Topic Test-2
Topic Test-2
Topic Test-2
1. Which features are found in both eukaryotic animal cells and eukaryotic plant cells?
1. Cell wall.
2. Lysosomes.
3. Chloroplasts.
4. Mitochondria.
2. Which improvement has electron microscopy brought to Biology since light microscopy?
1. There is an greater visibility of natural colours.
2. The ability to see living cells.
3. Bigger samples can be used.
4. Images with a greater resolution are produced.
4. The image of a chloroplast on an electron micrograph is 21mm. The true size of the chloroplast
is 4 µm What is the magnification of the image of the chloroplast?
A. 5x
B. 5250x
C. 12000x
D. 52,500x
a. Identify the organelle and give a reason for your identification. (2 marks)
b. The scale bar represents 1 µm, estimate the length of the organelle. (1 mark)
8. Complete the table below to list the functions of the components of a plant cell.
(5 marks)
Cell wall
Golgi apparatus
Describe the composition of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and its function.
(4 marks)
10. Describe how eukaryotic cells are thought to have evolved from a common unicellular ancestor
with a nucleus.
(4 marks)