Introduction to Financial Accounting-
Definition and Scope
Objectives of Financial Accounting
Accounting v/s Book Keeping
Advantages and Limitations of Financial Accounting
Role of Accountant
Accounting is a process of systematically recording in the books of accounts, the monetary transactions of a
person relating to a definite period of time. It means that it is a process, in which transactions of a person are
systematically recorded. Here the person includes a living being like a sole proprietor or a partner and also
an artificial or a legal person like a joint stock company, a co-operative society, a club or an institution. The
transactions recorded are monetary transactions, i.e. involves money or money's worth.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has defined Accounting as follows:
"Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of
money, transactions and events, which are in part at least, of financial character and interpreting the reasons
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(1) It is an Art:
Accounting is an art. The winter of books of account must use his skills. The rules of accounting cannot be
used mechanically. Systematic accounting records help management in taking important decisions.
(2) It is a Science:
Accounting is a science also. Science is a systematic knowledge, which has definite rules. Similarly, there
are rules and established principles in accounting Transactions are recorded on the bases of these rules.
Hence, it is a science also.
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1. To recorded financial effect:
The foundational objective of financial accounting is to accurately record all financial transactions of the
business. This includes sales, purchases, expenses, and revenues, assets of business and liabilities of the
business. The aim is to record financial events in a systematic manner.
4. Payment of taxation:
Accounting is needed in order to determine the actual amounts of various taxes payable to the governments,
e g income tax, sales tax etc
6. Comparison:
The figures of the current year can be compared with those of the previous year. With the help of this
comparison, we will be able to know the trend of sales, expenses, incomes, profits, losses etc.
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preparation of trial balance and final
3. Scope The book-keeping is limited in scope and The scope of Accountancy is wide and
includes steps up to preparation of trial includes book-keeping and goes further
balance only. than recording transactions.
4. Requires As the work of book- keeping is of routine As Accountancy involves analysis and
special skill nature, it does not require skill or expert interpretation, it requires special skill and
knowledge. Any person who knows the expert knowledge on the part of the
rules of double entry can write books of persons doing Accountancy work.
5. Useful for Book-keeping is not useful to management As Accountancy analyses and interprets
policy decision in its policy making function. Because it accounts, it can draw useful conclusions
making includes nothing more than mere writing from it. This guides management in
books of account. making policy decisions for the future and
also keeps in making any change in
policies, if necessary.
6. Development There is no scope of development or any Accountancy has developed very fast with
changes in book-keeping. It only records the changing times. New branches such as
transactions in books of account. There is Cost Accounting. Management Accounting
no scope of change or development in the etc. have developed. Besides, new
rules of writing accounts. Of course, there dimensions like Human Resources
can be a change in keeping of subsidiary Accounting, Inflation Accounting etc.,
books. Cards can be used or transactions have developed in recent times. Computer
can be recorded with the help of computer. has brought revolutionary changes in it.
3. Result of business:
Profitability of business is revealed by accounts in the form of gross profit and net profit. The difference
between the selling price and cost price of goods sold is the gross profit and the difference between gross
profit and all other expenses of operating a business is the net profit.
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4. Data comparison:
The comparison of profits of past years with the profit of the current year will give very useful information
to the management. Steps may be taken on the basis of information provided by accounts to improve
6. Interfirm comparison:
Comparison of results of business with those of other firms as well as with these of past years of our own
business will enable the businessman to know the significant facts about the changes and to plan the future
7. Tax authorizes:
Tax authorizes like income-tax and sale tax departments trust the systematic accounts and are a big help to
the businessman.
Accounting is not a perfect discipline Accounting has some specific limitations which affect the accounting
procedures. Some of the limitations are as follows:
1. It is more expensive:
Generally, a business unit has to maintain Journal, subsidiary books, Ledger and other books of account. It
requires more labour and time which results in more expensive and comprehensive accounting procedure to
a business unit, which small businesses cannot afford
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3. Accounting is prepared on the basis of Historical cost:
Final accounts and other accounting statements are prepared on the basis of Historical costs which do not
reflect the impact of inflation on business activities. Hence, accounting does not consider changes in prices
Role of Accountant is very crucial in maintaining systematic records of financial transactions in order to
calculate the net profit or loss for an accounting period and the financial position of an entity as on a particular
date. Maintaining proper books of accounts in the manner required by law and accounting policies followed by
the entity is important for the entity. The books of accounts of the entity also support the future planning of
business operations.
2. Statutory Audit
Usually, a Chartered Accountant audits the books of the entities like Limited companies, firms etc. according to
the law. He ensures that the entities prepare the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, standards, and legal considerations. He also ensures that the financial statements show a
true and fair view of the financial position of an entity.
3. Internal Audit
Accountants, internal staff are engaged in an internal audit by large-sized entities (like listed companies,
companies required to conduct an internal audit under any law etc.) to ensure that all the accounting transactions
related to respective accounting year are recorded, classified and summarized in accordance with the accounting
policies followed by the entity. It also enables management to check whether all the instructions given by it is
followed or not.
4. Budgeting
Budgeting refers to the planning of various business activities, transactions before their occurrence. Accountants
and management prepare various plans to balance their business incomes and expenses. Actual results are
compared with the budgeted to find out the variation if any. Role of accounting is very important while
preparing the budget.
5. Taxation
Another very important role of the accountant is to plan the tax liabilities of an entity. Accountants are capable
to manage the tax matters of an entity, file returns, make representations before tax authorities, and settle the tax
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liabilities of an entity under various laws. Various tax planning advice, investments etc services can be provided
by accountants.
6. Investigation
The accountants also carry an investigation to ascertain the financial position of some parties. They perform
this function either by themselves or by hiring external professionals.
However, external professionals are more preferable than the internal staff due to their independence, which
enhances the confidentiality of investigation report.
Reporting internal controls to management, long-term plans, advisory regarding the business operation of an
entity are the major responsibilities of an accountant.
An accountant also provides the management consultancy services in the areas of Management information
systems, expenditure control and evaluation of appraisal techniques.
8. Other Activities
The accountant also performs activities such as acting as a liquidator, cost accountant, arbitrator for settlement
of disputes etc. Thus, these activities make the role of accountants important.
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