CPCCWF3007 Student Pack V10.0

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Student Pack

What is the purpose of this document?

The Student Pack is the document you, the student, need to complete to demonstrate competency. This
document includes the context and conditions of your assessment, the tasks to be completed by you
and an outline of the evidence to be gathered.

The information includes the following:

 Information related to the unit of competency

 Guidelines and instructions to complete each task and activity
 A student evaluation form

Student Evaluation Form

These documents are designed after conducting thorough industry consultation. Students are
encouraged to evaluate this document and provide constructive feedback to their training organisation
if they feel that this document can be improved.

Link to other unit documents

 The Student Pack is a document for students to complete to demonstrate their competency. This
document includes context and conditions of assessment, tasks to be administered to the
student, and an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the student.
 The Unit Mapping is a document that contains information and comprehensive mapping with the
training package requirements.
 The Unit Requirements is a document that contains information related to the unit of
competency for the Training Organisation staff and students.

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Student Pack

1. Student and trainer details

Student details
Full name:
Student ID:
Contact number:
Email address:
Trainer details
Full name:

2. Qualification and unit of competency

Qualification/Course/Program Details
Unit of competency
Code: CPCCWF3007
Name: Tile curved surfaces
Releases: 1.0
Release date: 27/Nov/2020

3. Assessment Submission Method

By hand to trainer/assessor By email to trainer/assessor
Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
Any other method _________________________________________________
(Please describe here)

4. Student declaration
• I have read and understood the information in the Unit Requirements prior to commencing this
Student Pack
• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced
any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of
• I have kept a copy of this Student Pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference
material that I used in the production of this Student Pack;
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor permission to:

o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this
assessment to a plagiarism checking service (which may retain a copy of the
assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).

Student signature: ________________________________

Date: ____/_____/______________

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5. Assessment Plan
The student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment methods in order
to demonstrate competence in a variety of ways.
Evidence number/ Assessment method/ Type of evidence/ Sufficient evidence
Task number Task name recorded/Outcome
Assessment task 1 Knowledge Test (KT) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Assessment task 2 Skill Test (ST) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Outcome C NYC Date assessed: Trainer signature:

6. Completion of the Assessment Plan

Your trainer is required to fill out the Assessment Plan Outcome records above, when:

• You have completed and submitted all the requirements for the assessment tasks for this
cluster or unit of competency.
• Your work has been reviewed and assessed by your trainer/assessor.
• You have been assessed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory for each assessment task
within the unit of competency.
• You have been provided with relevant and detailed feedback.

Every assessment has a “Feedback to Student” section used to record the following information. Your
trainer/assessor must also ensure that all sections are filled in appropriately, such as:

• Result of Assessment (satisfactory or unsatisfactory)

• Student name, signature and date
• Assessor name, signature and date
• Relevant and detailed feedback

7. Unit Requirements
You, the student, must read and understand all of the information in the Unit Requirements before
completing the Student Pack. If you have any questions regarding the information, see your
trainer/assessor for further information and clarification.

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Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 1 - Knowledge Test

The purpose of this checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment
task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
✘ Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
✘ Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
✘ Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.

✘ Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.

✘ Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the

assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix - Appendix A and negotiate
these with your trainer/assessor).
✘ Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the
✘ Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this assessment task.

✘ The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.

✘ In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an

assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and
compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to
submit your assessment work.
✘ The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due

Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as
provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct
✘ I do require reasonable adjustment

I do not require reasonable adjustment

Declaration (Student to complete)
✘ I confirm that the purpose and procedure of this assessment task has been clearly explained to

✘ I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the

assessment process.
✘ I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have the

consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.

✘ I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the
Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
✘ I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements for

this assessment.
✘ I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ______________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines: Knowledge Test

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Student Pack

Assessment type

 Written Questions

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

 This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
 The Knowledge Test is comprised of Ten (10) written questions
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the
required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task
 You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your
Trainer/Assessor when your results are available.

Applicable conditions:

 All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means
you can refer to your textbook during the test).
 You must read and respond to all questions.
 You may handwrite/use a computer to answer the questions.
 You must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your written
skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.


 This assessment task may be completed in:

a classroom
learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
or an independent learning environment.

 Your trainer/assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Instructions for answering the written questions:

 Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

 You will be required to answer all the questions correctly.
 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the

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questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds; this will help you to
identify what information is needed in the answer.
 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts
and critical thinking.
 Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do
not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality.
 You must write your responses in your own words.
 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or
exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race,
religion, sexual preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write
your answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source.

Purpose of the assessment

This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s knowledge essential to tile curved surfaces
in a range of contexts and industry settings and knowledge regarding the following:

 Knowledge of the compliance requirements of Australian Standards for installing wall tiles
 Knowledge of the workplace quality policies and standards for tiling
 Knowledge of the safety requirements for installing wall tiles to curved surfaces, including:

o job safety analyses and/or safe work method statements in accordance with Safe Work
Australia Code of Practice for Construction Work or state and/or territory equivalent
o personal protective equipment (PPE)

 knowledge of the environmental requirements for installing tiles

 knowledge of the placement and design of movement joints when installing wall tiles to
curved surfaces
 knowledge of the types and uses of materials storage and environmentally friendly waste
 knowledge of the types and uses of plans, drawings and specifications for installing tiles to
curved surfaces
 knowledge of the types and uses of tools and equipment for installing tiles to curved
 knowledge of the processes for the calculation of material requirements for installing tiles
to curved surfaces
 knowledge of the techniques in installing tiles to curved surfaces:
 knowledge of the preparation of structures and substrates

o types of substrates

 knowledge of the cutting and installing of types of tiles in common use on curved surfaces
 tiling material qualities, characteristics, preparation requirements, techniques, applications
and limitations
 knowledge of the processes for the calculation of material requirements for tiling curved
 knowledge of the tiling material qualities, characteristics, preparation requirements,
techniques, applications and limitations:

o adhesive types and classifications

o grout types, including epoxy grout.

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Hi Task instructions

 This is an individual assessment.

 To ensure your responses are satisfactory, consult a range of learning resources and other
information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.
 To be assessed as Satisfactory in this assessment task, all questions must be answered

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

1.1. What are Australian building standards? Write your answer in 30- Yes No
50 words.

1.2. What are the requirements for compliance and conformance

according to the National Construction Code (NCC) for installing wall
tiles? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

1.3. Mention the Australian Standard for repairing tiles. What is the
standard spacing for wall tiles? Write your answer in 20-30 words.

1.4. Discuss the workplace quality policies and standards for tiling
curved surfaces in 100-150 words.

1.1 Building standards are a set of guidelines for the design and construction of buildings. They are

developed and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board. These standards guide the required

design, construction, and performance of buildings.

1.2 According to NCC, all tiling materials must be deemed fit. It is required by NCC that the organization provides

evidence of the suitability of the materials used for tilling as proof that tiling work meets the Deemed-to-

Satisfy (DTS) provision in the law.

1.3 AS 3958 is one of the standards for repairing tiles. The standard spacing for wall tiles is 2mm or 3mm.

1.4 The workplace quality policies and standards provide the guidelines that should be followed while installing

tiles in curved in any construction site in Australia. Workplace quality policies and standards are the

procedures, processes, and systems that an organization uses to apply the Work Health and Safety Act in their

workplace. These policies and standards ensure that the company complies with all legal obligations for

the health and safety of employees at work. These measures provide a safe working environment for all

employees, reduce the costs of healthcare after accidents, and decrease the insurance costs of a company.

The company acquires the necessary information on how to follow rules and regulations and produces a

written copy of these policies that will be implemented to protect its personnel. Each employee is then

provided with a copy of the company’s policies outlining how to report an issue and who to contact in case

the company violates these policies.

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Q2: Discuss the tiling material qualities, characteristics, preparation requirements, Satisfactory
techniques, application and limitation of the following decorative tiling materials in response
150-200 words each:
Yes No
1. Adhesive types and classifications
2. Grout types, including epoxy grout.

1. Adhesive types and classifications

Qualities and characteristics

 A standard cement-based adhesive made of cement with other components such as plasticizers to

increase its workability.

 Strong bonding strength.

 Water resistant.

 Flexible with thermal and physical movements.

Preparation requirements and techniques

 Add the required amount of water into a bucket based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

 Wear adequate PPE before starting to prepare adhesive since cement-based powder might irritate the


 Mix the adhesive thoroughly by stirring from the bottom and sides of the bucket. A mixing paddle is

required for mixing.

 Continue to mix the mixture until a smooth consistency is achieved with no powder or lumps present.


 It has excellent bonding strength between the tiles and substrate and once the tiles are fixed, they do not

 It also ensures that the overall performance and durability of tiled surfaces are maintained.
 It gives stability to tiled surfaces thus reducing cracking due to temperature changes.
 The adhesives typically have water-resistant properties that make them suitable for areas exposed to
water, like bathrooms and kitchens.
 Most adhesives require specific temperatures and humidity for best results.

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 The surfaces are also required to be prepared before applying adhesive, failure to results in weak bonds.
2. Grout

Qualities and characteristics

 Strong.

 Durable.

 water-resistant.

 Excellent chemical physical, and thermal properties.

Preparation requrements

 Grouts should be prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions depending on the type of grout.

There are three main types of grout which include cementitious grout, epoxy grout, and furan resin grout.

 The grout requires to be mixed following the manufacturer’s instructions until a consistent mixture is


 Precautions should be taken while mixing to avoid inhaling hazardous vapours.

Application and techniques

 Grout is used to fill the tile seams between the tiles to prevent moisture from entering the underlayment.

 Grout are applied to the tile joint using gloat held at 45-degree ahle and gently press diagonally along the joints until

the are filled up.

 Excess grout are cleaned using od cloth, water and detergent.

 After applying grount it should be allowed to cure before exposing are to water or using it.

 All types of grouts are required to be maintained and repaired when cracks appear to ensure the tile

surface is water-resistant.

 Epoxy grout is strong, durable, and water-resistant making it the perfect choice for bathrooms kitchens,

and other areas that are prone to high humidity.


 Epoxy grout is not suited for non-porous tiles limiting its application on all types of tiles.
 Cementitious grout should be treated with a penetrating sealant every two years to maintain its
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waterproof and strain-free properties.

 Furan resins are only used in industrial applications due to their installation difficulty.

Q3: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

3.1 Discuss the safety requirements required for tiling curved surfaces
Yes No
according to job safety analyses and/or safe work method statements in
50-100 words?

3.2 Prepare a list of personal protective equipment (PPE) you would wear
when preparing repairing tiles.


 Appropriate gear should be available.

 Work instructions should be issued before starting the work by the work instructor.

 All work should be carried out according to the code of practice.

 All legal policies, procedures, and standards should be followed while carrying out the work.

 Potential hazards should be identified after analyzing the job and determining preventive strategies to

mitigate the risks.

 A safe work method statement must be developed for high-risk construction projects.

 Guidance on the high-risk construction work should be provided.

 Determine preventive strategies to mitigate these risks.


 Safety gloves to protect your hands.

 Safety boots to protect legs in case of tile cutting.

 Protective long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.

 Protective face mask in case of dust and chemicals that can be inhaled.

 Helmet for head protection if tiling long-height wall

Q4: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory


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4.1. How to store hazardous materials safely on construction site? Write Yes No
answer in 70-80 words.

4.2. What are the environmental requirements for tiling curved

surfaces? Write your answer in 150-200 words

4.3. How can you identify the environmental requirements for workplace
processes and waste disposal? Write your answer in a single sentence.

4.1 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) standards for provisions and handling of toxic

substances should be followed while storing hazardous materials on construction sites.

Hazardous materials should be stored in a secured chemical storage cabinet. This will reduce

access of unauthorized individuals to chemical substances. In addition, it will help reduce the risk

of injuries associated with the spillage of hazardous materials causing health problems, risk of

fires, and falls.

4.2 The environmental legislation requirements should be followed while installing the tiles. A clean-up

management strategy should be put in place while tiling curved surfaces to address the environmental issues at a

worksite. The workers should be involved in the process of cleaning and proper disposal of waste to ensure

the workplace is safe for carrying out projects. Waste management such as avoidance, recycling, reuse, and

disposal should be prioritized.

The waterways should be also free from pollution. The air quality should be dust-free by controlling dust and

during windy days, water should be sprayed to prevent dust from rising. Noise levels should be also maintained to

a minimum level to avoid noise pollution, especially to the residents close to the construction site.

Construction workers must know about the storage, use, and disposal of hazardous chemicals and should seek

advice from the supervisor while handling these chemicals. The lighting should be fixed away from the populated

areas to avoid problems with the residents close to the site.

4.3 Environmental requirements for workplace processes and waste disposal can be identified through

the review of the company policies, systems, standards, and procedures related to wall and floor tilling work.

Q5: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory


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5.1 Explain the following two (2) types of tiles storage methods and their Yes No
uses in 100-150 words.

a) Racks
b) Stacking

5.2 How can Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) help in

implementation of environmentally friendly waste management? Write
your answer in 100-150 words.

5.3. Explain the different methods that can be used for the disposal of old
floor tiles in environmentally friendly way in 150-200 words.

a) Racks

Racks are used to store tiles to enhance optimal space in storage areas stack tiles to lay side by side to avoid

cracking and to store them dry. Racks are often used to ensure even spacing and alignment of tiles. It helps in

attaining consistent joint widths for developing grout lines. Racks also help in increasing the setting up processes of


b) Stacking

Stacking is a technique used to prevent tiles from breaking due to weight, the floor is raised using wood or metals

to keep tiles off the ground. Tiles are stacked in different sizes and qualities separately depending on the choice of

the person storing the tiles. Stacking helps in organizing tiles by different factors such as size, colour, or type. It also

helps in reducing the handling time required during tile installations. Stacking is also helpful in preventing cracking

and chipping of tiles by reducing pressure points.

Site waste management plans help in protecting by reducing the amount of waste produced and deposited in

landfills. It also helps in reducing the cost associated with the disposal of waste. It also helps in improving the

efficiency of future projects through continuous improvement of waste management techniques. The plan also

helps in improving the public relations of the company by avoiding issues with surrounding residents. It helps in

saving energy used for burning the waste produced. The plan also helps in protecting natural resources such as

water and soil from waste pollution. It also helps in improving the economy by increasing the company’s profit. It

also helps in improving the air quality that would have been degraded due to the emission of gases released during
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the burning of waste. The plan also helps in meeting all relevant environmental laws, procedures, and policies.


 Recycling waste is one of the ways of disposing of old tiles which helps save energy, reduce landfills,

protect natural resources, improve the economy, and reduce climate issues.

 Reusing is another way of disposing of used tiles in an environmentally friendly way. Reusing helps in

saving money used to purchase new material. It also helps in minimizing the waste deposited in the

landfill. It also helps minimize the energy used to burn the waste tiles and prevent air pollution in the


 Old tiles Can be donated to the community to be used in doing community projects.

 The old tiles can be repossessed and used in decoration, landscaping, or DIY projects.

 Old tiles can be used as filler or gravel in the construction site after crushing them and constructing other

structures such as landscapes, driveways, or form base materials for installing new tiles.

 Old tiles can be also sold to art and design companies that will use them to create various art and designs.

Q6: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

6.1. How can Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) help in implementation Yes No
of environmentally friendly waste management? Write your answer in 100-
150 words.

6.2. Explain the purpose of job safety and environmental analysis (JSEA) in
50-100 words.

6.3. What are the WHS requirements for personal protective equipment for
workers on construction site? Write your answer on 50-70 words.

6.4. What is SWMS? What is the compliance requirement for safe work
method statements in accordance with Safe Work Australia Code of
Practice for Construction Work? Write answer in 100-150 words

6.1 Site waste management plan helps protect by reducing the amount of waste produced and deposited in

landfills. It also helps in reducing the cost associated with the disposal of waste. It also helps in improving the

efficiency of future projects through continuous improvement of waste management techniques. The plan also

helps improve the company's public relations by avoiding issues with surrounding residents. It helps save energy
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used to burn the waste produced. The plan also helps in protecting natural resources such as water and soil from

waste pollution. It also helps in improving the economy by increasing the company’s profit. It also helps in

improving the air quality that would have been degraded due to the emission of gases released during the burning

of waste. The plan also helps in meeting all relevant environmental laws, procedures, and policies.

6.2 Job Safety Analyses provide safety requirements that are adhered to when handling tiling materials. The job

analyses or safe work method statement determines the types of workplace activities that have higher risk

including the probability of the risk occurring during construction work. The job safety analysis helps the company

to determine safety measures required to be implemented to minimize or eliminate the risks at the workplace.

6.3 WHS requirements while using PPEs in the workplace include ensuring that the proper PPEs are available

before starting a job. All workers are required to be in the right protective gear while at the workplace. For

example, gloves are required to prevent workers from cutting or burning hazardous materials. The workers should

also wear masks to prevent them from inhaling poisonous gases and dust.

6.4 SWMS is a document that gives the safety requirements for high-risk construction work. It helps in providing

workers and their supervisors instructions on how to carry out their work on-site. The document must be specific

to the site where work is carried out and it must be available to all workers at the site. SWMS helps in high-risk

construction work by setting regulations. The document must be clear enough for everyone to read and

understand the duties on the site.

When the SWMS document is prepared the contractors workers and supervisors should cooperate to ensure the

documents suit all the workers in their positions. According to the Safe Work Australia Code of Practice, employees

are required to meet the standards of work health and safety provided in the WHS Act and regulation to ensure

their safety and health in the workplace.

Q7: Discuss the types and uses of tools and equipment for installing tiles to the Satisfactory
curved surface written in column 1 response
Yes No
Equipment Features (Two (2)) each Types

mixers  Mixers for batches.
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 Mixing of tilling

materials  Drum mixer.

 Ensuring that there is  Reversing

safe handling of
drum mixer.
adhesives during tiling.
 Non-tilting mixers.

Brick cutting
saw  Has a water connection  Masonry brick saws.
horse.  Block saws.
 It has a heavy-duty
electric drive.

 Moving the tiles from  Steel wheelbarrow.
one place to another  Plastic wheelbarrow.
 Mixing of the concrete
and other materials used
in tilling

Power drill  It has varied speed

reversing  Electrical power drill
 It has a motor for power  Power screw driller.

Q8: Explain the following questions. Satisfactory

8.1 What are movement joints in tiling? Discuss the placement and Yes No
design of movement joints when installing wall tiles to curved surfaces?
Write answer in 100-200 words

8.2. Discuss the process for calculation of tile requirements for installing
tiles to curved walls in about 100-200 words.

8.3. Discuss the process for calculating concrete for tiling in 50-100

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8.4. How to prepare substrate surface for installation of curved tiles?

Write your answer in 50-100 words

8.5. Discuss the following types of substrates use for installing curved
tiles in 70-120 words.

a) Concrete
b) Cement Board

8.6. Write the procedure of cutting curved tiles with manual cutter in
100-150 words

8.7. Write the installation procedure of wall tiles on curved surface in

150-200 words.

8.1 Movement joints are gaps between tiles that allow for subfloor expansion and construction. This gap is filled

with flexible sealant.

When installing tiles to a curved surface one must choose a joint movement profile with the same thickness as the

tile you have chosen.

Apply tile adhesive and press the movement joint to the glue ensuring it is well entrenched. Use a flexible grout

and fit your tiles with the top edge of the joint movement profile, allowing a 2mm joint.

Use levelling equipment for intermediates making it to the level line set out around the surface. Make templates to

form an accurate curve line for the tiled surface. Establishing templates guarantees that the tiles are in the proper

size and shape to fit the area.

8.2 Calculation of tiles required to fit a curved wall is very important as this will give us the exact quantity of

materials needed without shortage and wastage. The following steps are followed while calculating the tiles


Step 1: Draw each wall on a piece of paper

Step 2: Measure the width of the wall in millimetres and divide it by the width of a tile chosen, to get the number

of tiles needed.

Step 3: Measure the height in millimetres and multiply by the height of the tiles to know how high the tiling area is.

Step 4: Multiply the number of tiles in Step 2 and the number of tiles in Step 3. Add to total allowances of 10%.

Get the total number of tiles required.

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8.3 To determine the amount of concrete required for tilling, the length and width of the joints are required to be

determined. The slab thickness should be also determined. The area of the joint should be calculated using

the measured length and width of the joint and multiplied by the thickness of the slab, this value provides the

amount of concrete required per joint.

8.4 Prepare a layout plan for the surface to be tiled. Measure the tiling to know the materials needed for the job.

Clean the tiling area, the tiling area must be free from any old fittings and dirt. If there are any damages like

cracked walls or holes it should be repaired. The surface should be even and free from dust to allow the adhesive

to adhere. Select the proper primer for the surface prepared. Apply adhesive and stick tiles and seal the grout.


a) Concrete.

Concrete is produced by mixing construction materials cement, aggregate, and water measured in the required

portion according to the manufacturer’s specifications. It has excellent workability features which allow it to be

used in installing tiles with various shapes and sizes. It is also strong, durable, and stable.

b) Cement board.

A cement board is a combination of cement and reinforcing fibres formed into sheets of varying thicknesses used
as tile backing boards. It is often used in areas exposed to moisture such as bathrooms and kitchens. It is moisture
and fire-resistant, stable, and durable.

8.6 Tiles come in square or rectangular shapes and for tiles to fit on curved areas they must be cut to fit the area to

be tiled. Measure and mark on the tile where needed to be cut. The template is used to obtain the desired curve

and marked using a pencil. Position the tile to be cut on a manual cutter, don’t place the cutting wheel too close to

the marked line to allow the cutter to rotate. Break the line where it has been scraped by the scoring wheel at

gentle pressure. Smoothen the edges of the tile after breaking it to obtain a clean curve.


Step 1: Prepare the surface by ensuring is it clean, dry, and stable.

Step 2: Plan the layout of the wall by marking the centreline of the curve to guide the placement of the tile.

Step 3: Adhesive should be applied on the surfaces using the trowel.

Step 4: Place the tiles on the surface gently starting from the centre of the curve outwards. The tiles should be

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pressed firmly into the surface with adhesive to ensure they adhere firmly to the surface.

Step 5: Put spaces between the tiles to form joints.

Step 5: The excess tiles are then cut from the edges of the curve using tile nippers or a wet saw for a clean finish.

Step 6: The grout is then applied to fill the gaps between the tiles or form the joints.

Step 7: Clean excess material on the tile surface using water, old clothes, and cleaning detergents.

Q9: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

9.1 Discuss any five (5) characteristics of tiling materials used in Yes No
construction in 150-200 words.

9.2 Discuss the procedure to prepare surface for wall tiling in 50-100

9.3 Discuss the technique of laying floor tiles in 150-200 words

9.4 Write different types and application of the following tiling materials
used in construction in 30-80 words.

a. Ceramic Tiles
b. Porcelain Tiles
c. Vitrified Ceramic Tiles

9.5 Discuss the limitations of tiling materials in 100-200 words.

9.1 Tiles are either square or rectangular shapes made of abrasion-resistant materials such as

stone, metal, ceramic, glass, and baked clay. They are often arranged in different carry to cover

floors, walls, borders, or roofs. They can also refer to lightweight materials such as wood, mineral

wool, and perlite used for walls and ceilings. Tiles are used to form wall and floor coverings, and

they range from simple tiles to mosaic tiles. Tiles are often ceramic and gazed for internal

purposes and unglazed for roofing use. Other tiling materials such as glass, concrete, stones, and

composite materials are used widely. Common tilling stones include marble, granite, or slate. Thin

tiles are often used on walls while thick tiles are often used on floors since they can withstand

impacts. Tiles have different sizes and shapes to fit various styles and uses. Smaller areas have

fewer grout lines and can benefit from larger tiles to enhance the space visually. In addition,

small-sized wall tiles provide distinctive laying patterns and are often used to add perspective and

depth to a space.

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• The surface should be level, even, dry, and free of dust, debris, oil, grime, and old fittings.

• The unfit plaster is removed, and cracks are repaired.

• The surface is then sanded to allow the adhesive to bond.

• The proper primer is selected.

• The area of the wall is calculated, and number of tiles required is calculated.

• A 10% allowance in the number of tiles required should be added to provide room for wastage.


 The tile is laid out on a flat surface, measured, and marked. The tiles and strips are also positioned on the

wall to check the fit before cutting and applying adhesive.

 The adhesive is then mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The adhesive is then applied to

the wall using a notched trowel.

 The tile and strips are laid out carefully on the wall. The arrangement and level of the tiles and strips

should be checked using the spirit level.

 The tile spacers are used to align the tiles and leave space between the tiles for grout.

 The excess grout should be removed immediately to avoid hardened making it difficult to remove later.


a) Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles are best for wall and floor decorations, it is durable and available in large sizes, versatile, and

affordable. Ceramic tiles are thin, flat tiles and are usually prepared by shaping them with level

edges. They are used for lining or covering a surface and provide corrosion resistance, thermal

protection, wear resistance, and/or surface decoration.

b) Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain and glazed porcelain tiles are the strongest type of tiling materials and can be used both interior and

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exterior. They are made from clay heated at high temperatures. They are used for different applications such as

outdoor buildings and settings due to their denser and hard properties.

c) Vitrified Ceramic Tiles

They are types of ceramic tiles that are produced by mixing clay with feldspar and silica at high temperatures. They

are hard, durable, and less porous. They also have low porosity, high strength, and high water resistance as

compared to other tiles. They require less maintenance due to their low porosity properties making them easy to

clean and maintain without absorbing cleaning agents.


 Some of the tiling materials have high porosity, making them prone to moisture absorption issues such as

the development of Mold and staining.

 Some of the tiling material materials such as concrete are heavy leading to stability issues.

 Tiles are often polished to provide a shiny finish which makes them prone to fall when wen due to slippery

which might lead to accidents.

 Some tiling materials are sensitive to moisture and in the presence of moisture Mold can develop with

time and some materials can even rot especially those made with wood.

 Some tiling materials are also sensitive to temperature and can undergo contraction and expansion which

may lead to the development of cracks.

 Tile installation requires the surface to be well-prepared before installation, failure will lead to stability


 Handling of tilling materials requires skills and expertise, a lack of proper knowledge while handling them

can lead to health and safety issues.

 Adhesives used to bind tiles to the surfaces often dry quickly leading to installation challenges.

 Non-porous tiling materials are vulnerable to bacteria and Mold growth.

Q10: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory


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10.1. Explain the key features of plans and specifications in construction Yes No
work in 50-100 words.

10.2. Explain the purpose of the following plans and specifications for
waterproofing internal and external wet areas in 40-80 words each.
a) Site Plan
b) Floor Plan
c) Cross Section

10.1 Plans and specifications are documents that provide information on how a building should

be built. This document ensures that the project is fully completed and safe upon completion.

The plan provides a visual representation of the building in terms of drawings, elevations,

blueprints, and sections. These visuals provide a layout of the building including the structural

elements of the building and correct dimensions. Plans and specifications are useful in providing

the exact measurements of the structural components of a building and their location. Elevation is

a representation of a building, showing the height of the building, the type of windows and


a) The site plan shows the entire scope of work of the construction project. It provides an overview of the

building including systems located in the building such as walls drainage systems outdoor areas. The site

plan helps in viewing the areas prone to water enabling efficient maintenance of the building.

b) A floor plan shows the layout of buildings, it illustrates where doors and windows are placed. It shows

the layout areas of the building such as kitchen and bathroom areas and shows the walls and floors of

each entity in the building. Flor plans help in monitoring the areas that are prone to water accumulation

such as bathrooms and kitchen floors.

c) The cross-section helps to see the framework of the building, for all work done from the foundation to

the roofing part. It shows the footing and depth including rebar replacement. It shows the thickness of

the materials used and helps in identifying the effecting waterproofing techniques for both internal and

external areas of the building.

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Assessment Results Sheet

Outcome First attempt:

Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ _______(year)


Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)
Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ _______(year)

Student  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and/or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used
as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my
own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and
plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that
the work I submit may be subject to verification to establish that it is my
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal
the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.

Student Signature

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Trainer/Assessor I hold:
Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
Current relevant industry skills
Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s submission.

The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid and reliable. I
declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.
I have provided feedback to the student.


Office Use Only The outcome of this assessment has been entered into the Student
Management System

on _________________ (insert date)

by (insert Name) __________________________________

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Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 2 – Skill Test

The purpose of this checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment
task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
✘ Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
✘ Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
✘ Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.

✘ Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.

✘ Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the

assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
✘ Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the
✘ Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Assessment Task

✘ The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.

✘ In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an

assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and
compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to
submit your assessment work.
✘ The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due

Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as
provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct
✘ I do require reasonable adjustment

I do not require reasonable adjustment

Declaration (Student to complete)
✘ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment task has been clearly explained to

✘ I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the

assessment process.
✘ I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have the

consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.

✘ I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the
Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
✘ I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements for

this assessment.
✘ I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ______________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________

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Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines: Skill Test

Assessment type

 Skill Test - Tile curved surfaces

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

 This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
 This assessment task is a Skills Test.
 This assessment task consists of seven (7) practical demonstration activities.
 Activity 1: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
 Activity 2: Records of Tool-Box Talk (TBT)
 Activity 3: Plan and prepare to tile curved surfaces.
 Activity 4: Prepare and tile circular columns.
 Activity 5: Prepare and tile arches.
 Activity 6: Grout tiles
 Activity 7: Clean up
 You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your
trainer/assessor when your results are available.
 You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competence in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:

 This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test).
 You will be assessed independently on this assessment task.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills,
techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
 Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.


 This assessment task may be completed in:

a classroom

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learning management system (i.e. Moodle),

or an independent learning environment.

 Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to
tile curved surfaces in a range of contexts and industry settings.

 Skills to read and interpret task work instructions, and plan work sequences.
 Skills to personal protective equipment (PPE) should be selected and used as needed for
each task stage.
 Skills to plan all work to be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, Australian
Standards, work health and safety (WHS) and environmental regulations, manufacturer's
specifications, workplace requirements, drawings, and specifications.
 Skills to inspect the work site, assess the hazards, and implement risk controls, such as
required signage and barricades.
 Skills to choose tools and equipment, inspect them for serviceability, and report any flaws.
 Skills to choose the materials needed for the task, calculate the quantities, handle them
safely, and prepare and position them for use.
 Skills to Calculate and determine the extent of the curve.
 Skills to intermediate marking, use levelling equipment to set out a level line around the
 Skills to create a template or templates to form an accurate curve line for the tiled surface.
 Skills to make a balanced design and cut the tiles to size.
 Skills to prepare the substrate as well as the compatible adhesive.
 Skills to install tiles in accordance with the level set out, template curve, and specifications.
 Skills to reduce the number of voids in adhesive tile beds.
 Skills to calculate and determine the length of the arch and the size of the voussoirs at the
intrados and extrados.
 Skills to make use of levelling equipment and calculate the springing line.
 Skills to using the template/s, cut the tiles to size.
 Skills to prepare the substrate as well as the compatible adhesive.
 Skills to return to set-out and install voussoirs.
 Skills to reduce the number of voids in adhesive tile beds.
 Skills to clean and prepare the joints for grouting.
 Skills to grout should be mixed and applied.
 Skills to tiles should be cleaned and polished.
 Skills to during the remainder of the construction, protect the tiles from damage.
 Skills to clear the work area and discard, reuse, or recycle any materials.
 Skills to clean, inspect, maintain, and store plant, tools, and equipment in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.

Task instructions
 This is an individual assessment.
 This assessment task requires the student to tile curved surfaces.
 The student is required to complete the following seven (7) activities in this assessment
o Activity 1: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
o Activity 2: Records of Tool-Box Talk (TBT)

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o Activity 3: Plan and prepare to tile curved surfaces.

o Activity 4: Prepare and tile circular columns.
o Activity 5: Prepare and tile arches.
o Activity 6: Grout tiles
o Activity 7: Clean up
 The trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will induct you to the worksite.
 You will be required to complete all parts of this assessment task.
 The templates for each activity are provided along with this assessment task.
 The student must comply with the written and verbal reporting requirements and
 The student must wear appropriate PPE clothing when performing this task.
 The student must follow the instructions of the trainer/assessor (Supervisor).
 The trainer/assessor must assess the performance of the student as per the performance
checklist provided and verbal questioning.

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Assessment Task 2 - Skills Test

Skills Test

This assessment task requires the student to install decorative tiling to form specific patterns.

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

 Activity 2: Records of Tool-Box Talk (TBT)

 Activity 3: Plan and prepare to tile curved surfaces.

 Activity 4: Prepare and tile circular columns.

 Activity 5: Prepare and tile arches.

 Activity 6: Grout tiles

 Activity 7: Clean up

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Instructions for trainer/assessor:

 The trainer/assessor must assign a supervisor to each student or take on the role of Supervisor.

 The trainer/assessor must arrange a worksite for the student to carry out the activities.

 The workplace must be:

o An actual workplace

o A close simulation of the workplace environment provided that simulated or project-based

assessment techniques replicate construction workplace conditions, materials, activities,
responsibilities and procedures

Note: The requirements for a simulated workplace environment are given below.

The Supervisor or trainer/assessor must ensure that the simulated workplace

environment requirements.

 The role of the Supervisor (trainer/assessor) is to allocate the tasks, activities and responsibilities
that you will be required to undertake to complete these assessments.

 The worksite must meet the requirements given in the ‘Simulated workplace environment
requirements’ section given below.

 The trainer will supervise/observe the work by standing near the working location and evaluate
your performance based on performance checklist benchmarks.

 The trainer/assessor must use realistic tasks or simulated tasks, relevant specifications and work
instructions, standard work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraints
present on the worksite.

 The trainer/assessor must ensure all work is performed to the standard required in the workplace
and must meet the requirements of Australian Standards, work health and safety (WHS),
Commonwealth and state or territory legislation, manufacturers’ specifications, and
environmental plans and obligations.

 The trainer/assessor must also verbally ask each student a series of questions during the
student’s performance of each task. These questions are designed to assess the knowledge
students are employing in the performance of the task.

 The trainer/assessor must mark the student’s responses to verbal questions on the verbal
questions record sheet included in the student’s assessment pack.

 The trainer/assessor must provide a verbal briefing on each assessment prior to


Instructions for the student:

 The student will be required to bring all necessary PPEs required to complete this activity.

 The student must follow the instructions provided by the Supervisor.

 The student must complete the activities specified.

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Workplace scenario and job specifications:

You are working as wall and floor tiler. Your company has received a project to tile a residential house.
Part of the project requires you to install decorative tiling.

As per the job specifications, you are required to install decorative tiling to form specific patterns:

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

Workplace requirements

The trainer/assessor or training organisation is required to provide a workplace or a close simulation of

the workplace environment to replicate construction workplace conditions and standards, materials,
activities, responsibilities, procedures, safety requirements and environmental considerations to each

The training organisation will take you to the location of the construction worksite.

Further, the training organisation must ensure the construction site must meet the requirements given
in the table below.

The training organisation must ensure that the construction site provides the
opportunity to the student to install decorative tiling to form specific patterns: 
 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360
millimetres in diameter and one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

The training organisation must assign a supervisor to each student or take on the
role of Supervisor. 

The worksite must have realistic tasks or simulated tasks, relevant specifications
and work instructions, standard work practices, safety requirements and 
environmental constraints.

The site and its surroundings are accessible and clear of hazards, so far as
reasonably practicable. 

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The site must have realistic workplace conditions, standards, materials, activities,
responsibilities, procedures, safety requirements, and environmental 

An experienced employee is available to provide adequate guidance and

supervision to less experienced employees. 

The students have the clothing and footwear required. In addition, the clothing
and footwear are in good condition and suitable for the task. 

Instructions for the trainer/assessor:

The student will install decorative tiling to form specific patterns.

The trainer will supervise/observe the work by standing near the working location. The student will be
required to bring all necessary PPEs required to complete this activity.

Tool and equipment required

 Brooms

 Brushes

 Buckets

 Caulking guns

 Cement sheet cutters

 Hammers

 Hose and water sprays

 Ladders

 Levelling equipment

 Lump hammers

 Measuring tapes and rules

 Mortar boards

 Nippers

 Pointed grouters

 Power drills

 Power leads

 Rags

 Rubber mallets

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 Sanding blocks

 Saws

 Scrapers

 Shovels

 Spacers and wedges

 Spatulas

 Sponges

 Squares

 Squeegees

 Straight edges

 Stringlines

 Templates

 Tile cutters and scribes

 Trowels

 Wet and dry diamond saws

 Wheelbarrows

 Wire brushes

 Wooden floats

Materials required:

 Adhesives

 Caulking compound

 Cement mortar (with and without additives)

 Grout

 Patterns

 Tiles.

Documents required:

 Australian standards

 Manufacturer specifications, where specified

 Workplace operations and procedures

 Environmental management plan

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 Site safety plan and procedures

Job responsibilities:

As part of your job role, you will have the following responsibilities:

 Read and interpret task work instructions, and plan work sequences.

 Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be selected and used as needed for each task stage.

 Plan all work to be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, Australian Standards,
work health and safety (WHS) and environmental regulations, manufacturer's specifications,
workplace requirements, drawings, and specifications.

 Inspect the work site, assess the hazards, and implement risk controls, such as required signage
and barricades.

 Choose tools and equipment, inspect them for serviceability, and report any flaws.

 Choose the materials needed for the task, calculate the quantities, handle them safely, and
prepare and position them for use.

 Calculate and determine the extent of the curve.

 For intermediate marking, use levelling equipment to set out a level line around the surface.

 Create a template or templates to form an accurate curve line for the tiled surface.

 Make a balanced design and cut the tiles to size.

 Prepare the substrate as well as the compatible adhesive.

 Install tiles in accordance with the level set out, template curve, and specifications.

 Reduce the number of voids in adhesive tile beds.

 Calculate and determine the length of the arch and the size of the voussoirs at the intrados and

 Make use of levelling equipment and calculate the springing line.

 Using the template/s, cut the tiles to size.

 Prepare the substrate as well as the compatible adhesive.

 Return to set-out and install voussoirs.

 Reduce the number of voids in adhesive tile beds.

 Clean and prepare the joints for grouting.

 Grout should be mixed and applied.

 Tiles should be cleaned and polished.

 During the remainder of the construction, protect the tiles from damage.

 Clear the work area and discard, reuse, or recycle any materials.

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 Clean, inspect, maintain, and store plant, tools, and equipment in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.

Roles and responsibilities (Supervisor):

The Supervisor must:

 Ensure that the student is clear about the job specifications.

 Assign a supervisor or supervise the student performing each activity.

 Observe the student performing each activity and assess them against the observation checklist
provided after each activity.

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This assessment task requires the student to install decorative tiling to form specific patterns.

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

 Activity 2: Records of Tool-Box Talk (TBT)

 Activity 3: Plan and prepare to tile curved surfaces.

 Activity 4: Prepare and tile circular columns.

 Activity 5: Prepare and tile arches.

 Activity 6: Grout tiles

 Activity 7: Clean up

Activity 1: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) to identify hazards and control hazards

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To perform this activity, the trainer/assessor shall show the required tools and equipment and the work
location to each student so that they are able to identify potential hazards and consider adequate
control measures.

The purpose of conducting Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is to inspect work site, locate services, assess
hazards and apply risk controls, including required signage and barricades.

The trainer/assessor must ensure that prior to commencing Activity 3-6, the hazards and faults have
been built into the assessment activities. The fault will be rectified in Activity 3; however, they need to
be set up for planning and review purposes.

Students are to review the physical worksite and tools and equipment, attend a tool-box meeting,
review the instructions manual and complete the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) form/checklist on the
following page. The student must place a “√” in the checkbox if the hazard listed is relevant and leave it
blank/empty if it is not relevant. If the student identifies any hazards, not on the checklist, they must
add them to one of the blank spaces available in the checklist. Students must write up the control
measures they think should be implemented. If the students think there are no control measures
required, they must write “not applicable” in the form as any blank boxes will be marked as

The trainer/assessor will advise students of the timing of the practical worksite review and tool-box

The trainer/assessor must provide time for students to fill out the JHA form in the classroom after they
complete the work site review and tool-box meeting. Alternatively, students may choose to keep their
assessment package with them while you escort them through the work site review.


 The Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is provided as Appendix C to this assessment.

 Assessors are to show students the work site so that they can identify potential hazards and
consider control measures.

 The student must identify potential hazards and consider adequate control measures and
complete Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) provided as Appendix C to this assessment.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) Inspected required tools and equipment

and the work location.
 

b) Inspected work site, located services,

assessed hazards and applied risk
 
controls, including required signage and

 Physical site review was

 Located services.
 Potential hazards identified took
general and work task hazards
into consideration.
 Control measures had the ability
to address the potential hazards.

c) Completed the JSA form after the work

site review and tool-box meeting.
 

 Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was:

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 2: Record of Tool-Box Meeting

The trainer/assessor, acting as the worksite supervisor, will run a tool-box meeting for students. The
students are to listen carefully to the information provided and then fill out the “Record Tool-box
Meeting” form below. The student must place a “√” against each item they think the Supervisor has
covered. The student must place an “X” against any item that is not covered. If the Supervisor (trainer)
discusses an item that is not included on the form, the student must add a comment in the
“Comment/Discussion” section at the bottom of the form to briefly identified what was discussed.

If the student thinks there were no additional items discussed, be sure to write “not applicable” in the
form as any blank boxes will be marked as unsatisfactory.

The student will be given time to fill out the “Record Toolbox Meeting” in the classroom after they
complete the tool-box meeting. Students are allowed to take the “Record Toolbox Meeting” form with
them to the tool-box meeting.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the trainer/assessor will ask each student to repeat or paraphrase one
item from the list of items. The student will need to respond verbally by summarising their
understanding of what was said about that specific item. This also provides the opportunity for the
student to demonstrate their verbal communication with the rest of the group.

The trainer/assessor will make a note on the assessment record of which question each student was
asked to paraphrase, in addition to comparing the student’s response to the exemplar answer
contained in the assessor guide.

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Exemplar responses

The trainer/assessor must run the tool-box meeting using the script attached at Appendix D
this Assessor Guide

Assessment 2 Activity 2 - RECORD TOOL-BOX MEETING

Date: Students must insert Name of Supervisor running the meeting: Students must insert
the date that the meeting the name of the Supervisor (Trainer/Assessor) who presented the
occurred. meeting script

Items Discussed Please √ or X

1. Daily Work requirements √

2. Project-specific details & site safety √

3. Safety hazards & control strategies √

4. Mobile phones & safety √

5. PPE/water /fatigue √

6. Weather conditions and impact on job √

7. Fitness for work/alcohol/drugs /fatigue/illness √

8. Worker conduct and behaviour √

9. Incident & accident reporting √

10. Risk assessments √

11. Emergency procedures to be followed in case of √

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12. Breaks/conveniences/medical facility/first aid personnel √

13. Select, and check for faults, equipment and/or attachments for √
work activities

14. Housekeeping activities √


Student Signature

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) The student was attentive during the

tool-box meeting.
 

b) Added a comment in the “Comment /

Discussion” section at the bottom of the
 
form to briefly identify what was

c) Correctly answered the questions asked

by the trainer/assessor.
 

d) Responded verbally by summarising

their understanding of what was said
 
about that specific item.

 Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was:

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 3: Plan and prepare to install decorative tiling.

This activity requires you to plan and prepare to install decorative tiling to form specific patterns.

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

 Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 1’ provided.

 Comply with the requirements of Australian Standards, work health and safety (WHS),
Commonwealth and state or territory legislation, manufacturers’ specifications, and
environmental plans and obligations.

 Wear PPE appropriate for the job.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once

Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist
after completing each step.

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Checklist 1: Plan and prepare to install decorative tiling.

Steps Pattern 1 Pattern 2

Step 1: Read and interpret task work instructions and plan sequence √ √
of work.

Further, document the following using Template 1.

 Work instruction

 Work sequence to install decorative tiling

Step 2: Plan the work to install decorative tiling and document the √ √
following using Template 1.

 WHS requirements to install decorative tiling.

 Two (2) Australian Standards to be followed.

 Requirements and obligations under Environmental plans.

 Manufacturers’ specifications required for tools and equipment

to be used.

 Workplace safety requirements

 Dimensions from drawings

 Material specifications

Step 3: Select personal protective equipment (PPE) to install √ √

decorative tiling and document the selected PPE using Template 1.

Step 4: Demonstrate correct fitting of personal protective equipment √ √

(PPE) as required for each task.

Step 5: Select plant, tools and equipment to install decorative tiling √ √

and document the selected plant, tools and equipment using Template

 Ensure they are consistent with the requirements of the job.

Step 6: Check plant, tools and equipment for serviceability, and √ √

report any faults.

Step 7: Select materials required for task, calculate quantities and √ √

document the quantities using Template 1.

Step 8: Safely handle materials and prepare and position ready for √ √
use near the work area.

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Sign off:


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Template 1: Plan and prepare to install decorative tiling.

Plan and prepare to install decorative tiling.

Client Name: Job Details:

Student to fill
Plan and prepare to install decorative tiling.
Address: Student
to fill Worker signature:

Phone Number:
Student to fill

Student to fill

Worker name:

Pattern 1 Pattern 2

Work instructions The purpose of the work is to install an archway

The purpose of the work is to install
decorative tile with a minimum dimension of
decorative tile to the surface of a circular
a span of one metre and rising 200 millimetres
column that is at a minimum of 360
with 100-millimetre returns.
millimetres in diameter and one metre high.

The work activity should be completed while adhering to the requirements of Australian Standards,

work health and safety (WHS), Commonwealth and state or territory legislation, manufacturers’

specifications, and environmental plans and obligations.

The appropriate Personal Protective Equipment should be worn during the job.

Work Sequence
 Ensure all the materials and PPE are available.
to install
 Prepare the surface for installation
decorative tiling
 Cut the tile to the required measurements.
(20-30 words)
 Install the tile following the set standards.

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requirements  Acts: states laws that are required
(20-30 words)
 Regulations: explain the meaning of laws

 Codes of Practice: instructions on following laws

 Australian Standards: the minimum requirement for a job.

Two (2)
 AS 3958.1-2007
 AS 3958 Ceramic tiles
Standards to be
 AS 3958.1 Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles.

 AS 3958.2 A guide to selecting a ceramic tiling system.

Environmental Tile workers should recognize environmental hazards related to water quality, air level, waste
management, hazardous chemicals, and lighting and acknowledge treatment and first aid for
(20-30 words)
exposure to environmental hazards.

specifications The manufacturers’ specifications required while using adhesives include following the proper
handling steps which include:

 Degreasing the surface to remove contaminants such as oil and grease that might interfere

with adhesive bonding.

 Abrasion of the surface to improve surface adhesion contact by increasing surface area.

 Application of the adhesive to the prepared surface.

 Curing allows the adhesive to dry and form a strong bond.

The manufacturers’ specifications required while handling caulking compound include the following:

 The surface should be prepared before application of the material. The surface should be

clean, dry, and free of contaminants.

 Caulk compound should not be applied if the temperature is expected to be below 40°F
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(~5°C) or rain is expected within 24 hr of application.

 Allow the surface to cure after application of the caulking compound for at least 24 hours.

The manufacturers’ specifications while doing tiling work include:

 The substrate surface should be clean, dry, and free from contaminants.

 Joint movement for specific tiles should be considered while selecting the method of

applying sealant.

 The water used for mixing mortar should be free from contaminants such as oils, dust, and


 Tile joints should be filled with mortar completely and apply water for at least a week after


 Proper PPEs are required while installing tiles for safe operations

 Proper disposal of waste according to set standards and legal laws.

requirements  All PPE and First aid measures should be available.

(20-30 words)  Ensure proper ventilation and lighting in the workspace.

 All the work should be carried out as per the code of practice.

The material  Adhesives

selected, their
 Caulking compound
quantities and

specifications  Cement mortar (with and without additives)

 Grout

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PPE required
• Apparel and aprons

• Safety shoes/ boots

• Earplugs

• Googles, masks and face shields

• Hard hats and/or Helmets

• Gloves

Tools and  Brooms  Nippers

selected,  Brushes  Pointed grouters

 Buckets  Power drills

 Caulking guns  Power leads

 Cement sheet cutters  Rags

 Hammers  Rubber mallets

 Hose and water sprays  Sanding blocks

 Ladders  Saws

 Levelling equipment  Scrapers

 Lump hammers  Shovels

 Measuring tapes and rules  Spacers and wedges

 Mortar boards  Spatulas

 Stringlines  Sponges

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 Templates  Squares

 Tile cutters and scribes  Squeegees

 Trowels  Straight edges

 Wet and dry diamond saws  Wire brushes

 Wheelbarrows  Wooden floats

Faults identified
(if any) None

Sign off:


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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3

(Pattern 1)
This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Read work instructions, plan the work

sequence to install decorative tiling, and  
interpret it to the team members.

Planned the work to install decorative tiling

in accordance with laws and regulations,  
Australian Standards, work health and
safety (WHS) and environmental
requirements, manufacturers’
specifications, workplace requirements,
drawings and specifications.

Selected and demonstrated correct use of

personal protective equipment (PPE) to  
repair wall and floor tiling.

Selected plant, tools and equipment to

carry out tasks were consistent with the  
requirements of the job.

Checked plant, tools and equipment for

serviceability and reported any faults.  

Select materials required for task,

calculated quantities and documented the  

Safely handled tiling materials and

prepared and position ready for use near  
the work area.

 Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was:

 Satisfactory

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Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 4: Prepare and tile circular columns.

This activity requires you to prepare and tile the surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360
millimetres in diameter and one metre high

This activity must be completed in accordance with the outcomes of Activity 1-Activity 3.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

 Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 2’ provided.

 Comply with WHS/OHS requirements.

 Wear PPE appropriate for the job.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once

Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist
after completing each step.

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Checklist 2: Prepare and tile circular columns.

Steps Circular columns

Step 1: Calculate and establish extent of curve. √

 Use the formula 2 πr (r + h) to calculate the extent of curve.

 Establish the extent of curve based on calculations.

Further, document the calculations and extent of curve using Template 2.

Step 2: Use levelling equipment for intermediate marking to level line set out √
around the surface.

 Use spirit level to check the levelling.

Further, document the procedures you implemented to level equipment for

intermediate marking to level line set out around the surface Template 2.

Step 3: Make template/s to form an accurate curve line for tiled surface. √
 Make the template from hardboard or plywood.

 Draw the line on it.

 Bend the face.

Further, document the procedures you implemented to make template/s to

form an accurate curve line for tiled surface using Template 2

Step 4: Calculate a balanced design and cut tiles to size. √

 Set out the location of tiles to determine balanced design.

 Use appropriate tools for cutting tiles.

 determine what kind of cuts you'll need.

Further, document the procedures you implemented to calculate a balanced

design and cut tiles to size using Template 2.

Step 5: Prepare substrate and compatible adhesive. √

 Substrates must be sound, clean, free from dirt, dust, sealers, curing
compounds and any other contaminants.

 Select suitable adhesive according to tile requirement.

 Prepare adhesive according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Further, document the procedures you implemented to prepare substrate and

compatible adhesive using Template 2.
Step 6: Install tiles to level set out, template curve and specifications. √
 Fix the tiles using adhesive and cement mortar.

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 Ensure accurate marking before installation.

Further, document the procedures to Install tiles to level set out, template
curve and specifications using Template 2.

Step 7: Minimise voids in adhesive tile beds. √

 Ensure 80% uniform adhesive contact in dry areas for minimum voids.

 Ensure 95% uniform adhesive contact in wet areas for minimum voids.

Further, document the procedures procedures you implemented to minimise

voids in adhesive tile beds using Template 2.

Sign off:


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Template 2: Prepare and tile circular columns.

Prepare and tile circular columns

Client Name: Student to fill Job Details:

Address: Student to fill Prepare and tile circular columns.

Phone Number: Student to fill

Date(dd/mm/yyyy) Student to fill

Worker name:


Calculations and extent of curve Extent of curve =2πr(r+h)

D=360 mm
D 360
r= = =180 MM =0.18M
2 2

h=1 m

Extent of curve =2π× 0.18 ( 0.18+1 )=¿ 1.3345 m

Procedures followed to use levelling

equipment for intermediate marking to  Measure the width of the tile and mark the centre.
level line set out around the surface. (30-
50 words)  Check the level of the edge.

 Mark where the gauge rod meets the wall.

 Check if the gauge rod reaches the edge of the tile area and

the last tile mark lines up precisely with the edge.

Procedures followed to make template/s

to form an accurate curve line for tiled
surface.  Place a tile on a piece of cardboard and trace it around with

a pencil. The tile is then removed, and a pair of scissors is

used to cut along the lines.

 The edges of the cardboard cutout are aligned with the

edges of the tiles enclosing the object and placed on the

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right side of the outlet. The side of the cutout where it meets

the bottom of the surface was marked using a pencil.

 A circular hole is produced by cutting along the lines on the

cardboard cutout and the edges were trimmed.

 The diameter of the rounded item is measured and matched

with the with of a compass. A circle is then drawn with the

point of the compass in the centre of the square on the

cardboard cutout. The cardboard cutout is then trimmed and

the cardboard template on the tile is traced using a pencil.

The tile with a circular shape is then cut along the lines.

Procedures implemented to calculate a Step 1: The tape measure is stretched across the circle’s centre for a
balanced design and cut tiles to size.
circular column making sure that the tape measure starts on one side

of the room and moves across the middle until it reaches the other


Step 2: Draw the wall on a piece of paper.

Step 3: The width of the wall is measured in millimetres and divided

by the width of the tile selected to determine the number of tiles


Step 4: The height of the wall required to be tile is calculated in

millimetres and multiplied by the height of the tiles selected.

Step 5: The number of tiles obtained in Step 3 is multiplied by the

number of tiles obtained in Step 4.

Step 6: 10% of the tile measurement required should be added to

account for wastage.

Step 7: The curve centre is then determined.

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Step 8: The tile is placed against the curve’s edge.

Step 9: A ruler is placed to run from the curve’s centre to the tile.

Step 10: A line is drawn on the tile where the ruler runs to eliminate

the tile part that doesn’t follow the curve’s edge.

Procedures followed to prepare substrate Procedure for preparing a substrate

and compatible adhesive.
• The substrate should be level, even, dry, and free of dust,

debris, oil, grime, and old fittings.

• The unfit plaster is removed, and cracks are repaired.

• The substrate is sand to allow the adhesive to bond.

• The proper primer is selected.

• The area of the wall is calculated, and number of tiles

required is calculated.

• A 10% allowance in the number of tiles required should be

added to provide room for wastage.

• Plaster is then skilled ensuring a new skim coat plaster is dry

for at least a month before tilling. A new plaster skim coat

placed on top of the plasterboard should also be dry for at

least 1 week.

• Existing tiles should be clean, degreased, and well-secured to

the wall. Damaged tiles should be repaired.

Compatible adhesive preparation

• Add the required amount of water into a bucket.

• Wear adequate PPE such as gloves, face masks, and eyewear

before starting to prepare adhesive since cement-based powder

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might irritate the skin.

• Mix the adhesive thoroughly by stirring from the bottom and

sides of the bucket. A mixing paddle is required for mixing.

• Continue to mix the mixture until a smooth consistency is

achieved with no powder or lumps present.

Procedures implemented to install tiles Tools required include the following:

to level set out, template curve and
specifications. • Tape Measure

• Unused Paint Rags

• Wet Saw

• Rubber Mallet

• Utility Knife

• Pencil

Materials required:

• Suitable Tile Sheets

• Thin-Set Adhesive

• Notched Trowel

Procedures to level set out

• The curved wall is prepared for covering by cleaning leftover

wallpaper, dust, and mud.

• The tilling surface is marked.

• The tile sheets are then cut to fit the markings.

• The adhesive is applied, and the surface is tiled.

• The surface is cleaned after the adhesive is completely dry.

Template curve and specifications

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• Appropriate PPE is required while slicing tiles.

• A paper that fits the curve should be cut.

• Tiles are then marked with a pencil on the paper curve.

• Cut away the more tiles

• Dust off the tiles and lay them across the curve.

Procedures followed to minimise voids in

adhesive tile beds.
• Surfaces should be firm, smooth, and free from dust, waxes,

and other contaminants.

• The clean surfaces should be then primed with prime bond

before tiling.

• The brick and block partitions should be allowed for

treatment for at least one month before tiling.

• Painted surfaces should be eliminated.

• Tiled surfaces should be firmly primed using suitable primers

such as primax.

• The adhesive should be applied as screed and then combs

with an appropriate notched trowel.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Calculated and establish extent of curve.  

 Used the formula 2 πr (r + h) to

calculate the extent of curve.
 Inspected the site to establish the
extent of curve.

Used levelling equipment for intermediate  

marking to level line set out around the

 Used a two-peg test for automatic


 Used spirit level to check the


Made template/s to form an accurate curve  

line for tiled surface.

 Made the template from hardboard

or plywood.

 Drawn the line on it.

 Bent the face.

Calculated a balanced design and cut tiles  

to size.

 Set out the location of tiles to

determine balanced design.

 Used appropriate tools for cutting


 determined what kind of cuts you'll


Prepared substrate and compatible  


 Substrates must be sound, clean,

free from dirt, dust, sealers, curing
compounds and any other
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 Selected suitable adhesive

according to tile requirement.

 Prepared adhesive according to

manufacturer’s instructions.

Installed tiles to level set out, template  

curve and specifications.

 Fixed the tiles using adhesive and

cement mortar.

 Ensured accurate marking before


Minimised voids in adhesive tile beds.  

 Ensured 80% uniform adhesive

contact in dry areas for minimum
 Ensured 95% uniform adhesive
contact in wet areas for minimum

Ensure accurate marking before


The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 5: Prepare and tile arches.

This activity requires you to prepare and tile archway with minimum dimensions:

 span one metre

 rise 200 millimetres

 100-millimetre returns.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

 Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 3’ provided.

 Comply with WHS/OHS requirements.

 Wear PPE appropriate for the job.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once

Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist
after completing each step.

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Checklist 3: Prepare and tile arches.

Steps Project 1 Project 2

Step 1: Calculate and establish extent of arch and size of √ √

voussoirs at the intrados and the extrados.

 Calculate the radius of curve.

 Determine size of voussoirs at the intrados and the


Further, document the extent of arch and size of voussoirs

at the intrados and the extrados using Template 3.

Step 2: Use levelling equipment and calculate springing √ √


 Use a two-peg test for automatic levelling.

 The radius of intrados is equal to the span length,

and the centres are on the springing line.

Further, document the calculations for springing line using

Template 3.

Step 3: Cut tiles to size using template/s. √ √

 Use appropriate tools for cutting tiles.

 Determine what kind of cuts you'll need.

Further, document the procedure followed to cut tiles to

size using template/s Template 3.

Step 4: Prepare substrate and compatible adhesive. √ √

 Substrates must be sound, clean, free from dirt,
dust, sealers, curing compounds and any other

 Select suitable adhesive according to tile


 Prepare adhesive according to manufacturer’s


Further, document the procedure followed to prepare

substrate and compatible adhesive using Template 3.

Step 5: Install voussoirs and returns to set-out. √ √

 Use full size drawing to determine voussoir shape
and size.

 Lay voussoirs around arch centre.

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 Cut each voussoir precisely so that it presses firmly

against the surface of neighbouring tiles loads

Further, document the procedure followed to prepare

substrate and compatible adhesive using Template 3

Step 6: Minimise voids in adhesive tile beds. √ √

 Ensure 80% uniform adhesive contact in dry areas
for minimum voids.

 Ensure 95% uniform adhesive contact in wet areas

for minimum voids.

Further, document the procedure followed to minimise

voids in adhesive tile beds using Template 3.

Sign off:


Template 3: Prepare and tile arches

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Prepare and tile arches

Client Name: Student to fill Job Details:

Address: Student to fill Prepare and tile arches

Phone Number: Student to Worker signature:


Date(dd/mm/yyyy) Student
to fill

Worker name:


Procedures Length of an arch = (2 x length of vertical side section + (3.14 x 0.5 x width of an arch)
you implemented to
calculate and establish Length of vertical slide section= 100 mm=0.1 m
extent of arch and size of
voussoirs at the intrados
and the extrados. Width of an arch = 1 m

Length of an arch =2 ×0.1+ ( 3.14 × 0.5 ×1 )=¿1.77 m or 1770 mm

Radius of an arch × π
Size of voussoirs at the intrados=
2 2
spa n rise 1 0.2 1
radius of an arch= + = + = +0.1=0.725 m
8 × rise 2 8× 0.2 2 1.6

0.725 ×3.14
Size of voussoirs at the intrados = =¿1.14 m

Radius of an arch ×height of 1 voussoir × π

Size of voussoirs at the extrados= =
0.1× 0.2× 3.14

=0.1256m =125.6 mm

Procedures followed to Levelling equipment used includes the following:

use levelling equipment
and calculate springing
 Pencil  Pipe, cable & stud detector

 Tape measure  Square

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 Paintbrush  General purpose handsaw

 Spirit level  Claw hammer


The springing line can be calculated using the tape measure and level through the level

bar and other equipment used for levelling tiles.

Procedures followed to
cut tiles to size using
template/s. • Arches are common in various ceramic tile applications such as framing mirrors

and trimming a doorway.

• When preparing top-cut tiles for arches using template/s it is important to

complete all the field file installations to an extent where another piece can’t be added

without cutting the top edge off for the arch. The template should then be made using

desired measurements or drawings of the arch on the wall based on the specifications.

• The tile is held against the wall along the top edge of the field installation. Fit the

tile to allow for grout joints and then use a template to mark the top border of the piece

based on the marks on the wall. Draw a line where the arch will span nearby pieces held.

Number all the components as desired.

• Rotary too is used to cut tiles. A piece of tile is clamped to the workbench with

a cut extending behind the edge of the bench.

• Push the carbide bite to the tile along the mark with the rotary tool. The curve of

the mark is followed to carve the arch.

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• After changing the bit to a stone, clamping, and cutting are repeated for each

piece in the arch. The arch is then run over the cut edge of the tiles to smoothen it. Install

the tiles on the backsplash while noting their position in the arch using their numbers.

Procedures followed to Substrate preparation

prepare substrate and
compatible adhesive.
 The substrate should be level, clean, dry, and free of grease, dust, and other loose


 The substrate should be completely secure with no visible movement. The

substrate should also be strong enough to support the additional weight of the

tiles and adhesive. The weight of the tiles must be considered when tilling onto

walls. If the tiles, adhesive, and grout exceed the weight capacity of the tile, a

tiler backer board should be used. Manufacturers’ weight and installation of

the tile should be followed while determining the weight capacity of the tile.

 Some substrates require priming before tiling. Priming lowers the porosity of the

substrate and prevents air bubble formation. Priming helps in adding strength to

weak surfaces and decreases the chemical reaction risk associated with cement-

based adhesives. It is recommended to follow manufacturers’ instructions while

selecting a primer to use since different substrates have different priming

requirements. The substrate should be clean, dry, and free of grease, dust, and

other contaminants before applying prime to ensure effective adhesion.

 Plaster is then skilled ensuring a new skim coat plaster is dry for at least a month

before tilling. A new plaster skim coat placed on top of the plasterboard should

also be dry for at least 1 week.

 Existing tiles should be clean, degreased, and well-secured to the wall. Damaged

tiles should be repaired.

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Compatible adhesive preparation

 Add the required amount of water into a bucket.

 Wear adequate PPE such as gloves, face masks, and eyewear before starting to

prepare adhesive since cement-based powder might irritate the skin.

 Mix the adhesive thoroughly by stirring from the bottom and sides of the bucket.

A mixing paddle is required for mixing.

 Continue to mix the mixture until a smooth consistency is achieved with no

powder or lumps present.

Procedures followed to • Surfaces should be firm, smooth, and free from dust, waxes, and other
minimise voids in
adhesive tile beds. contaminants.

• The clean surfaces should be then primed with prime bond before tiling.

• The brick and block partitions should be allowed for treatment for at least one

month before tiling.

• Painted surfaces should be eliminated.

• Tiled surfaces should be firmly primed using suitable primers such as primax.

• The adhesive should be applied as screed and then combs with an appropriate

notched trowel.

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Student Pack

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 6

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Calculated and establish extent of arch and

size of voussoirs at the intrados and the
extrados. 

Used levelling equipment and calculate

springing line.  
Cut tiles to size using template/s.
 
 Used appropriate tools for cutting

 determined what kind of cuts you'll


Prepared substrate and compatible

adhesive.  
 Substrates were sound, clean, free
from dirt, dust, sealers, curing
compounds and any other

 Selected suitable adhesive

according to tile requirement.

 Prepared adhesive according to

manufacturer’s instructions.

Installed voussoirs and returns to set-out.

 
 Used full size drawing to determine
voussoir shape and size.

 Laid voussoirs around arch centre.

 Cut each voussoir precisely so that it

presses firmly against the surface of
neighbouring tiles loads uniformly.

Minimised voids in adhesive tile beds.

 
 Ensured 80% uniform adhesive

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contact in dry areas for minimum

 Ensured 95% uniform adhesive
contact in wet areas for minimum

The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Student Pack

Activity 6: Grout tiles.

This activity requires you to grout tiles after forming the below patterns.

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

 Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 4’ provided.

 Comply with WHS/OHS requirements.

 Wear PPE appropriate for the job.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once

Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist
after completing each step.

Checklist 4: Grout tiles.

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Steps Pattern 1 Pattern 2

Step 1: Clean and prepare joints to receive grout. √ √

 Vacuum the grout lines properly

 Scrape any protruding grout using a stiff putty

knife and vacuum again.

Further, document the procedures to clean and prepare

joints to receive grout. using Template 4.

Step 2: Mix and apply grout. √ √

 Ensure proper mixing of grout and there should
not be any lumps in the mix.

 Apply the grout in accordance with

manufacturer’s specifications.

Further, document the procedure followed to mix and

apply grout using Template 4.

Step 3: Clean and polish tiles. √ √

 Follow the method of cleaning tiles accurately.

 Use grout sponge to wipe down the surface of

the tile.

 Clean and polish the finished surface with dry


Further, document the procedure followed to install tiles

using Template 4.

Step 4: Protect tiles from damage during remaining √ √


 Avoid dragging ladders and other equipment

over the surface of the tiled wall.

 Avoid spills of plaster or paint on the walls and


Further, document the procedure followed to install and

adjust border and/or decorative tiles to set out. using
Template 4.

Sign off:


Template 4: Grout tiles

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Student Pack

Grout tiles

Client Name: Student to fill Job Details:

Address: Student to fill Grout tiles

Phone Number: Student to fill Worker signature:

Date(dd/mm/yyyy) Student to fill

Worker name:

Pattern 1 Pattern 2

Procedures you implemented to

clean and prepare joints to  Use an old toothbrush to  Use an old toothbrush to
receive grout.
clean off the mortar in clean off the mortar in

circular column tile joints. archway tile joints.

 Insert the toothbrush in water  Insert the toothbrush in water

and clean away the mortar and clean away the mortar from

from between the circular between the archway tiles when

column tiles when the damp the damp mortar starts to seep

mortar starts to seep up. up.

 It is recommended to keep  It is recommended to keep

washing the toothbrush as washing the toothbrush as

you carry out the work to you carry out the work to

avoid putting cement back avoid putting cement back

into the circular column tile into the archway tile joints.

joints.  Wipe the archway tile's

 Wipe the circular column surface clean around the

tile's surface clean around seams with a sponge to

the seams with a sponge to prevent small bits of mortar

prevent small bits of mortar

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from drying into a film. from drying into a film.

 Remove any residual  Remove any residual mortar

mortar that has dried in the that has dried in the grout

grout joints using the utility joints using the utility knife.

knife.  Pull up the grout joint directly

 Pull up the grout joint adjacent to the archway tile

with quick strokes with the tip of

directly adjacent to
the knife.
the circular column tile with

quick strokes with the tip of

the knife.

Procedures followed to mix and

apply grout.
 Use the proper amount of water to mix the grout to ensure

the tile is sealed without leaving a mess or dust that needs to be

cleaned later.

 The ratio of grout to water that is commonly used in construction

is 1:1. It is always recommended to follow the manufacturer’s

instructions before using the grout mix selected.

 In most cases, the grout-to-water ratio is 1:1.

 Tilt the bucket at a 45-degree angle pour water slowly and mix as

you go.

 If the grout is not fully mixed with the water you initially added

and the mixture appears to be thick or too wet then add more

water and grout respectively until a consistent mixture is

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 A polymer additive can be added when applying grout to surfaces that

are susceptible to moisture such as the bathroom and kitchen. Polymer

additive helps in reducing mould that grows in a moist environment.

Procedures followed to clean Tools required

and polish tiles.

 Nitrile or latex gloves

 New sponges
 White nylon brush
 Broom or vacuum
 Materials

 Grout haze remover

 Two buckets
 Mop


 Allow enough time for the grout to cure before cleaning.

However, do not wait too long to apply grout haze remover

because it becomes more difficult to remove it.

 Clean the Surface

 Grout Haze Remover should be mixed in a clean bucket. Water is

combined with haze remover following the manufacturer’s

instructions. Combine the haze remover and water according to

the manufacturer's instructions.

 Scrub the Tiles using a brush dipped in the remover solution. It is

recommended to work on a little region at the time.

 Rinse and repeat as needed until tile joints and grout surfaces are


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Procedures followed to protect

tiles from damage during
remaining construction.  Use masking tape.

 Make a proper way to commute.

 Put signboards.

 Proper stack and place in damp damp-free area for remaining


 Do not touch tiles unnecessarily.

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Student Pack

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 6 (Pattern 1)

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Cleaned and prepared joints to receive  


 Vacuumed the grout lines properly

 Scraped any protruding grout using
a stiff putty knife and vacuum again.

Mixed and applied grout.  

 Ensured proper mixing of grout and

there should not be any lumps in the

 Applied the grout in accordance with

manufacturer’s specifications.

Cleaned and polished tiles.  

 Followed the method of cleaning

tiles accurately.
 Used grout sponge to wipe down the
surface of the tile.
 Cleaned and polished the finished
surface with dry cloth.

Protected tiles from damage during  

remaining construction.

 Avoided dragging ladders and other

equipment over the surface of the
tiled wall.
 Avoided spills of plaster or paint on
the walls and floor.

The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

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Student Pack

Student signature

Observer signature

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Student Pack

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 6 (Pattern 2)

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Cleaned and prepared joints to receive  


 Vacuumed the grout lines properly

 Scraped any protruding grout using
a stiff putty knife and vacuum again.

Mixed and applied grout.  

 Ensured proper mixing of grout and

there should not be any lumps in the

 Applied the grout in accordance with

manufacturer’s specifications.

Cleaned and polished tiles.  

 Followed the method of cleaning

tiles accurately.
 Used grout sponge to wipe down the
surface of the tile.
 Cleaned and polished the finished
surface with dry cloth.

Protected tiles from damage during  

remaining construction.

 Avoided dragging ladders and other

equipment over the surface of the
tiled wall.
 Avoided spills of plaster or paint on
the walls and floor.

The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

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Student Pack

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 7: Clean up.

This activity requires you to perform clean up after tiling the curved surfaces to following patterns:

 Pattern 1: The surface of a circular column that is at minimum 360 millimetres in diameter and
one metre high

 Pattern 2: An archway with minimum dimensions:

o span one metre

o rise 200 millimetres

o 100-millimetre returns.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

 Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 5’ provided.

 Comply with WHS/OHS requirements.

 Wear PPE appropriate for the job.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once

Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist
after completing each step.

Checklist 5: Perform clean up after installing decorative tiling

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Steps Pattern 1 Pattern 2

Step 1: Clear work area and dispose of, reuse, or recycle √ √



 Sort your unwanted materials into a few different


 Bring any unwanted material that can be reused, to a

secondhand store to be resold.

 Collect any unwanted material into a trash bag and

place it into a job waste bin.

Further, document the following using Template 5.

 Clear work area and dispose of, reuse or recycle


 Complete material record

o Type of Material

o Type of Activity

o Location

 Total Quantities

Step 2: Clean, check, maintain and store plants, tools and √ √

equipment in accordance with manufacturers’


 Ensure that the tool and equipment are properly

checked for any fault.

 Follow “Operations manual”.

 Report any issues with the plant tools or equipment to

the trainer/assessor (Supervisor).

 Complete tools and equipment record using Template


o Tools/Equipment

o Tools cleaned and checked (Yes /No)

o Any faults (Yes/No)

o Details of Faults (if applicable)

o Workplace area for storage

 Manufacturer instruction to store the tools

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Sign off:


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Template 5: Clean up (Pattern 1)

Clean up

Client Name: Student to fill Job Details:

Address: Student to fill Clean up

Phone Number: Student to fill Worker Signature:

Date(dd/mm/yyyy): Student to fill

Worker name:

Work Area cleaned: 𐄂 Yes 𐄂 No

Material disposal Legislations: Student to complete

Material record:

Type of Type of
Material Activity Location Total Quantities


Cleaning of the
adhesives 1 kg

Cleaning of
caulking 1 kg
Cleaning of
cement mortar

Cement mortar 1.5 kg

Cleaning of the
Grout excessive grout 1 kg

Removal of the
excess tiles from
Tiles site 10 pieces

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Tools and equipment record

Tools/Equipment Tools Any Details of Workplace Manufacturer

cleaned faults Faults (if area for instruction to
and applicable) storage store the tools
checked (Yes/No)
(Yes /No)

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Brooms yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Brushes yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Buckets yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Caulking guns yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Cement sheet cutters yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Hammers yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
Hose and water after Store in appropriate
sprays yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

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Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Ladders yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Levelling equipment yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Lump hammers yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
Measuring tapes and after Store in appropriate
rules yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Mortar boards yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Stringlines yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Templates yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
Tile cutters and after Store in appropriate
scribes yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Trowels yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

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Store in a
safe place
Wet and dry diamond after Store in appropriate
saws yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Wheelbarrows yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Nippers yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Pointed grouters yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Power drills yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Power leads yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Rags yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Rubber mallets yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Sanding blocks yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

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Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Saws yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Scrapers yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Shovels yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Spacers and wedges yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Spatulas yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Sponges yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Squares yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Squeegees yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Straight edges yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

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Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Wire brushes yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

Store in a
safe place
after Store in appropriate
Wooden floats yes No NA cleaning tool rack after cleaning

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Student Pack

Template 5: Clean up (Pattern 2)

Clean up

Client Name: Student to fill Job Details:

Address: Student to fill Clean up

Phone Number: Student to fill Worker Signature:

Date(dd/mm/yyyy): Student to fill

Worker name:

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 7 (Pattern 1)

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Cleared work area and disposed of, reused,

or recycled materials.  
● Sorted unwanted materials into a
few different bins.

● Brought any unwanted material that

can be reused, to a second-hand
store to be resold.

 Collected any unwanted material

into a trash bag and placed it into a
job waste bin.

Cleaned, checked, maintained and stored

plants, tools and equipment in accordance  
with manufacturers’ recommendations.

 Ensured that the tools, equipment,

and materials are properly cleaned,
stored, secured, and protected as
per the manufacturer specifications.

The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

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Student Pack

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 7 (Pattern 2)

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Cleared work area and disposed of, reused,

or recycled materials.  
● Sorted unwanted materials into a
few different bins.

● Brought any unwanted material that

can be reused, to a second-hand
store to be resold.

 Collected any unwanted material

into a trash bag and placed it into a
job waste bin.

Cleaned, checked, maintained and stored

plants, tools and equipment in accordance  
with manufacturers’ recommendations.

 Ensured that the tools, equipment,

and materials are properly cleaned,
stored, secured, and protected as
per the manufacturer specifications.

The student’s performance was:  Not satisfactory

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Student Pack

 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Student Pack

Appendix A: Reasonable Adjustments

Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied:

Reasonable Adjustments

• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional

language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the
needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is
delivered or assessed.
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable
the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without
a disability.
• The trainer/assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies
Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
• The trainer/assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance
department for any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack
to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy

(select as applicable)
 LLN  Speaking  Verbal assessment
 Reading  Presentations
 Writing  Demonstration of a skill
 Confidence  Use of diagrams
 Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
 Non-  Speaking  Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable) whether
English  Reading language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact on the
Speaking  Writing assessment process
 Cultural  Use methods that do not require a higher level of language or
background literacy than is required to perform the job role
 Confidence  Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts of
 Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
 Read any printed information to the student
 Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support, text
 Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral responses
given by the student
 Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment,
while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the
student’s needs
  Knowledge and  Culturally appropriate training
Indigenous understanding  Explore understanding of concepts and practical application
 Flexibility through oral assessment
 Services  Flexible delivery

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Student Pack

Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

 Inappropriate  Using group rather than individual assessments

training and  Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the field
assessment after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
 Age  Educational  Make sure font size is not too small
background  Trainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
 Limited study  Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment takes
skills account of the student’s needs
 Provision of information or course materials in an accessible
 Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker for
a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating
classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift
  Reading  Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
Educational  Writing  Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the student’s
background  Numeracy individual need
 Limited study
skills and/or
learning strategies
 Disability  Speaking  Identify the issues
 Reading  Create a climate of support
 Writing  Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
 Numeracy  Appropriately structure the assessment
 Limited study  Provide information or course materials in an accessible format,
skills and/or e.g. a textbook in braille
learning strategies  Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker for
a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating
classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift

Explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used

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Student Pack

Declaration I declare that I have attached all relevant evidence to provide reasonable
adjustment. The training package guidelines and criteria have not been
compromised in the process of providing reasonable adjustment to the
student. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible
assessment. I have provided explanation of reasonable adjustments
strategy used, as required.


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Student Pack

Appendix B: Learner Evaluation Form

Please complete this evaluation form as thoroughly as you can, in order for us to continuously improve
our training quality. The purpose of the evaluation form is to evaluate the areas below:

• logistics and support

• facilitation
• training material
• assessment

Your honest and detailed input is therefore, of great value to us, and we appreciate your assistance in
completing this evaluation form!

Unit of Trainer/Assessor
Competency Name

Student Name Dates of

(Optional) Training

Employer/Work Date of
site (if Evaluation

A Logistics and Support Evaluation

No. Criteria/Question

Strongly Agree



1 The communication regarding the required
attendance and time to study to pass this unit
was correct
2 The staff were efficient and helpful.
3 The training equipment and material used was
effective and prepared.
4 The training venue was conducive to learning
(set-up for convenience of students,
comfortable in terms of temperature, etc.)

Additional Comments on Logistics and Support

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Student Pack

No. Criteria/Question





B Trainer/Assessor Evaluation
1 The trainer/assessor was prepared and
knowledgeable on the subject of the program
2 The trainer/assessor encouraged student
participation and input
3 The trainer/assessor made use of a variety of
methods, exercises, activities and discussions
4 The trainer/assessor used the material in a
structured and effective manner
5 The trainer/assessor was approachable and
respectful of the learners
6 The trainer/assessor was punctual and kept to
the schedule
7 The trainer/assessor was easy to understand
and used the correct language

Additional Comments on Training

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Student Pack

No. Criteria/Question





C Learning Evaluation
1 The learning outcomes of the unit are
relevant and suitable.
2 The content of the unit was relevant
and suitable for the target group.
3 The length of the training was suitable
for the unit.
4 The learning material assisted in the
learning of new knowledge and skills
to apply in a practical manner.
5 The learning material was free from
spelling and grammar errors
6 Handouts and exercises were clear,
concise and relevant to the outcomes
and content.
7 Learning material was generally of a
high standard, and user-friendly
Additional Comments on Learning Evaluation

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