Analog Electronics CT Delhi
Analog Electronics CT Delhi
Analog Electronics CT Delhi
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fflRDE ERS!:::I
India's Best Institute for IES, GATE & PSUs
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1. This question paper contains 30 objective questions. Q.1-10 carry one mark each and
Q.11-30 carry two marks each .
3. Questions must be answered on Objective Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate
bubble (marked A , B, C, D) using HB pencil against the question number. Each question has
only one correct answer. In case you wish to change an answer, erase the old answer completely
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5. Write your name & Roll No. at the specified locations on the right half of the ORS.
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that question.
2 I Electrical Engineering]
Q.1 +
Consider the feedback amplifier shown in
the figure below:
. A,,
. -·. : . .. .
rmmm Analog Electronics 3
1 V 0-- --1<.t---------l-- - o V
4 V o---,---f<J--- - - '
Q.8 In the figure shown below, the voltage V Q .12 Consider the circuit shown in the figure
- - - - - -- IB- below:
- v
vm sin mt ,..._,
1=2mA lld1
A diode D1 is connected in parallel with a
diode D, with reverse saturation current
equal to -10-12 A and 10-10 A respectively.
The diodes are connected across a voltage
source (VJ in series with a resistance of 1 (a) 1 (b) 2
kQ. Then the value of voltage 'V; is (c) 3 (d) 4
approximately equal to
Q.18 Consider the Bff shown below:
(Assuming T) = 1 and VTh = 26 mV)
(a) 5.241 V (b) 2.004 V
(c) 2.436 V (d) 4.444 V
'•IT· mt<l .
(a) +5 V and -5 V (b) +7 V and -3 V The diode 'D' can be modeled as a battery
(c) +3V and -7 V (d) +3 V and -3 V of voltage VY in series with a resistor 'r/
Q.17 In the following circuit, if the op-amp is when biased in forward direction. If th e
ideal, then the minimum required value of value of resistance R = 1 kQ, then the valu e
the ratio R2 / R1 to produce sustained of resistance r is equal to
oscillations will be (a) 0.923 Q (b) 7.133 Q
(c) 83.33 Q (d) 101.33 Q
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lm!!J l!I · Analog Electronics I 5
The output voltage V0 is
5 5
V1 -3V2 (b) 2V1 -
2 2 V2
-lOV -SV
-3 7
(a) 2 V (b) ov (c) - V1 +-V2
2 2
(c) 1.75 V (d) -2.15 V
Q.25 Consider the circuit shown in the figure.
Q.22 The 6 V zener diode shown below has zero
Assume base-to-emitter voltage VBE = 0.8
zener resistance and a knee current of 5 mA.
V and common-base current gain (a) of the
The minimum value of R, so that the voltage
transistor is unity.
across it does not fall below 6 V is
r: fv ·H
(a) 1.2 kQ
(c} 80 Q
(b) 50 Q
(d) 0Q
Q.23 In the circuit shown below, transistor Ml The value of the collector-to-emitter voltage
is in saturation and has transconductance VCE
gm = -0.01 S. Ignoring internal parasitic (a) 3 V (b) 4 V
capacitances and assuming the channel (c) 5 V (d) 6 V
length modulation A to be zero, then the
Q.26 In the circuit shown below, the condition
small signal input pole frequency (in kHz)
to be satisfied such that the silicon
transistor will never enter into saturation
is (Assume V BE= 0.7 V, V CE (sat) = 0 V)
~~:.FT I
+ Boe= 50 -=. 20 V
Q.24 Assuming that the op-amp in the circuit (a) Ra < 232.5 kQ (b) RB > 232.5 kQ
shown is idea l, (c) Ra < 116.25 kQ (d) R8 > 116.25 kQ
6 I Electrical Engineering
Q.27 Consider a differential amplifier as shown below,
2 Amplifier
Wh~re the first set of signals is V1 = 50 µ V, V2 = -50 µ V and the second set of signals is V1 = 1050 µ V,
V2 = 950 µV. If the common mode rejection ratio is 100, then the percentage difference in output
voltage obtained for the two sets of input signals is
(a) 10% (b) 15%
(c) 20% (d) 25%
Q.28 The op-amp shown in the figure is ideal, R1 = 20 kQ, R2 = 40 kQ and C = 10 µF:
>--------'---<> +
Vo"t (I)
Q.29 For a practical integrator, the component values are R1 = 120 kQ, RF = 1.2 MQ and the capacitor
CF = 10 nF. The de gain of the integrator is
(a) 10 dB (b) 20 dB
(c) 30 dB (d) 40 dB
Q.30 In the circuit below, a filter capacitor C is used to smooth out the pulses from the full wave
The value of capacitor C to maintain th e peak to peak ripple voltage as 1 % of maximum value of
input voltage (Vmax) is
(a) 10 µF (b) 50 µF
(c) 75 µF (d) 100 µF
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