Lab Report - Assessment
Lab Report - Assessment
Lab Report - Assessment
Learner Name
Bachelor of Engineering Technology
(Mechanical Engineering)
Lab Assessment
• Weighting of this assessment is worth 25% of your overall mark.
• This is an individual assessment; each student must claim autonomy and responsibility for all
components of this assessment.
• This assessment will assess the following Learning Outcomes:
1. LO1. Determine unknown forces for non-concurrent force systems such as pin-jointed
frameworks using graphical and analytical techniques.
2. LO2. Select appropriate beams for engineering applications by calculating stresses, and
considering mechanical and material properties, in standard and non-standard beam
3. LO3. Size shafts for given torque loadings by calculating twisting properties and shear
• You must attend lab sessions in order to complete this assessment successfully.
• Student must complete all lab exercises (detailed below) during the lab sessions.
• This assessment has two components; you must attempt both:
1. Lap Report (15%)
2. Practical Test (10%)
• The Due dates and submission criteria for this assessment is as following:
% of Marks
Assessment Details Submission final out of
Student will be informed by an email
from the tutor which lab to submit 2 100
Lab Report Moodle 2,3 % 15
weeks before the submission due date.
• For a non-controlled assessment for which the late rule applies, the maximum grade given is
bounded by 60% as long as the assignment is delivered within 5 calendar days from the initial
deadline. If the assignment is delivered later than 5 calendar days from the initial deadline it
receives 0%.
• The Head of School can decide for or against the applicability of number 4.
Simple Beam Reactions
To determine both the theoretical and actual support reactions of a simple vertically loaded beam,
showing that the loadings on the supports are directly proportional to the distances of the loads from
the supports, thus illustrating the principle of the moments of forces.
D1 D2 D3
1. Assemble the apparatus as a simply supported beam. Adjust the equipment so that the beam is
horizontal, the spring balances, and beam supports are vertical. Note the spring balance
readings for each support, this becomes the zero reading.
2. Load the mass hangers as per the applied loading suggestions in the result table. Note both
spring balance readings.
3. Repeat this procedure for each of the suggested loadings.
4. Suggest possible loading for the last 3 test and perform the experiment for each.
1. Submit one complete set of calculations
2. Complete the results table below
Experimental Calculated
% error
Results Results
Distance Zero Zero
reading reading
from RL
Test No
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 1 0 0
4 1 1 0
5 0 1 1
6 1 1 1
Pin Jointed Frame
To analyse and compare with theory, the internal forces in members of a basic
roof truss.
(Theory notes are available on Moodle – rewrite them in your own words. Do not forget
to acknowledge any text or reference that you may use. (APA referencing))
𝐹 = 𝐸𝐴𝜀
• F = Force
• E = Young’s modulus of Material (2700 N/mm2 for acrylic typically)
• A = Cross sectional area of truss members (25mm wide x 10mm deep)
• ɛ = strain in truss member (taken experimental results)
It is assumed that the HST1 Universal Frame and Stand, the loading mechanism and truss have
been assembled into the HST1 frame, and all connections to the HDA200 have been made prior to
undertaking the following procedure.
1. Assemble the warren truss (and Roof truss) to look like the image above. Loading will be
at joint L2.
2. Add a small preload of around 5N to the truss and repeat this three times to ensure the
truss and joints are settled.
3. Zero the HDA200 and dial gauge.
4. Apply a load to the truss at joint L2, in increments of 50N up to a maximum of 200N, and
record the truss member strains at each load interval.
5. Repeat step as you unload the truss from 200N to 50n in increments of 50 N and record
the results in table 1a.
6. Read the strains from the HDA200, fill tables 1a and 2a
Fill in tables 1a, 1b,
Show an example of the determination of the forces using both a calculated method and a
graphical method.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Applied load N
Truss member 50 100 150 200
Truss member Strain (µɛ)
Label Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 1 Exp 2
1 A
2 2
3 B
4 C
5 5
6 1
7 3
8 E
9 F
10 4
11 G
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Applied load N
50 100 150 200
Truss member Force (F)
Strain Expt. Cal. Expt. Cal. Expt. Cal. Expt. Cal.
number Force Force Force Force Force Force Force Force
1 A
2 2
3 B
4 C
5 5
6 1
7 3
8 E
9 F
10 4
11 G
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
So as to use the same nomenclature the following is the labels for the truss
(if using Bows notation – you can apply your own)
Warren truss
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
To aid calculations later on, the geometries of both trusses is shown below
Warren truss
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Bending Moments
Objective To measure Bending moment in a section of beam and to check its agreement with
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Part 1
5. Starting at the left most hanger, add a 10N weight onto the hanger. Level the
beam and record the new reading of the spring balance in table 1.
6. Remove the 10N weight from the leftmost hanger and place it on the middle
hanger. Level the beam and record the new spring balance reading in table 1.
7. Finally remove the load from the middle hanger and place it on the rightmost
hanger. Level the beam and record the new spring balance reading in table 1.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
8. Finally repeat the whole procedure using a 15N load, recording all spring balance
values in table 1.
9. For each load position, the difference between the initial unloaded spring balance
reading and the loaded spring balance reading is the effect of applying the 10N
or 20N load on the beam.
Table 1
Load (N) at Position indicated Balance Shear Force (N) Bending Moment
W1 W2 W3 Kg N Force Kg BM (Nm).
0 0 0 0 0
a 10 0 0
b 0 10 0
c 0 0 10
d 15 0 0
e 0 15 0
f 0 0 15
Part 2
1. Keep the load hanger positions
the same as part 1. Level the
beams and record the spring
balance reading in table 2.
2. As time permits repeat with a
different span between
supports, with the load hangers
in different positions, and with
different loadings.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Results Table 2
Load (N) at Position indicated Balance Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (N)
W1 W2 W3 Kg N Force Kg BM (Nm).
0 0 0 0 0
h 5 0 12
i 5 10 2
j 2 5 10
Include tables 1, and 2
For each loading arrangement calculate the actual and theoretical bending moment at
the cut section ‘C’ and compare the two values.
To obtain the bending moment multiply the force (as read on the spring balance) by the
distance to the NA of the beam (150mm).
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
The elastic deflection and eventual failure of beams in bending is related to the behaviour of
the beam material in direct tension and compression. However, there is another way of
distorting material that occurs when it is twisted. In the simplest case a length of round rod
can be twisted about its longitudinal axis in such a way that no bending or direct stress is
involved. This is called pure torsion.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
𝑻 𝝉 𝑮𝜽
= =
𝑱 𝒓 𝑳
T = Applied Torque, Nm
J = Polar Moment of Inertia 𝑱=
D Outside diameter of the specimen
Θ = Angle of twist
L = Gauge Length
𝑮= ×
𝑱 𝜽
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Where T/θ is the gradient of the linear (elastic region) of the graph created during the
The following procedure outlines the process to capture and store data from a test when the
interface is in LOCAL mode (i.e. NO SOFTWARE RUNNING).
1. Measure and record in table 1, the diameter of the torsion specimen along the gauge
length, specimen material and gauge length of the specimen.
2. Draw a line along the center of the 06mm diameter using the pen and pen holder.
This will give a visual aid to the amount of twist the specimen will experience.
3. Connect the angle sensor and torsion bar connectors to the interface sockets (see
interface section earlier in this manual).
4. Turn the power onto the interface and after the welcome screen ensure that LOCAL
is chosen by pressing the bottom GREEN button. In LOCAL you will see the torque
and angle changing on the LCD display of the interface.
5. Mount the specimen between the torsion head and measuring head and ensure both
heads are tightened down fully.
6. Using the pulley on the angle sensor, rotate it fully anti-clockwise until the display on
the interface shows a near zero (0) angle reading. Now turn the angle sensor pulley
until a reading of between 121 degrees is present on the interface screen. This will
be our default datum start angle. This will also ensure that any change in torque has
a corresponding change in angle. This will help with the results processing later on.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
7. Tare the torque value on the interface by pressing the top BLUE ARROW button.
8. Press the top GREEN button to start the logging process on the interface. The words
logging will appear in the interface window.
9. Rotate the handle of the gearbox at a steady speed.
10. Let the test continue to run until the specimen fractures. Once the specimen has
broken press the bottom GREEN button on the interface to stop the logging process.
The words stopping will appear in the interface window.
11. Remove the specimen.
Table 1
Specimen details
Gauge length mm
The following procedure outlines the process to capture and store data from a test when the
interface is in USB mode (i.e. software operating the capture and storage of the data).
1. Measure and record in table 1, the diameter of the torsion specimen along the gauge
length, specimen material and gauge length of the specimen.
2. Draw a line along the center of the 06mm diameter using the pen and pen holder.
This will give a visual aid to the amount of twist the specimen will experience.
3. Connect the angle sensor and torsion bar connectors to the interface sockets (see
interface section earlier in this manual).
4. Fit the specimen.
5. Turn the power onto the interface and after the welcome screen ensure that USB is
chosen. In USB mode you will not be able to see anything on the screen of the
interface whilst the test is running.
6. Check the connectivity of the interface to the host computer.
7. Press the start button on the software screen. Note the angle value.
8. Rotate the angle sensor anti-clockwise to reduce the angle reading to between 1 [1
9. Press the STOP button on the software.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
10. Set the trigger level on the software screen by making it slightly higher than the
angle setting above in step 8.
11. Clear the memory of the interface. You will be prompted twice to clear the memory.
Choose YES both times if this is what you require.
12. Press the start button on the software. The trigger LED will illuminate.
13. Press the TARE button if the torque value is not showing zero (0).
14. Rotate the handle on the gearbox at a steady state.
15. Let the test continue to run until the specimen breaks.
16. Once the specimen has broken you can press the stop button on the software.
17. Remove the specimen.
In the form of tables, graphs.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
Clearly indicates the main Adequately indicates the Although the experiment Statement of the problem,
purpose of the experiment and main purpose of the issue is identified, the significance, definitions
a summary of the report, so the experiment and a summary statement is too broad or were omitted or
reader can anticipate the text of the report. the description fails to inappropriate.
that will follow. establish the importance of
Key constructs and variables the problem area. The reader cannot
Narratively integrates critical were connected to relevant, anticipate the text that will
and logical details from reliable theoretical literature Connections to the follow.
literature literature are unclear or
Most of the main industrial limited. The review of literature was
Long Report All the main industrial application of the project are Only a few industrial missing.
100 application of the project is presented applications of the project Poor reference to industrial
presented. are presented. application.
Detailed and specific analysis of Adequately analyses the The analysis of the problem Poor development of ideas.
the problem problem and indicates the is incomplete.
Well developed main points methodology, steps and Little or no reference to
directly related to the requirements. Only some reference to the methodology, steps and
experiment. methodology, steps and requirements of the
Most of the main points are requirements experiment.
Clearly indicates the related to the experiment.
methodological steps and
requirements with details.
All the details about the procedure Most of the details of the Some information about the Very few information about
and the parts of the apparatus are procedure and the parts of the procedure and the parts of the the procedure, no details, lack
presented very clearly apparatus are presented quite apparatus are presented quite of evidence.
clearly. clearly
Apparatus and Procedure
Very specific description of each Very bad and unclear
step and part of the experimental Good description of each step Not so good description of description of each step as well
unit and part of the experimental each step and part of the as the apparatus
unit experimental unit
Appropriate and useful schematics. Appropriate schematics No so appropriate schematics
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
All information is accurately The analysis of results is Results partly answer the Graphs and tables are
reported using appropriate adequately explained. project questions. incorrectly used or absent.
terminology, graphs and tables.
All information is reported Only a few information is Analysis of results is poorly
Analysis of results is clearly using appropriate reported using appropriate explained.
explained, and demonstrates terminology and graphs. terminology and graphs.
superior understanding of the Poor organization and
tests. Well organized and properly Some degree of formatting.
formatted and error free. organization. Proper
Well organised and presented. formatting and relatively
error free.
All the results have been Most of the results have Almost half of the results The results are almost all
discussed with details and high been discussed with details have been discussed with inappropriate or wrong.
accuracy. and quite good accuracy. some details.
No analysis or
Appropriate comparisons have Some appropriate Not so good accuracy. inappropriate comparisons.
been analyzed (theoretical comparisons have been Almost none appropriate
values) analyzed (theoretical values). comparison (theoretical No reliable suggestions.
All the difficulties have been Some of the difficulties have
mentioned and analyzed giving been mentioned and Only a few difficulties have
arguments. analyzed giving arguments. been mentioned but almost
none appropriate analysis.
Creative suggestions have been Suggestions have been made
made in order to improve the in order to improve the Not so appropriate or
accuracy of the experiment. accuracy of the experiment. reliable suggestions.
The conclusions are clearly The conclusions are Only some conclusions are Conclusions are
stated and consistent with the consistent enough with the consistent with the incomplete.
evidence presented. evidence presented. evidence presented.
Poor recommendations for
Conclusions highlight all the Conclusions highlight most of Conclusions highlight only a future activities.
Conclusion main points made throughout the main points made few main points of the
(10) the report. throughout the report. report.
EN6902 Engineering Mechanics 2: Labs
Semester 2, 2023/2024
A Lab Practical test will be conducted in classroom from all the lab experiments that will be conducted in this semester. The test will
be comprised of 04 questions. Every student must take the test individually with in the allotted time of 50 minutes. Date and time
of the test will be communicated through email and Moodle announcement.