Most fluids offer some resistance to motion, and we call this resistance “viscosity.” Viscosity
arises when there is relative motion between layers of the fluid. More precisely, it measures
resistance to flow arising due to the internal friction
between the fluid layers as they slip past one another
when fluid flows. Viscosity can also be thought of as
a measure of a fluid’s thickness or its resistance to
objects passing through it. The Viscosity of a fluid
described as the resistance of liquid. For example
liquids like water, alcohol, petrol and more flow freely
and faster and have low viscosity than those that
flow slowly like glycerin solution, honey, and oil. This
is because of its physical property and is called
viscosity. In simple words, it explains the fluid’s flow
Viscosity Definition
The definition of viscosity is as follows:
The SI unit of viscosity is poiseiulle (PI). Its other units are newton-second per square metre
(N s m-2) or pascal-second (Pa s.) The dimensional formula of viscosity is [ML-1T-1].
The viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with an increase in temperature, and the viscosity
of gases increases with an increase in temperature. Thus, upon heating, liquids flow more
easily, whereas gases flow more slowly. Also, viscosity does not change as the amount of
matter changes, therefore it is an intensive property.
η= 2ga2(△ρ)/ 9v
In this formula,
We can, in turn, calculate v as the distance travelled by the sphere per unit time.
We measure viscosity in Pascal seconds that is Pa s. From the formula mentioned above, it
is quite evident that if the velocity of the sphere increases, the viscosity will be more.
Furthermore, the more viscous a fluid is, the more resistance shall it offer to any object
flowing or moving inside it. The viscosity of water is 0.001 Pa s, that of motor oil is 1, and
that of air is 0.000019 Pa s. It is also essential to make a point of the fact that in the case of
gases, with the increase in the temperature, the viscosity will also increase. On the other
hand, in the case of liquids, the viscosity shall decrease as the temperature increases.
SI Unit of Viscosity
Pascal seconds (Pa s) is the SI unit of dynamic or absolute viscosity.
Pressure = Pa = Force/Area
Force = kg ms⁻²
Area = m²
Pressure = Pa = kg ms⁻²/ m²
Pressure = Pa = kg m⁻¹s⁻²
Stokes (St) is the CGS unit of kinematic viscosity, named after Sir George Gabriel Stokes, an
Irish physicist and mathematician. The unit centistokes (CST) also has its uses in various
Coefficient of viscosity
When liquid flows over a flat surface, the liquid layer in contact with the fixed surface does
not move. Higher layers move forward with increasing velocity. Due to relative motion, a
backward dragging force F acts tangentially to every layer. This force is proportional to the
speed (v) of the layer, the area (A) of the layer and inversely proportional to their separation
(x). Combining these factors we have the following:
F=nA (v/x)
In the equation, the constant of proportionality (n) is called the coefficient of viscosity, which
varies for every fluid.
v=2(ρ−σ)r2g / 9η
Viscosity Types
Viscosity is the measure of fluid’s friction to its flow. There are two ways to measure the
fluid’s viscosity as follows:
Dynamic Viscosity (Absolute Viscosity)
Kinematic Viscosity
One way is to measure the fluid’s resistance to flow when an external force is applied. This
is known as Dynamic Viscosity. And the other way is to measure the resistive flow of a fluid
under the weight of gravity. We call this measure of fluid viscosity kinematic viscosity.
Many are confused between the two viscosity measures and consider them to be one and
the same. In reality, they have significant differences between them. For a few applications,
kinematic viscosity is more useful than absolute or dynamic viscosity.
The meter-kilogram-second or MKS unit is: Kilogram per meter per second or
Kg m-1 s-1.
η = F . d/ A .ⅴ = MLT−2 . L / L2 . LT −1
On solving we get,
η = ML-1T-1
Why Viscosity Is Important in Daily Life
While viscosity may seem of minor importance in daily life, it can actually
be very important in many different fields. For example:
Lubrication in vehicles:
Viscosity plays a significant role in the preparation and serving of food. Cooking oils may or
may not change viscosity as they heat, while many
become much more viscous as they cool. Fats, which
are moderately viscous when heated, become solid
when chilled. Different cuisines also rely on the
viscosity of sauces, soups, and stews. A thick potato
and leek soup, for example, when it is less viscous,
becomes French vichyssoise. Some viscous fluids
add texture to foods; honey, for example, is quite
viscous and can change the "mouth feel" of a dish.
1. Meter high, 5cm broad cylindrical glass tube
4. Screw gauge
5. Stop watch
6. String
η = 2(ρ−σ)r2g / 9v
η= coefficient of viscosity
ρ= density of steel = 7.1 gcm-3
σ= density of viscous liquid
σg (for glycerin) = 1.26 g/cc
σo (for white oil) = 0.91g/cc
v= terminal velocity
r= radius
1. 500ml of the oil was weighed and the density was found out.
2. The jar was cleaned and filled with the motor oil up to a 97 cm marker.
3. Two loops of string were tied around the lower part of the glass tube, 30 cm apart. One at
50cm and the other at 20cm.
4. Clean the glass jar and fill it with transparent viscous liquid.
5. The vertical scale along the height of the jar must be clearly visible to note the least count.
6. Check the tight spring of the stopwatch and also record the least count and zero error.
7. Record the least count and zero error of the screw gauge.
9. Gently drop the ball in the liquid. Initially, the ball falls with an accelerated velocity until it
reaches one-third height of the liquid. Then it falls with uniform terminal velocity.
10. As the ball reaches some convenient division, start the stopwatch to note its fall. As the
ball reaches the convenient lowest division, stop the stopwatch.
Pitch of the screw gauge = 1mm
Displacement = 50-20 = 30 cm
η = 2(ρ−σ)r2g / 9v
η= 0.22*5.84*1.10*9.8/7.73
η=1.79 g/cc
η = 2(ρ−σ)r2g / 9v
η = 0.22*6.19*1.12*9.8/35.79
η = 0.41 g/cc