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Anthropology in Practice

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Students are required to opt one Open Common Elective Papers

Semester III
Open Common Elective Paper
Paper: Bio-Cultural Dynamics of Indian Population
Credits-=4 (Marks 100)
Duration: 14 weeks ( Lecture: 4 hours/week; Practical: 3 hours/week)
Course Objectives:
• To understand the dynamics of Indian population form Bio-Cultural perspective.
Course Learning Outcomes:
• The student will come to know the variability of Indian Population and reasons associated with
Unit I: Definitions of race, ethnic group, population, Culture, Community, Society; Social
Structure, social institutions, cultural patterns, culture and environment in India.
Unit II: Social and cultural changes in caste and tribes in India. Dating methods, Fossil evidences
from India.
Unit III: Sources of genetic variation; Biological diversity in India populations; Tribal Health;
Biology Culture and environment- the studies conducted on Indian populations; ecology
and Human adaptation.
Unit IV: Cultural factors affecting human variation, molecular approach for studying biological
diversity, Microevolution, Bio-social demographic studies of different ecological zones of

1. Write a project on Social Structure / Social institution focusing one the aspect.
2. Write a report on social or cultural changes in a Tripal or Caste group from secondary data.
3. Identity 5-7 biological variables which can be useful for diversity with reasons thereof.
4. Highlight one populate/ ethnic group for the various demographic measures (from the
secondary data).
5. Make a demographic schedule including socio-cultural, environmental and health
1. G. WLaskar. 1963. Human Evolution. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc.
2. J, Huxley. 1943. Evolution . The Modern Synthesis. London Allen & Unwin.

3. G. A. Harrison, J. M. Tanner, D. R. Pilbeam and P. T. Baker. 1988. An introduction to Human
Evolution Variation, Growth and Adaptability. 3" edn. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
4. L. Newell. Morris (eds. ). 1971. Human Populations, Genetic Variation and Evolution. San
Francisco: Chandler.
5. Roger Keesing. 1984. An Introduction of Cultural Anthropology New York: Mac Millan.
6. Kingsley Davis. 1948. Human Society. New York: Macmillan.
7. R. P. Piddington. 1951. Introduction to Social Anthropology. (2 Vol) New York: Mac Millan.
8. Paul Bohannan. 1963. Social Anthropology. New Yourk: Mac Millan.
9. Marvin Harris. 1991. Cultural Anthropology. New York: Harper Collins Publications.
10. P. Stein and B. Rowe. 2000. Physical Anthropology 7th ed. Boston: Mc Graw Hill.
11. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza & W.F. Bodmer. 1971. The Genetics of Human Populations. San Francisco:
W. H. Freeman & Company.
12. P. T. Baker and J.S. Weiner (eds.) 1996. The Biology of Human Adaptability. Oxford & New
York: Oxford University Press.
13. C.G.N. Macie-Taylor & G. W. Lasker. 1991. Applications of Biological Anthropology to Human
Affairs. New Your : Cambridge University Press.
14. M. K. Bhasin, H. Walter & H. Danker-Hopfe. 1994. People of India- An Investigation of
Biological Variablity in the Ecological, Ethno-economic and Linguistic Groups. Delhi: Kamla
Raj Enterprises.
15. A. K. Kapoor. 1992. Genetic Diversity among Himalayan Human Population. Jammu: Vinod
Publisher & Distributors.

Semester III
Open Common Elective Paper
Paper: Anthropology in Practice
Credits-=4 (Marks 100)
Duration: 14 weeks ( Lecture: 4 hours/week; Practical: 3 hours/week)

Course Objective:
1. To understand the relevance of anthropology in present day scenario.
2. To study the scope and impact of anthropology on different shoves of life.

Course Learning Outcomes:

• The student will come to know new fields in anthropology and their relevance in human life.
Unit I: Academic and practicing anthropology: differences, structure, activites, issues, (scope and
Unit II: Role of anthropology in Public policy. community development, NGO’s, Tourism
anthropology, media anthropology.
Unit III: Trends in Anthropology: Designing and Fashion Human rights, gender disparity,
management anthropology; cyber studies; neuroanthropology; gerontological
Unit IV: Role of biological anthropology in human development; genetic counseling, tools of
forensic identification in living and dead, Biological variability of Indian populations
admixture and migration and sub-structure variation. Life style diseases and quality of life.
Unit V: Reproductive health and anthropology; life course induction of adiposity, cognitive
1. Write a project on community development.
2. List of five NGO’s and their functioning in social welfare activities.
3. Draw a scene of Crime and Identity the various evidences from the scene.
4. Write a project on religious tourism/ health tourism/ tribal tourism.
5. Collect any evidence on Human rights and make a report on the same.
6. Collect the genetic information and make the pedigree and highlight the role of genetic conseller.
1. Arya A and Kapoor AK. (2012). Gender and Health Management in Afro-Indians. Global
Vision Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Kertzer DI and Fricke T. (1997). Anthropological Demography. University of Chicago 'Press.
3. Basu, A. and P. Aaby (1998). The Methods and the Uses of Anthropological. Demography.
329 pp. Oxford, Clarendon Press
4. Census of India (2001, 2011) and National Family Health Survey (2006,2010)
5. Ervic, Alxander M., (2000). Applied Anthropology: Tools and Perspectives for Contemporary
Practise, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
6. Erwin A. (2004). Applied Anthropology Tools and Practice, Allyn and Bacon.
7. Gupta S and Kapoor AK. (2009). Human Rights among Indian Populations: Knowledge,
Awareness and Practice. Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi.
8. WillenSS. (2012). Anthropology and Human Rights: Theoretical Reconsiderations and
Phenomenological Explorations. Journal of Human Rights. 11:150-159.
9. Gupta S and Kapoor AK. (2007). Human Rights, Development and Tribe. In: Genes,
Environment and Health - Anthropological Prespectives. K. Sharma, R.K. Pathak, S. Mehra
and Taiwar I (eds.). Serials Publications, New Delhi.
10. Margaret AG. (2003). Applied Anthropology: A Career-Oriented Approach, Boston, MA:
Allyn and Bacon.
11. Kapoor AK (1998). Role of NGO's in Human Development : A Domain of Anthropology. J
Ind Anthrop Soc; 33:283-300.
12. Kapoor AK and Singh D. (1997). Rural Development through NGO's. Rawat Publications,
13. Kumar RK and Kapoor AK. (2009). Management of a Primitive Tribe: Role of / Development
Dynamics. Academic Excellence, Delhi.
14. Mehrotra N and Patnaik SM. (2008). Culture versus Coercion: The Other Side of Nirmal
Gram Yojna, Economic and Political weekly. pp 25-27.
15. Mishra RC (2005). Human Rights in a Developing Society, Mittal Publications, Delhi.
16. Patnaik SM (1996). Displacement, Rehabilitation & Social Change. Inter India Publications,
New Delhi.
17. Vidyarthi LP and BN Sahay (2001). Applied Anthropology and Development in India,
National Publishing House, New Delhi.
18. Vidyarthi LP. (1990). Applied Anthropology in India - Principles, Problems and Case Studies.
Kitab Mahal, U.P.
19. Vidyarthi V (1981). Tribal Development and its Administration. Concept Publishing
Company, New Delhi.

Semester III

Open Common Elective Paper

Course Code: Prehistoric India

Credits-=4 (Marks 100)

Duration: 14 weeks ( Lecture: 4 hours/week; Practical: 3 hours/week)

Course Objective:
To introduce Indian prehistory, important prehistoric field sites and their cultural interpretations

Course Learning Outcomes:

Students will be
• Able to describe understand the geological characteristic of India
• Familiar with contemporary theories and models of Indian archaeology
• Fairly aware of Paleolithic and Mesolithic cultures of India
• Able to understand the evolution of Indian settlements and other complex cultures

Course content

Geological Features of India

a. Geological formations
b. Introductory overview of the stratigraphy of the Indian sub-continent.
c. Pleistocene chronology, climate and environmental features of Indian subcontinent
Contemporary Theories and models in Archaeology
a. Middle Range Theory
b. New Archaelogy/ Processual Archaeology
c. Post-processual Archaeology
d. Post-Modernism
e. Models for understanding Hunter-gatherers’ and early Agriculturalists’ Appropriation of Nature
i. Site Catchment Analysis (SCA)
ii. Site Exploitation Territory (SET)
iii. XTENT Modeling
iv. Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDSCAL)
v. Optimal Foraging Models

Palaeolithic in India
a. Northern Region
b. Western Region
c. Central Region
d. Eastern Region
e. Southern Region
Mesolithic Cultures in India
a. Northern Region
b. Western Region
c. Central Region
d. Eastern Region
e. Southern Region

Advent and Evolution of settlement in India

a. Advent of agriculture in India with respect to all five regions.
b. The beginning of agriculture in India in pan-Asian perspective
Rise of Complex Society in India
a. Emergence of the Indian Civilization.
b. Emergence of State Civilization: Harrapan civilization
c. Neolithic/ Chalcolithic cultures- Western region, Central region, Eastern region and Southern
Legacy of the Harrapan Civilization
a. Advent of Iron.
b. Late/ Post Harrapan Civilization: Ochre Coloured Pottery and Copper Hoards in Ganga Valley,
Gujarat and Sindh.
c. Megaliths and use of iron in South India

Suggested Literature

1. An outline of Indian Prehistory. Delhi: Palaka Prakashan. Bhattacharya, D.K. (2006).

2. Prehistory and Protohistory of India and Pakistan. Pune: Deccan College. Sankalia, H.D.(1974).
3. The Old Stone Age: A study of Palaeolithic Times. London: Bowes and Bowes. Burkitt, M.
4. Archaeology: Theories methods and Practices, London: Thames and Hudson. Renfrew, C. and P.
Bahn.( 2001).
5. People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Fagan
B. M. (2004).
6. Frameworks for dating Fossil man. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Oakley, K.P. (1966).
7. The Explanation of culture change: Models in prehistory. London. Duckworth. Renfrew, C.
(ed.). (1973).
8. Man the Hunter. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company. Lee, R.B and I. Devore (Eds.). (1977).
9. An Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology. New York: Hold, Rinehart and Winston, INC. Hole,
H. and R.F. Heizer. (1969).
10. Prehistory of India. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Sankalia, H. D. (1977).
11. The Harrapan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. New Delhi: Vistaar publication.
Possehl, G. L. (2002).
12. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Allchin,
B. and R. Allchin. (1982).

Practical/ Project

1. Identification of stone tools-type, technology and function

2. Identification of ceramic traditions- type, technology and function
3. Computer applications for archaeology
4. Geographical Information System (GIS) for archaeology

Suggested Literature
1. Old Stone Age Tools: A Manual of Laboratory Techniques of Analysis. Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi
and Company. Bhattacharya, D.K. (1979).
2. Technology and terminology of Knapped Stone. Nanterre: CREP. Inizan, M.L.; M. R. Ballinger;
H. Roche and J. Tixier. (1999).
3. Man the Tool Maker. London. Trustees of the British Museum Natural History. Oakley, K.P.
4. Stone Age Tools: Their techniques, Names and Probable Functions. Poona: Deccan College.
Sankalia, H.D. (1982).

Facilitating the achievement of Course Learning Outcomes
Unit Course Learning Outcomes Teaching and Assessment Tasks
No. Learning Activity

1. Able to describe understand the Class lecture and Written Assignment

geological characteristic of India discussion

2. Familiar with contemporary Class lecture and Compulsory Discussion

theories and models of Indian discussion
3. Fairly aware of Paleolithic and Class lecture and Classroom debate
Mesolithic cultures of India discussion

4. Able to understand the evolution Class lecture and Critical review of a

of Indian settlements and other discussion research article
complex cultures


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