TA/Grader TBD
Course Description An introduction to the classical laws of motion, including kinematics, forces in
nature, Newton's laws of motion, conservation of energy and momentum, fluid statics and dynamics,
oscillations, and waves.
Text Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Edition, Giancoli (Recommended but not required)
Course Structure This class will be taught in an active learning format. Most of the classroom time
will be devoted to working on selected problems in small groups, with ample opportunities to interact
with and ask questions. To take full advantage of this course structure, it is essential to keep up with the
class and view the recorded lectures and example problems before coming to class. Your key to success
- keep up with the work!
There will be FIVE cycles in this course each terminating in an exam. Follow the color codes in the course
calendar on the next page for the descriptions and details provided below:
BLUE CC/WU Days: Complete the CC/WU assignments for all units covered in the cycle. Each assignment
will require you to do the following:
• Watch the video lectures to get a good idea of what we are about to cover in that cycle.
Annotated lecture notes will be provided.
• Complete and submit the ‘Concept Check’ questions. These are graded for completion and
provide feedback to me regarding your comprehension of the concepts presented in the videos.
I’ll address common misconceptions during lecture.
• Attempt the warm-up problem. No submission required. The warm-up problem will be solved in
class, so bring your solution to class for self-assessment.
• CW days will start off with a brief lecture summarizing the key concepts and common
misconceptions based on the feedback received through Concept Checks.
• Warm-up problem(s) will be solved in detail during class.
• You will solve a set of assigned questions/problems (CW set) in a group setting.
• All exams are cumulative, in-class, closed book, and timed for 90 mins.
• A formula sheet will be posted on Canvas under 'Modules' for your reference.
• Basic scientific calculators are permitted.
• The lowest exam score may be replaced by the average of all 5 exams.
• HW for ALL units covered this cycle will be due at midnight the day BEFORE the exam.
• Students with a disability who require special accommodations are required to obtain
appropriate documentation from the Office of Student Disabilities Services. Once I receive
approvals from SDS, accommodations will be provided.
• If you believe a grading mistake has been made, write a description of the mistake, as you see
it, and email me the next day for consideration. Requests for regrading after that will not be
Honor Code
You are encouraged to study with other students, and to discuss questions on the homework
assignments in general terms. All numerical calculations should represent your own work. Obviously,
any form of copying or cheating on exams is strictly forbidden. In general, you are expected to abide by
Penn's Code of Academic Integrity.
The course calendar is for planning purposes only and is subject to change.
Grade Breakdown
*** You must pass the laboratory to pass the course. ***
Grading Scale
Please use the grading scale below as a general guideline to keep track of your grades throughout the
Grading Policies
• If you anticipate missing a CW session due to illness, personal or family crises, etc. you are
required to turn in a Course Absence Report followed by an email to be considered excused and
provided an opportunity to submit the missing assignment.
• Unexcused CW/Exam days will be counted as a zero.
• Students who miss three or more CW days will be encouraged to withdraw.
• For an excused absence reported through Course Absence Report and followed up by an email
prior to the exam day, the following policies will be implemented:
! If you are missing an exam due to medical reasons, a doctor's note will be required. For
non-medical reasons, an email is required prior to the scheduled exam along with
appropriate documentation.
! You may then be allowed to replace the grade for the missed exam by the average of
the remaining 4 exams.
! Failure to comply with the above will result in unexcused absence and the associated
assignment/exam will then be counted as zero.
• You are expected to tell the truth about your situation and failure to do so is a violation of
Penn's Code of Academic Integrity.
• If you expect a conflict with a religious obligation, you should discuss this with me as early as
possible in the term.
Study Hints
• It is crucial that you keep up with the work, and plan to spend time out of class every day
studying and doing the homework. The material is progressive, in that each chapter depends on
material presented in previous chapters. If you get behind, you cannot just skip a chapter and go
on to the next; you must comprehend the material at each stage before you can progress.
• Seek help from me or the TA during office hours, or in your study groups.
• The Weingarten Learning Resources Center can provide professional instruction on strategies
for exam preparation, taking exams, time management, etc.
• Check your grades on Canvas on a regular basis and should you have any questions or concerns
email at Waiting until the end of the semester is not a good strategy.