Network Security
Network Security
Network Security
Data Communication
Credit Hours 03
Total Weeks 16
Total Hours 48
Course Description:
Week 7 Quiz
Week 11 Intruders
Week 15 Presentation
Week 16 Revision
The teaching methodology is based on the use of PowerPoint slides, practical case handouts and white
board lecture.
The subject will be considered failed if the student gets below 55 mark in it. While semester will be
considered failed if a student gets less than 60% marks overall.
90 and above A
80-89 B
70-79 C
55-69 D
Less than 55 F
Evaluation of the student is done by exams conduction, assignment and quizzes. Their weigh age is given
as below.
Quiz 5%
Attendance 5%
Assignment 5%
Presentation 5%
Recommended Books:
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World (2nd Edition) by Mike Speciner ,
Charlie Kaufman and Radia Perlman