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Exam Children Ministry 2

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Theme 1: Nature/Source of Good tiding 19.

Jesus said, "I am the _____, the _____,

and the _____
1. What do you understand by the word 20. Who encouraged Joseph to take back
GRATITUDE? his wife?
2. According to Ps. 34:1 - 3, how many 21. As a saved child, what is the first
times did the Psalmist say he will bless assignment that Jesus commanded
the Lord? you?
3. How long was Elizabeth pregnant 22. Emmanuel means _______
before it was made known? 23. Pilate wrote ______ and placed it on
a. 3 months b. 10 weeks c. 6 months d. 7 the cross above Jesus' head
weeks 24. Why did the Jewish authority request
those crucified to have their legs
4. What happened when Mary greeted broken?
Elizabeth? 25. Who were the two people that buried
5. What did God crown man with Jesus?
according to Ps. 8:5? 26. What must you do to be free from the
6. What did God use to water the face of punishment of sin you deserved?
the earth at the beginning? 27. What did Jesus tell one of the criminals
7. What is the source of breathe that on the cross?
make man a living being? 28. Who was the first person to see Jesus
8. How can you reflect the nature of God after His resurrection?
to mankind? 29. Name the two disciples that ran to the
9. The name of the rivers that flowed in tomb and found out that was empty?
four direction in the garden of Eden are: a. Peter and James b. Andrew and Peter
10. What did God say man should not do c. John and Peter d. James and John
according to Gen. 2:1-25? 30. What did the disciples find inside the
11. What is the punishment of sin? tomb?
12. Who can save you from the punishment a. crown of thorns b. burial clothes c.
of sin? nothing d. royal robe
13. Quote Romans 3:23 31. What gift did Jesus give His disciple
14. Through whom do we have after His resurrection?
redemption? 32. What was the word that Jesus said to
15. You have made me to know the ______ the disciples when He appeared in their
of _______, you will fill me with ______ midst after resurrection?
in your ______ with eternal pleasures 33. What did Jesus eat before the disciples
at your right ______ could believe he was the one after he
16. What does it mean to walk in darkness? resurrection?
17. What did God promise to give the 34. Where did Jesus bless His followers
world? before His ascension?
18. Who have seen a great light according 35. After Jesus' ascension, where did His
to Isa 9:2? followers return to?
36. Not _______ the _______ of ourselves 12. Mention 3 things you are expected to
together do as a new creation.
37. Mention the things that the believers 13. 'Therefore, we have been buried with
do constantly together and what they Him by ______ into ______
shared. 14. What tree did Zacchaeus climb to see
38. How many people were saved at the Jesus?
end of Peter's message at Pentecost? 15. When did Jesus tell Zacchaeus when He
a. 4000 b. 3000 c. 2800 d. 5000 saw him on the tree?
39. Who saw the flame and burning bush? 16. How did Zacchaeus show his new life in
40. How many miracles did God perform Christ to others?
through Moses to show that he was 17. In which area was the sea of galilee
God's ambassador? found?
41. What was the effect of Moses's 18. Why did the great multitude follow
complaint when God was sending him? Jesus?
19. Who did Jesus ask this question: where
Theme 2: Evidence of Good Tidings shall we buy bread; that they may eat?
1. Who shall return according to Isa 20. How many months wages did the
35:10? disciples say would not be enough to
2. The woman that met Jesus by the well buy bread for each to bite?
was from? 21. How many loaves and fishes di the boy
a. Jerusalem b. Galilee c. Samaria d. have?
Antananarivo 22. How can you see the glory of God
3. What did Jesus ask the woman by the according to John 11:40?
well to give Him? 23. What is faith?
4. What will the water that Jesus will give 24. What was the name of the town Jesus
become? a. ocean b. well c. fountain of entered?
living water d. river 25. Who came to Jesus, pleading that his
5. Who dug the well for his children? a. servant should be healed?
James b. Isaac c. Abraham d. Jacob 26. At what hour was the servant healed?
6. How will true worshipper worship the 27. Who are like Mount Zion according to
father? Ps 125:1?
7. Quote 2 Cor. 5:17 28. How did the Lord surround His people?
8. Jesus was in ______ at the house of As ____ surround ____
Simon the leper a. Galilee b. Bethany c. 29. How can you remain unshakable from
Jordan d. Jerusalem all forces?
9. What kind of oil did the woman pour on 30. What are the things that can make God
Jesus' head? to be separated from His people?
10. Why did the disciples pick offence in 31. According to Romans 8:15, what spirit
what the woman did? did you receive?
11. How can you live a new life in Christ? 32. When it is hard for you to be brave
what must you do?
33. Who set princes over his provinces
according to Dan. 6:1-28?
34. How many provinces does he have in
his kingdom?
35. Who was the foreigner among the 3
governors the king chose? a. Michael b.
Daniel c. Beltshazzar d. Andrea
36. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s
den, what happened to him there?

Theme 3: Barriers of Good Tidings

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