Medical Director
Medical Director
Medical Director
Job Location: Midland Doctors Medical Institute, MDMI (Muzaffarabad, Chikoti Road, Tandali-AJK)
Job Title: M e d i c a l D i r e c t o r
Department: Medical
Reporting to: Executive Body
As the Medical Director for MDMI – Midland Doctors Medical Institute, a setup of British Registered Charity –
Midland Doctors, you will be responsible for providing clinical leadership and operational management to ensure
the delivery of high-quality patient care to poor and needy people in AJK, North Pakistan. Your role will involve
leading, managing, and setting clinical standards and strategies for the hospital in compliance with all applicable
regulatory and licensing agencies
• Monitor clinical performance to ensure medical services and operations are in compliance with all the
applicable regulatory and licensing agencies.
• Implement, review, and develop clinical protocols, clinical performance objectives & productivity
benchmarks, compliance measures, clinicians' workflow planning and scheduling specific to the needs of
• Train medical staff, teach & give guidance in best practices, troubleshooting of medical services and
operational issues regarding patient care at MDMI.
• Develop and maintain a strategic plan for the clinical growth, expansion and development of MDMI.
• Ensure and direct all medical staff in the practice of quality care, according to the standards and
benchmarks, set by the hospital, licensing boards and regulatory authorities in Pakistan.
• Perform due diligence in matters related to clinical practice and ensure compliance of all the medical and
surgical standards specific in Pakistan.
• Provide leadership in the patient care delivery system, embedded with clinical expertise and the latest
technological skills for the development and continuous patient satisfaction at MDMI.
• Develop, implement and direct the quality improvement and patient-safety process of the hospital specific
to the needs of MDMI
• Provide and ensure coordination of continuing medical education, training, and support for Pakistan’s
young doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
• To manage medical volunteers attending the facility, including following appropriate credentialing, ensuring
the provision of safe services for patients and in a comfortable environment for the volunteers
• Medical camps to be overseen by the Medical Director using internal and external staff/volunteers
• To be involved in the hiring of staff from time to time in accordance with HR policies ensuring fair and
unbiased practices
• Develop the safeguarding system of the hospital to encompass all patients, employees and volunteers
• Provide the necessary support and counselling to patients and staff as the need arises
• Support the development of appropriate media, allowing the generation of informative material used for
fundraising purposes according to best practice
• Follow Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for research purposes and to encourage audit of patient management
across the hospital
• Ensure ethical practices in terms of drug prescribing that are centred toward generic prescribing,
discouraging a branded approach
• Ensure timeline morbidity and mortality meetings and clinical incident reporting as well as regular code
practice at the facility.
Working Conditions:
The Medical Director typically works in a healthcare facility or office environment. The work is generally performed
during regular business hours, but the Medical Director may need to work additional hours as needed to meet the
needs of the organisation. Some travel may be required within Pakistan to attend meetings, conferences, or other
events. The Medical Director may be required on certain occasions to manage humanitarian relief operations, which
may also involve site visits and the coordination of teams.
The salary for a Medical Director at MDMI is negotiable and will be commensurate with the size and type of
healthcare organisation and the candidate’s level of experience.