Quality by design (QbD) is a systematic approach to performance based on intended clinical aspects, dosage
product development that begins with predefined strength, delivery mode,
objectives and emphasizes product and process
understanding and controls based on sound science
and quality risk management (ICH Q8). The emphasis
of QbD began with the recognition that increased
testing does not essentially improve product quality;
however, quality must be built into the product. The
regulatory agencies encourage risk-based approaches
and the adoption of QbD principles in drug product
development and manufacturing. At Piramal we are
applying QbD approach in product development,
which is characterized by following principles:
Risk Assessment:
Figure 1 Categorizing Risk levels depending upon Likelihood and impact.
CQA of the drug product. combination and interaction of input variables (e.g.,
material attributes) and process parameters that have Control Strategy:
been demonstrated to provide assurance of quality. A
Based on process and product understanding, during
design space may be built for a single unit operation
product development sources of variability are
or for the entire process. The design space could be
identified. Understanding the sources of variability
the direct outcome of analysis of the DoE data or
and their impact on processes, in-process materials,
other validated models. Working within the design
and drug product quality can enable appropriate
space is not considered as a change. Movement out
controls to ensure consistent quality of the drug
of the design space is considered to be a change and
product during the product life cycle.
would normally initiate a regulatory post approval
change process. Design space is proposed by the
applicant and is subject to regulatory assessment and
Control Strategy
Design sapace
Risk Updation
Design of Experiment (DoE): effects and interactions and may also have quadratic and