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water pollution

Water is essential for life. Without water there
would be no life. Water covers more than 75%
of the earth's surface either as oceans (salt
water) or as fresh water. Hydrosphere includes
sea, rivers, ocean, lakes, ponds, stream etc.

Most of the earth's surface water is in the

oceans, which contains about 35 parts per
thousand of the dissolved salts of the
remainder, most of the fresh water with salt
content of 0.2% found either in lakes and

Pollution of water is the presence of some

foreign organic, inorganic, biological,
radiological, or physical substances in the
water. These substances contaminate water by
degrading it's quality which may cause health
hazard or decrease the utility of water.
Pollution of water originates from human
activities. Through different paths pollution
reaches surface or ground water
Meaning of water pollution
In nature, water is in its pure form. Impurities get
added to it as it percolates beneath the surface of the
earth and also when it is used for human activities.
Water pollution can be defined as the presence in
water of some foreign substances or impurities or the
impurities or biological in such quantity so as to
constitute a health hazard by lowering the water
quality and making it unfit for use.
Properties of water
>water is an excellent solvent.
>It has a high specific heat and this property of high heat
capacity of water is functionally.
>Important to aquatic organisms
>Water possess the highest heat of fusion and heat of
evaporation collectively known as latent heat of all known
substances that are liquid at ordinary temperature
Sources of water
There are two principal sources of water, surface water
and the ground water. Surface water comes from.
streams,lake, rivers, shallow, wells and reservoirs
created by damming. Most surface water contains the
suspended solids organic and inorganic substances
Microbes and other biota. If these substances are
present in water in optimum level, they do not cause
Reuse of water
•The treated waste water can be reused for several
purposes, for instance.
• Treated water can be reused for recreation purposes
like fishing and boating.
Treated water can be reused as industrial water supply.
• Reclaimed waste water can be used for irrigation or
municipal purposes.
• Treated water can be reused for cooling processes in
thermal plants.
In area of acute water scarcity, waste water treated to
the highest standards can be reused as potable water
(provided there is public acceptance for
waste water use).
Water sample preservation

Parameter Container Preservation



sample size,ml

1 2 3 4
pH 100 Polythene Measure within
0.4 hrs

D.O. 100 Polythene

C.O.D 500 Polythene Add H SO to pH: 2 4


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