Advt. HPHC
Advt. HPHC
Advt. HPHC
The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites online applications (on the above-mentioned recruitment
portal and website of High Court of HP) from all the eligible desirous candidates for filling-up the foltowing ctearcuV
anticipated future vacancies.of Class-lll and lV falling vacant on the Establishment of High Court of Himachal
Pradesh, Shimla-1.
sr. Particulars Total No(s) of Pay Matrix Educational Qualification/ Eligibility Criterion/
No. of vacancies vacancies e etc,
1 Stenographer Total Post(s).05 Pay Level 11 Graduation with three (3) years' experience as
(Class-lll) (Five) i.e., Rs. Steno-typist or Judgment Writer or
(Mode d) 05-UR (Clearcut) 38,500. Stenographer in any government office or
1,22,7001. ol reputed organisation.
(Regular) the pay Matrix Candidates must be having speed of 100
W.PtV., in English Stenography and accurate
2. Translator Total Post(s)- 02 Pay Level 11 a Graduation with 50% marks in Engltsh and
(Class-lll) (Two) i.e., Rs. have studied Hindi as a subject at the
(Mode-b) 02-UR (Clearcut) 38,500. Graduation Level.
1,22,7001- of a Recruitment on the basis of competitive
(Regular) the pay Matrix examination as per Schedule-lV (Part-F-ll) of
the R&P Rules, 20'15 ibid.
3 Translator- Total Post(s)- 01 Pay Level 11 a Graduation with 50% marks in English and
Urdu (One) i,e., Rs. have studied Hindi as a subject at the
(Class-lll) 01-UR (Clearcut) 38,500- Graduation Level.
(Mode-c) 1,22,7001. of a Candidates must have studied URDU in
the pay Matrix Matriculation,
(Regular) a Recruitment on the basis of competitive
examination as per Schedule-lV (Pa(-F-l) of
the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid
4 Translator- Total Post(s)- 01 Pay Level 11 Graduation with 50% marks in English and
Punjabi (One) i,e., Rs. have studied Hindi as a subject at the
(Class-lll) 01-UR (Clearcut) 38,500. Graduation Level.
(Mode-c) 1,22,7001- of Candidates must have studied PUNJABI in
the pay Matrix ftllatriculation
on the basis of
;;il;;il; as per schedule'lV (Part-F-l)
the R&P Ru 2015 ibid
Readers (Fifteen) i,e., Rs, . in. candidates shall have to qualify the
(in English)
04-UR 20,200- Typing test at a speed of 30 WPM
(Class'lll) test shall be
(1 Clearcut & 64,000/. of the o'n"co"mfutet, wherefor separate
f,.fO, uti.r. qualifying the Screening
3 AnticiPated), paY Matrix .
. Recruitment on the basis of
03 - SC(Clearcut)
examination as per Schedute'lV (Part-K) of
03 - ST(Clearcut)
03-EWS(Clearcut) the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid'
02- P
a val id Drivi ng
Pay Level 05 a Matricul ate and shall possess
Driver/ Driver Total Post(s)'06 at least three 3
(Six) i,e., Rs. Lice nce with experience of
(Leave Ve h icles
21,300- years to d nve the Light Motor
Reserve) 01-UR-AnticiPated, ic;les
67,800/' of th Mediu m 0r H eavy Veh
(Glass'lll) 01-SC(Clearcut) of c0m
paY Matrix a Recruitment 0n the basis
01-ST(Clearcut) ul e-lV ( Pa( -o)
exam nation AS pe Sched
(Regular) 03-EWS(Clearcut)
the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid
candid ate
a ine proticiency/ Driving test of the
qualifying the screentng
shall be held, after
for th e post.
to those ca n
a Prefere nce S;hall be g iven
h avl ng good mech anical knowledge
\ i' -5-
The candidates are advised that before applying online they must go through "The Himachal Pradesh
High Court Officers and the Members of Staff (Recruitment, Promotion, Conditions of Service,
Conduct & Appeal) Rules, 2015 [High Court of Himachal Pradesh Members of Technical
Manpower (Computer) (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 2014 tor
recruitment of Assistant Programmer- on contractl uploaded on the High Court website i.e.,
https://hphiqhcou(,015.pdf and h(ps://
2. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential
qualification(s)etc., as mentioned in the R&P Rules 2015, R&P Rules 2014 &Advertisement notice by
uploading copies of essential qualification, matriculation certificate as age proof, any higher
qualification, experience certificate (where required) to avoid rejection of their candidature after the
closing date.
3 The number of vacancies, as shown above, may increase or decrease in future, due to administrative
4 The candidates for appointment to any of the abovementioned post(s) must be Citizen of lndia and also
possess requisite educational and other qualifications as prescribed under R&P Rules, 2015 ibid (R&P
Rules, 2014 ibid in respect of the post of Assistant Programmer) as on 31.08.2023 i.e., https:// arrd TechMan-2014.pdf.
5 The examination fee for the candidates applying online against each advertised vacancy is Rs. 3401
(plus GST as applicable) for General (UR)category and Rs.190/- (plus GST as applicable) for all other
reserved categories otherlltan General (UR) category who deserve fee relaxation/exemption under
the Rules and the same shall have to be paid ONLY through ONLINE MODE. The fee, paid once, shall
not be refunded to the candidate, in any case.
6. Age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years or more than 45 years as on 31.08.2023. Five
years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC of HP, ST of HP, OBC of HP
and persons with disabilities of HP, in case there is a post reserved for these categories. However, age
relaxation for HP Govt. employees is also admissible as per instruction.of the Government of HP issued
from time to time.
7 The eligible candidates will ONLY be informed through SMS alerts or Emails (as registered/disclosed
at the time of submitting application in online mode) about examination(s)/test(s) schedule etc. No
separate communication/call letters etc. will be sent through any other mode. Therefore, the candidates
are advised to give their working mobile numbe(s) and Email lD(s) used by them in the online
application and ensure their working till the completion of selection process to avoid inconvenience.
There is no other means of contacting them except their mobile numbe(s) and Email lD(s).
8 The applications are acceptable only in online mode [even from those candidates, who have been
sponsored by Employment Exchange(s)1. The desirous candidate(s) may use the recruitment web
portal link at URL i.e. https:i/www.hphcrecruitmeot in as well as another relevant link provided 91ligh
Court Website i.e. on or before the last date of application at 11:59 P.M.
q The High Court reserves the right to change any other terms of advertisement or to rectify the
inadvertent or technical error at any stage.
10 The candidates who are already in service of any Govemment or Semi Government Concern shall
submit advance copy of their application on prescribed format with the requisite fee as mentioned in
the advertisement before last date fixed for the receipt of application. His candidature shall be
considered only on receipt of his application alongwith 'NO OBJECTION CERTFICATE" issued by his
Employe/Competent Authority alongwith application submitted by him through proper channel within
15 days of the last date fixed for receipt of application as applicable. The application(s) of such
candidate(s), if not received through proper channel, shall be summarily rejected. However, contracU
casual/ adhoc/ daily wagers/ work charged employees do not need to produce NOC's from the
concerned employer.
11 It is mandatory for the candidates to upload legible and complete set of testimonials/ certificates and
the same should be valid, authentic and issued by the competent authorities concerned. However,
documents of those candidates will be considered and accepted in continuation, at the time of Personal
lntervieW Viva-voce, who have uploaded valid documents at the time of applying online and expired
during the recruitment process.
12 The candidates must note that their admission in the test(s) will be strictly provisional and on the basis
of declaration made by them in their online applications and only those documents will be verified from
original, which were uploaded by them at the time of submission of online application. No new
certificatei document will be entertained at the time of Personal lnterview/ Viva-voce, except certificates
produced in continuation of expired certificates.
13 The submission of application by the canoidates does not confer any right to appear in the test(s),
unless and until the fee is paid and eligibilitv criteria is fulfilled by them.
14 The category once claimed shall be treated final and no representation/ conespondence will be
entertained in this regard.
15. The candidates senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age, if they score equal marks
in the final test i.e., Personal lnterview/ Viva-voce etc
\- t
7. Guard file.