Rubric Study Abroad Deficiency Assignment
Rubric Study Abroad Deficiency Assignment
Rubric Study Abroad Deficiency Assignment
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 <3
Evaluation Criteria: Situational Analysis and Main Conclusion: 50% Assessment and Argumentation. What factors are decisive?
Analysis and conclusions
To what extent is the student able to adequately:
- Find and use recent and relevant data from sources outside the casus
- Perform and describe all the required analyses for the situation of the company in
its market as indicated in the assignment
- Draw sub-conclusions that clearly derive from the analyses and that are aligned
with the company, the market and the casus
- Advise a strategic option with argumentation connected to the company
- Come to an overall conclusion that derives from sub-conclusions
To what extent is the student able to adequately:
- Describe (practical and viable) recommendations following from and realising the
strategic option
- Make a difference between short term and long term activities
- Describe the financial and organisational consequences of these