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Name : semester:
Branch: Class Roll no. :
Board Roll no. : Session :
Subject code :

Department of Civil Engineering

Minor project work
[ Session : 2022-25 ]
Topic: Methods of irrigation
Guided by: Er. Manoj kumar singh
Er. Mamta Kumari
Submitted by
Student’s name Roll no.
1. Sujeet kumar 22/civ/030

2. Shivam kumar singh 22/civ/033

3. Angad kumar tanti 22/civ/038

4. Khushi kumari 22/civ/041
5. Yash Sahu 22/civ/042
6. Kajal kumari 22/civ/043
7. Shipra 22/civ/044
8. Gaurav kumar 22/civ/045
9. Himanshu raj 22/civ/046

10.Nitish kumar 22/civ/047

11.Rajeev kumar 22/civ/048
➢ index
1. Introduction
2. Methods of irrigation
a) Surface irrigation
➢ Free flooding
➢ Contour laterals
➢ Border strip method
➢ Check flooding
➢ Basin flooding
➢ Zig-zag method
➢ Furrow method
➢ Contour farming
b) Sub-surface irrigation
➢ Drip irrigation
c) Sprinkler irrigation
What is Irrigation?
Irrigation is the process of artificially watering plants and
land to help them grow. It’s used when natural water
sources or rainfall aren’t enough to support plant growth.
➢ Benefits of irrigation
1. Increase in food production
2. Protection from famine
3. Cultivation of cash crops
4. Addition to the wealth of country
5. Generation of hydro – electric power
6. Increase in prosperity of people
7. Domestic and Industrial Water supply
8. Inland Navigation
9. Canal Plantations
10. Improvement in the ground water table

➢ Ill - Efects of Irrigation

1. Water logging
2. Damp climate
3. Breeding place for mosquito
It is a method of watering crops by using gravity to
distribute water over the soil's surface.
Following are the types of surface irrigation:-
1. Free Flooding: Free flooding is a type of irrigation
where water is allowed to flow through ditches in a field
without controlling the flow. It's also known as wild
It is also known as ordinary Flooding.
This method may be used on rolling land (Topographic
irrigation) where border, check, basin and furrow are not

2. Contour laterals: It is a method of irrigation used on
steep terrain, where laterals are aligned along contour
lines. This method allows for irrigation of land on both
sides of the channel.

3. Border strip irrigation:- In this type of irrigation

technique,. land is divided into a number of strips
separated by low levees which are known as the borders
.This type of irrigation technique is mostly used for fields
that are confined between 100m - 400m in length and
10m - 20m in width.
4. Check basin flooding:- In this type of irrigation,
the whole field to be irrigated is divided into various
small areas or basins with the help of cross-connecting
levees. It is a modified form of ordinary flooding which
may be used for fine soils to obtain desired penetration.
The water is applied to each basin and is allowed to
infiltrate. This type of irrigation method is mostly used
for soils that have a low infiltration rate.

It is same as ordinary flooding except that the water is

controlled by surrounding the check area with low and
flat levees.
5. Ring Basin Flooding:- This is a special type of check
flooding and is significantly adopted for orchard trees.
Small basins are made around the tree and water is
permitted to remain until the desired percolation is
It is used to grow mangoes, apple trees, etc.
6.Furrow Irrigation:- In this type of irrigation method,
small parallel channels are formed along the length of
the field parallel to the direction of its predominant
slope. These channels are called furrows.

Water is fed to each furrow and the whole planted area

gets irrigated by the action of gravity. In this type of
irrigation method, only 20-50% of the field is wetted, and
thus, evaporation losses are less as compared to previous

It is usually adopted for crops such as sugarcane, potato,

cotton, delicate crops such as leafy vegetables, etc.
It is a type of irrigation in which water is directly applied
to the root zone of the plant without wetting the surface
of field.
Drip Irrigation- It is a type of sub-surface irrigation
method that consists of a network of pipes with drip
nozzles and the water is discharged directly into the root
zone of the crops. This type of irrigation method is also
called Trickle Irrigation. It is the best method .
Advantages of Drip Irrigation:
• Maximum use of available water.
• No water being available to weeds.
• Maximum crop yield.
• High efficiency in the use of fertilizers.
• Less weed growth and restricts population of
potential hosts.
• Low labour and relatively low operation cost.
• No soil erosion.
• Expensive initial cost can be more than overhead
systems (commercial system)
• The sun can affect the tubes used for drip irrigation,
shortening their usable life.
• If the water is not properly filtered and the
equipment not properly maintained, it can result in
In this method of irrigation, water is applied through a
network of pipes and pumps and it is made available to
the crops in the form of a spray.
This method consists of three units- a pumping unit, a
pipe network, and sprinklers.
The pumping unit extracts the water from the source and
pumps it to the lateral pipes, then to the risers, and
ultimately to the sprinklers.
• No terracing required.
• Suitable to all types of soil except heavy clay.
• Suitable for irrigating crops where the plant
population per unit area is very high.
• Influences greater conducive micro-climate.
• Areas located at a higher elevation than the source
can be irrigated.
• The cost investment cost required for purchasing the
equipment of the sprinkler irrigation system is high.
• Using the sprinkler irrigation for supplying saline
water can result in problems to arise.
• For spraying water droplets evenly there is a
requirement of constant water supply.
• There is a chance of water getting evaporated from
the sprinkler irrigation when the surrounding
environment is windy and high in terms of humidity.

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