Fall 2024_ENG528_1

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BS Applied Linguistics

Research Project (ENG528)

Fall 2024
Assignment No. 1
Article Writing
Total Marks: 20


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In this assignment, you are required to write an introduction of the study after choosing your
research topic, ‘write the viable research objectives (maximum two) and research questions
related to your research objectives and research topic, statement of the problem and the
significance of the study. Moreover, you are encouraged to discuss and seek assistance from your
supervisors, to work properly on the selected topic. The first assignment should be based on the
following sections/headings:

1. Research Topic
The research topic should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach or key
2. Introduction
You should include:
 The background and issues of your proposed research
 A short introduction of the topic
 A summary of key debates and developments of the topic
3. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of a research study refer to the specific goals or aims that the researcher
intends to achieve through the study. These objectives are typically outlined in the introduction
of a research paper and serve as a guide for the study's direction and focus. They help clarify the
purpose of the research and provide a framework for designing the methodology and analyzing
the results.

4. Research Questions/ Hypothesis

You should formulate research questions and hypothesis very clearly, by clearly
mentioning what needs to be explored and why they are worth exploring. Research questions
need to be clear, researchable, connected with already established theory and research, linked
with each other and capable of contributing to research.

4. Statement of the Problem

A statement of the problem should be based on one brief paragraph. It should clearly
establish the aims of the research and the relationship sought between the variables/concepts of
the study.

5. Significance of the Study

This section describes the importance or potential benefits of the research. It specifies
how your study will improve, modify, or broaden the knowledge pool in the field under
exploration. Make note that such improvements/modifications may have significant implications

Literature Review

After writing the introduction section, you will write a literature review. A literature review is a
critical analysis and synthesis of scholarly sources on a specific topic or research question. It

1. Search for Relevant Literature: Identifying and gathering relevant sources such as
books, journal articles, and other scholarly publications related to the topic.
2. Evaluate Sources: Assessing the quality, credibility, and relevance of the collected
literature to ensure it contributes meaningfully to the review.
3. Identify Themes, Debates, and Gaps: Analyzing literature to identify common themes,
ongoing debates, and gaps in existing knowledge or research.
4. Outline the Structure: Organizing the literature review into sections based on themes,
time periods, or methodologies to create a logical flow of information.
5. Write the Literature Review: Summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and critically
evaluating the sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of
knowledge on the topic.

Please note: You are advised to discuss your assignment with your supervisor via Skype or
Email. You can check the course announcement section for supervisor’s details.

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