Antibacterial Activity of The Antiseptic Detergent Mahogany Seed Extract (Swietenia Mahogany L.)

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Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2023, 704-709Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2023



Widiastuti Agustina E. S., Mela Yuliyanti, Vinsensius Maunia S. H., Halida Anwar A.
Study Program of Chemistry Education ABSTRACT
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas
Received 10 January 2022
Accepted 15 Decenber 2022
Jalan Ir. Sutarmi 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia

The antibacterial activity of detergents is needed to inhibit the growth of bacteria found on clothes. Mahogany
seeds (Swietenia mahogany L) are medicinal plants that contain saponins and have antibacterial activity, thus
mahogany seed extract can be developed as a foaming agent as well as an antibacterial agent in the manufacture
of antiseptic detergents. This research aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of antiseptic detergent from
mahogany seed extract. Detergent was made by varying the ratio of Linear alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) as LAS :
mahogany seed extract (g/g) = 1: 0 (control), 1 : 1 (formula 1), 1 : 2 (formula 2) and 0 : 1 (formula 3). Antibacterial
activity test was carried out by using the disc diffusion method. Detergent with a ratio of LAS : mahogany seed
extract = 1 : 2 (formula 2) has conformity with the national standard of Indonesia for detergents. Formula 2
provides antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATTC with an inhibition zone diameter of 12.43 mm
(strong). Saponins from mahogany seed extract can inhibit the growth of gram (+) bacteria such as Staphylococcus
aureus ATTC by reducing the surface tension of the bacterial cell walls and damaging membrane permeability
resulting in denaturation of membrane proteins so that the cell membrane will be damaged and lysis.
Keywords: Mahogany seed extract, saponin, antiseptic detergent, antibacterial activity.

INTRODUCTION break down after being released into the aquatic

environment. TCS is degraded in aerobic soil for 18
Bacteria are the cause of various diseases suffered days whereas in water it takes 11 days [6]. The use of
by Indonesians. One of the media for transmitting TCS can be replaced with organic materials which have
bacteria is through clothing. The most common bacteria faster degradation power. Besides, organic compounds
on clothing is Staphylococcus aureus [1 - 3]. Bacteria can be a source of nutrition for soil or water.
on the skin can transfer from clothing to the skin,
causing acne, itching, and skin irritation [4]. Thus a
detergent is needed to remove the dirt on clothes and is
antibacterial at the same time.
The use of synthetic cleaning agents (known as
detergents) is increasingly common in modern society.
Detergents have been used by the community for more
than 100 years, but the effect of various detergent
ingredients on the environment is still very pronounced
[5]. Antiseptic detergent is one of the many detergents
developed. Antiseptic detergents contain a special
composition that acts as an antibacterial agent. A
commonly used antibacterial agent is triclosan (TCS),
which is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent [6, 7].
TCS is biodegradable, photo-unstable and continues to

Widiastuti Agustina E. S., Mela Yuliyanti, Vinsensius Maunia S. H., Halida Anwar A. F.
Mahogany trees (Swietenia mahogany L.) grow in materials used for detergents are distilled water,

many parts of Indonesia. The seeds of mahogany coconut oil, KOH 40 %, carboxymethyl cellulose
contain chemicals such as flavonoids, saponins, (CMC), linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), butylated
tannins, cardiac glycosides, essential oils, alkaloids, hydroxytoluene (BHT), stearic acid, and fragrances.
and anthraquinones [8]. Saponins in mahogany seeds The materials for antibacterial analysis are Mueller
have an important role in inhibiting microbes. Also, Hinton Agar (MHA), chloramphenicol, distilled water
mahogany seed extract contains antibacterial and Staphylococcus aureus.
flavonoids so that it functions as a disinfectant and

Fig. 1. Work chart from making antiseptic liquid detergent.

bacteriostatic in inhibiting cellular metabolic activity. Sample preparations
Also, saponins can produce foam when reacted with 250 grams of mahogany seed powder was
water [9] and can be used as a foaming agent. Therefore macerated with 500 ml of absolute ethanol for 3x24
mahogany seed extract can be used as an antibacterial hours at room temperature. The filtrate was evaporated
agent. using a rotary evaporator at 50oC to get 31.125 grams
In this study, mahogany seed extract was used to of concentrated orange mahogany seed extract. The
develop an antiseptic detergent. This study was formulation and process of making liquid detergents
conducted to determine the antibacterial activity of an refer to previous studies [12].
antiseptic detergent developed using mahogany seed
extract as a foaming agent as well as an antibacterial Making Antiseptic Detergents
agent. The detergents are made in 3 formulations, each
containing 1.5 g (formula 1), 2 g ( formula 2), and 3 g
EXPERIMENTAL Materials (formula 3) mahogany seed extract, while the control
The main material in this research is mahogany
seeds. The solvent used for extraction is ethanol. The
Table 1. Liquid detergent formulations.
Material Control Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3

Mahogany seeds
0 1.5 2.0 3.0
extract (g)

Coconut oil (mL) 15 15 15 15

KOH 40 % (mL) 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
CMC (g) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
LAS (g) 3.0 1.5 1.0 0

Stearic acid (g) 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
BHT (g) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Perfume (mL) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Aquades (mL) 65 65 65 65
BHT - Butylated hydroxytoluene; CMC - Carboxymethyl cellulose; LAS -
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2021
detergent does not contain mahogany seed extract. All for dissolving polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids,
formulas contain 15 ml of coconut oil and 1.5 g CMC tannins, and essential oils.
but different quantity of LAS. After the LAS dissolved,
3.6 g of stearic acid, 0.5 g of BHT, 2 ml of perfume, and Identification of saponins
65 mL of distilled water were added. The presence of saponins in mahogany seed extract
The test for the quality of liquid detergent according is characterized by the formation of a stable foam with
to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI-06-4075- 1 cm high for 1 minute and Lieberman Burchard
1996) includes tests for pH, specific gravity, and free reagents show a brownish red ring on the surface that
alkali. Other detergent quality tests were also carried indicates triterpenoid saponins are present in the extract
out, including organoleptic, foam stability, and [10]. In triterpenoid testing, analysis is based on the
detergency power. An organoleptic test is done by ability to form a color with concentrated H2SO4 in
looking at the physical appearance of liquid detergent acetic acid solvents.
which includes color and odor. A density test is done by Test of detergency is used to assess the
checking the density of liquid detergent in a water bath effectiveness of foam in cleaning dirt on the fabric. The
system using a pycnometer as a reference for pH of the control solution to formula 3 has increased
calculating specific gravity. The free alkali test is from 9.2 to 12.5. This increase in pH is due to the
carried out by checking the free alkaline content of the difference in the addition of mahogany seed extract and
liquid detergent through a distillation process. LAS to each formula. The more mahogany seed extract
is added, the detergents are more alkaline. This is due
Antibacterial Activity Test to the presence of OH- functional groups in saponins.
Antibacterial activity was analyzed by the disc The presence of OH- ions affects the detergency power
diffusion method. Sterile sticky cotton swabs dipped in value [11]. The OH- ions will bind nonpolar (positively
a bacterial suspension have been compared to the Mc. charged) groups of fats/fatty acids so that more fat will
Farland experienced turbidity, and wait for it to soak be separated from the fabric. Therefore, the more
into cotton, then rubbed it on Mueller Hinton Agar additions to the extract, the pH from the liquid will be
(MHA) medium until blended. Blank paper discs with increased so that the greater detergency is produced.
a diameter of 6 mm which have been sterilized in an
oven at 121oC for 15 minutes are then taken out and
placed on the surface of the agar medium. As a negative
control, distilled water was used which was dripped
using a pipette microliter while chloramphenicol was
used as a positive control. 20 microliters of formula 1
were dropped on blank disc paper, as well as of formula
2, formula 3, and control, respectively, then incubated
for 24 hours at 37oC and measured the bacterial
inhibition zone formed [11].
The extraction was done by using the maceration
method which is a simple method and tool, not damage
the compounds that cannot stand the heat. The solvent
used for the extraction is ethanol because it is selective

Widiastuti Agustina E. S., Mela Yuliyanti, Vinsensius Maunia S. H., Halida Anwar A. F.

The formula 1 and formula 2 showed good Staphylococcus aureus ATCC with different
detergency with almost the same value. If connected effectiveness. This can be seen by the formation of a
with foam stability, formula 2 had the optimum clear zone indicating that there is a zone free from
detergency because it has a foam stability value of 70 bacteria. The larger the diameter of the formed
% based on foam stability analysis. The more stable inhibition zone, the wider it proves the strength of
foam is formed, the faster is the surfactant in removing bioactive compounds in inhibiting bacterial growth
dirt because the contact with dirt will be better. Based [13]. The difference in the mass of LAS and extract is
on previous research, formula 2 has values for pH of a factor that also affects the size of the formed
11.1, the specific gravity of 1.1 g/mL, free alkaline of inhibition zone.
0.10 % and detergency > 90 % [12]. Based on the result, The diameter of the inhibition zone measured
the quality tests of formula 2 showed that its pH, between 10-15 mm on average, this shows that the
specific gravity, and free alkaline values have met the liquid detergent sample has antibacterial properties
standard of Indonesian National Standards for liquid from the mahogany seed extract. From the results in
detergent so the mahogany seed extract can be used as Table 2, it can be seen that formula 2 has an
a foaming agent to clean dirty clothes. antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus
ATTC with an inhibition zone diameter of 12.43 mm

Fig. 2. Relationship of pH versus detergency power of each formula.

The antibacterial activity (strong category). The inhibitory activity of formula 2
Chloramphenicol was used as a positive control to is not much different from the control detergent.
compare whether mahogany seed extract had a better Although the use of mahogany seed extract in formula
antibacterial effect than standard antibiotics, 2 is only half the mass of LAS, the results given are
meanwhile, untreated distilled water was used as a quite good. The quality test of antiseptic liquid
negative control. After being incubated for 24 hours at detergent according to SNI has shown that formula 2
37 C, a clear zone was formed around the paper disk on detergent has the best quality, so it can be concluded
the petri dish, indicating the inhibition zone for the that formula 2 is the best antiseptic liquid for detergent
growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC bacteria was preparation. The inhibitory activity of liquid detergent
formed due to the influence of saponins. The difference against Staphylococcus aureus ATTC was influenced
in the inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus by the concentration of mahogany seed extract given.
ATCC can be caused by differences in the antibacterial A decrease in the diameter of the inhibition zone in
ability of the test compounds. The result of formula 3 can occur because the extract is not able to
antibacterial activity test is illustrated on Fig. 3. diffuse well. The concentration of the extract that is too
This study showed that the mahogany seed extract thick makes it difficult for the extract to fully diffuse
added to the three formulas could inhibit the growth of

Fig. 3. Observation of antibacterial activity of antiseptic liquid detergent against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC (1-
Formula 1; 2 - Formula 2; 3 - Formula 3; 4 - Control; 5 - Sterile aqua; 6 - Chloramphenicol).
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2021

Table 2. Inhibitory zone diameter of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC on detergents.

Diameter of inhibition zone
(mm) Average diameter
Samples of inhibition zone Inhibitory power
Replication Replication
1 2
Control 14.75 14.84 14.80 Strong
Formula 1 11.87 11.98 11.93 Strong
Formula 2 12.67 12.19 12.43 Strong
Formula 3 10.39 10.31 10.35 Strong
Chloramphenicol 30.05 29.72 29.89 Very strong
Sterile aqua 0 0 0 Weak
Information: a) weak, inhibitory zone of 5 mm or less; b) medium, 5-10 mm inhibition zone; c) strong
inhibition zone 10-20 mm; and d) very strong, a zone of inhibition of 20 mm or more [13].

into the media containing the inoculum. Formula 3 uses extract is more active in inhibiting the growth of gram
3 grams of mahogany seed extract without the addition (+) bacteria than gram (-) bacteria and fungi. Gram (-)
of LAS, so that a saturation can occur and cause the bacteria and fungi are more resistant to antibiotics [15].
active compounds contained in the extract to not This ineffectiveness is because saponins are not able to
dissolve completely and there is no increase in the penetrate the cell membrane of gram (-) bacteria such
diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone. The quality of as Escherichia coli [9]. It can be concluded that
formula 3 as a detergent does not provide good acetylide saponins are more effective in inhibiting the growth of
according to SNI standards such as its pH value which Staphylococcus aureus [9] while flavonoids are more
is too alkaline. active in inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli.
Mahogany seed extract contains saponins and Staphylococcus aureus as gram-positive bacteria only
flavonoids which have antibacterial activity [14]. has a single layer on the cell wall with a lot of
Saponins from the extract at concentrations of 25 and peptidoglycans, little lipids, and polysaccharides
50 mg/ml can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus (teichoic acid). This causes antibacterial compounds to
aureus so that it has antibacterial properties. This enter the cell more easily and find the target to work.

Widiastuti Agustina E. S., Mela Yuliyanti, Vinsensius Maunia S. H., Halida Anwar A. F.

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