Sem 7 Civil

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Internal: 50 Marks End Term: 50 Marks Total: 100 Marks

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Transportation Engineering and Concrete Structures


1 Introduction
Definition, components of bridge, classification of bridges, selection of site , economical span
and essential design data.

Standard Specifications For Roads And Railways Bridges

General, Indian Road Congress Bridge Code, width of carriage way, clearance, various loads
to be considered for the design of roads and railway bridges, detailed explanation of IRC
standard live loads.

2 Design Consideration for R. C. C. Bridges

Various types of R.C.C. bridges (brief description of each type) , design of R.C.C. culvert and
T-beam bridges, PSC bridges

3 Design Consideration for Steel Bridges

Various types of steel bridges (brief description of each), design of truss and plate girder
bridges, composite bridges

4 Hydraulic & Structural Design

Piers, abutments, wingwall and approaches.

Brief Description
Bearings, joints, articulation and other details.

Bridge Foundation
Various types, necessary investigations and design criteria of well foundation.

Reference Books

1. Essentials of Bridge Engineering, D.J.Victor, Oxford & IBH Pub.N.Delhi.

2. Design of Bridges, N.Krishna Raju, Oxford & IBH, N.Delhi.
3. Bridge Deck Analysis, R.P.Pama & A.R.Cusens, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Design of Bridge Structures, T.R.Jagadish & M.A.Jairam, Prentice Hall of India,

Corse Outcome: On completion of the course, the students shall be able to:

1. Design the slab culvert, Box culvert

2. Design the T beam bridge and substructures
3. Design the Bridge bearings
4. Design the steel bridge for railways

Internal: 50 Marks End Term: 50 Marks Total: 100 Marks

Pre-requisites: Transportation Engineering-I&II

Course Learning Objectives:

1. To understand the permanent way and its components

2. To know about points, crossings and train control systems
3. To understand the geometric design of track, about stations, yards and maintenance of
4. To learn airport layout planning and runway pavement design

Course Content:

Introduction of Permanent Way
History and general features of Indian railways, Railway Track Gauge, Rails, Sleepers, Track
fittings and fastenings, Creep of rails, Ballast, Subgrade and formation, Rail joints and
welding of rails, modern welded railway track, Track and Track stresses.

Stations and Yards, Points and Crossings, and Signalling
Stations and yards, Points and crossings, design of turnouts and crossings, Signalling and
interlocking, Train Control systems, Track maintenance and drainage.

Geometric Design of Track, High speed train systems
Geometric design of track, curves and super elevation, Train resistance and tractive power,
Urban Railway system, High speed Tracks, high speed train system technologies,
Introduction to RDSO/IS specifications.

Airport Planning, Runway Layout and Pavement Design
Airport planning, layout, geometric design, Airport pavements, introduction to runway
pavement design software like FAARFIELD

Reference Books
1. Chandra, S. and Agarwal, M. M., “Railway Engineering”, Oxford.
2. Arora, S. P. and Saxena, S. C., “A Text Book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai
3. Mundrey, J. S., “Railway Track Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
4. Khanna, S. K., Arora, M. G. and Jain, S. S., “Airport Planning & Design”, Nem
Chand and Bros.
5. Horonjeff, Robert and McKelvey, Francis X., “Planning & Design of airports’, 4th
Ed., McGraw Hill.
6. Saxena, S.C., “Airport Engineering – Planning and Design”, CBS Publishers.
7. Transportation Engineering by C Venkatramaiah

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Gain Engineering knowledge of the subject and apply it for the solution of problems
related to railway and airport engineering.
2. Design points and crossings, design runway pavements, make investigations, use modern
tools and develop solutions to problems related to railway / airport engg.
3. Understand the engineering solutions in societal context for sustainable development that
takes care of environment and optimal use of resources.
4. Understand the norms of engineering practice and the need for life-long learning as per
their exposure to relevant latest IS/RDSO/FAA/ICAO specifications.

Internal: 50 Marks End Term: 50 Marks Total: 100 Marks

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Geotechnology-I

Course Learning Objectives:
1. To explain the concept of earth dam design including stability analysis under seepage.
2. To evaluate stability of slopes under different drainage conditions using different
3. To explain design principles of retaining structures and coffer dams.
4. To explain the concept of soil stabilization.
5. To explain the significance of dynamic load in machine foundation analysis.
6. To explain theory of vibration for different field conditions.
7. To understand salient points of environmental engineering pertaining to Geotechnology

Course Content:
1 Earth Dams
Introduction, types of sections, earth dam foundations, causes of failure and criteria for safe
design, control of seepage through the embankment, control of seepage through the
foundation, drainage of foundations, criterion for filter design.

2 Stability of slopes
Causes of failure, factors of safety, stability analysis of slopes-total stress analysis, effective
stress analysis, stability of infinite slopes types of failures of finite slopes, analysis of finite
slopes-mass procedure, method of slices, effect of pore pressure, Fellinius method to locate
center of most critical slip circle, friction circle method, Tayler's stability number.

3 Braced Cuts
Depth of unsupported vertical cut, sheeting and bracing for deep excavation, movements
associated with sheeting and bracing, modes of failure of braced cuts, pressure distribution
behind sheeting.

4 Cofferdams
Introduction, types of cofferdams, design and lateral stability of braced cofferdams, design
data for Cellular cofferdams, stability analysis of cellular cofferdams on soil and rock, inter-
locking stresses.

5 Cantilever Sheet Piles

Purpose of sheet piles, cantilever sheet piles, depth of embedment in granular soils-rigorous
method, simplified procedure, cantilever sheet pile penetrating clay.

6 Anchored Bulkheads
Methods of design, free earth support method in cohesionless and cohesive soils, fixed earth
support method in cohesionless soils.

7 Soil Stabilization
Soil improvement, mechanical treatment, use of admixtures, lime stabilization, cement
stabilization, lime fly ash stabilization, Bituminous stabilization, chemical stabilization, stone
column, grouting, methods of grouting.

8 Basics of Machine Foundations
Terminology, characteristics elements of vibratory systems, analysis of vibratory motions of
single degree freedom system-undamped free vibrations, undamped forced vibrations, criteria
for satisfactory action of a machine foundation, degrees of a freedom of a block foundation,
Barken's soil spring constant, Barken's method of a determining natural frequency of a block
foundation subjected to vertical oscillations.

9 Environmental Geotechnology
Introduction, Environmental cycles, natural cycles, development of environmental
geotechnology, pollution process, contamination of sub-soil, contaminant transport, quantity
of contaminants, contaminated site characterization, composition of solid wastes, waste

Reference Books

1 S.Prakash, Gopal Ranjan & S.Saran, Analysis and Design of Foundation and Retaining
Structures, Sarita Prakashan Meerut, 1977.
2 Swami Saran, Analysis and Design of Sub Structures, IBH Oxford
3 Gopal Ranjan, ASR Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age Intetrnational
(P) Ltd. Publishers- N.Delhi, Edition No. - 3rd, 2016.
4 Shamsher Prakash, Soil Dynamic, McGraw Hill, 1981.
5 Teng, Foundation Design, Prentice Hall, Edition No. - 10th, 1984.
6 P.Purshotam Raj, Geotechnical Engg, Tata Mcgraw Hill, N.Delhi, Edition No.- I, 1995
7 Debashis Moitra, Geotechnical Engineering, Universities Press, Edition No. - I, 2016.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Do earth dam design and stability analysis for all kind of drainage conditions
2. Do stability analysis of any kind of slope and its protection
3. Understand the earth pressure theories and able to calculate lateral earth pressure for
different conditions
4. Evaluate depth of embedment for cantilever as well as anchored sheet piles.
5. Learn the concept of soil stabilization and machine foundation
6. Understand salient points of environmental engineering pertaining to Geotechnology

CEPC47 PC 3 0 0 3

Internal:50 Marks End Term: 50 Marks Total:100 Marks

Pre-requisites: None

Course Content
1 Network Techniques in Construction Management-I:CPM
Introduction, network techniques, work break down, classification of activities, rules for
developing networks, network development-logic of network, allocation of time to various
activities, Fulkerson's rule for numbering events, network analysis , determination of project
schedules, critical path, ladder construction, float in activities, shared float, updating,
resources allocation, resources smoothing and resources leveling.
Network Techniques in Construction Management-II-PERT
Probability concept in network, optimistic time, pessimistic time, most likely time, lapsed
time, deviation, variance, standard deviation, slack critical path, probability of achieving
completion time, central limit theorem.
Cost-Time Analysis
Cost versus time, direct cost, indirect cost, total project cost and optimum duration,
contracting the network for cost optimisation, steps in time cost optimisation, illustrative
2 Construction Contracts & Specifications
Introduction, types of contracts, contract document, specifications, important conditions of
contract, arbitration.
Necessity of specifications, types of specifications, general specifications, specification for
bricks, cement, sand, water, lime, reinforcement; Detailed specifications for Earthwork,
Cement, concrete, brick work, floorings, D.P.C., R.C.C., cement plastering, white and colour
washing, distempering, painting.
3. Inspection & Quality Control
Introduction, principles of inspection, enforcement of specifications, stages in inspection and
quality control, testing of structures, statistical analysis.
a. Estimate
Principles of estimation, units, items of work, different kinds of estimates, different methods
of estimation, estimation of materials in single room building, two roomed building with
different sections of walls, foundation, floors and roofs, R.B. and R.VC.C. works, Plastering,
White-washing, Distempering and painting, doors and windows, lump sum items, Estimates
of canals, roads etc.
b. Rate Analysis
Purpose, importance and requirements of rate analysis, units of measurement, preparation of
rate analysis, procedure of rate analysis for items:- Earthwork, concrete works, R.C.C. works,
reinforced brick work, plastering, painting, finishing(white-washing, distempering).
4. Public Works Account
Introduction, function of P.W. department, contract, guidelines, types of contracts, their
advantages and disadvantages, Tender and acceptance of tender, Earnest money, security
money, retention money, measurement book, cash book, preparation, examination and
payment of bills, first and final bills, administrative sanction, technical sanction.

Reference Books
1. Construction Planning & Management by P.S.Gehlot & B.M.Dhir, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. PERT & CPM -Principles & Applications by L.S.Srinath. Affiliated East-west
3. Project Planning & Control with PERT & CPM by B.C.Punia &
K.K.Khandelwal,Lakshmi Pub. Delhi
4. Construction Management & Planning by B.sengupta & H.Guha, Tata McGraw Hills.
5. Estimating and Costing for Building & Civil Engg.Works by P.L.Bhasin, S.Chand &
Co., N.Delhi.
6. Estimating, Costing & Specification in Civil Engg. by M.Chakarborty, Calcutta.
7. Estimating & Costing in Civil Engg..: Theory & Practice by B.N.Dutta, S.Dutta &
Co., Lucknow.
8. Building Construction Estimating by George H.Cooper, McGraw Hill Book Co., New
Corse Outcome: On completion of the course, the students shall be able to:
1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a project manager
2. Prepare schedule of activities in a construction project
3. Prepare tender and contract document for a construction project
4. Understand safety practices in construction industry
5. Identify the equipment used in construction


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