Annexure-II-7 5 24

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Organisation chart of CDTL-Mumbai Annexure - II


Dy. Director

Technical Wing Administration Wing

Chemical Division Biological Division Administration Division

Sample Warden Section Microbiology Section Establishment & Account Section

Reference Substance Section Medical Device Section Stores Section

Wet Chemistry Section Cosmetics Section Library & Information Section

Instrumentation Section Quality Assurance Section Utility and Security

Analytical R & D Section

Technical Strength Administration strength

Permanent Staff Contractual Staff Permanent Staff Contractual Staff Daily Wages staff Out sourcing Staff
1. Director - 01 1. Bench Chemist - 30 1. LIA 1. Account Officer - 01 1. Housekeeping staff - 09
- 01 1. Security - 03
2. Dy. Director - 01 2. OS - 01
3. SSO - 01
2. Lab Assistant - 03 2. TDA (F/A) - 02 2. Security Supervisor - 01
3. UDC - 02
4. SO - 01 3. DEO - 06 3. Security Guards - 07
4. LDC - 03
5. SSA - 04 4. Office Assistant - 02
6. MTS - 05
6. JSA -15
7. AHT - 01
8. SLA - 02
9. JLA - 04 5. MTS
10. MTS - 08
Vacant Post
Vacant Post
1. Dy. Director - 01
2. SO - 01 1. LIA - 01
3. SLA - 01

Total = 38 Total = 33 Total = 12 Total = 11 Total = 03 Total = 17

Technical Strength : 71 Administration Strength : 23 Outsourcing staff/ Daily Wages : 20

Total Strength: 114 Permanent staff : 50 Contractual staff : 44 Outsourcing staff/ Daily Wages : 20

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