Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
Abstract—In the realm of modern autonomous driving, the and predicting pedestrian behaviors, enabling safe operations
perception system is indispensable for accurately assessing the amidst complex traffic conditions [2].
state of the surrounding environment, thereby enabling informed The primary task of perception is to accurately understand
arXiv:2401.06542v3 [cs.CV] 15 Aug 2024
Detect Head
3D Sparse CNN
3D Object Detection in Image
Camera Image
Vehicle Point Cloud 3D Object Detection in Point Cloud
Fig. 1: An illustration of 3D object detection in autonomous driving scenarios with different sensors.
To ensure safe operation in varying test environments, TABLE I: Advantages and limitations of different modalities.
assessing the robustness of 3D object detection algorithms Type Sensor Hardware Advantages Limitations
is essential. They must maintain efficient, accurate, and re- Cost($)
Image Camera 102 ˜103 + The dense data- Missing depth informa-
liable performance across diverse scenarios. In this survey, we format incorporates tion the camera will be
conduct extensive experimental comparisons among existing additional color and affected by light, weather,
texture information. etc.
algorithms. Centered around ‘Accuracy, Latency, Robustness’, Point cloud LiDAR 104 ˜105 + With accurate depth in- -High computational cost
we delve into existing solutions, offering insightful guidance formation less affected by for sparse and disordered
for practical deployment in autonomous driving. light +larger field of view point cloud data and no
color information.
• Accuracy: Current researches often prioritize accuracy Camera, 104 ˜105 + Simultaneous color and - Fusion methods can pro-
LiDAR depth information duce noise interference
as a key performance metric. However, a deeper un-
derstanding of these methods’ performance in complex
environments and extreme weather conditions is needed
modal approaches (Section V). The paper concludes with a
to ensure real-world reliability. A more detailed analysis
comprehensive summary of our findings in Section VII.
of false positives and false negatives is necessary for
• Latency: Real-time capability is vital for autonomous II. DATASETS
driving. The latency of a 3D object detection method Currently, autonomous driving systems primarily rely on
impacts the system’s ability to make timely decisions, sensors such as cameras, and LiDAR, generating data in
particularly in emergencies. two modalities, point clouds and images. Based on these
• Robustness: Robustness refers to the system’s stability data types, existing public benchmarks predominantly manifest
under various conditions, including weather, lighting, sen- in three forms: camera-only, LiDAR-only, and multi-modal.
sory and alignment changes. Many existing evaluations Table I delineates the advantages and the disadvantages of each
may not fully consider the diversity of real-world sce- of these three forms. Among them, there are many reviews
narios, necessitating a more comprehensive adaptability [123], [126]–[132] providing a comprehensive overview of
assessment. clean autonomous driving datasets as shown in Table II. The
Through an in-depth analysis of extensive experimental most notable ones include KITTI [133], nuScenes [134], and
results, with a focus on ‘Accuracy, Latency, Robustness’, we Waymo [135].
have identified significant advantages in safety perception with In recent times, the pioneering work on clean autonomous
Multi-modal 3D detection in safety perception. By integrating driving datasets has provided rich resources for 3D object
information from diverse sensors or data sources, Multi-modal detection. As autonomous driving technology transitions from
methods provide a richer and more diverse perception capa- breakthrough stages to practical implementation, we have
bility for autonomous driving systems, thereby enhancing the conducted some guided researches to systematically review the
understanding and responding to the surrounding environment. currently available robustness datasets. We have focused more
Our research provides practical guidance for the future deploy- on noisy scenarios and systematically reviewed datasets related
ment of autonomous driving technology. By discussing these to the robustness of 3D detection. Many studies have collected
key areas, we aim to align the technology more closely with new datasets to evaluate model robustness under different
real-world needs and enhance its societal benefits effectively. conditions. Early research explored camera-only approaches
The structure of this paper is organized as follows: First, we under adverse conditions [136], [137], with datasets that were
introduce the datasets and evaluation metrics for 3D object notably small in scale and exclusively applicable to camera-
detection, with a particular focus on robustness in Section only visual tasks, rather than multi-modal sensor stacks that
II. Subsequent sections systematically examine existing 3D include LiDAR. Subsequently, a series of multi-modal datasets
object detection methods, including camera-only approaches [138]–[141] have focused on noise concerns. For instance,
(Section III), LiDAR-only approaches (Section IV), and multi- the GROUNDED dataset [138] focuses on ground-penetrating
radar localization under varying weather conditions. Addi- TABLE II: Public datasets for 3D object detection in au-
tionally, the ApolloScape open dataset [140] incorporates tonomous driving. ‘C’, ‘L’ and ‘R’ denote Camera, LiDAR
LiDAR, camera, and GPS data, encompassing cloudy and and Radar, respectively.
rainy conditions as well as brightly lit scenarios. The Ithaca365 Data Size Diversity
dataset [141] is designed for robustness in autonomous driv- Dataset Year Sensors
Frame Annotation Scenes Category
ing research, providing scenarios under various challenging
weather conditions, such as rain and snow. KITTI [133] 2012 CL 15K 200K 50 3
nuScenes [134] 2019 CLR 40K 1.4M 1000 10
Due to the prohibitive cost of collecting extensive noisy Lyft L5 [150] 2019 CL 46K 1.3M 366 9
datasets from the real world, rendering the formation of large- H3D [151] 2019 L 27K 1.1M 160 8
Appllo [140] 2019 CL 140K - 103 27
scale datasets impractical, many studies have shifted their Argoverse [152] 2019 CL 46K 993K 366 9
focus to synthetic datasets. ImageNet-C [142] is a seminal A*3D [153] 2019 CL 39K 230K - 7
work in corruption robustness research, benchmarking classi- Waymo [135] 2020 CL 230K 12M 1150 3
A2D2 [154] 2020 CL 12.5K 43K - 38
cal image classification models against prevalent corruptions PandaSet [155] 2020 CL 14K - 179 28
and perturbations. This line of research has subsequently KITTI-360 [156] 2020 CL 80K 68K 11 19
been extended to include robustness datasets tailored for 3D Cirrus [157] 2020 CL 6285 - 12 8
ONCE [158] 2021 CL 15K 417K - 5
object detection in autonomous driving. Additionally, there OpenLane [159] 2022 CL 200K - 1000 14
are adversarial attacks [143]–[145] designed for studying the
robustness of 3D object detection. However, these attacks may
not exclusively concentrate on natural corruption, which is less other aspects, such as scale and orientation, into a unified
common in autonomous driving scenarios. score. Analogous to KITTI-C, [125] denotes the model’s
To better emulate the distribution of noise data in the real performance on the validation set as mAPclean and NDSclean ,
world, several studies [124], [125], [146]–[149] have devel- respectively. The corruption robustness metrics, mAPcor and
oped toolkits for robustness benchmarks. These benchmark NDScor , are evaluated by averaging over all corruption types
toolkits [124], [125], [146]–[149] enable the simulation of var- and severities. Additionally, [125] calculates the Relative
ious scenarios using clean autonomous driving datasets, such Corruption Error (RCE) under both mAP and NDS metrics,
as KITTI [133], nuScenes [134], and Waymo [135]. Among similar to the formulation in Eq.2.
them, Dong et al. [125] systematically designed 27 common Additionally, some studies [143], [146], [160] examine ro-
corruptions in 3D object detection to benchmark the corruption bustness in single-modal contexts. For instance, [146] proposes
robustness of existing detectors. By applying these corrup- a LiDAR-only benchmark that utilizes physically-aware simu-
tions comprehensively on public datasets, they established lation methods to simulate degraded point clouds under various
three corruption-robust benchmarks: KITTI-C, nuScenes-C, real-world common corruptions. This benchmark, tailored for
and Waymo-C. [125] denotes model performance on the point cloud detectors, includes 1,122,150 examples across
original validation set as APclean . For each corruption type 7,481 scenes, covering 25 common corruption types with six
c at each severity s, [125] adopts the same metric to measure severity levels. Moreover, [146] devises a novel evaluation
model performance as APc,s . The corruption robustness of a metric, including CEAP (%) and mCE, and calculates corrup-
model is calculated by averaging over all corruption types and tion error (CE) to assess performance degradation based on
severities as Overall Accuracy (OA) by
ΛPcor =
1 X1X
ΛPc,s . CEm m m
c,s = OAclean − OAc,s , (3)
|C| 5 s=1
c∈C where OAm
c,s is the overall accuracy of detector m under
Where C is the set of corruptions in evaluation. It should be corruption c of severity level s (excluding “clean,” i.e., severity
noticed that for different kinds of 3D object detectors, the set level 0) and clean represents the clean data. For detector m,
of corruptions can be different (e.g., [125] has not evaluated we can calculate the mean CE (mCE) for each detector by
camera noises for LiDAR-only models). Thus, the results of P5 P25
APcor are not directly comparable between different kinds of mCE = s=1 c=1
. (4)
models, and [125] performs a fine-grained analysis under each
corruption. It also calculates relative corruption error (RCE) III. C AMERA - ONLY 3D O BJECT D ETECTION
by measuring the percentage of performance drop as In this section, we introduce the Camera-only 3D object
APclean − APc,s APclean − APcor detection methods. Compared to LiDAR-only methods, the
RCEc,s = ; RCE = . camera solution is more cost-effective and the images obtained
APclean APclean
(2) from cameras require no complex preprocessing. Therefore, it
Unlike KITTI-C and Waymo-C, nuScenes-C primarily as- is favored by many automotive manufacturers, particularly in
sesses performance using the mean Average Precision (mAP) the context of multi-view applications such as BEV (bird’s-
and nuScenes Detection Score (NDS) computed across ten eye view) systems. Generally, as shown in Fig. 2, Camera-
object categories. The mAP is determined using the 2D center only methods can be categorized into three types, monocular,
distance on the ground plane instead of the 3D Intersection stereo-based, and multi-view (bird’s-eye view). Due to the
over Union (IoU). The NDS metric consolidates mAP with excellent cost-effectiveness of Camera-only methods, there
additional information or constraints to assist in the accurate
localization of 3D objects and enhance detection precision and
Pseudo- Widely adopted prior knowledge in 3D objects includes
Prior-guided: Direct regression using geo- Deep MANTA [CVPR2017] [161], Mono3D++ [AAAI2019] [162], 3D-RCNN [CVPR2018] [163], ROI-10D [CVPR2019] [164],
metric prior knowledge. MonoDR [ECCV2020] [165], Autolabeling [CVPR2020] [166], MonoPSR [CVPR2019] [21], 3DVP [CVPR2015] [167], MultiBin
[CVPR2017] [168], M3D-RPN [ICCV2019] [11], SHIFT R-CNN [ICIP2019] [169], RTM3D [ECCV2020] [7], UR3D [ECCV2020]
[19], Decoupled-3D [AAAI2020] [12], GUP Net [ICCV2021] [26], MonoFlex [CVPR2021] [8], Mix-Teaching [TCSVT2023] [28],
MonoPair [CVPR2020] [13], MonoJSG [CVPR2022] [10], Geo Aug [CVPR2022] [170], Monoground [CVPR2022] [171],
MonoPGC [ICRA2023] [172], MonoEdge [WACV2023] [173], GPro3D [Neurocomputing2023] [174], MonoGAE [arXiv2023] [175],
GUPNet++ [arXiv2023] [176], NeurOCS [CVPR2023] [177].
Camera-only: uses the RGB image informa- Smoke [CVPR2020] [178], Kinematic3D [ECCV2020] [179], FQNet [CVPR2019] [18], FCOS3D [CVPR2021] [24], PGD
tion captured by the monocular. [CoRL2022] [25], CaDDN [CVPR2021] [22], MoVi-3D [ECCV2020] [180], MonoDIS [ICCV2019] [9], GS3D [CVPR2019] [181],
MonoGRNet [TPAMI2021] [182], MonoRCNN [ICCV2021] [183], MonoFENet [TIP2019] [184], MonoCon [AAAI2022] [185],
MonoXiver [ICCV2023] [186], SGM3D [RAL2022] [187], MonoDETR [ICCV2023] [29], MonoDTR [CVPR2022] [23], DiD-
M3D [ECCV2022] [188], MonoNeRD [ICCV2023] [189], MonoSAID [IRS2024] [190], WeakMono3D [CVPR2023] [191],
DDCDC [Neurocomputing2023] [192], Obmo [TIP2023] [193], Shape-Aware [TITS2023] [194], Lite-FPN [KBS2023] [195], OOD-
M3D [TCE2024] [196], MonoTDP [arXiv2023] [197], Cube R-CNN [CVPR2023] [198], M2S [TIP2023] [199].
Depth-assisted: extracting depth information PatchNet [ECCV2020] [200], DD3D [ICCV2021] [27], Pseudo-LiDAR [CVPR2019] [6], DeepOptics [ICCV2019] [201], AM3D
via camera parallax. [ICCV2019] [20], MonoTAKD [arXiv2024] [202], MonoPixel [TITS2022] [203], DDMP-3D [CVPR2021] [204], D4LCN
[CVPRW2020] [205], ADD [AAAI2023] [206], PDR [TCSVT2023] [207], Pseudo-Mono [ECCV2022] [208], Deviant [ECCV2022]
[209], CMAN [TITS2022] [5], ODM3D [WACV2024] [210], MonoGAE [arXiv2023] [175], FD3D [AAAI2023] [211], MonoSKD
[arXiv2023] [212].
2D-Detection-based: Integrate 2D informa- Disp R-CNN [CVPR2020] [213], TL-Net [CVPR2019] [214], ZoomNet [AAAI2020] [215], IDA-3D [CVPR2020] [216],
tion about the object into the image. YOLOStereo3D [ICRA2021] [14], SIDE [WACV2022] [217], VPFNet [TMM2022] [218], FCNet [Entropy2022] [219], MC-Stereo
[arXiv2023] [220], PCW-Net [ECCV2022] [221], ICVP [ICIP2023] [222], MoCha-Stereo [arXiv2024] [223], UCFNet [TPAMI2023]
[224], IGEV-Stereo [CVPR2023] [225], NMRF-Stereo [arXiv2024] [226].
Pseudo-LiDAR-only: incorporate additional Pseudo-LiDAR [CVPR2019] [6], Pseudo-LiDAR++ [ICLR2020] [227], E2E-PL [CVPR2020] [228], CG-Stereo [IROS2020] [229],
information from pseudo-LiDAR to simulate SGM3D [RAL2022] [187], RTS3D [AAAI2023] [230], RT3DStereo [ITS2019] [231], RT3D-GMP [ITSC2020] [232], CDN
Stereo LiDAR depth. [NIPS2020] [233].
Volume-based: perform 3D object detection GC-Net [ICCV2017] [234], ESGN [TCSVT2022] [235], DSGN [CVPR2020] [17], DSGN++ [TPAMI2022] [236], LIGA-Stereo
directly on 3D stereo volumes. [ICCV2021] [237], PLUMENet [IROS2021] [238], Selective-IGEV [arXiv2024] [239], ViTAS [arXiv2024] [240], LaC+GANet
[AAAI2022] [241], DMIO [arXiv2024] [242], HCR [IVC2024] [243], LEAStereo [NIPS2020] [244], CREStereo [CVPR2022] [245],
Abc-Net [TVC2022] [246], AcfNet [AAAI2020] [247], CAL-Net [ICASSP2021] [248], CFNet [CVPR2021] [249], PFSMNet
[TITS2021] [250], DCVSMNet [arXiv2024] [251], DPCTF [TIP2021] [252], ACVNet [CVPR2022] [253], .
Depth-based: Convert 2D spatial features BEVDepth [AAAI2023] [15], BEVDet [arXiv2021] [254], BEVDet4D [arXiv2022] [33], LSS [ECCV2020] [255], BEVHeight
into 3D spatial features through depth esti- [CVPR2023] [256], BEVHeight++ [arXiv2023] [35], BEV-SAN [CVPR2023] [257], BEVUDA [arXiv2022] [258], BEVPoolv2
mation. [arXiv2022] [259], BEVStereo [AAAI2023] [260], BEVStereo++ [arXiv2023] [261], TiG-BEV [arXiv2022] [262], DG-BEV
[CVPR2023] [263], HotBEV [NeuriPS2024] [264], BEVNeXt [CVPR2024] [265].
Query-based: Influenced by the transformer PolarFormer [AAAI2023] [266], SparseBEV [ICCV2023] [34], BEVFormer [ECCV2022] [16], PETR [ECCV2022] [31], PETRv2
technology stack, there is a trend to explicitly [ICCV2023] [32], M3DETR [WACV2022] [84], FrustumFormer [CVPR2023] [267], DETR4D [arXiv2022] [268], Sparse4D
or implicitly query Bird’s Eye View (BEV) [arXiv2022] [269], Sparse4D v2 [arXiv2023] [270], Sparse4D v3 [arXiv2023] [271], SOLOFusion [ICLR2022] [272], CAPE
features. [CVPR2023] [273], VEDet [CVPR2023] [274], Graph-DETR3D [ACMMM] [275], 3DPPE [CVPR2023] [276], BEVDistill
[ICLR2023] [277], StreamPETR [ICCV2023] [278], Far3D [ICCV2023] [279], CLIP-BEVFormer [CVPR2024] [280], BEVFormer
v2 [CVPR2023] [281].
and lighting conditions, which may affect the accuracy of 3D feature-level and the response-level, aiming to achieve cross-
detection. The representative work Smoke [178] abandons the modal knowledge transfer. Such depth-assisted monocular 3D
regression of 2D bounding boxes and predicts the 3D box for object detection, by effectively integrating depth information,
each detected object by combining the estimation of individual not only enhances detection accuracy but also extends the
key points with the regression of 3D variables. applicability of monocular vision to tasks involving 3D scene
3) Depth-assisted monocular 3D object detection: Depth
estimation plays a crucial role in depth-assisted monocular 3D
object detection. To achieve more accurate monocular detec- B. Stereo-based 3D object detection
tion results, numerous studies [20], [27], [200], [201] leverage Stereo-based 3D object detection is designed to identify
pre-trained auxiliary depth estimation networks. Specifically, and localize 3D objects using a pair of stereo images. Lever-
the process begins by transforming monocular images into aging the inherent capability of stereo cameras to capture
depth images using pre-trained depth estimators, such as dual perspectives, stereo-based methods excel in acquiring
MonoDepth [352]. Subsequently, two primary methodologies highly accurate depth information through stereo matching
are employed to handle depth images and monocular images. and calibration. This is a feature that distinguishes them from
Remarkable progress has been made in Pseudo-LiDAR detec- monocular camera setups. Despite these advantages, stereo-
tors that use a pre-trained depth estimation network to generate based methods still face a considerable performance gap when
Pseudo-LiDAR representations [200], [353]. However, there compared to LiDAR-only counterparts. Furthermore, the realm
is a significant performance gap between Pseudo-LiDAR and of 3D object detection from stereo images remains relatively
LiDAR-only detectors due to the errors in image-to-LiDAR underexplored, with only limited research efforts dedicated
generation. Thus, Hong et al. [354] attempted to transfer to this domain. Specifically, these approaches involve the
deeper structural information from point clouds to assist utilization of image pairs captured from distinct viewpoints
monocular image detection. By leveraging the mean-teacher to estimate the 3D spatial depth of each object.
framework, they aligned the outputs of the LiDAR-only 1) 2D-detection-based methods: Traditional 2D object de-
teacher model and the Camera-only student model at both the tection frameworks can be modified to address stereo detection
TABLE IV: A comprehensive performance analysis of vari- TABLE V: A comprehensive performance analysis of various
ous categories of Camera-only 3D object detection methods categories of LiDAR-only 3D object detection methods across
across different datasets. We report the inference time (ms) different datasets. ‘P.V.’ denotes ‘Point-Voxel based’. The other
originally reported in the papers, and report AP3D (%) for settings are the same as Table IV.
3D car detection on the KITTI test benchmark, mAP (%)
Method R.E.P. PUB L.T. GPU KITTI Car nuScenes
and NDS scores on the nuScenes test set. ‘R.E.P.’ denotes Easy Mod. Hard mAP NDS
‘Representation’. ‘PUB’ denotes ‘Publication’. ‘M.V.’ denotes PIXOR [289] CVPR2018 35 TitanXp 81.70 77.05 72.95 - -
HDNet [290] CoRL2018 - - 89.14 86.57 78.32 - -
‘Multi-view’. ‘L.T.’ denotes ‘Latency Time’. BirdNet [291] ITSC2018 - - 75.52 50.81 50.00 - -
RCD [88] View arXiv2020 301 V100 85.37 82.61 77.80 - -
KITTI Car nuScenes RangeRCNN [87] arXiv2020 45 V100 88.47 81.33 77.09 - -
Method R.E.P. PUB L.T. GPU Easy Mod. Hard mAP NDS RangeIoUDet [89] CVPR2021 22 V100 88.60 79.80 76.76 - -
RangeDet [90] ICCV2021 83 2080Ti 85.41 77.36 72.60 - -
FQNet [18] CVPR2019 500 1080Ti 2.77 1.51 1.01 - - IPOD [70] arXiv2018 - - 71.40 53.46 48.34 - -
ROI-10D [164] CVPR2019 200 - 4.32 2.02 1.46 - - PointRGCN [292] arXiv2019 262 1080Ti 85.97 75.73 70.60 - -
MonoGRNet [182] AAAI2019 60 TITANX 9.61 5.74 4.25 - - StarNet [293] arXiv2019 - - 81.63 73.99 67.07 - -
MonoDIS [9] CVPR2019 100 V100 10.37 7.94 6.40 30.4 38.4 PointRCNN [45] CVPR2019 - - 85.94 75.76 68.32 - -
MonoPair [13] CVPR2020 60 1080Ti 13.04 9.99 8.65 - - STD [98] ICCV2019 80 TITANv 87.95 79.71 75.09 - -
SMOKE [178] CVPR2020 30 TITANX 14.03 9.76 7.84 - - PI-RCNN [294] AAAI2020 11 TITAN 84.37 74.82 70.03 - -
PatchNet [200] ECCV2020 400 1080 15.68 11.12 10.17 - - Point-GNN [44] CVPR2020 643 1070 88.33 79.47 72.29 - -
CaDDN [22] Mono. CVPR2021 - - 19.17 13.41 11.46 - - Point
3DSSD [40] CVPR2020 38 TITANv 88.36 79.57 74.55 - -
FCOS3D [24] CVPR2021 - - - - - 35.8 42.8 3D-CenterNet [295] PR2021 19 TITANXp 86.83 80.17 75.96 - -
MonoFlex [8] CVPR2021 30 2080Ti 19.94 13.89 12.07 - - DGCNN [80] NeuriPS2021 - - - - - 53.3 63.0
PGD [25] CVPR2022 28 1080Ti - - - 38.6 44.8 PC-RGNN [296] AAAI2021 - - 89.13 79.90 75.54 - -
MonoDTR [23] CVPR2022 37 V100 21.99 15.39 12.73 - - Pointformer [66] CVPR2021 - - 87.13 77.06 69.25 - -
NeurOCS [177] CVPR2023 - - 29.89 18.94 15.90 - - IA-SSD [297] CVPR2022 12 2080Ti 88.34 80.13 75.04 - -
MonoATT [282] CVPR2023 56 3090 24.72 17.37 15.00 - - SASA [94] AAAI2022 36 V100 88.76 82.16 77.16 - -
MonoDETR [29] ICCV2023 38 3090 25.00 16.47 13.58 - - SVGA-Net [63] AAAI2022 - - 87.33 80.47 75.91 - -
MonoCD [283] CVPR2024 36 2080Ti 25.53 16.59 14.53 - - PG-RCNN [298] TGRS2023 60 3090 89.38 82.13 77.33 - -
RT3DStereo [231] ITS2019 79 TITANX 29.90 23.28 18.96 - - SECOND [43] Sensors2018 50 1080Ti 83.13 73.66 66.20 - -
Stereo R-CNN [284] CVPR2019 420 TITANXp 47.58 30.23 23.72 - - VoxelNet [42] CVPR2018 220 TITANX 77.47 65.11 57.73 - -
Pseudo-LiDAR [6] CVPR2019 - - 54.53 34.05 28.25 - - PointPillars [51] CVPR2019 16 1080Ti 79.05 74.99 68.30 - -
OC-Stereo [285] ICRA2020 350 TITANXp 55.15 37.60 30.25 - - CBGS [75] arXiv2019 - - - - - 52.8 63.3
ZoomNet [215] AAAI2020 - - 55.98 38.64 30.97 - - PartA2 [299] TPAMI2020 71 ITANXp 85.94 77.86 72.00 - -
Disp R-CNN [213] CVPR2020 - - 58.53 37.91 31.93 - - Voxel-FPN [48] Sensors2020 20 1080Ti 85.64 76.70 69.44 - -
DSGN [17] CVPR2020 682 V100 73.50 52.18 45.14 - - TANet [300] AAAI2020 35 TITANv 83.81 75.38 67.66 - -
CG-Stereo [229] Stereo IROS2020 570 2080Ti 74.39 53.58 46.50 - - CVC-Net [78] NIPS2020 - - - - - 55.8 64.2
YoloStereo3D [14] ICRA2021 80 1080Ti 65.68 41.25 30.42 - - SegVoxelNet [301] Voxel ICRA2020 40 1080TI 84.19 75.81 67.80 - -
LIGA-Stereo [237] ICCV2021 400 TITANXp 81.39 64.66 57.22 - - HotSpotNet [302] ECCV2020 40 V100 87.60 78.31 73.34 59.3 66.0
PLUMENet [238] IROS2021 150 V100 83.00 66.30 56.70 - - Associate-3Ddet [71] CVPR2020 60 1080TI 85.99 77.40 70.53 - -
ESGN [235] TCSVT2022 62 3090 65.80 46.39 38.42 - - CenterPoint [57] CVPR2021 70 TITAN - - - 58.0 65.5
SNVC [286] AAAI2022 - - 78.54 61.34 54.23 - - CIA-SSD [77] AAAI2021 31 ITANXp 89.59 80.28 72.87 - -
DSGN++ [236] TPAMI2022 281 2080Ti 83.21 67.37 59.91 - - SIEV-NET [303] TGRS2021 45 1080Ti 85.21 76.18 70.06 - -
StereoDistill [287] AAAI2023 - - 81.66 66.39 57.39 - - VoTr-TSD [58] ICCV2021 139 V100 89.90 82.09 79.14 - -
BEVDet [254] arXiv2021 526 3090 - - - 42.2 48.2 Voxel R-CNN [47] AAAI2021 40 2080TI 90.90 81.62 77.06 - -
DETR3D [30] PMLR2022 - - - - - 41.2 47.9 PillarNet [93] ECCV2022 - - - - - 66.0 71.4
Graph-DETR3D [275] ACMMM2022 - - - - - 42.5 49.5 VoxelNeXt [46] CVPR2023 - - - - - 64.5 70.0
BEVDet4D [33] arXiv2022 526 3090 - - - 42.1 54.5 PV-RCNN [304] CVPR2020 80 1080Ti 90.25 81.43 76.82 - -
PETR [31] ECCV2022 93 V100 - - - 44.1 50.4 SA-SSD [305] CVPR2020 40 2080Ti 88.75 79.79 74.16 - -
BEVFormer [16] ECCV2022 588 V100 - - - 48.1 56.9 HVPR [83] CVPR2021 28 2080Ti 86.38 77.92 73.04 - -
Sparse4D [269] arXiv2022 164 3090 - - - 51.1 59.5 VIC-NET [306] ICRA2021 - - 88.60 81.57 77.09 - -
PolarFormer [266] AAAI2023 - - - - - 49.3 57.2 PVGNet [82] CVPR2021 - - 89.94 81.81 77.09 - -
BEVDistill [277] ICLR2023 - - - - - 49.8 59.4 CT3D [67] ICCV2021 - - 87.83 81.77 77.16 - -
VEDet [274] CVPR2023 - - - - - 50.5 58.5 Pyramid R-CNN [86] P.V. ICCV2021 - - 88.39 82.08 77.49 - -
PETRv2 [32] M.V. ICCV2023 53 3090 - - - 51.9 60.1 PV-RCNN++ [50] IJCV2023 - - 90.14 81.88 77.15 - -
BEVDepth [15] AAAI2023 - - - - - 52.0 60.9 VP-Net [36] TGRS2023 59 2080Ti 90.46 82.03 79.65 - -
BEVStereo [260] AAAI2023 - - - - - 52.5 61.0 SASAN [307] TNNLS2023 104 V100 90.40 81.90 77.20 - -
DistillBEV [288] ICCV2023 - - - - - 52.5 61.2 PVT-SSD [308] CVPR2023 49 3080TI 90.65 82.29 76.85 - -
BEVStereo++ [261] arXiv2023 - - - - - 54.6 62.5 HCPVF [309] TCSVT2023 70 3090 89.34 82.63 77.72 - -
SparseBEV [34] ICCV2023 43 3090 - - - 55.6 63.6 APVR [310] TAI2023 - - 91.45 82.17 78.08 58.6 65.9
CAPE [273] CVPR2023 - - - - - 52.5 61.0 HPV-RCNN [311] TCSS2023 81 A100 89.33 80.61 75.53 - -
Sparse4Dv2 [270] arXiv2023 49 3090 - - - 55.7 63.8
Sparse4Dv3 [271] arXiv2023 51 3090 - - - 57.0 65.6
StreamPETR [278] CVPR2023 32 3090 - - - 62.0 67.6
Far3D [279] ICCV2023 - - - - - 63.5 68.7
BEVNeXt [265] CVPR2024 227 3090 - - - 55.7 64.2
CLIP-BEVFormer [280] CVPR2024 - - - - - 44.7 54.7 in 3D detection, Wang et al. [6] are pioneers in introducing
the Pseudo-LiDAR representation. This representation is gen-
erated by using an image with a depth map, requiring the
problems. Stereo R-CNNs [284] employ an image-based 2D model to perform a depth estimation task to assist in detection.
detector to predict 2D proposals, generating left and right Subsequent works have followed this paradigm and made
regions of interest (RoIs) for the corresponding left and optimizations by introducing additional color information to
right images. Subsequently, in the second stage, they directly augment pseudo point cloud [20], auxiliary tasks (instance
estimate the parameters of 3D objects based on the previously segmentation [355], foreground and background segmenta-
generated RoIs. This paradigm has been widely adopted by tion [356] and domain adaptation [357]) and coordinate trans-
subsequent works [14], [194], [213]–[217]. form scheme [200], [358]. To achieve both high accuracy and
2) Pseudo-LiDAR-only methods: The disparity map pre- high responsiveness, Meng et al. [359] propose a lightweight
dicted from stereo images can be transformed into a depth Pseudo-LiDAR 3D detection system. These studies indicate
map and further converted into pseudo-LiDAR points. Con- that the power of the pseudo LiDAR representation stems
sequently, similar to monocular detection methods, pseudo- from the coordinate transformation rather than the point cloud
LiDAR representations can also be employed in stereo-based representation itself.
3D object detection approaches. These methods aim to en- 3) Volume-based methods: The general procedure of
hance disparity estimation in stereo matching to achieve more volume-based methods is to generate a cost volume from the
accurate depth predictions. Regarding the contribution of depth left and the right images to represent disparity information,
TABLE VI: A comprehensive performance analysis of various volume. LEAStereo [244] utilizes NAS technology to select
categories of multi-modal 3D object detection methods across the optimal structure for the 3D cost volume. GANet [241]
different datasets. ‘P.P.’ denotes Point-Projection. ‘F.P.’ de- designs a semi-global aggregation layer and a local guidance
notes Feature-Projection. ‘A.P.’ denotes Auto-Projection. ‘D.P.’ aggregation layer to further improve accuracy. ACVNet [253]
denotes Decision-Projection. ‘Q.L.’ denotes Query-Learning. introduces an attention concatenation unit to generate more
‘U.F.’ denotes Unified-Feature. The other settings are the same accurate similarity metrics. DSGN [17] proposes a 3D ge-
as Table IV. ometric volume derived from stereo matching networks and
KITTI Car nuScenes applies a grid-based 3D detector on the volume for 3D object
Method R.E.P. PUB L.T. GPU Easy Mod. Hard mAP NDS detection. LIGA-Stereo [237] uses a LiDAR-based detector
MVX-Net [312] ICRA2019 - - 85.50 73.30 67.40 - - as a teacher model to guide geometry-aware feature learning.
RoarNet [313] IV2019 - - 83.71 73.04 59.16 - -
ComplexerYOLO [314]
PointPainting [100]
1080i 55.63 49.44 44.13
- 82.11 71.70 67.08
ESGN [235] achieves efficient stereo matching through the
EPNet [104] ECCV2020 - - 89.81 79.28 74.59 - - efficient geometry-aware feature generation (EGFG) module.
PointAugmenting [315] P.P. CVPR2021 542 1080Ti - - - 66.8 71.0
FusionPainting [316] ITSC2021 - - - - - 66.5 70.7 Due to the benefits of large-scale training data and end-to-end
MVP [317] NeurIPS2021 - - - - - 66.4 70.5
Centerfusion [318] WACV2021 - - - - - - - training, deep learning-based stereo methods have achieved
EPNet++ [105] TPAMI2022 - - 91.37 81.96 76.71 - -
MSF [319] TGRS2024 63 V100 - - - 68.2 71.6 outstanding results [242].
PPF-Det [320] TITS2024 29 TITANX 89.51 84.46 78.91 - -
Cont Fuse [321] ECCV2018 60 - 82.54 66.22 64.04 - -
MMF [322] CVPR2019 80 - 86.81 76.75 68.41 - -
Focals Conv [110] CVPR2022 125 2080Ti 90.55 82.28 77.59 67.8 71.8 C. Multi-view 3D object detection
VFF [323] F.P. CVPR2022 - - 89.50 82.09 79.29 68.4 72.4
LargeKernel3D [60] CVPR2023 145 2080ti - - - 71.2 74.2 Recently, multi-view 3D object detection has demonstrated
SupFusion [118] ICCV2023 - - - - - 56.6 64.6
VoxelNextFusion [122] TGRS2023 54 A6000 90.90 82.93 80.6 68.8 72.5 superior accuracy and robustness compared to monocular and
RoboFusion [324] IJCAI2024 322 A100 91.75 84.08 80.71 69.9 72.0
stereo 3D object detection approaches. In contrast to LiDAR-
PI-RCNN [294] AAAI2020 90 TITAN 84.37 74.82 70.03 - -
3D-CVF [41] ECCV2020 75 1080Ti 89.20 80.05 73.11 - - only 3D object detection, the latest panoramic Bird’s Eye View
3D Dual-Fusion [325] Arxiv2022 - - 91.01 82.40 79.39 70.6 73.1
AutoAlignV2 [326] A.P. ECCV2022 208 V100 - - - 68.4 72.4 (BEV) approaches eliminate the need for high-precision maps,
HMFI [120] ECCV2022 - - 88.90 81.93 77.30 - - elevating the detection from 2D to 3D. This advancement
LoGoNet [121] ICCV2023 - - 91.80 85.06 80.74 - -
GraphAlign [111]
GraphAlign++ [112]
26 A6000 90.96 83.49 80.14 66.5 70.6
149 V100 90.98 83.76 80.16 68.5 72.2
has led to significant developments in multi-view 3D object
CLOCs [327] IROS2020 - - 83.68 68.78 61.67 - -
detection. In comparison to previous reviews [4], [123], [126],
AVOD [328] IROS2018 100 TITANXp 81.94 71.88 66.38 - - [130], [131], there has been extensive research on effectively
MV3D [329] CVPR2017 240 TitanX 71.09 62.35 55.12 - -
F-PointNets [330] D.P. CVPR2018 - - 81.20 70.39 62.19 - - leveraging multi-view images for 3D object detection. A key
F-ConvNet [96] IROS2019 - - 82.11 71.70 67.08 46.4 58.1
F-PointPillars [331] ICCVW2021 - - 88.90 79.28 78.07 - - challenge in multi-camera 3D object detection is recognizing
Fast-CLOCs [332] WACV2022 - - 89.11 80.34 76.98 - -
Graph R-CNN [113] ECCV22022 13 1080Ti 91.89 83.27 77.78 - - the same object across different images and aggregating object
TransFusion [108] CVPR2022 265 V100 - - - 68.9 71.7 features from multiple view inputs. The current approach,
DeepInteraction [116] NeuriPS2022 204 A100 - - - 70.8 73.4 a common practice, involves uniformly mapping multi-view
SparseFusion [101] Q.L. ICCV2023 188 A6000 - - - 72.0 73.8
AutoAlign [333] IJCAI2022 - - - - - 65.8 70.9 to the Bird’s Eye View (BEV) space. Therefore, multi-view
SparseLIF [334] arXiv2024 340 A100 - - - 75.9 77.7
FusionFormer [335] arXiv2024 263 A100 - - - 71.4 74.1 3D object detection, also called BEV-camera-only 3D object
FSF [336] TPAMI2024 141 3090 - - - 70.6 74.0
detection, revolves around the core challenge of unifying 2D
BEVFusion-PKU [109] NeuriPS2022 - - - - - 69.2 71.8
BEVFusion-MIT [337] ICRA2023 119 3090 - - - 70.2 72.9 views into the BEV space. Based on different spatial trans-
EA-BEV [338] arXiv2023 195 V100 - - - 71.2 73.1
BEVFusion4D [339] arXiv2023 500 V100 - - - 72.0 73.5 formations, this can be categorized into two main methods.
FocalFormer3D [340] ICCV2023 109 V100 - - - 71.6 73.9
FUTR3D [106] CVPR2023 - - - - - 69.4 72.1 Ones are depth-based methods [15], [33], [35], [254]–[258],
UniTR [341] ICCV2023 107 A100 - - - 70.9 74.5 [262], [263], [267], [361], [362], represented by the LSS [255],
VirConv [99] CVPR2023 92 V100 92.48 87.20 82.45 68.7 72.3
MSMDFusion [342] U.F. CVPR2023 265 V100 - - - 71.5 74.0 also known as 2D to 3D transformation. The others are query-
SFD [114] CVPR2022 10 2080Ti 91.73 84.76 77.92 - -
CMT [103] ICCV2023 167 A100 - - - 72.0 74.1 based methods [16], [31], [32], [34], [84], [266]–[279], [363],
UVTR [65] NeuriPS2022 - - - - - 67.1 71.1
ObjectFusion [117] ICCV2023 274 V100 - - - 71.0 73.3 represented by DETR3D [30], making a query from 3D to 2D.
GraphBEV [343] arXiv2024 141 A100 - - - 71.7 73.6
ContrastAlign [344] arXiv2024 154 A100 - - - 71.8 73.8 1) Depth-based Multi-view methods: The direct transfor-
IS-Fusion [345] CVPR2024 - - - - - 73.0 75.2
mation from 2D to BEV space poses a significant challenge.
LSS [255] was the first to propose a depth-based method,
utilizing 3D space as an intermediary. This approach involves
which is then utilized in the subsequent detection process. initially predicting the grid depth distribution of 2D features
Volume-based methods bypass the pseudo-LiDAR represen- and then elevating these features to voxel space. This method
tation and perform 3D object detection directly on 3D stereo holds promise for achieving the transformation from 2D to
volumes. These methods have inherited the traditional match- BEV space more effectively. Following LSS [255], CaDDN
ing idea, but most computations now rely on 3D convolutional [22] adopted a similar depth representation approach. It em-
networks, such as those found in references [17], [234], [235], ployed a network structure akin to LSS, primarily for predict-
[237], [241], [244], [253], [360]. For example, the pioneering ing categorical depth distribution. By compressing voxel-space
work GC-Net [234] uses an end-to-end neural network for features into BEV space, it performed the final 3D detection.
stereo matching, obviating the need for any post-processing It is worth noting that CaDDN is not part of multi-view 3D
steps, and regressively computes disparity from a cost volume object detection but rather single-view 3D object detection,
constructed by a pair of stereo features. GwcNet [360] employs which has influenced subsequent research on depth. The
a proposed group-wise correlation method to construct the cost main distinction between LSS [255] and CaDDN [22] lies in
CaDDN’s use of actual ground truth depth values to supervise and it is evident that there are significant metric disparities
its prediction of categorical depth distribution, resulting in a between monocular 3D object detection [10], [13], [23], [28],
superior depth network capable of more accurately extracting [29], [178], [182], [183] and stereo-based 3D object detection
3D information from 2D space. This line of research has [14], [17], [215], [230], [233], [235], [236], [285], [371]. The
sparked a series of subsequent studies, such as BEVDet [254], current scenario indicates that the accuracy of monocular 3D
its temporal version BEVDet4D [33], and BEVDepth [15]. object detection is far lower than that of stereo-based 3D object
These studies are significant in advancing the transformation detection. Stereo-based 3D object detection leverages the
from 2D to 3D space and enabling more accurate object capture of images from two different perspectives of the same
detection in the BEV space, providing valuable insights and scene to obtain depth information. The greater the baseline
directions for the field’s development. Furthermore, some between cameras, the wider the range of depth information
studies have addressed the issue of insufficient depth solely captured. As shown in Fig. 3 (b), there were monocular 3D
by encoding height information. These studies have found that object detection methods [9], [24], [25], [27], [372] on the
with increasing distance, the depth disparity between the car nuScenes dataset [134], but no related research on stereo-based
and the ground rapidly diminishes [35], [256]. 3D object detection.
2) Query-based Multi-view methods: Under the influence Starting from 2021, monocular methods have gradually
of Transformer technology, such as in the works [364]– been supplanted by multi-view (bird’s-eye-view perception)
[367], query-based Multi-view methods retrieve 2D spatial 3D object detection methods [15], [16], [30]–[32], [271],
features from 3D space. Inspired by Tesla’s perception system, [272], [278], [279], [281], leading to a significant improvement
DETR3D [30] introduces 3D object queries to address the in mAP. The emergence of the novel bird’s-eye-view paradigm
aggregation of multi-view features. It achieves this by extract- and the increase in sensor quantity have substantially impacted
ing image features from different perspectives and projecting mAP. It can be observed that initially, the disparity between
them into 2D space using learned 3D reference points, thus DD3D [27] and DETR3D [30] is not prominent, but with the
obtaining image features in the Bird’s Eye View (BEV) space. continuous enhancement of multi-view 3D object detection,
Query-based Multi-view methods, as opposed to Depth-based particularly with the advent of novel works such as Far3D
Multi-view methods, acquire sparse BEV features by employ- [279], the gap has widened. In other words, camera-only
ing a reverse querying technique, fundamentally impacting 3D object detection methods on multi-camera datasets like
subsequent query-based developments [16], [31], [32], [34], nuScenes [134] are predominantly based on bird’s-eye-view
[84], [266]–[279], [363]. However, due to the potential inac- perception. If we consider accuracy solely from this single
curacies associated with explicit 3D reference points, PETR dimension, the increase in sensor quantity has significantly
[31], influenced by DETR [368] and DETR3D [30], adopts an improved accuracy metrics (including mAP, NDS, AP, etc.).
implicit positional encoding method for constructing the BEV 2) Latency: In 3D object detection, latency (frames er sec-
space, influencing subsequent works [32], [278]. ond, FPS) and accuracy are critical metrics for evaluating algo-
rithm performance [378]. As shown in Table IV, Monocular-
D. Analysis: Accuracy, Latency, Robustness based 3D object detection, which relies on data from a single
Currently, the 3D object detection solutions based on Bird’s camera, typically achieves higher FPS due to lower compu-
Eye View (BEV) perception are rapidly advancing. Despite tational requirements. However, its accuracy is often inferior
the existence of numerous reviews [4], [123], [126], [130], to stereo or multi-view systems due to the absence of depth
[131], a comprehensive review of this field remains inadequate. information. Stereo-based detection, leveraging disparity infor-
It is noteworthy that Shanghai AI Lab and SenseTime Re- mation from dual cameras, enhances depth estimation accuracy
search have provided a thorough review [369] of the technical but introduces greater computational complexity, potentially
roadmap for BEV solutions. However, unlike existing reviews reducing FPS. Multi-view detection provides richer scene in-
[4], [123], [126], [130], [131], which primarily focus on formation and improved accuracy but demands extensive data
the technical roadmap and the current state of the art, we processing, computational power, and algorithmic optimization
consider crucial aspects such as autonomous driving safety for reasonable FPS levels. Notably, the nuScenes dataset lacks
perception. Following an analysis of the technical roadmap and representation of stereo-based methods, with the monocular
the current state of development for Camera-only solutions, we method FCOS3D [24] standing out as emblematic, introduced
intend to base our discussion on the foundational principles in 2021. Over time, multi-view 3D object detection has rapidly
of ‘Accuracy, Latency, and Robustness’. We will integrate evolved in terms of accuracy and latency. In practice, real-
the perspectives of safety perception to guide the practical time performance is also an important consideration when
implementation of safety perception in autonomous driving. deploying a robust 3D object detection system. For example,
1) Accuracy: Accuracy is a focal point of interest in most ER3D [379] takes stereo images as input and predicts 3D
research articles and reviews and is indeed of paramount bounding boxes, which leverages a fast but inaccurate method
importance. While accuracy can be reflected through AP of semi-global matching for depth estimation. Li et al. [380]
(average precision), considering AP alone for comparison may propose a lightweight Pseudo-LiDAR 3D detection system
not provide a comprehensive view, as different methodologies that achieves high accuracy and responsiveness. RTS3D [230]
may exhibit substantial differences due to differing paradigms. proposes a novel framework for faster and more accurate
As shown in Fig. 3 (a), we selected ten representative 3D object detection using stereo images. FastFusion [381],
methods (including classic and latest research) for comparison, a three-stage stereo-LiDAR deep fusion scheme, integrates
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 3: (a) The AP3D comparison of monocular-based methods [10], [13], [23], [28], [29], [178], [182], [183], [185], [370] and
stereo-based methods [14], [17], [213], [215], [230], [233], [235], [236], [285], [371] on KITTI test dataset. (b) The mAP (left)
and NDS (right) comparison of monocular-based methods [9], [24], [25], [27], [372] and Multi-view methods [15], [16], [30]–
[32], [271], [272], [278], [279], [281] on the nuScenes test dataset. (c) The AP3D comparison of View-based methods [87]–[90],
Voxel-based methods [43], [47], [51], [53], [54], [58], [298], [299], Point-based [40], [44], [45], [94], [294], [297], [373], and
Point-Voxel-based methods [83], [86], [98], [304], [374] on KITTI test dataset. (d) The mAP (left) and NDS (right) comparison
of Voxel-based methods [46], [51], [57], [65], [93], [108], [110], [340], [372] and Point-based methods [40] on the nuScenes
test dataset. (e) The AP3D comparison of Point-Projection-based (P.P.) methods [100], [104], [105], [312], Feature-Projection-
based (F.P.) methods [110], [118], [322], Auto-Projection-based (A.P.) methods [41], [111], [120], [121], [294], [325], [375],
Decision-Projection-based (D.P.) methods [96], [327]–[329], [331], [332], [376], and Query-Learning-based (Q.L.) methods
[377] on KITTI test dataset. (f) The mAP (left) and NDS (right) comparison of Point-Projection-based (P.P.) methods [315],
Feature-Projection-based (F.P.) methods [60], Auto-Projection-based (A.P.) methods [111], [326], Query-Learning-based (Q.L.)
methods [108], [116], [333] and Unified-Feature-based (U.F.) methods [65], [101], [103], [106], [109], [338]–[342] on the
nuScenes test dataset.
TABLE VII: Comparison with SOTA methods on KITTI-C validation set. The results are evaluated based on the car class
with AP of R40 at moderate difficulty. ‘RCE’ denotes Relative Corruption Error from Ref. [125].
LiDAR-Only Camera-Only Multi-modal
Corruptions SECOND † PointPillars † PointRCNN † PV-RCNN † Part-A2 †
3DSSD † SMOKE † PGD † ImVoxelNet †
EPNet † Focals Conv † LoGoNet *VirConv-S *
None(APclean ) 81.59 78.41 80.57 84.39 82.45 80.03 7.09 8.10 11.49 82.72 85.88 86.07 91.95
Snow 52.34 36.47 50.36 52.35 42.70 27.12 2.47 0.63 0.22 34.58 34.77 51.45 51.17
Rain 52.55 36.18 51.27 51.58 41.63 26.28 3.94 3.06 1.24 36.27 41.30 55.80 50.57
Weather Fog 74.10 64.28 72.14 79.47 71.61 45.89 5.63 0.87 1.34 44.35 44.55 67.53 75.63
Sunlight 78.32 62.28 62.78 79.91 76.45 26.09 6.00 7.07 10.08 69.65 80.97 75.54 63.62
Density 80.18 76.49 80.35 82.79 80.53 77.65 - - - 82.09 84.95 83.68 80.70
Cutout 73.59 70.28 73.94 76.09 76.08 73.05 - - - 76.10 78.06 77.17 75.18
Crosstalk 80.24 70.85 71.53 82.34 79.95 46.49 - - - 82.10 85.82 82.00 75.67
Gaussian (L) 64.90 74.68 61.20 65.11 60.73 59.14 - - - 60.88 82.14 61.85 63.16
Sensor Uniform (L) 79.18 77.31 76.39 81.16 77.77 74.91 - - - 79.24 85.81 82.94 70.74
Impulse (L) 81.43 78.17 79.78 82.81 80.80 78.28 - - - 81.63 85.01 84.66 80.50
Gaussian (C) - - - - - - 1.56 1.71 2.43 80.64 80.97 84.29 82.55
Uniform (C) - - - - - 2.67 3.29 4.85 81.61 83.38 84.45 82.56
Impulse (C) - - - - - - 1.83 1.14 2.13 81.18 80.83 84.20 82.54
Moving Obj. 52.69 50.15 50.54 54.60 79.57 77.96 1.67 2.64 5.93 55.78 49.14 14.44 32.28
Motion Motion Blur - - - - - - 3.51 3.36 4.19 74.71 81.08 84.52 82.58
Local Density 75.10 69.56 74.24 77.63 79.57 77.96 - - - 76.73 80.84 78.63 78.73
Local Cutout 68.29 61.80 67.94 72.29 75.06 73.22 - - - 69.92 76.64 64.88 71.01
Local Gaussian 72.31 76.58 69.82 70.44 77.44 75.11 - - - 75.76 82.02 55.66 72.85
Local Uniform 80.17 78.04 77.67 82.09 80.77 78.64 - - - 81.71 84.69 79.94 79.61
Object Local Impulse 81.56 78.43 80.26 84.03 82.25 79.53 - - - 82.21 85.78 84.29 82.07
Shear 41.64 39.63 39.80 47.72 37.08 26.56 1.68 2.99 1.33 41.43 45.77 - -
Scale 73.11 70.29 71.50 76.81 75.90 75.02 0.13 0.15 0.33 69.05 69.48 - -
Rotation 76.84 72.70 75.57 79.93 75.50 76.98 1.11 2.14 2.57 74.62 77.76 - -
Alignment Spatial - - - - - - - - - 35.14 43.01 - -
Average(APcor ) 70.45 65.48 67.74 72.59 69.92 60.55 2.68 2.42 3.05 67.81 71.87 80.93 85.66
RCE (%) ↓ 13.65 16.49 15.92 13.98 15.20 24.34 62.20 70.12 73.46 22.03 18.02 5.97 6.84
†: Results from Ref. [125].
* denotes the result of our re-implementation.
TABLE VIII: Comparison with SOTA methods on nuScenes-C validation set with mAP. ‘D.I.’ refers to DeepInteraction [116].
‘RCE’ denotes Relative Corruption Error from Ref. [125].
LiDAR-Only Camera-Only Multi-modal
Corruptions PointPillars† SSN† CenterPoint† FCOS3D† PGD† DETR3D† BEVFormer† FUTR3D† TransFusion† BEVFusion† D.I.*
None(APclean ) 27.69 46.65 59.28 23.86 23.19 34.71 41.65 64.17 66.38 68.45 69.90
Snow 27.57 46.38 55.90 2.01 2.30 5.08 5.73 52.73 63.30 62.84 62.36
Rain 27.71 46.50 56.08 13.00 13.51 20.39 24.97 58.40 65.35 66.13 66.48
Weather Fog 24.49 41.64 43.78 13.53 12.83 27.89 32.76 53.19 53.67 54.10 54.79
Sunlight 23.71 40.28 54.20 17.20 22.77 34.66 41.68 57.70 55.14 64.42 64.93
Density 27.27 46.14 58.60 - - - - 63.72 65.77 67.79 68.15
Cutout 24.14 40.95 56.28 - - - - 62.25 63.66 66.18 66.23
Crosstalk 25.92 44.08 56.64 - - - - 62.66 64.67 67.32 68.12
FOV lost 8.87 15.40 20.84 - - - - 26.32 24.63 27.17 42.66
Gaussian (L) 19.41 39.16 45.79 - - - - 58.94 55.10 60.64 57.46
Sensor Uniform (L) 25.60 45.00 56.12 - - - - 63.21 64.72 66.81 67.42
Impulse (L) 26.44 45.58 57.67 - - - - 63.43 65.51 67.54 67.41
Gaussian (C) - - - 3.96 4.33 14.86 15.04 54.96 64.52 64.44 66.52
Uniform (C) - - - 8.12 8.48 21.49 23.00 57.61 65.26 65.81 65.90
Impulse (C) - - - 3.55 3.78 14.32 13.99 55.16 64.37 64.30 65.65
Compensation 3.85 10.39 11.02 - - - - 31.87 9.01 27.57 39.95
Motion Moving Obj. 19.38 35.11 44.30 10.36 10.47 16.63 20.22 45.43 51.01 51.63 -
Motion Blur - - - 10.19 9.64 11.06 19.79 55.99 64.39 64.74 65.45
Local Density 26.70 45.42 57.55 - - - - 63.60 65.65 67.42 67.71
Local Cutout 17.97 32.16 48.36 - - - - 61.85 63.33 63.41 65.19
Local Gaussian 25.93 43.71 51.13 - - - - 62.94 63.76 64.34 64.75
Local Uniform 27.69 46.87 57.87 - - - - 64.09 66.20 67.58 66.44
Obeject Local Impulse 27.67 46.88 58.49 - - - - 64.02 66.29 67.91 67.86
Shear 26.34 43.28 49.57 17.20 16.66 17.46 24.71 55.42 62.32 60.72 -
Scale 27.29 45.98 51.13 6.75 6.57 12.02 17.64 55.42 62.32 60.72 -
Rotation 27.80 46.93 54.68 17.21 16.84 27.28 33.97 59.64 63.36 65.13 -
Spatial - - - - - - - 63.77 66.22 68.39 -
Alignment Temporal - - - - - - - 51.43 43.65 49.02 -
Average(APcor ) 23.42 40.37 49.81 10.26 10.68 18.60 22.79 56.99 58.73 61.03 62.92
RCE(%) ↓ 15.42 13.46 15.98 57.00 53.95 46.89 46.41 11.45 11.52 10.84 11.09
†: Results from Ref. [125].
* denotes the result of our re-implementation.
the projection method in cylindrical coordinates. It has then [390], RPN [391] is employed in [87], [88], and FPN [392] is
followed by [87]–[90]. LaserNet [385] utilizes DLA-Net [388] leveraged in [90]. Considering the limitations of traditional
to obtain multi-scale features and detect 3D objects from 2D CNNs in extracting features from range images, some
this representation. Inspired by LaserNet, some works have works have resorted to novel operators, including range dilated
borrowed models from 2D object detection to handle range convolutions [88], graph operators [393], and meta-kernel
images. For example, U-Net [389] is applied in [87], [386], convolutions [90]. Furthermore, some works have focused on
Detection Head
Raw Point
(a) A genaral pipline for view-based 3D object detection.
Voxel 3D CNN Result
Detection Head
Raw Point
(b) A genaral pipline for voxel-based 3D object detection.
Detection Head
Input Set Abstraction
Raw Point
(c) A genaral pipline for point-based 3D object detection.
Point-based 1 2 1 2 Result
Early Fusion
Detection Head
3D CNN Voxel Fuse Point Point Fuse Voxel Fused Voxel Fused Point
Late Fusion
X Object Key
Raw Point Proposals Points RoI-Grid Pooling
addressing issues of occlusion and scale variation in range indicates the number of points in each cell. PIXOR [289],
view. Specifically, these methods [87], [89] construct feature which outputs oriented 3D object estimates decoded from
transformation structures from the range view to the point pixel-wise neural network predictions, is a pioneering work in
view and from the point view to the BEV (Bird’s Eye View) this field, followed by [89], [90], [291], [394]. These methods
perspective to convert range features into BEV perspective. usually entail three stages. First, point clouds are projected
2) BEV View: Comparison to range view detection, BEV- into a novel cell encoding for BEV projection. Next, both the
based detection is more robust to occlusion and scale variation object’s location on the plane and its heading are estimated
challenges. Hence, feature extraction from the range view through a convolutional neural network originally designed for
and object detection from the BEV become the most practi- image processing. Considering scale variation and occlusion,
cal solution for range-based 3D object detection. The BEV RangeRCNN [87] and RangeIOUDet [89] introduce a point
representation is encoded by height, intensity, and density. view that serves as a bridge from RV to BEV, which provides
Point clouds are discretized into a regular 2D grid. To encode pointwise features for the models.
more detailed height information, point clouds are evenly
divided into M slices, resulting in M height maps where B. Voxel-based 3D object detection
each grid cell stores the maximum height value of the point Voxel-based methods segment sparse point clouds into regu-
clouds. The intensity feature represents the reflectance value lar voxels, achieving a dense representation through voxeliza-
of the point within each grid cell, and the point cloud density tion. Despite spatial convolution enhancing 3D information
perception, challenges persist in achieving high detection along the z-axis. Pillar features can be aggregated from
accuracy. These challenges include 1) high computational points through a PointNet [396] and then scattered back to
complexity, which demands substantial memory and compu- construct a 2D BEV image for feature extraction. As the
tational resources due to the numerous voxels representing 3D pioneering work in this series [51], [52], [55], [64], [91],
space, 2) spatial information loss that occurs during vox- [93], PointPillar [51] first introduces the pillar representation.
elization, leading to difficulties in accurately detecting small Following works have extended the ideas from 2D detection
objects, 3) inconsistencies in scale and density, inherent to PointPillars. PillarNet [93] adopts the ’encoder-neck-head’
to specific voxel grids, which pose challenges in adapting detection architecture to enhance the performance of pillar-
to diverse scenes with varying object scales and point cloud based methods. SWFormer [64] and ESS [55] draw inspiration
densities. Overcoming these challenges requires addressing from the Swin Transformer [365] and apply a hierarchical
limitations in data representation, enhancing network feature window mechanism to pseudo-images, thereby enabling the
capacity, improving object localization accuracy, and enhanc- network to maintain a global receptive field. PillarNeXt [52]
ing the model’s understanding of complex scenes. Ensuring integrates a series of mature 2D detection techniques and
safety perception in autonomous driving is crucial, and despite achieves performance comparable to voxel-based methods.
varying optimization strategies, these methods converge on 2) Model Structure: There are three major types of neural
common perspectives of model optimization, focusing on 1) networks in voxel-based methods: 1) 2D CNNs for processing
data representation and 2) model structure. BEV feature maps and pillars. 2) 3D Sparse CNNs for
1) Data representation: Voxel-based methods first ras- processing voxels. 3) Transformers for handling both voxels
terize point clouds into discrete grid representations. Grid and pillars.
representations are closely related to accuracy, computational a) 2D CNNs: 2D CNNs are primarily used to detect 3D
complexity, and memory requirements. Using a voxel size objects from a bird’s-eye view perspective, including process-
that is too large results in significant information loss, while ing BEV (Bird’s Eye View) feature maps and pillars [51], [52],
using a voxel size that is too small increases the burdens of [64], [91], [93]. Specifically, the 2D CNNs used for processing
computation and memory. As shown in Fig. 5 (b), according BEV feature maps often come from well-developed 2D object
to the height along the z-axis, the types of grid representations detection networks, such as Darknet [397], ResNet [398],
can be categorized into voxels and pillars. FPN [392], and RPN [391]. One significant advantage of 2D
a) Voxel: Voxel process divides the 3D space into regular CNNs compared to 3D CNNs is their faster speed. However,
voxel grids with size (dL × dW × dH ) in the x, y, and due to their difficulty in capturing spatial relationships and
z directions, respectively. Only non-empty voxel units that shape information, 2D CNNs typically exhibit lower accuracy.
contain points are stored and used for feature extraction. b) 3D Sparse CNNs: 3D Sparse CNNs consist of two
However, due to the sparse distribution of point clouds, the core operators: sparse convolution and submanifold convolu-
majority of voxel units are empty. As a pioneering work in tion [399], which ensure that the convolutional operation is
voxel-based methods [36]–[40], [42], [43], [46]–[48], [54], performed only on non-empty voxels. SECOND [43] imple-
[57], [60], [61], [65], [69], [77], [92], [108], VoxelNet [42] ments efficient computation of sparse convolution [399] and
proposes a novel voxel feature encoding (VFE) layer to extract submanifold convolution [400] operators to gain fast inference
features from the points inside a voxel cell. Then, following speed by constructing a hash table. It is followed by [39], [46],
works [38], [39], [47], [57], [75], [80] have extended the Vox- [47], [57], [122]. However, the limited receptive field of 3D
elNet network by adopting similar voxel encoding approaches. Sparse CNNs, which leads to information truncation, restricts
Existing methods often perform local partitioning and feature the model’s feature extraction capabilities. Meanwhile, the
extraction uniformly across all positions in the point cloud. sparse representation of features makes it challenging for
This approach limits the receptive field for distant regions and the model to capture fine-grained object boundaries and de-
information truncation. Therefore, some works have proposed tailed information. To optimize these issues, main optimization
different approaches to voxel partitioning: 1) Different co- strategies have emerged: 1) Expanding the model’s receptive
ordinate systems: some approaches have reexamined voxel field. Some methods [60], [61] extend the concept of large ker-
partitioning from different coordinate system perspectives, nel convolution from 2D to 3D space or introduce additional
e.g. [78], [395] from cylindrical and [62] from spherical coor- downsampling layers in the model [46]. 2) Combining sparse
dinate systems. Sphereformer [62] facilitates the aggregation and dense representations. Methods in this category typically
of information from sparsely distant points by dividing the utilize dense prediction heads to prevent information loss [42],
3D space into multiple non-overlapping radial windows using [43], [47], [57], [299] or retrieve lost 3D information from
spherical coordinates (r, θ, ϕ), thereby enhancing information the detection process [37], [47], [57], [86], [299], or they add
integration from dense point regions. 2) Multi-scale voxels: additional auxiliary tasks to the model [38], [39], [77], [299],
some works generate voxels of different scales [48], [76] or [301]. Methods employing dense prediction heads typically
use reconfigurable voxels [79], e.g., HVNet [76] proposes a require high-resolution Bird’s Eye View (BEV) feature maps
hybrid voxel network which integrates different scales in the for conducting dense predictions on them. Considering com-
point-level voxel feature encoder (VFE). putational complexity, some recent methods aim to establish
b) Pillars: Pillars can be considered a special form global sparse and local dense prediction relationships [56].
of voxels. Specifically, point clouds are discretized into a c) Transformer: Due to the amazing performance of
grid uniformly distributed on the x-y plane without binning transformers [365], [366], many efforts have been made to
adapt Transformers to 3D object detection. Particularly, recent PointRCNN [45], a pioneering two-stage detector in point-
studies [124], [125] have confirmed the excellent robustness of based methods, utilizes the PointNet++ [401] with multi-
transformer-based models, which will further advance research scale grouping as the backbone network. In the first stage,
in the domain of safety perception for autonomous driving. it generates 3D proposals from point clouds in a bottom-
Compared with CNNs, the query-key-value design and the up manner. The second stage network refines the proposals
self-attention mechanism allow transformers to model global by combining semantic features and local spatial features.
relationships, resulting in a larger receptive field. However, However, existing methods relying on FPS still face several
the primary limitation for efficiently applying Transformer- issues: 1) Points irrelevant to detection also participate in the
based models is the quadratic time and space complexity sampling process, leading to additional computational burden.
of the global attention mechanism. Hence, designing special- 2) The distribution of points across different parts of an object
ized attention mechanisms for Transformer-based 3D object is uneven, resulting in suboptimal sampling strategies. Subse-
detectors is critical. Transformer [364], DETR [368], and quent works have attempted various optimization strategies,
ViT [366] are the works that have most significantly influenced such as segmentation-guided background point filtering [94],
3D transformer-based methods [55], [58], [59], [64], [91], random sampling [293], feature space sampling [40], voxel-
[101], [108]. They have each inspired subsequent 3D detection based sampling [44], [113], coordinate refinement [66], and
works in various aspects: the design of attention mechanisms, ray-based grouping sampling [95].
the architecture of encoders and decoders, and the develop- 2) Point-based Backbone: The feature learning stage in
ment of patch-based inputs and architectures similar to visual point-based methods aims to extract discriminative feature
transformers. Inspired by transformer [364], VoTr [58] is the representations from raw points. The neural network used in
first work to incorporate a transformer into a voxel-based the feature learning phase should possess the ability of to local
backbone network, composed of sparse attention and sparse be awareness locally aware and integrating to integrate contex-
submanifold attention modules. Subsequent works [59] have tual information. Based on the aforementioned motivations, a
continued to build on the foundation of voxel-transformer, multitude of detectors have been designed for processing raw
further optimizing the temporal complexity of the attention points. However, most methods can be categorized according
mechanism. DETR [368] has inspired a range of networks to to the core operators they utilize: 1) PointNet-based meth-
adopt an encoder-decoder structure akin to DETR’s. Trans- ods [45], [94], [98], [295]. 2) Graph Neural Network-based
Fusion [108] is a notable work that generates object queries methods [44], [63], [292], [293], [402]. 3) Transformer-based
from initial detections, applying cross-attention to LiDAR methods [66], [403].
and image features within the Transformer decoder for 3D
object detection. Meanwhile, many papers [55], [64], [91] are a) PointNet-based: PointNet-based methods [45], [94],
exploring and refining the patch-based input mechanism from [98], [295] primarily rely on the Set Abstraction [396] to
ViT [366] and the window attention mechanism from Swin perform downsampling on raw points, aggregation of local
Transformer [365], e.g., SST [55] and SWFormer [64] group information, and integration of contextual information, while
local regions of voxels into patches, apply sparse regional preserving the symmetry invariance of the raw points. Point-
attention, and then apply region shift to change the grouping. RCNN [45], as the first two-stage work in point-based meth-
Notably, SEFormer [91] is the first to introduce object structure ods, achieved amazing performance at its time; however, it
encoding into the transformer module. still faces the issue of high computational cost. Subsequent
work [70], [94] has addressed this issue by introducing an
additional semantic segmentation task during the detection
C. Point-based 3D object detection process to filter out background points that contribute min-
Unlike voxel-based methods, point-based methods retain imally to detection. Furthermore, some efforts have focused
the original information to the maximum extent, facilitating on resolving the issue of the uncontrolled receptive field in
fine-grained feature acquisition. However, the performance PointNet & PointNet++, such as through the use of GNN [80]
of point-based methods is still affected by two crucial fac- or Transformer [66] techniques.
tors: 1) the number of contextual points in the point cloud b) Graph-based: GNNs (Graph Neural Networks) pos-
sampling stage and 2) the context radius used in the point- sess key elements such as an adaptive structure, dynamic
based backbone. These factors significantly impact the speed neighborhood, the capability to construct both local and global
and accuracy of point-based methods, including the detection contextual relationships, and robustness against irregular sam-
of small objects, which is critical for safety considerations. pling. These characteristics naturally endow GNNs with an
Therefore, optimizing these two factors is paramount, based advantage in handling irregular point clouds. Point-GNN [44],
on existing literature. In this regard, we primarily focus on a pioneering work, designs a one-stage graph neural network to
elucidating 1) Point Cloud Sampling and 2) Point-based predict objects with an auto-registration mechanism, merging,
Backbone. and scoring operations, which demonstrate the potential of
1) Point Cloud Sampling: As an extensively utilized using graph neural networks as a new approach for 3D object
method, FPS (Farthest Point Sampling) aims to select a set detection. Most graph-based, point-based methods [44], [292],
of representative points from the raw points, such that their [293], [296], [402] aim to fully utilize contextual information.
mutual distances are maximized, thereby optimally covering This motivation has led to further improvements in subsequent
the entire spatial distribution of the point cloud. works [296], [402].
c) Transformer-based: Up to this point, a series of meth- b) Late Fusion: The methods in this series predomi-
ods [66], [403]–[405] have explored the use of transformers nantly adopt a two-stage detection framework. Initially, voxel-
for feature learning in point clouds, achieving excellent results. based methods are employed to generate preliminary object
Pointformer [66] introduced local and global attention modules proposals. This is followed by a refinement phase, where
for processing 3D point clouds. The local transformer module point-level features are leveraged for the precise delineation
models interactions among points within local areas, with of detection boxes. As a milestone in PV-based methods, PV-
the aim of learning contextually relevant regional features RCNN [304] utilizes SECOND [43] as the first-stage detector
at the object level. The global transformer, on the other and proposes a second-stage refinement stage with a RoI grid
hand, focuses on learning context-aware representations at pool for the fusion of keypoint features. Subsequent works
the scene level. Subsequently, the local-global Transformer have followed the aforementioned paradigm, focusing on ad-
combines local features with high-resolution global features vancements in second-stage detection. Notable developments
to further capture dependencies between multi-scale represen- include the use of attention mechanisms [67], [85], [86],
tations. Group-free [403] adapted the Transformer to suit 3D scale-aware pooling [374], and point density-aware refinement
object detection, enabling it to model both object-to-object modules [53].
and object-to-pixel relationships and to extract object features PV-based methods simultaneously possess the computa-
without manual grouping. Moreover, by iteratively refining the tional efficiency of voxel-based approaches and the capability
spatial encoding of objects at different stages, the detection of point-based methods to capture fine-grained information.
performance is further enhanced. Point-based transformers However, constructing point-to-voxel or voxel-to-point rela-
directly process unstructured and unordered raw point clouds, tionships, along with the feature fusion of voxels and points,
which results in significantly higher computational complexity incurs additional computational overhead. Consequently, com-
compared to structured voxel data. pared to voxel-based methods, PV-based methods can achieve
better detection accuracy and robustness, but at the cost of
D. Point-Voxel based 3D object detection increased inference time.
Point-voxel methods aim to leverage the fine-grained infor-
mation capture capabilities of point-based methods and the
E. Analysis: Accuracy, Latency, Robustness
computational efficiency of voxel-based methods. By integrat-
ing these methods, point-voxel based methods enable a more In the autonomous driving sector, the development of
detailed processing of point cloud data, capturing both the LiDAR-only 3D object detection solutions is advancing
global structure and micro-geometric details. This is critically rapidly. A series of works [1], [4], [123], [126], [130], [131]
important for safety perception in autonomous driving, as the have comprehensively summarized the current technological
accuracy of decisions made by autonomous driving systems roadmaps, such as the extensive review of LiDAR-only solu-
depends on high-precision detection results. tions by the Shanghai AI Lab and SenseTime Research [126].
The key goal of point-voxel methods is to enable feature However, there is a lack of summarization and guidance
interplay between voxels and points via point-to-voxel or from the perspective of safety perception and cost impact in
voxel-to-point transformations. The idea of leveraging point- autonomous driving. Therefore, in this section, following an
voxel feature fusion in backbones has been explored by many analysis of the technological roadmaps and the current state
works [49], [50], [53], [67], [72], [82]–[84], [86], [97], [304], of LiDAR-only solutions, we intend to base our discussion
[374], [406]. These methods fall into two categories: 1) Early on the fundamental principles of ‘Accuracy, Latency, and
Fusion. Early fusion methods [49], [72], [82]–[84], [97] fuse Robustness.’ It aims to guide the practical implementation of
voxel features and point features within the backbone network. economically efficient and safe sensing in autonomous driving.
2) Late Fusion. Late fusion methods [50], [53], [67], [86], 1) Accuracy: Referring to Section III on Camera-only
[304], [374], [406] typically employ a two-stage detection methods, we investigated the core factors influencing LiDAR-
approach, using voxel-based methods for initial proposal box only methods. Representative methods from each category un-
generation, followed by sampling and refining key point fea- derwent comparative performance analysis on the KITTI [133]
tures from the point cloud to enhance 3D proposals. and nuScenes [134] datasets, as shown in Fig 3 (c, d). The
a) Early Fusion: Some methods [49], [72], [82]–[84], current scenario indicates that the latest view-based methods
[97] have explored using new convolutional operators to fuse exhibit lower performance compared to other categories. View-
voxel and point features, with PVCNN [49] potentially being based approaches transform point clouds into pseudo-images
the first work in this direction. In this method, the voxel- for processing with 2D detectors, which favors inference speed
based branch initially converts points into a low-resolution but sacrifices 3D spatial information. Therefore, an effective
voxel grid and aggregates neighboring voxel features through representation of 3D spatial information is pivotal for LiDAR-
convolution. Then, the voxel-level features are transformed only methods. Initially, point-based and PV-based methods
back into point-level features and fused with the features outperformed voxel-based approaches in LiDAR-only detec-
obtained from the point-based branch. Following closely, tion. Over time, methods like Voxel RCNN [47], which utilize
SPVCNN [97], which builds upon PVCNN, extends PVCNN ROI pool modules for fine-grained information aggregation,
to the domain of object detection. Other methods attempt to have achieved comparable or superior performance. Voxel
make improvements from other perspectives, such as auxiliary RCNN’s ROI pooling module effectively addresses the loss
tasks [72] or multi-scale feature fusion [82]–[84]. of detailed 3D spatial information resulting from voxelization.
2) Latency: Section III highlights latency’s importance methods relying solely on LiDAR. when disturbances affect
in autonomous driving safety and user experience. While both image and point cloud data concurrently, the efficacy
Camera-only methods tend to outperform LiDAR-only meth- of most Multi-modal methods significantly diminishes. It is
ods in terms of inference speed, the latter still maintain a worth noting that DTS [407] and Bi3D [408] enhance model
competitive edge due to their accurate 3D perception. We robustness through domain adaptation methods.
conducted tests using an A100 graphics card to measure the As shown in Table IX, under various noise conditions,
FPS of significant LiDAR-only approaches, and evaluated LiDAR-only methods experience varying degrees of accu-
their performance using the original research’s AP and NDS racy decline, with the most significant reduction observed
metrics. As shown in Table V, it indicates that view-based in extreme weather noise scenarios. These results indicate
methods excel in model latency due to the reduction in point an urgent need in the field of autonomous driving to ad-
cloud dimensions and the efficiency of 2D CNNs. Voxel- dress the robustness issue of point cloud detectors. For most
based methods achieve exceptional inference speed due to the types of corruptions, voxel-based methods generally exhibit
use of structured voxel data and well-optimized 3D sparse greater robustness than point-based methods, as shown in Ta-
convolutions. However, point-based methods face challenges ble VII, VIII, IX. A plausible explanation is that voxelization,
in applying efficient operators during data preprocessing and through the spatial quantization of a group of adjacent points,
feature extraction stages due to the irregular representation of mitigates the local randomness and spatial information disrup-
point clouds. Point-GNN [44] is an extreme example of this, tion caused by noise and density degradation. Specifically, for
with model latency nearly several times that of contemporary severe corruptions (e.g., shear, FFD in the transformation), the
voxel algorithms. Transformer-based methods [67] face signif- point-voxel-based method [304] exhibits greater robustness.
icant challenges in real-time inference. The current research PointRCNN [45] does not show the highest robustness against
trend in transformer-based methods is the development of any form of corruption, highlighting potential limitations in-
efficient attention operators, like [55], [64], [365]. Moreover, herent in point-based methods. In conclusion, future works
for PV-based methods, the construction of point-to-voxel or should explore robustness optimization from the perspectives
voxel-topoint relationships, along with the feature fusion of of data representation and model architecture. The above
voxels and points, incurs additional computational overhead. analysis aims to offer valuable insights for future work related
To conclude, common accuracy optimization strategies, such to robustness.
as two-stage optimization or attention mechanisms, typically
TABLE IX: Comparsion with LiDAR-only detectors on cor-
compromise inference speed in autonomous driving models.
rupted validation sets of KITTI from Ref. [146] on Car
Achieving a balance between accuracy and speed is an evolv-
detection with CEAP (%). CEAP (%) denotes Corruption Error
ing challenge in this field. Future studies should prioritize
from Ref. [146]. The best one is highlighted in bold. ‘T.F.’
the simultaneous improvement of accuracy, as well as the
denotes Transformation.
reduction of FPS (frames per second) and latency, in order to
meet the urgent requirements of real-time response and safety Corruption PV Point Voxel Avg.
in autonomous driving. PV-RCNN PointRCNN SECOND SE-SSD CenterPoint
3) Robustness: Previous comprehensive reviews have not rain 25.11 23.31 21.81 29.51 25.83 26.45
Weather snow 44.23 37.74 34.84 49.19 38.74 45.64
focused significantly on the topic of robustness. Presently, fog 1.59 3.52 1.60 1.59 1.11 1.88
research works [124], [125], [147], [148], [300], [382], [383] uniform rad 10.19 8.32 9.51 9.34 8.15 7.82
Fuse Q
+ +
+ Deformable
+ Cam.-to-BEV
Attention projection
Image Feature Image Feature Image Feature 2D ROI Pooling Image Feature Image Feature
(a) Point-Projection (b) Feature-Projection (c) Auto-Projection (d) Decision-Projection (e) Query-learning (f) Unified-Feature
Fig. 7: Projection-based 3D object detection: (a) Point-Projection-based methods [100], [104], [105], [312]–[320], [385], (b)
Feature-Projection-based methods [60], [110], [118], [122], [321]–[324], [409]–[411], (c) Auto-Projection-based methods [41],
[111], [112], [120], [121], [294], [325], [326], [375], [377], [412]–[414], (d) Decision-Projection-based methods [96], [113],
[327]–[332], [376]. Non-Projection-based 3D object detection: (e) Query-Learning-based methods [101], [108], [115], [116],
[333], [334], [415]–[417], (f) Unified-Feature-based methods [65], [99], [102], [103], [106], [109], [114], [117], [338]–[345],
learnable sampling points for cross-modal relational model- camera-to-BEV projection. This process, taking place before
ing, enhancing calibration error tolerance and significantly fusion, demonstrates considerable robustness in scenarios with
accelerating feature aggregation across different modalities. In feature misalignment.
summary, Auto-Projection-based 3D object detection methods 1) Query-Learning-based 3D object detection: Query-
mitigate errors arising from feature alignment by leveraging Learning-based 3D object detection methods, as exemplified
neighbor relationships or neighbor offsets, thereby enhancing by works such as [108], [115], [116], [333], [377], [415],
robustness in Multi-modal 3D object detection. [423], eschew the necessity for projection within the fea-
4) Decision-Projection-based 3D object detection: ture fusion process, as shown in Fig. 7 (e). Instead, they
Decision-Projection-based 3D object detection methods [96], attain feature alignment through cross-attention mechanisms
[113], [327]–[332], [376], as early implementations of Multi- before engaging in the fusion of features. Point cloud fea-
modal 3D object detection schemes, use projection matrices to tures are typically employed as queries, while image features
align features in Regions of Interest (RoI) or specific results, serve as keys and values, facilitating a global feature query
as shown in Fig. 7 (d). These methods are primarily focused to acquire highly robust Multi-modal features. Furthermore,
on the alignment of features in localized areas of interest or DeepInteraction [116] incorporates multimodality interaction,
specific detection outcomes. wherein point cloud and image features are utilized as distinct
Graph-RCNN [113] projects the graph node to the location queries to enable further feature interaction. In comparison
in the camera image and collects the feature vector at that pixel to the exclusive use of point cloud features as queries, the
in the camera image through bilinear interpolation. F-PointNet comprehensive incorporation of image features leads to the
[330] performs detection on the 2D image to determine the acquisition of more resilient Multi-modal features. Overall,
class and localization of the object, and for each detected ob- Query-Learning-based 3D object detection methods employ
ject, the corresponding point clouds in 3D space are obtained a transformer-based structure for feature querying to achieve
through the conversion matrix of calibrated sensor parameters feature alignment. Ultimately, the Multi-modal features are
and 3D space. MV3D [329] employs a transformation of the integrated into LiDAR-only pipelines, such as CenterPoint
LiDAR point cloud into Bird’s Eye View (BEV) and Front [57].
View (FV) projections for generating proposals. During this 2) Unified-Feature-based 3D object detection: Unified-
process, a specialized 3D proposal network is used to create feature-based 3D object detection methods, represented by
precise 3D candidate boxes. These 3D proposals are then works such as [65], [99], [101], [103], [106], [109], [114],
projected onto feature maps from multiple perspectives to [338]–[342], generally employ projection before feature fu-
facilitate feature alignment between the two modalities. Differ- sion, achieving the pre-fusion unification of heterogeneous
ing from MV3D [329], AVOD [328] streamlines this approach modalities, as shown in Fig. 7 (f). In the BEV fusion se-
by omitting the FV component and introducing a more refined ries, which utilizes LSS for depth estimation [101], [109],
region proposal mechanism. In summary, Decision-Projection- [338], [339], the front-view features are transformed into
based 3D object detection methods primarily achieve feature BEV features, followed by the fusion of BEV image and
fusion at a high level through projection, with limited interac- BEV point cloud features. Alternatively, CMT [103] and
tion between heterogeneous modalities. This often leads to the UniTR [341] employ transformers for tokenization of point
alignment and fusion of erroneous features, resulting in issues clouds and images, constructing an implicit unified space
of reduced accuracy and robustness. through transformer encoding. CMT [103] utilizes projec-
tion in the position encoding process, but entirely avoids
dependency on projection relations at the feature learning
B. Non-Projection-based 3D object detection level. FocalFormer3D [340], FUTR3D [106], and UVTR [65]
Non-Projection-based 3D object detection methods achieve leverage transformers’ queries to implement schemes similar
fusion without relying on feature alignment, thereby yielding to DETR3D [30], constructing a unified sparse BEV feature
robust feature representations. They circumvent the limitations space through queries, thus mitigating the instability intro-
of camera-to-LiDAR projection, which often reduces the se- duced by direct projection. VirConv [99], MSMDFusion [342],
mantic density of camera features and impacts the effective- and SFD [114] construct a unified space through pseudo-point
ness of techniques like Focals Conv [110] and PointPainting clouds, with the projection occurring before feature learning.
[100]. Non-Projection-based methods typically employ cross- The issues introduced by direct projection are addressed
attention mechanisms or the construction of a unified space through subsequent feature learning. In summary, Unified-
to address the inherent misalignment issues in direct feature feature-based 3D object detection methods [65], [99], [101],
projection. These methods are primarily divided into two cat- [103], [106], [109], [114], [338]–[342] currently represent
egories: (1) Query-Learning-based [108], [115], [116], [333], high-precision and robust solutions. Although they incorporate
[377], [415] and (2) Unified-feature-based [65], [99], [101], projection matrices, such projection does not occur between
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