Dr dereje inversion
Dr dereje inversion
Dr dereje inversion
Inversions play an important role in determining cloud forms, precipitation, and visibility.
An inversion acts as a cap on the upward movement of air from the layers below. Therefore,
convection produced by the heating of air from below is limited to levels below the inversion.
Temperature inversions are usually short-lived, but they are pretty common.
Dry air near the ground surface: It limits the absorption of the radiated heat from the Earth’s
Slow movement of air: It results in no transfer or mixing of heat in the lower layers of the
atmosphere. or the blowing of winds brings warm and cold air into contact. Under conditions of a
calm atmosphere, the cold air stays put near the ground.
Ice-covered Area: In ice-covered areas due to high albedo less sunlight is received. At night due
to the earth’s radiation, most of the heat is lost in the atmosphere and the surface is cooled. The
contact air is also cooled but the upper layer remains warm.
Temperature inversion are classified on the basis of relative heights from the earth’s surface at which it
occurs and the type of air circulation:
It is very common in the higher latitudes. In lower and middle latitudes, it occurs during cold nights
and gets destroyed during day time.
This type of temperature inversion is prevalent at higher latitudes. In the lower and medium
altitudes, a surface temperature inversion occurs during cold nights and is removed throughout the
Dust particles hanging in the air: Due to inversion of temperature, air pollutants such as dust
particles and smoke do not disperse on the surface.
Stops the movement of air: It causes the stability of the atmosphere that stops the downward and
upward movement of air.
Less rainfall: Convection clouds can not move high upwards so there is less rainfall and no
showers. So, it causes a problem for agricultural productivity.
Thunderstorms and tornadoes: Intense thunderstorms and tornadoes are also associated with
inversion of temperature because of the intense energy that is released after an inversion blocks an
area’s normal convention patterns.
Basic environmental engineering
1. https://www.studyiq.com/articles/temperature-inversion/
2. https://www.britannica.com/science/absolute-zero
3. https://www.studyiq.com/articles/heat-waves/
4. 1598695048-temperature-inversion.pdf
5. Inversion%20Info.pdf