Asm1 2667

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I. Complete the questions given below on A4 Size sheets.
II. Submit it in a stick file before 10.7.2023, delay in submission may result into deduction of
marks assigned to Holiday Homework.

Q1.Armaan is very fond of playing indoor games, he requested his father to buy him some indoor
games. His father sold his old laptop on and bought him a new play station from Can the transaction by Armaan’s father to sell the laptop be termed as a
business transaction? Name the related feature of business to support your answer.

Q2. GMR Industries entered the airports space in early 2000s and is today counted amongst the
top 5 airport private airport developer and operators globally. GMR Industries presently owns and
operates Delhi International Airport and Hyderabad International Airports. Apart from being the
largest private airport company in India, GMR Industries is the only Indian airport developer to
have developer to have developed and operated airports outside India. Identify the types
of industry and its category being discussed in above case.

Q3.Sunstar Steel Ltd., a leading manufacturer of iron and steel decided to open up a new branch
in a remote area in Rajasthan. So that unemployed youth from the rural areas could get same opportunities as
those available in the urban areas. This initiative has raised the standard of living of people
in rural areas. All children in these families are getting good education and these families are also
actively contributing to nation building process through their dedicated work. On the basis of the
given information about Sunstar Steel Ltd., answer the following questions:
a) Identify and explain the objective of business which is followed by the company.
b)Explain one other objective which the company should follow apart from objective identified
in part (a).

Q4. Ratan after doing his B.Pharma degree from a reputed government college started two chemist shops in
two different localities of his home town. Encouraged with the success of these shops, he started
six more shops in different cities of the state. His strategy was to cut price, focus on lower and
middle class patients and open shops near hospitals. He earned good profit margins. But the staff
of the shops did not give much attention to the customers. Because of this mis-management he
started incurring huge losses and his business failed. On the basis of the given information about Ratan,
answer the following questions:
a)Identify and explain the main cause behind the business failure of Ratan.
b)Explain any two other causes of risk associated with Ratan’s business.
Q5. Different situations about different business are being elaborated below:
I. Raghunanda Biswas had a match stick factory in Indonesia which got destructed by the recent
II. Rajiv Menon, a senior manager in a telecom company shared confidential information about
the company with a competitor which led to huge losses for the company.
III. Readyfone Co. was charged with evasion of tax and asked to pay fine in crores which would
lead to heavy losses for the company.
IV. Typewriters becoming redundant due to invention of personal computers. On the basis of the
given information about different business, answer the following questions:
a)Which characteristic of business is being highlighted in the above situations?
b) Identify the different causes of concept identified in part (a) from the above information?

Q6. A group of eight people decided to make a company and hence approached Foresight Business
Consultants, a professional unit for seeking appropriate advice. This company helped them in
identifying the different business opportunities and suggested to set up a mobile manufacturing
company. Before converting this business opportunity into a real project, Foresight Business
Consultants made certain arrangements for conducting technical and professional accountants,
lawyers and engineers. On the basis of the given information about, answer the following
a)What are these groups of eight people called as?
b)Identify and explain the functions performed by them in aforesaid situation for the formation of

Q7.Deepak and Gaurav joined the prestigious law university in Ahmedabad in the year
2010.During the course of the study they became good friends and they both realized that their
common interest lies in the field of corporate law. After completion of their degree they decided
to start a firm of their own, namely ‘Corpo Law Firm’ wherein both of them will be co-owners
dividing the profit and loss. After successfully running the firm for a year, they realized that there
are certain rights which are denied to their firm as it is not registered. Explain the consequences
of non – registration of their firm.

Q8.Akshay is a shareholder in a company holding 2000 shares of Rs.10 each on which he has
already paid Rs.7 per share. What will be his liability in the event of company’s failure to pay
debts? Give reason in support to your answer.

Q9. Mohan and Radha want to start a shop to sell Rajasthani sweets. They did not know how to
develop the agreement for this purpose. So, they approached a Chartered Accountant who advised
them to prepare a document which may stipulate the terms and conditions of the agreement. On
the basis of given information, answer the following questions:
a) Name the document about which the chartered accountant advised Mohan and Radha.
b) State any four important items they should include in the agreement other than name, nature
and place of business.
Q10. Ajay is the sole owner of a shoe manufacturing factory. He took a loan of Rs.20 lakhs from
Ace finance company for the expansion of his business. Because of continuous losses however,
he was not able to repay the loan on time. Assets of the business were not enough for repaying
liabilities in full. As a result, the finance company asked him to repay their loan. He refused to do
so on the ground that the loan was taken by his business and not by him for his personal use.
The company filled a case against him. The court gave decision in favor of the company on the
ground that Ajay was operating as the sole proprietor and a sole proprietor did not have separate
entity distinct of his own. The court further stated that Ajay had unlimited liability and held him
liable to repay the loan even by selling his personal property, if need be. Identify and explain two
features of the form of business organization formed by Ajay by quoting the lines from the case

Q11.Post and telegram department is a major part of Ministry of communication. It is organized,

financed and controlled by the Communication Ministry. The finance is arranged by annual
appropriation from the government treasury. Being under the control of the government budget
accounting and auditing are applicable as in government department. Identify the type of the
public sector enterprise highlighted in aforesaid case? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Q12.Identify the type of public sector undertakings in the following situations:

a)Business enterprise established by the government and controlled by the Ministry concerned.
b)Enterprise incorporated under a special Act of Parliament or State Legislature.
c)Enterprise managed by the government and subject to strict budgetary, accounting and audit
d)Enterprise established by the government and registered under the companies Act 2013.

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