Structural Analysis - Ii: Course Code: BTV 501 Credit Units: 03 Course Objective: Course Contents

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Course Code: BTV 501 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The course builds upon the earlier course of Structural Analysis I and deals with more advanced methods.

Course Contents:
Module I: Force method of analysis of indeterminate structures Analysis of rigid frames of different
geometry by consistent deformation method – settlement effects - analysis of pin-jointed trusses by consistent
deformation method - externally and internally redundant trusses - effects of settlement and prestrains.

Module II: Displacement method of analysis of indeterminate structures Slope deflection method - analysis
of continuous beams - beams with overhang - analysis of rigid frames - frames with sloping legs - gabled frames
- frames without sway and with sway - settlement effects - moment distribution method as successive
approximation of slope deflection equations - analysis of beams and frames - non-sway and sway analyses -
Kani’s method as iterative method of analysis of frames (outline only)

Module III: Moving Loads & Influence Lines

Introduction to moving loads - concept of influence lines - influence lines for reaction, shear force and bending
moment in simply supported beams - influence lines for forces in trusses – analysis for different types of
moving loads - single concentrated load - several concentrated loads - uniformly distributed load shorter and
longer than the span.

Module IV: Cables, suspension bridges and arches Analysis of forces in cables - suspension bridges with
three-hinged and two-hinged stiffening girders - theory of arches - Eddy’s theorem - analysis of three-hinged
and two-hinged arches - settlement and temperature effects.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

• Wang C.K., Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1983.
• Reddy C.S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill
• Bhavikatti S.S, “Structural Analysis”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd
• Khurmi R.S, “Theory of Structures”, S. Chand
• Hibbler, “Structural Analysis”, Pearson Education
• Mckenzie, “Examples in Structural Analysis”, Ane Books Pvt Ltd
• Dr T.S. Thandavamoorthy, “Analysis of Structures”, Oxford University Press
• Vazirani & Ratwani, “Theory of Structures”
• S.Ramamrutham, “Structural Analysis”
Course Code: BTV 501 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
Based on the course Structural Analysis the student should be able to start design of structures using various
types of materials.

Course Contents:
Module I: Design Philosophy
Introduction –Structures and structural systems–Internal forces in different types of structural systems such as
Trusses, Cables, Arches, Beams and Slabs, Frames. – stability criteria – design considerations – loading
standards – working stress method(WSM) – ultimate load method – probabilistic analysis and design –
uncertainties in design – classical reliability models – reliability analysis and design – levels of reliability
methods – limit state method(LSM) – limit states – multiple safety factor formats – load and resistance factor
design format – partial safety factor format.

Module II Reinforced Concrete

Introduction – materials – mix design by IS method – basic properties of concrete and reinforcement – basic
design concepts of working stress method (WSM) – analysis of sections by WSM – flexure, shear, torsion and
bond – singly reinforced, doubly reinforced and flanged sections – deflection criteria.

Module III Steel

Steel - introduction to connections - analysis and design of riveted, bolted and welded joints for direct force and
moment - struts and ties made of single and double angles.
A design project involving the design and detailing of a typical connection is envisaged at this stage.

Module IV Timber
Classification and allowable stresses - design of beams for flexure, shear & bearing – deflection criteria - design
of solid and built-up columns-flitched beam – formwork design.
A design project involving the design and specification of the formwork for a typical concrete structure is
envisaged at this stage.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

• Duggal, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mcgraw Hill
• B.C. Punmia, “Reinforced Concrete Structure Vol-I”, Laxmi Publications
• B.C. Punmia, “Reinforced Concrete Structure Vol-II”, Laxmi Publications
• Ram Chandra, “Design of Steel Structures Vol-I”, Standard Book House
• Ram Chandra, “Design of Steel Structures Vol-II”, Standard Book House
• Englekirk, “Steel Structures: Controlling Behaviour Thorough Design”,Wiley India Textbooks
• Park, “Reinforced Concrete Structure”,Wiley India Textbooks
• Chen, “Theory of beams-columns, vol 1: inplane behaviour”,Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd
• Mallick & Gupta, “Reinforced Concrete Design”
• S.R.Karve & V.L.Shah, “Reinforced Concrete Structures”
• I.S 456-2000, BIS Standards
• SP:16-1980, BIS Standards

Course Code: BTV 503 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Soil mechanics and related topics are important areas in Civil Engineering and the first part of Geotechnical
Engineering deals with soils and their characteristics.

Course contents:
Module I: Nature of soil and functional relationships
Soil type -Concepts of single grained, honey combed and flocculent structure and their effects on the basic soil
properties - 3 phase system - void ratio - specific gravity - dry density - porosity - water content - saturated unit
weight - submerged unit weight - degree of saturation. Laboratory and field identification of soils:
Determination of water content by oven drying -Specific gravity using pycnometer and specific gravity bottle -
Grain size analysis by sieve analysis, hydrometer analysis and pipette analysis - Atterberg limits and indices –
Visual identification by simple field tests - Field density by core cutter, sand replacement and wax coating
methods. Classification of soils: Necessity -Principles of classification - I.S. classification – Plasticity charts -
Group index.

Module II: Soil Water, Permeability and Stress Distribution

Soil water: Types - Effective stress - Total stress - Pore pressure - Pressure diagrams. Permeability: Definition -
Darcy’s law - Factors affecting permeability – Laboratory determination - Stratified soils: average permeability.
Stress distribution: Boussinesq’s equations for vertical pressure due to point loads- Assumptions and limitations
- pressure bulb – Influence diagram - Vertical pressure due to uniformly distributed loads, line loads and strip
loads - Newmark charts and their use - Westergaard’s solution.

Module III: Consolidation and Compa tion

Consolidation: Definition - Concepts of coefficient of compressibility - Coefficient of volume change and
compression index - e-log p curves - Terzaghi’s theory of one dimensional consolidation – Determination of
coefficient of consolidation- pre-consolidation pressure difference between consolidation and compaction.
Compaction: Definition and objectives of compaction - Proctor test and modified proctor test - Concept of OMC
and maximum dry density - Zero air voids line -Factors influencing compaction.- Effect of compaction on soil
properties - Field compaction methods - Proctor needle for field control.

Module IV Shear Strength and Stability of Slopes

Shear Strength: Definition - Mohr’s strength and stress circles - origin of planes - Mohr’s envelope - Mohr-
Coulomb strength theory -Direct, triaxial and UCC tests - Drainage conditions - Measurement of pore pressure -
Vane shear tests -Total and effective stress -strength parameters – Stress path, Liquefaction of sand - Choice of
test conditions for field problems. Stability of slopes: Slope failure, base failure and toe failure - Swedish circle
method - φ=0 analysis and c=0 analysis - Friction circle method - Taylor’s stability number -Stability charts -
Sliding block analysis.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

• Punmia B.C., Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Laxmi Publication, 1992.

• Ramamurthy T.N, Geotechnical Engineering, S.Chand, 2010
• Murthy V.N.S., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Dhanpat Rai, 1984
• Khan I.H., Text Book of Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice Hall of India
• Terzaghi K. & Peck R.B., Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley Sons, 1967.
• Alam Singh, Soil Engineering-Theory and Practice, Asia Pub, 1967.

Course Code: BTV 504 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective: This subject deals with advanced transportation Engineering which includes design of
railways, tunnel and airport.

Course Contents:
Module I: Components & Geometric Design of Railways
Introduction . Typical cross-sections. Various gauges. Coning of wheels and tilting of rails. Functions and
requirements of component parts of a railway track. Creep of rails. Geometrical design of railway track.
Horizontal curves, radius, superelevation, cant deficiency, transition curves, safe speed on curves, different
types of gradients, grade compensation. Worked out problems.

Module II: Railway Operation and Control

Points and crossings and their design. Track junctions and simple track layouts. Details of different types of
stations and yards. Signaling and interlocking. Control of train movements. Absolute block . Automatic block
system and CTC system. Railway Construction and Maintenance: Construction of railway track: earthwork,
plate laying and packing. Maintenance of track-alignment, gauge, renewal of component parts and drainage,
modern methods of track maintenance.

Module III: Tunneling

Tunnel alignment and grade. Size and shape of a tunnel. Methods of tunneling in hard rocks. Full face method,
heading and bench method, drift method. Methods of tunneling in soft soils. Compressed air and shield
tunneling Shafts in tunnels. Ventilation of tunnel and various methods. Lining of tunnels. Drainage and lighting
of . Micro Tunneling. Trenchless technology.

Module IV: Airport planning and Design

Introduction. Aircraft characteristics and their influence on planning of airports. Airport obstructions and
zoning. Component parts of airport and site selection. Runway design. Orientation, basic runway length,
corrections and geometric . Design of taxiways and aprons - Terminal area planning. Facilities in terminal area
and their planning concepts, aircraft parking configurations. Airport drainage system.
Surface and subsurface drainage systems and their design.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

• Antia K.F, Railway Track, New Book Company Pvt. Ltd, 1960.
• Agarwal M.M., Railway Engineering, Prabha and Co
• Khanna S.K & Arora M.G., Airport Planning and Design, Nemchand & Bros.
• Horonjeff R., Planning and Design of Airports, Mc Graw Hill
• Mundrey J.S , Railway Track Engineering, TMGS, 1988.
(Ref. Fluid Power Systems of B.Tech MAE)

Course Code: BTV 505 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Fluid power systems cover generation, transmission, and control applications of power by using pressurized
fluids. This course imparts the knowledge of different fluid power systems which are used in industries and
hydropower plants.

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction
Euler’s equations for turbo machines; impulse and reaction forces due to fluid systems on stationery and moving
system of vanes; jet propulsion.

Module II: Water Turbines

Classification: Pelton, Francis, Propeller and Kaplan turbines; velocity triangles; efficiency; draft tubes,

Module III: Pumps

Centrifugal pumps, velocity triangles, efficiency, turbine pumps, axial and mixed flow pumps.

Module IV: Performance of Fluid Machines

Similarity laws applied to rotodynamic machines; specific speed, unit quantities; characteristic curves; use of
models; cavitations and attendant problems in turbo machines; selection of turbines hydroelectric plants.

Module V: Hydraulic Power Transmission

Transmission of hydraulic power through pipe lines; water hammer; precautions against water hammer in
turbine and pump installations: hydraulic ram.

Module VI: Power Hydraulics

Positive pumps: gear, vane, screw, pump, variable delivery valves: flow control, pressure control, direction
control, solenoid operated valve, hydraulic circuits, fluid coupling and torque converter.
Pneumatic Power: Basic principles, comparison of pneumatic and hydraulic Systems.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

• Gupta, S. C., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Pearson Education, 2007
• R.K. Bansal, “Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 2002.

• Dr. D.S. Kumar, “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering”, S.K. Kataria & Sons,2001
• D.R. Malhotra & N.K. Malhotra, “The Fluid Mech. & Hydraulics”, Satya Prakashan, 2001
• V.P. Gupta, Alam Singh, Manish Gupta, “Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics”, CBS
Publishers; 1999

Course Code: BTV 520 Credit Units: 01

List of Exercises
1. Tension test on MS rod
2. Shear Test on MS rod
3. Torsion test on MS Specimen
4. Bending test on steel beams
5. Spring test – open and close coil springs
6. Workability tests – slump, compaction, V-bee, flow and preparation of cubes
7. Compression test on cubes and cylinders – determination of modulus of elasticity
8. Split test on concrete cylinders and flexure test on concrete
9. Study of extensometers and strain gauges
10. Bending test on reinforced concrete beams – under reinforced and over reinforced.
11. Demonstration of Non- Destructive Testing Equipment.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA –Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR – Lab Record, V – Viva.

Course Code: BTV 521 Credit Units: 01

Name of Experiments

1. To conduct a test on Centrifugal Pump and plot its characteristics.

2. To Plot the characteristics of Pelton turbine.

3. To conducts an experiment on Francis turbine.

4. To study the effect of a draft tube on reaction turbines.

5. To find the friction factor for flow through pipes.

6. To study the hydraulic controls rig.

7. To conduct an experiment for verifying model laws.

8. To study the cavitations phenomenon in turbines.

9. Study of hydraulic couplings and torque converters.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA –Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR – Lab Record, V – Viva.

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