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01 - Feature Engg

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Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering

•Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to extract

features (characteristics, properties, attributes) from raw data.

•A feature is a property shared by independent units on which analysis or

prediction is to be done.

•Features are used by predictive models and influence results.

Feature Engineering
•Basically, all machine learning algorithms use some input data to create outputs
• This input data comprise features, which are usually in the form of structured columns.
•Algorithms require features with some specific characteristic to work properly.
•Feature engineering efforts mainly have two goals:
• Preparing input dataset, compatible with machine learning algorithm requirements.
• Improving the performance of machine learning models.

• Can use Pandas and NumPy for this

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Why should we use Feature Engineering in data science?

• In Data Science, the performance of the model is depending on data preprocessing and

data handling.

• Suppose if we build a model without handling data, we got an accuracy of around 70%.

• By applying Feature engineering on the same model there is a chance to increase the

performance from 70% to more.

•Simply, by using Feature Engineering we improve the performance of the model.


• Missing values are most common problems you can encounter

• Reason might be human errors, interruptions in the data flow, privacy concerns etc.
• Missing values affect the performance of the machine learning models.
• If you drop rows which include missing values if affects model performance because of
the reduced training size.
• On the other hand, most of the algorithms do not accept datasets with missing values
and gives an error.
•The most simple solution to the missing values is to drop the rows or the entire column.
• There is not an optimum threshold for dropping but you can use 70% as an example
value and try to drop the rows and columns which have missing values with higher than
this threshold.
Numerical Imputation
• Imputation is a more preferable option rather than dropping because it preserves the data size.
• However, there is an important selection of what you impute to the missing values.
• I suggest beginning with considering a possible default value of missing values in the column.
• For example, if you have a column that only has 1 and NA, then it is likely that the NA rows
correspond to 0.
• For another example, if you have a column that shows the “customer visit count in last month”,
the missing values might be replaced with 0 as long as you think it is a sensible solution.
• Another reason for the missing values is joining tables with different sizes and in this case,
imputing 0 might be reasonable as well.
•Except for the case of having a default value for missing values, I think the best imputation way is
to use the medians of the columns. As the averages of the columns are sensitive to the outlier
Categorical Imputation

• Replacing missing values with the maximum occurred value in a column is a good
option for handling categorical columns.
• But if you think the values in the column are distributed uniformly and there is not a
dominant value, imputing a category like “Other” might be more sensible, because in
such a case, your imputation is likely to converge a random selection.
2.Handling Outliers
• Best way to detect the outliers is to demonstrate the data visually.

• Two different ways of handling outliers.

• These will detect them using standard deviation, and percentiles.

Outlier Detection with Standard Deviation
•If a value has a distance to the average higher than x * standard deviation, it can be
assumed as an outlier. Then what x should be?
•There is no trivial solution for x, but usually, a value between 2 and 4 seems practical.
2.Handling Outliers

Outlier Detection with Percentiles

• Another mathematical method to detect outliers is to use percentiles.
• You can assume a certain percent of the value from the top or the bottom as an outlier.
• The key point is here to set the percentage value once again, and this depends on the
distribution of your data as mentioned earlier.
• Additionally, a common mistake is using the percentiles according to the range of the
•In other words, if your data ranges from 0 to 100, your top 5% is not the values
between 96 and 100. Top 5% means here the values that are out of the 95th percentile
of data.
2.Handling Outliers

An Outlier Dilemma: Drop or Cap

•Another option for handling outliers is to cap them instead of dropping.

• So you can keep your data size and at the end of the day, it might be better for the final
model performance.

• On the other hand, capping can affect the distribution of the data, thus it better not to
exaggerate it.
• The main motivation of binning is to make the model more robust and
prevent overfitting, however, it has a cost to the performance.

• Every time you bin something, you sacrifice information and make your data more

•The trade-off between performance and overfitting is the key point of the binning

• For numerical columns, except for some obvious overfitting cases, binning might be
redundant for some kind of algorithms, due to its effect on model performance.

•However, for categorical columns, the labels with low frequencies probably affect the
robustness of statistical models negatively.

•Thus, assigning a general category to these less frequent values helps to keep the
robustness of the model.

•For example, if your data size is 100,000 rows, it might be a good option to unite the
labels with a count less than 100 to a new category like “Other”.
4.Log Transform
•Logarithm transformation (or log transform) is one of the most commonly used
mathematical transformations in feature engineering.

• What are the benefits of log transform:

• It helps to handle skewed data & after transformation, the distribution

becomes more approximate to normal.
• In most of cases magnitude order of data changes within the range of
the data.
• Log transform normalizes the magnitude differences
• It also decreases the effect of the outliers, due to the normalization of
magnitude differences and the model become more robust.

A critical note: The data you apply log transform must have only positive values, otherwise
you receive an error. Also, you can add 1 to your data before transform it.
5.One-hot encoding
• One-hot encoding is one of the most common encoding methods

• This method spreads the values in a column to multiple flag columns and
assigns 0 or 1 to them.

• These binary values express the relationship between grouped and encoded

• This method changes your categorical data, which is challenging to understand for
algorithms, to a numerical format and enables you to group your categorical data
without losing any information.
5.One-hot encoding

• Why One-Hot?

• If you have N distinct values in the column, it is enough to map them to N-1 binary
columns, because the missing value can be deducted from other columns.

• If all the columns in our hand are equal to 0, the missing value must be equal to 1.

• This is the reason why it is called as one-hot encoding.

6.Grouping Operations
•In most machine learning algorithms, every instance is represented by a row in the
training dataset, where every column show a different feature of the instance.

•This kind of data called “Tidy”

Tidy datasets are easy to manipulate, model and visualise, and have a specific
structure: each variable is a column, each observation is a row, and each type of
observational unit is a table.

•Datasets such as transactions rarely fit the definition of tidy data above, because of the
multiple rows of an instance.

• In such a case, we group the data by the instances and then every instance is represented
by only one row.

•The key point of group by operations is to decide the aggregation functions of the features.

•For numerical features, average and sum functions are usually convenient options
6.Grouping Operations
Categorical Column Grouping

The first option is to select the label with the highest frequency. In other words, this
is the max operation for categorical columns, but ordinary max functions generally
do not return this value, you need to use a lambda function for this purpose.

Second option is to make a pivot table.

This would be a good option if you aim to go beyond binary flag columns and merge
multiple features into aggregated features, which are more informative.
6.Grouping Operations
Numerical Column Grouping

• Numerical columns are grouped using sum and mean functions

• Both can be preferable according to the meaning of the feature.

• For example, if you want to obtain ratio columns, you can use the average of
binary columns.

• In the same example, sum function can be used to obtain the total count either.
7.Feature Split

•Splitting features is a good way to make them useful in terms of machine learning.

• Most of the time the dataset contains string columns that violates tidy data principles.

•By extracting the utilizable parts of a column into new features:

• We enable machine learning algorithms to comprehend them.
• Make possible to bin and group them.
• Improve model performance by uncovering potential information.

Split function is a good option, however, there is no one way of splitting features.
It depends on the characteristics of the column, how to split it.
7.Feature Split
7.Feature Split
•Another case for split function is to extract a string part between two chars. The
following example shows an implementation of this case by using two split functions in a
• In most cases, the numerical features of the dataset do not have a certain range and
they differ from each other.

• In real life, it is nonsense to expect age and income columns to have the same range.

• But from machine learning point of view, how these two columns can be compared?

• Scaling solves this problem.

• The continuous features become identical in terms of the range, after a scaling process.

• This process is not mandatory for many algorithms, but it might be still nice to apply.

• However, the algorithms based on distance calculations such as k-NN or k-Means need
to have scaled continuous features as model input.
Feature Engineering of Time Series Data
Time Series data must be re-framed as a supervised learning dataset before we can start
using machine learning algorithms

There is no concept of input and output features in time series.

A time series dataset must be transformed to be modelled as a supervised learning


Task before us is to create or invent new input features from our time series dataset
The goal of feature engineering is to provide strong and ideally simple relationships
between new input features and the output feature for the supervised learning algorithm
to model.

For clarity, we will focus on a univariate (one variable) time series dataset

Minimum Daily Temperatures Dataset

This dataset describes the minimum daily temperatures over 10 years (1981-1990) in
Melbourne, Australia.

The units are in degrees Celsius and there are 3,650 observations. The source of the data is
credited as the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Date Time Features

The supervised learning problem we are proposing is to predict the daily minimum
temperature given the month and day, as follows:
Lag Features

The simplest approach is to predict the value at the next time (t+1) given the value at
the previous time (t-1).

The supervised learning problem with shifted values looks as follows:

The Pandas library provides the shift() function to help create these shifted or lag features
from a time series dataset.

Shifting the dataset by 1 creates the t-1 column, adding a NaN (unknown) value for the first
row. The time series dataset without a shift represents the t+1.

You can see that we would have to discard the first row to
use the dataset to train a supervised learning model
Lag Features

The addition of lag features is called the sliding window method, in this case with a
window width of 1. It is as though we are sliding our focus along the time series for each
observation with an interest in only what is within the window width

We can expand the window width and include more lagged features.
Rolling Window Statistics

A step beyond adding raw lagged values is to add a summary of the values at previous
time steps

We can calculate summary statistics across the values in the sliding window and include
these as features in our dataset. Perhaps the most useful is the mean of the previous few
values, also called the rolling mean.

Pandas provides a rolling() function that creates a new data structure with the window of
values at each time step. We can then perform statistical functions on the window of
values collected for each time step, such as calculating the mean.

First, the series must be shifted. Then the rolling dataset can be created and the mean
values calculated on each window of two values.
Expanding Window Statistics

Another type of window that may be useful includes all previous data in the series.

This is called an expanding window and can help with keeping track of the bounds of
observable data.

Like the rolling() function on DataFrame, Pandas provides an expanding() function that
collects sets of all prior values for each time step.

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