Masteremaco N 105 Ms
Masteremaco N 105 Ms
Masteremaco N 105 Ms
1.1. The area to be repaired shall be marked on the drawings and on the structure, and
subject to revision based on conditions found as breaking out proceeds.
1.2. All further repairs will be at the discretion of the Engineer and subject to remeasurement.
1.3. All deviations from the original Bill of Quantities or scope of works must be agreed in
writing by the Engineer before reinstatement starts.
2.1. Surfaces shall be prepared by high pressure water jetting, mechanical wire brushing or
similar method approved by the Engineer.
2.2. All laitance, loose or friable concrete and mortar shall be removed.
2.3. The prepared surface must be sound, dense and free of all oil, grease, loose and
fractured aggregate, curing membrane or other contaminants that could impair adhesion.
3.1. Concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly soaked to ensure a saturated but surface dry
condition at the time of application. Under hot conditions use chilled water to ensure a
surface temperature of <40°C at the time of application.
4.1. MasterEmaco N 105 shall be used when the ambient temperature is between +5°C and
35°C. Chilled water shall be used to prevent mixed material temperatures exceeding
30°C. See 3.1 above re surface temperature.
4.2. Substrate temperatures shall not be less than 5°C. In hot weather areas to be repaired
must be shaded from direct sunlight both during application and subsequent curing.
5.1. MasterEmaco N 105 mortar shall be mixed using a forced action mixer or slow speed
drill fitted with a suitable mortar mixing paddle.
5.2. If hand mixing is necessary, quantities mixed shall not exceed 10kg of
MasterEmaco N 105.
5.3. The allowable water addition rate should be between 7.0 to 7.5 litres of potable water per
25kg bag of MasterEmaco N 105, reducing the amount of water is recommended for
trowel or spatula applications.
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MS - AD - MasterEmaco N 105 - 06/2021
6.1. The mortar shall be applied by brush, sponge and steel trowel.
6.2. The MasterEmaco N 105 should be firmly applied to the previously prepared substrate
ensuring complete filling of voids and blow holes.
6.3. The excess shall be scraped off with the edge of a steel trowel and the surface allowed to
cure. Keep wet / damp for at least 3 days and out of direct sunlight – provide shade
netting if required.
6.4. All areas shall then be rubbed back to the original concrete surface, ensuring no loose or
powdering residual mortar is evident.
7.1. Good curing is essential. Particular care is required in hot and/or windy conditions. Curing
can either be with a single coat of MasterKure 181 curing membrane, or by covering the
work with a properly secured wet hessian and plastic sheet and maintaining this for at
least 3 days.
The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on the present state of
our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a
product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed
or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders Solutions either
orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not Master Builders
Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.
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