Rubric Study Abroad Deficiency Assignment

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Rubric Deficiency Assignment Study Abroad IB Commerce

Student name: Student number : ECTS:

Date: Assessor: Result:
Casus group: 1-4 ects / 5-9 ects / 10-12 ects Casus Name:
Pre-Scan Assignment * Satisfactory Optional Explanation
1. Reporting:
a. The product complies with the professional design requirements.
b. The writing style is coherent. Yes/no
c. Grammar and spelling is correct.
d. APA referencing and source acknowledgement is properly used.
2. Length:
a. The report (excluding the appendices) consists of a maximum of 15 pages. Yes/no
b. The management summary consists of a maximum of 2 pages.
3. Lay-out:
a. Font is Calibri, size 11.
b. Line spacing is 1.15.
c. Page numbering is used.
4. Handing in:
a. The assignment has been handed in on LMS and via e-mail. Yes/no
b. Ephorus score is within the indicated margins.
5. Completeness:
a. All elements of the report are present, including the reflection chapter.
* All five elements mentioned above must be satisfactory in order for your assignment report to be evaluated. If you do not meet the criteria mentioned above, you need to improve the report
yourself before the content will be evaluated.
Assessor Instructions:
The column on the right is for the explanation of decisive factors. The elements posed in the left column will help evaluate the report. However, they might not cover all
evaluative aspects; this depends on the management issue and indicated or prescribed content that will arise from the specific appointed casus. The required amount of ects is
influential on the evaluation of the report.
Assignment Report
Evaluation Criteria: understanding of the casus/research setup/literature review: 30% Assessment and Argumentation. What factors are decisive?
To what extent did the student adequately apply the research questions underlying the
casus, meaning:
- The management issue is selected and described
- The objective follows from the management issue
- The underlying research question and sub questions are formulated and aligned
with the management issue and the prescribed elements as indicated in the casus
- The literature review meets the required amount of recent and relevant academic
sources, and shows understanding of the theories/concepts.
Excellent Advanced Competent Not Yet Competent
The report shows an outstanding line of The report shows a clear line of reasoning and The report shows a line of reasoning and The report shows a limited line of reasoning and
reasoning and understanding of the key-topics in depth understanding of the key-topics of the understanding of the key-topics of the assignment. limited understanding of the key-topics of the
of the assignment. The relevant theory has assignment. The relevant theory has been The relevant literature has been reviewed in a way assignment. The literature is not sufficient in
been reviewed in a way that shows in-depth reviewed in a way that shows thorough that shows understanding of the content. number or quality, or has been reviewed in a
understanding of the content. understanding of the content. way that shows limited understanding of the

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 <3
Evaluation Criteria: Situational Analysis and Main Conclusion: 50% Assessment and Argumentation. What factors are decisive?
Analysis and conclusions
To what extent is the student able to adequately:
- Find and use recent and relevant data from sources outside the casus
- Perform and describe all the required analyses for the situation of the company in
its market as indicated in the assignment
- Draw sub-conclusions that clearly derive from the analyses and that are aligned
with the company, the market and the casus
- Advise a strategic option with argumentation connected to the company
- Come to an overall conclusion that derives from sub-conclusions

Excellent Advanced Competent Not Yet Competent

The situational analysis is supported by a rich The situational analysis is supported by data The situational analysis is mostly supported by data The situational analysis is hardly supported by
set of data from relevant and recent sources from relevant and recent sources outside the from relevant and recent sources outside the casus. data from relevant and recent sources outside
outside the casus. All analyses are applied in an casus. All analyses are applied in a correct way Most analyses are applied in a correct way and lead the casus. Not all analyses are applied in a
outstanding way and lead to sub-conclusions and lead to sub-conclusions that are fully to sub-conclusions that are aligned with the correct way or they lead to sub-conclusions that
that are fully aligned with the company, the aligned with the company, the market and the company, the market and the casus. are not aligned with the company, the market
market and the casus. casus. and . with the and , conclusions, and and the casus.
The analysis, conclusions, and The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations are mainly aligned and relevant for The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations
recommendations are fully aligned and highly recommendations are aligned and relevant for solving the management issue. The analysis provides are not aligned or relevant for solving the
relevant for solving the management issue. solving the management issue. The analysis an assessment of the implications of the options for management issue. The analysis provides a
The analysis provides a thorough assessment provides a strong assessment of the the organization. The analysis takes the external limited assessment of the implications of the
of the implications of the options for the implications of the options for the environment into account and logically results in the options for the organization. The analysis takes
organization. The analysis takes the external organization. The analysis takes the external most suitable option. In the main conclusion to some the external environment into account, but does
environment into account and logically results environment into account and logically results extend the different strategic options are weighted not always result in the most suitable option. In
in the most suitable option. In the main in the most suitable option. In the main that are mostly in line with the sub-conclusions. One the main conclusion there lacks any description
conclusion different strategic options are conclusion different strategic options are strategic option is advised based upon company of different strategic options or they are not in
weighted in depth that are in line with the sub- weighted that are in line with the sub- characteristics. line with the sub-conclusions. No strategic
conclusions. One strategic option is advised conclusions. One strategic option is advised option is advised or is too general to be based
based upon company characteristics. based upon company characteristics. upon company characteristics.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 <3
Evaluation Criteria: Recommendations: 20% Assessment and Argumentation. What factors are decisive?

To what extent is the student able to adequately:
- Describe (practical and viable) recommendations following from and realising the
strategic option
- Make a difference between short term and long term activities
- Describe the financial and organisational consequences of these

Excellent Advanced Competent Not Yet Competent

The recommendations are highly persuasive The recommendations are mostly persuasive The recommendations are somewhat persuasive for The recommendations are hardly persuasive for
for management and other target groups. for management and other target groups. management and other target groups. management and other target groups. The
The recommendations are highly practical and The recommendations are practical and viable The recommendations are mostly practical and viable recommendations are not practical and viable or
viable and are the operationalisation of the and are a coherent and rather complete and are the operationalisation of the strategic option. are not recognisable the operationalisation of
strategic option. Main financial and operationalisation of the strategic option. Main financial and organisational consequences are the strategic option. Main financial and
organisational consequences are calculated Main financial and organisational indicated and based on sources. organisational consequences are missing or
and described in great detail and based on consequences are calculated and described come without sources.
sources. and based on sources.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 <3

All grades combined should be at least at competent level.

Version March 2022

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