BST Holiday Assignment 11th

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Very Short Answer Questions (1 Mark)

1. Give an example of activity which is economic in one side and non-

economic on other side.

2. A person sells his domestic furniture at a profit, will it be considered a

business? Explain the characteristics of business which is being stressed

3.Which industries provide support services to other industries?

4.Which one of the broad categories of industries covers oil refinery and
sugar mills?

5. Categorise the following into business, profession and employment?

(i) A farmer
(ii) An advocate
(iii) A clerk
(iv) A hawker selling toys for children
(v) A doctor
(vi) A person working in scooter repair shop on roadside

6. ABC Ltd. inventing new machinery to curb its production problem.

Which objective it is trying to achieve?

7. What reward does the businessman get for bearing risks?

8. Name the occupation in which people work for others and get
remunerated in return.
a. Business
b. Profession
c. Employment
d. None of the above

Short answer Questions (3 or 4 Marks)

1. What are the causes for the possibility of inadequate profits due to
uncertainties or unexpected events?

2. Compare between Business, profession & Employment on the basis of

the following:
a) Capital Investment
b) Risk
c) Transfer of interest
3. What is business risk?

4. Explain any four objectives of business?

5. Define commerce, why is it of great importance in modern life?

6. Distinguish between primary and secondary industry Give examples.

7. Define business. Explain the characteristics of business

8. Write differences among industry, commerce and trade on any five


9. “Commerce comprises trade and all the services that make trade
possible.” Discuss.

Long Answer Questions (5 or 6 Marks)

1. What provides the necessary link between producers & consumers with
all those activities which are necessary for maintaining a free flow of goods
& services? Discuss all those activities.

2. Explain any six factors that are important to be considered while starting
a business.

3. Profit maximization cannot be the sole objective of a business. Explain.

Support your answers with reasons.

4. ‘Kodak Pics’ is an advertisement agency initiated by Rahul, Sushmita &

Prema. They have called a meeting to discuss the below given points
(i) Increase the profit margin by 20% in july.
(ii) Aiming bigger share in the market.
(ii) Making use of better lenses & improved techniques.
(iv) Making best use of cameramen, finance etc. employed by the business
(v) Improve efficiency in functioning of business.
(a) Which aspects of business objectives are being referred to here?
(b) Also develop each point to be discussed in the meeting by classifying
the objective.
5. Jawaharlal prepares ‘Ghujiya’ for customers during Holi season every
year. He prepared more ‘Ghujiya’ than he could sell this year. He employed
women and children also and paid them less salary manufacturing on the
packages. This way he generated profit for himself.
(a) Do you think he is fulfilling all the objectives of business?
(b) If not which aspects of this objective is not being fulfilled?
(c) Write any two values lacking in Jawaharlal.

6. Different situations in different business are being elaborated below:

(i) Raghunath Gorkha had a match stick factory in Nepal which got
destructed by the recent earthquake.
(ii) Mr Arya, a senior manager in a telecom company shared confidential
information about the company with a competitor which led to huge losses
for the company.
(iii) Vodafone Co. was charged with evasion of tax and asked to pay fine in
cross which would lead to heavy losses for the company.
(iv) Type writers becoming redundant.

7. How can you classify the different cases based on this characteristic?

8. Dr. Sanvi is an orthopedic surgeon in AIIMS Hospital and Dr Maruti, her

friend is a Pediatrician who has set his own clinic. Dr Maruti’s wife, Ms.
Aditi operates her Cosmetic store. Compare & differentiate the nature of
tasks undertaken by them.

8. Zainab, Shelly & Ravina are friends. They have just completed a fashion
designing course. They wish to start a business together. They have
Rs.10,00,000 savings put together and are planning to take a bank loan of
additional Rs.10 lakhs. They have found a prime location in KarolBagh
where they can set their boutique. They decide that they will initially not
take very big orders. Based on this information, quote the lines associated
with factors affecting the decision to start a business and classify them.

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