Black and White Corporate Resume
Black and White Corporate Resume
Black and White Corporate Resume
P&L Management Financial reporting Fixed Asset Management
User Manual Testing Bug Reporting Communication
Client end trainings Accounts Receivables End Results Excel Reports
VIENNA ADVANTAGE PVT. LTD. July 2023 - Present
Functional Consultant- Finance
Being a functional finance consultant and the module owner of core modules of finance like AP, AR and Fixed Assets
Management, I worked in these finance modules in Windows like DMS, Payment Report, Remittance Report, AP
Invoices, AR Invoices, Asset Related Windows, and Business Reports to run the processes of Purchase Order, Sales
Order, Asset Creation, Depreciation, Payments and Receipts, Creating Business and Financial Reports, Disposal of
Assets and many more. The main purpose behind running these processes is bug reporting, affirming the efficiency of
the process run, providing user manual testing, preparing detailed user manuals for end users, reporting issues and
creating blueprints as per the requirements of the clients for software features development and preparing end result
excel reports to record the testings and findings.
Run testing for Project Release Mapping in the windows of Asset, Asset Disposal, Asset Depreciation, Payment
window, Payment Allocation Form, GRN, AP and AR Invoices to ensure smooth software functioning.
Running Auto Data Marking Process efficiently to transfer data from one link to different Oracle links to ensure the
data transferred is complete, accurate, and proper. Successfully ran the processes and reported bugs during the
same in the software and got it fixed.
Prepared in detail user manuals for the modules of Accounts Payables, Account Receivables and Fixed Assets
Management for the clients providing detailed information about every window and every tab of the windows.
Run testing for Standard Testing projects and prepare excel standardised report to record the testings and findings
for the end user clients.
Successfully conducted company-candidates induction meetings.
Conducted interviews and assessment tests for analysis and preparing presentations.
FOREVER (Internship) Jan 2020- March 2021
Marketing Specialist and Social Media Consultant
Engaged in Digital Network Marketing where I worked in the role of lead generation, social media
optimization, social media marketing and management. Performed Tele-calling and chat processes as well
which played a significant part in marketing and also handled the queries and doubts of the prospects and
helped them by guiding them about the working and policies of the company.
Key Roles:-
Preparing Presentations
Lead Generation
Managing and optimising Social Media Channels
Social Media Marketing
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Bachelor of Commerce(Hons.)- Economics- 81%
B.C.M School
12th- Financial Marketing Management (FMM)- 93.4%
B.C.M. School
10th- 89.5%