Strong mindset

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Building a

strong mindset
The 3 pillars to a mindset that allows you to thrive!

1. Curate your beliefs

Beliefs are like a switch, turning our potential on or off. Limiting
beliefs will put obstacles in our path, even when we feel like we
are doing everything right. Beliefs that empower us will remove
resistance and help us find new ways of reaching our goals.

Beliefs are like self-fulfilling prophecies: "Whether you believe

you can or you can't, you are right" (Henry Ford)

Start examining different areas in your life where you seem to

have constant obstacles and ask yourself: "What do I believe in
relation to this?"

I am not good enough
Money is dirty
I need to struggles to get what I want

Say thank you to that belief for trying to protect you and release
it. Find the opposite belief, one that empowers you and repeat it
as often as you can.

2. Nourish healthy habits

"Our mind uses habits to delegate tasks to our subconscious
mind, freeing up space for development and growth, as well as

Make a list of the habits in your life and see which support you
and which do not. Start taking little steps towards replacing
your "bad" habits with better ones.

Add new habits right next to already supporting ones.

Ex: I will read 5 pages every morning after I shower
Do something you enjoy immediately after a difficult habit
Optimize your environment to make good habits easier
Add friction to your environment to make bad habits harder
Read: James Clear, "Atomic Habits"

3. Set inspiring goals

Goals give a direction for the future, they are the driving force
that let us get out of bed in the morning.
Create bold goals for yourself that take you out of your comfort
zone just a little bit and help you grow each day.

make your goals SMART
make sure there are actual steps you can take to get there
(ex: "I want to be happy" is not a good goal, as you can be
happy right now)
use present tense in writing your goal
see yourself 15 minutes after completing the goal and use all
your senses to complete the mental picture

Irina @ MindAbouts - The Whereabouts of your mind

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