56,900/- of ratio of 1:3 [as per Rule 8(r) of R&P
the Pay Rules, 2022] for Evaluation/Document
(Group-D) Matrix Verification, on the basis of marks
TOTAL POSTS- 66 obtained in 10+2, which shall be
(Regular/ Daily Wages) calculated as per percentage of marks
obtained in 10+2 to be calculated out of
(i) REGULAR– 64 POSTS 85 marks (for example, a candidate
getting 50% marks in 10+2 will be given
Catg. Clear- Anticipated Total 42.5 marks) and 15 marks will be
cut awarded for evaluation of documents
UR 23 8 31 duly mentioned and uploaded in the
SC 13 2 15 online Application Form as per
ST 0 2 2 Schedule-III, Part-11 of R&P Rules,
OBC 7 2 9 2022.
EWS 6 0 6  Final merit list shall be drawn on the
PH 1 0 1 basis of marks obtained in the
educational qualification and
Total: 50 14 64
(ii) DAILY WAGES (Clear-cut) - Wages/  The candidates can be posted on either
02 POSTS remuneration of the applied post by the appointing
as fixed by the authority in Civil & Sessions Division.
Catg. Total Govt. of HP
from time to
UR 1 time
SC 1
Total: 2

1. UR - Un-reserved., 2. SC - Scheduled Caste, 3. ST - Scheduled Tribe, 4. OBC- Other Backward
Classes, 5. EWS- Economically Weaker Section, 6. PH- Physically Handicap, 7. R&P Rules, 2022
- "The Himachal Pradesh District Judiciary Staff (Recruitment, Promotion, Control, Conduct,
Discipline and Other Conditions of Service) Rules, 2022”, 8. DV – Document Verification, 9.
ORA- Online Recruitment Applications, 10. Catg. – Category, 11. BDO – Block Development
Officer, 12. SDO - Sub Divisional Officer, 13. HP - Himachal Pradesh, 14. W.P.M. – Words Per
Minute, 15. LMV – Light Motor Vehicle.


1. The candidates are advised that before applying online they must go through “R&P Rules,
2022” uploaded on the High Court website and available on following URL link:
2. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of essential qualification(s), category,
age and experience etc., as mentioned in the R&P Rules 2022 ibid and as per
orders/directions issued by Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh, from time to time. No
candidates shall be eligible for appointment to a post, who is disqualified as per Part II, Rule
6 of R&P Rules, 2022.
3. The candidates are required to upload scanned & legible copies of essential qualification,
matriculation certificate as age proof, any higher qualification, experience certificate
(wherever required) to avoid rejection of their candidature.
4. The candidates for appointment to any of the abovementioned post(s) must be a citizen of
India and must also possess requisite educational qualification and other qualifications as
prescribed under R&P Rules, 2022 as on the last date of application.
5. The candidates must have knowledge of custom and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and
suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the State of H.P. and for
this purpose a candidate to Group-C posts must have passed matriculation or 10+2 or
Graduation and a candidate to Group–D posts must have passed middle or matriculation
or 10+2 from any school/institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. However, this
condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis. (Part-II Rule 5 of R&P Rules, 2022).

6. The benefit of reservation for Physically Handicapped (PH)/persons with benchmark

disabilities (Locomotor Disabled/Visually Impaired/Hearing Impaired etc.) will be provided
to the candidates as per Part-II, Rule 10 of R&P Rules, 2022.
7. The examination fee for the candidates applying online against advertised vacancy is as
SN Category(ies) Exam Fee (Per application)
(a) Unreserved (UR) Rs. 347.92 (including GST)
(b) Reserved Categories of H.P. (i.e., SC, Rs. 197.92 (including GST)
The fee shall have to be paid ONLY through ONLINE MODE and the fee once paid shall not
be refunded to the candidate, in any case.
8. Age of the candidate shall be reckoned as on 01.01.2024 as per the following criteria:
SN Category(ies) Age for all advertised post
(a) Unreserved (UR) and EWS between 18 to 45 years.
(b) Reserved categories of HP, if post is between 18 to 50* years.
reserved for particular category (i.e.,
(c) HP Govt. employees between 18 to 50* years.
*Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC, ST, OBC of
HP and persons with benchmark disabilities of HP, in case a post is reserved for these
categories. However, age relaxation for HP Govt. employees is also admissible as per
orders/directions of the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. and instructions of the Government of
HP issued from time to time.
9. The category once claimed shall be treated as final and no representation/ correspondence
will be entertained in this regard.
10. The experience and qualification, as required shall be reckoned as on the last date of
submission of online application.
11. The applications are acceptable ONLY IN ONLINE MODE [even from those candidates, who
have been sponsored by Employment Exchange(s)]. The desirous candidate(s) may use the
recruitment web portal link at URL i.e. https://www.hphcrecruitment.in as well as another
relevant link provided on High Court Website i.e. http://hphighcourt.nic.in on or before the
last date of submission of application at 11:59 P.M. Applications received through any
other mode will not be accepted and will be deemed to be rejected straightway.
12. As per instructions of the Government of H.P., dated 11.06.2019 when an Economically
Weaker Sections (EWS) candidate is not available for selection, the post(s) will be treated
automatically as de-reserved and will be filled up from a non-EWS candidate of unreserved
13. The number of vacancies, as shown above, may increase or decrease in future, and the
number of vacancies in any particular division/ district may vary, due to administrative
14. The eligible candidates will ONLY be informed through SMS alerts or Emails (as
registered/disclosed at the time of applying online) about examinations/tests schedule etc.
No separate communication/call letter etc. will be sent through any other mode. Therefore,
the candidates are advised to give their working mobile number and Email ID used by them
in the online application and ensure its working till the completion of the selection process
to avoid any inconvenience. There is no other means of contacting them except their mobile
number(s) and Email ID(s).


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