Talusia Ls 40
Talusia Ls 40
Talusia Ls 40
According to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) Article 31, Annex II as amended
Version #: 01
Issue date: 30-May-2022
Revision date: -
Supersedes date: -
Registration number -
Synonyms None.
Product code RP_5002D
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Identified uses Marine applications.
Uses advised against All other uses.
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Address Méndez Álvaro, 44 28045 - MADRID, Spain
Telephone +34 917538000 /+34 917538100
Fax +34 902303145
Email address FDSRLESA@repsol.com
1.4. Emergency telephone number
Carechem 24 +34 91 114 2520 / +44 1235 239670
All concentrations are in percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in
percent by volume.
The full text for all H-statements is displayed in section 16.
Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to
remove residual contamination.
Hygiene measures Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material
and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective
equipment to remove contaminants.
Environmental exposure Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they comply
controls with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. Fume scrubbers, filters or
engineering modifications to the process equipment may be necessary to reduce emissions to
acceptable levels.
Product should not reach the environment through wastewater or sewage. Measures to take in
case of accidental release can be found in Section 6 of this SDS.
The information provided in this SDS has been obtained according to the best information
available on the basis of technical data that is considered reliable at the time of its preparation,
and in accordance with the legal requirements in force concerning classification, packaging and
labelling of dangerous substances, not involving the granting of any express or implied warranty or
on the accuracy of the information contained therein or concerning its suitability for a particular use
or specification.
The purchaser as the recipient of the substance/product specified in section 1 of this document to
which this Safety Data Sheet (SDS) refers, is responsible for evaluating the information contained
in the SDS, and for verifying that it is correct and appropriate for the intended use of the
substance/product specified in section 1 of this document.
The purchaser, as the recipient of the substance/product specified in section 1 of this document
referred to in this Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is also responsible for adequately managing the risks
thereof in its place of work. Consequently, the purchaser is obliged, regarding its workers and
representatives, as well as any other person who may handle, use or be exposed to the
substance/product specified in section 1 of this document in their place of work to (i) facilitate
access to the relevant information in this Safety Data Sheet (SDS), transmitting for this purpose
the relevant indications included in the SDS, especially those relating to the risks of the
product/substance specified in section 1 of this document for the safety and health of persons and
for the environment. As well as (ii) ensuring that they receive and have adequate training in
handling, using or being exposed to the product/substance specified in section 1 of this document
in accordance with the guidance contained in the SDS.
Accordingly, no liability for damages to the recipient of the SDS arising out of the use of the
information or the use of the substance/product specified in section 1 of this document shall be