Financial Statement - PARCO

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1. Income Statement

SJ Catering Services
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021

Catering Fees P 1,291,450
Total Revenue P 1,291,450
Advertising Expense 24,000
Catering Expense 632,000
Rent Expense 90,000
Depreciation Expense 14,375
Salaries Expense 148,000
Bad Debts Expense 2,600
Utilities Expense 28,000
Insurance Expense 10,000
Interest Expense 450
Office Supplies Expense 55,000
Total Expense 1,004,425
Profit P 287,025
2. Statement of Changes in Equity

SJ Catering Services
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021

SJ, Capital, beg P 350,000

Add: Additional Investment P0
Profit 287,025 287,025
Total 637,025
Less: SJ, Withdrawal 30,000
SJ, Capital, end P 607,025
3. Statement of Financial Position

SJ Catering Service
Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 2021

Current Assets
Cash P545,000
Accounting Receivable P65,000
Less: Allowance for Bad debts 2,600 62,400
Office supplies 23,000
Prepaid Advertising 72,000
Total Current Assets P 702,400
Non-current Assets
Office Equipment 120,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 43,125 P 76,875
Total Assets P 779,275


Current Liabilities
Notes payable P 18,000
Account Payable 83,000
Interest Payable 450
Rent Payable 6,000
Salaries payable 28,000
Unearned Catering Fee 36,800
Total Current liabilities P 172,250
Owner’s Equity
SJ, Capital P 607,025
Total Liabilities and owner’s Equity P 779,275
4. Statement of Cash Flow

Liu Company
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year 2021

Cash flow from operating activities

Cash received from customers P 500,000
Cash received from Rent Income 65,000
Payment for Operating Expenses (195,000)
Payment for Taxes and Licenses (5,600)
Payment for Salaries of employees (108,000)
Payment for Utilities (45,500)
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities P 210,900

Cash flow from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of equipment P 35,000
Proceeds from sale of furniture 5,000
Purchase of equipment (25,600)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities P 14,400

Cash flow from Financing Activities

Cash received as additional investment by owner P125,000
Proceeds of Bank loan 300,000
Principal of Bank loan (200,000)
Payments of withdrawal of owner (40,000)
Net cash provided by (used in) Financing activities P 185,000
Net Increase (Decrease in Cash) P410,300
Cash balance at the Beginning of the period 50,400
Cash balance at the End of the period P 460,700

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