,:rr~c~ha!!Jpe!t~e!:.r!at~a~G:!;l::a~n:;ce:;.,__ _ _ _ _ _~----...........
Quantum Statiltic1
F-D statistics .
. .
The particles arc 1dent1cal and indistinguishable
The total number of particles of the """tern• ·
- •, • IS constant (Closed •
N-N,+N,+ ...... ..........+N,=constant System)
Clualflcatioa of Statiatical llechaJlica or, L
N, = constant
Statistical Mechanics
3. The total energy of the system is constant (Is I t d
E = N,E, + N,E,+ ......................+ N,E,= ~::1a:stem)
or, L N,E, =constant
T"""' --:.~
Classical Statistical Mechanics Quantum Statistical Mech . '
(deals with classical particles) 4. The particles have half integral spin motion.
(Obeys Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics) (d.,ls wilh 5. The particles have asymmetric wave function.
Ex. Ida/ Gos mof«uta 6. The part!cles obey the.Pauli's Exclusion Principle.
7. The particles obey Heisenberg Uncenainty Principle.
8. The particles are called Fermions.
Panicles with half integral spin Particles with integral spin 9. Thermodynamic probability of the macroState {N,,N,,N,, ...Nl' ...} in Fermi-Dirac (or
[Obeys Fermi-Dirac Statistics) [Obeys Bose-Einstein Statistics) FD) statistics will be given by
Ex. Ef«tnn, proton, neutron, Hr• atom, Ex. Photon, phonon, deuterons, iriwa., w'»{N,,N, ,N,, .. .N,, ...)=n, ••c. =TI g,!
~aon,etc. He,. atom etc. I I N/(g1-N,)!
Cluaical Statiatic1 B-E Statistics
M-B stalistics I . The panicles are identical and indistinguishable.
I. The panicles are identical and distinguishable. 2. The total number ofpaiticles of the system is constant (Closed system)
2. The total number of panicles of the system is constant (Closed system) N = N, + N,+ ................+ N,= constant
N•N1+ N,+ ................+ N,=constant or, L
N, = constant
or, N, = constant
PH-280 PH-281
11 A,,_. eMIVJ of 811 electron In a metal at T = OK Is 1,9. Fenni-Dlrac distribution approaches Mixweu. ~
• • (WBUT 200J(EVEN), 2012(000), 2014(EVEN), 2014(00D), 2o 8(0lloft •l low temperature and high Pressure Boltzmann distribution at
1 b) low temperature and low particle mass
2 '
b) llF c) .?_3&,_ d) ~& c) high temperature and high particle mass
s ,. d) high density and low energy range
A..-.(d) Answer: (c)
1.2. The number of poAlble anangements of two fermions In three cells is 1.10. Which of the following particles is not a Fermion?
[WBUT 2008(EVEN) , 20 a) Proton b) Neutron c) Alpha-particle (WBUT 2011(ODO))
18100 Answer: ( c)
Auwer:{c) ~· ~3 ~1 ~ d) Electron
1.12. If the Fermi energy of metal (In 3d) at thermal equlllbrlum Is 15 eV, then the
1.4. For T >OK, the probability of occupancy of an electron at Fermi energy levtl Is average energy of the electron Is (WBUT 2012(EVEN))
(WBUT 2011(0D0), 2013(0D0), 2014(0D0), 2019(0DDR a) 9 eV b) 10 eV c) 15 eV d) 12 eV
I Answer : (a)
a) 0 b) - c) 1 I
d) -
2 4 1.13. BE statistics Is applicable for (WBUT 2012(EVEN), 2013(OOD1)
Answer: (b)
a) Ideal gas b) electron c) proton d) photon
Answer: (d)
1.5. Th• statistics obeyed by , He' atom Is
[WBUT 2018(00D)1
•) 11B statlstlca
b) BE statistics c) FD statistics d) Any of thnt different energy states is
a) 15 b) 6 c) 144
(WBUT ;,o~:
1.14. The number of ways In which 4 Identical bosons can be dlstrlbutedE~ 3
Answer: (a)
1.1. 11B statlstlca Is applicable for
a) Ideal gae [WBUT 2019(EVEN)I
b) Electron c) Proton 1.15. A system Is called strongly degenerate If (WBUT 2012(0OD), 2014(ODD)I
Auwer:(a) d) Photon
N N N,
a) ...!. = I b) .....L » i c)- « I d) g, = I
1.7. The degrees of freedom of a phue space are & & &
[WBUT 2019(00D)i Answer: (b)
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6
Auwer:{b) d)9
1.16. A coin and a six faced disc are thrown Simultaneously. The probablllty that
the coin shows head and the disc shows 2 ls (WBUT 2012(OOD)1
1.1. The 11-B atatlstlcs Is applicable for I I
a) cllatlngulshable particle [WBUT 2019(0D0)) I c .!_ d) 8
a) - b) - ) 6
C)llolbofth Ne b) Indistinguish able particle 4 12
Aaawen(a) d) none of these Answer: (b)
PH-282 PH-283
[WBUT 2013(E1Je
1,26, At absolute zero temperature, what Is the Fermi distribution of electrons
1.11.lll'lliil...,. . b)eo.ons 14)1 vthlfl the energy of the system Is greater than Fermi energy? [WBUT
d) clffSlcal partlcles ,4.nsWer:
A..-(a) F rmi Dirac distribution is given by f(c) - So & < T = 0 K we have
e eC&-e1>1r:r + I • &1,
thll can be occupied by an electron at T =OK is kn°""
1.11. The_._...., [WBUT 2013(EIJeN
f (&)=--d---=I and &>&f, T=OK we have f(&)=-l-=0
• b) Fenni energy » e +I e"+I
c, ..............
al liead . . 1M111Y
d) potential energy Which indicates that all the energy states are completely filled up to the ferrni energy
level 61 and above which no free electron is there.
1.11. Whlcll ofllletonowfnl II I fennk>II? [WBUT 2013(00D» 1,27. What do you mean by the probability of an event? [WBUT 2023(EVEN))
c)phonon d) alpha Plrtlclt
a)phoeDa b)tleCll'IIII Answer:
A■-er:(b) The probability of an event refers to a measure of the likelihood of that event occurring.
It provides a quantification of the uncertainty associated with the event.
1.28. Wlllcll-ofllle followlntl 11 • Fermion? [WBUT 2014(EVEN)J
The probability of an event A is given by the formula:
•I a p■l1lcle b) µ _ . c) Photon d) ,y particle
Number of favorable outcomes for A
A-.(b) P(A) .
Total number of possible outcome
1.21. For four dlltlllgullhable partlcln for macrostates (3, 1) the number o1 The probability of an event is typically represented as a number between O and I, where:
pwlblelff■l...-,tsare [WBUT 201 S(EVEN)) • A probability of O means that the event is impossible and will not occur.
a) Z b)3 c)4 d)9 • A probability of I means that the event is certain and will definitely occur.
1.22. The FD distribution function Is given by [WBUT 201 S(EVEN))
Short Answer Type Questions
I I 2.1. Find the possible arrangements of three particles A, B and C in three cells
a)/(&)- c,-,,,,cr I b) f(&)= (c-c1 ) 1Kf I
e + e - according to the M-B, B-E and F-D statistics. [WBUT 2019(EVEN)J
I Answer:
c) /(&) =-..::;,;;a d) none of these
e Possible macrostatcs of the given problem are stated as below.
Cell I Ccll 2 Cell3 Macrostnte
1.23. A coin and a six faced dice thrown simultaneously. The probability that tht 3 0 0 (3 0 0)
oolll al.- hNd 111d the dice"- 5 ls [WBUT 201 S(EVEN)l 0 3 0 (0,3,0)
I I 0 0 3 (0 0 3)
•I 4 b) l2 c) 0 d) 1 2 I 0 (2.1,0)
A-.r:(b) 2 0 I (2.0, ll
0 2 I (0,2,1)
1.JC. FIi in the blank: . J 0 I 2 (0 1,2)
Planck's fonnula for black . . . [WBUT 2022(_0 ~0)
I 0 2 <I 0 2)
body radiabon can be dcnved from Bose-Ei11stei11 statistics. 0 /I 2,0)
I 2
1.21. In which stalllllcs, Paull'I lus I I I ( I, I, ll
Auwer: Fermi-Dine llalistics exc Ion principle Is valid? [WBUT 2022(00D)1
So there are 10 possible mucrost11tcs
i) Under M-B statistics each of the macrostate has diffefent microstates. Since the
particles are id~ntical and distinguishable so let us mark these particles arc "A", "B"
PH-284 PH-285
aicaoillllS conesponcling to each microstate arc as sho
-,-c-.111,.... ~- A point in r space represents a state of the entire st
. . . , - i.tllecel ls NoorMicrostates lied molecular phase space or µ-space. sy em, For monatomic gas it is also
...... .
_ .
MM. •11 ~ I CeB2 Cell3 ~or I one dimensional simple harmoni c oscillator of
ABC • • I total energy at any instant for its displacement x firomma~s m an_d_ s~rmg constant k, The
ABC • I Its equ1hbn um position can be
111101 .
• ABC I written as
,11101 p2 J
L1\ • • J •2 J 2
AB C • E=K.E +P.E= -mx +-/a =.....!..+ -/er'
2 2m 2
3 2
AC B •
BC A • [·: momentum of the harmonic oscillator , p .- = mxJ
5x3- 15 2 l
s-- gnn ILIIU.IUl,2,0l.ll,0.21, (0 1,2) P, l h' h ' ·
6 X
) + - - = w 1c 1s a equation of an ellipse
Far !I I II micn,stale
TOIII nanllerol'microsllleSn(l+l+l+J+l5+6)- 2? followm~ M-8
or - -
'(2: 2111£ ·
_1111Crostate has different s
micro. tates. Since lhc
ii) Uader B-E stalistics each of lbe a carve known as phase
.-,ticl e- idenlical and indisringu1shable so the total number of m1crostbyates are less So the phase space is two dimensional and the x.p, plane forms
M-8 case a SIited below. Say cech of the particles are designated
-A". Possible mic:rostateure stared as below.
a S}'lllboi
1rajec1ory. In this ellipse the semi major and semi-mi nor axes
are Ji!- and .[i;;;i
cells No or Microstates
M8Cl'Ollale Na■ber or 111nldes in the n:spectively. p,
Cell Ctll2 Cell3
(OJ,0 . \AA . I
10.G.3 . AAA I
12.1.0 AA - I
AA :' A I
0 AA A I
(1,2,0 A AA . I
11,0.2 .
(I I ll A
TotalnumbcrofmlCIOSllleSm 10 following
B.E d1stnbut1on
So area in the phase space will beJTab =JT J¥ x .Jf,;;i =2JTEJ¥
ii) Uader F-0 Slltistic:s the particle Ire identical and indisting
uishable. They also obey b) Which statistics will be applicable for
[WBUT 2019(O0D))
less than M-B and Iv) photon?
Pauli's aclusioa principle. So the total number of microstates are
I) ,H' 11) e· Iii) JT
PH-286 PH-287
PH-288 PH-289
__ _
...,, "'°.. pollnZlbC"'
.-...CS 111w
. (left handed and right handed). T hus the v I
8/l'V ' d
ofmc,menllllll 15 gi\-ell by g(p )<Ip =h' p 'P
a UC Of I) MB statistics
Ill BE Statistics
1111 FD statistics.
[WBUT 2008(EVEN))
l'adcr-i.ivisllc case siaee ' e :.P = =&i NA= .{<i.44)' - (1.40) = J2 07 -1.96 = Jo.Ti= 0.337
, •.,:z.we we get 2pdp=2m_dc or, pdp=mdc
Differenlilring b) i) for MB Statistics let us consider three part icles be designated 85 a, b, c (since they
Subslimbng !M value of I' mdpdp in equauon (2) we have, arc ,den11cal and dis tin11.uishablel are distributed so that total enersn< is 3 units.
Energy units 0 I 2 3
1./2 ,cf' ~ ¾
6(&')1/& a ---m·&·dc ➔
Distrib ution 0 abc 0 0
lh pamcui.ll'meul sample contains n free electrons, we can calc ula t~ its Fenni cner&)• ➔ C a b 0
& , • OK b) tilling up iisencrgy stateS with these electrons m order of increasing enc,&) C b a 0
llal1lnl fiom &...0. The highest energy stale to be filled will then have the energy t:=c, b a C 0
by definllDI. We tno,., 1h11 each swe is hm1ted to one e lectron (as per pauli's excluslOJI b C a 0
a b C 0
a C b 0
Now ,.e if we p, on adcbng all such stales up to the highest energy le ve l i e.. c, at OK
ab 0 0 C
olmously -.e will get die IOW number of electrons i.e., 11, . So mathematically be 0 0 a
! 'l(eWe =n (11dietempera111reOK] ... ( I ) ac 0 0 b
So tota l number of m,crostates fo r MB sta11st1cs will be 10
•wekNwlhlldienumberofelecllUllsbetweenenergystales & to e+ d& is
M d !! ii) For BE Statistics let us consider three particles be designated as a. a, a (since they are
identical and indisti n •uishable) are distributed so that total enerl!V is 3 units.
Energy units 0 I 2
Subsaitllling g(e")ti& rn(l)wehave n= M ll'Vm"' r,c "'d c ➔
h' l,
Distribution 0 aaa 0 0 ,rY,n12 , ., ➔
or.""' 3h' e, aa
~ e Cllplftlion is die value ofFermi energy al OK.
So tota l number of mrcrostates for BE stnt1st1cs will be 3
II • clear Ima dial expression that the Fenm energy is independen t o f the size and
~ of lhe conduaor IS ii onIY depends upon 11
V. the numbe r of electrons per unrt Iii) For FD Stntisties let us consider three particles be designated ns a, a. a (smce they
identical, indistinguishuhlc a nd one cell can accommodate one part icle) are distributed so
\>Olume or elecbun - concentration. 1s_._ _ _-c- :--.---::-r--:-.--::--r-::--,
that total energy is 3 uni,.
Encr~y units ➔ 0 2 3
2.1. aJ A _ , Index optical t1brt hu
• 1M 11111 1.AO , . 11 refract1v1 lndlc11 of the core and the cladding Distribution ~ u a o 0
..,...._ pie "'r Ind Is sunounded by air. Calculate the numericJI So 101111 number of microstatcs for FD statistics wi ll be I
Tint....,_ -
b) A.,.._ h a ~
to bt slng1t-part1c11 states with o, 1, 2 , 3 energy unltl-
1111.,.._laSunb. Flnd~!" lhlN statn such that the total energy of
2.7. Give two examples of bosons. [WBUT 2008(EVEN))
") For B-E stallsllcs more an one particle can go to one stat h . . . .
n11of two partldff In thfff cells for e sot e possible d1stnbu11on
= •• .,
,..111 111 w·Ube
U.Flndlle poaallllt ..... .- . .• • ' [WBUT 2009(E"'" I
I) lloN-EIIIIIIIIIStlllllicl •i:t4q No of ,
llt FelaM)lrlcSllllflc9 -,
AA 0 0
A-. and fennionS are identical and indistinguishable particles let
represented ss Aand A. The number of possible states for bo: ~2
~ 4
adr.nm- lieNo ofSllla below.
Numbcl'of states
s 0 A
Cell I Cell 3 6 A 0 A
I AA O 0
l O AA 0 n(v)dv = 1;.~v)
l 0 0 AA
4 A A 0
err -I
S A 0 A
6 O A A 2.10. Sketch the nature of Fermi-Dirac distribution function at T =O and T >OK in
( 1) (2+3-1) 41· =6 microstates
tht same graph. [WBUT 2012(EVEN)J
Malhemllicll1y 1 ,,. n,+g,- =____:=- Amwtr:
• n,(g,-1) 2!(3-1)! 2!2!
b) For fermions each energy swes CID accommodate single particle so the number of
poaiblelllleS are ss follows:
No ofSllleS Number of rwticles in the energy states
Cell I Cell2 Ccll 3 OS
I A 0 0
2 0 A 0
3 0 0 A
' g,l 3! 3! .
Malbcmalically W ---,,......-,-=---=-= 3m1crostates
n,(g,-n,)! 2!(3-2)! 2!1!
er c ---+
2.1. In._ many ways 2 lndlstlnguilhable particln can be distributed in th'" Bose-Einstein Stntlstits Fermi-Dir•c Statistics
lllllnct --.1111e particles obey (I) r-0 statistics, (ii) 8-E statistics? I BE. statis1ics applies to idcn1ical I. F.O. statistics applies to identical
Wrlladown the upnalon of occupation probability of photon in the frequency indistinguishable paniclcs which obey laws of indistinguishable paniclcs which obey laws of
lnllrval•1D H"'•• [WBUT 2011(00D)1 quantum mechanics, but nre not governed by quantum mechanics and arc governed by
A-. Pauli's exclusion principle Pau li's exclusion principle
i)ForFD mntics ooe pmticle CID go to one energy state so the possible distribution c,11 2. Paniclcs hnvc zero or integral spin and nre 2 Panicles have half integral spin and arc
benpaenlcd ulllledbelow. called Bosons called Fermions.
.... .. .. ...
l There is no restriction on the number of 3 There con be no panicle or only one
No..r paniclcs in an elementary cell of phase space pnnicle n given cell in phase spncc
-1-,-1 ➔ using formula we havew = g, ! 31 3! 2! = Jways 4. Familiar examples arc (i) photons in n 4 Familiar example is (i) free electrons in n
2 "0 A O n,!(g, -n,)! 2!1! 2! cavuv, Iii) ohonons in solids. metal.
3 ""
"0 "
P9PIM8 !'VllqJJONI _ Write the basic assu~pti ons In deriving the (I) MB (II)
BE and 111
d III eltCUO" In I metal at OK Is given by I
213 How does the distributi on function differ In the three cases? I l FD
· ,i.tlitk:S•
5£, , [WBUT 2014(000 ))
2.12.s,-t 11attlle av9fll9. ....., [WBUT 2013(EVe
NI) Answer:
w11er9 £, .. the Fennl etMl'IIY• 1• Part: . . . .
Auwer: . die momentum interval between p and (') Assumptions made m den vrng MB distribut ion function:
/. The particles of the s
_ystem are distinguis hable.
Number ofcells in the phUe space 111
_ Any number of particle~ can occupy a single cell in phase-space.
From FD disa-iburion funcliOII we have g(c)d& ... ( I ) 2
3. The cell can be of any s ize.
,,-•,Y"' + 1 4. For the isolated system l,,n, = 11 =total number of particles is
constant where n,
,_, __., II be .._.ennined according to the conditions of this prob'-=· being the number of particles in ith energy state.
The value of g(e,..c .,,..wi = . .. ( I )
4KVp'dp So, "i,,dn, =0 (conservation of number of particles).
The p+dp isgivenb yg(p)dp =---;;,- Since the particles are non-intera cting , hence the total energy£= Consatnt
handed and
ln CISe of electron obeying F.D statistics have two state of pola~iza'.ion (left so, "i,,dE = 0 (conservation of energy) ... (2)
nght handed). Thus the value of g(p)dp in tenns of momentum 1s given by
Multiplying equation (I) by a and equation (2) by p , where a and p
are arbitrary
81rV , _,
g(p)dp =7P "P ··· ( 2) constants, we get adn, +Pd£, = 0 ... (3)
6. When 1he particles are in eq uilibrium, thermodynamic probability
is the maximum.
Under non-relativistic case since fn,' = & :. P = &
(ii) Assumptions made in deriving BE distribution function:
Differentianng p' =2m& we get 2pdp=2md& or, pdp = md& I. The particles of the system are identical and distinguishable.
SubsuMmg the value of p andpdp in equation (2) we have, 2. Any number of particles can occupy a single cell m the phase space.
3. The size of th e cell cannot be less than h' where h is Planck's
constant having a
g(e)de= ---m"' c"'dc value 6.63 x Io-" J S
h' of particles i.e.,
Substituting the value of g(c)d& in relation (I). we have, 4. The number of phase space cell is comparable with the number
& =-=--
3n f'c
' en<.e)de
• J l:Z J I?
de Multiplying equution ( I) by a nnd equation (2) by p , where a and /J are arbitrary
2. _..., an not OCCUPY I single cell in phase-space. Oni
C:_.--=::lhll! (iii) E11sttnblt
Arty_ ftlllllber
pa1~ per
(,a,,/fl ,idiaion principle)
. - - ~ lesS dlln h1 where h is Planck's constant.
3. TIie me ofdie cell _e111.not..-iical,le to puticles with odd half integral spin ~
Y 0lle 'f)le study of thermodynamics is concerned with st
...a:ption to be "static" (despite the motion of their
r·-~ L., .
eseri~ s1mp y• Y
I b a set f .
o macroscopically
int:~:, h'
wparts1ch) apdpearh_toh humaben
, an w ic can
observable vari'ables. These sv~tems can be
4. f'ami-Ovac _.ics IS "l'I" 8U1- d • I bl h
eseribed by stat1st1ca
· · I ·1·bensem
· es t at• depend on a few observa bl .
maaientulll in 1111ils ofb. · f . I • d A e parameters, and which
...._ ,__,___, ~ • _ n i=IOIII number o part1c es 1s constant w•- .... in stat1st1ca
... . equ1 1 num.f ccording to Gibbs that di!Terent macroscopic • constraints
S. For ...., ;.._... S)stelll iJ;• - '"'rt n lead to different types .0 ensembles, with panicular statistical characteristics. Three
beiag the number of particles m11h energy stat~- ' impartant therm?dynamic ensembles :,vere defined by Gibbs. i) Microcanonical ensemble
So. l:,dn, • O (c:onsen'llion of number of particles). . .. (I) which is a function of num~er of pan1cles, volume and energy. ii) Canonical Ensemble is
_ Since die ~les are non-intefaCting, hence the total energy function of number_of particl:s, volume and temperature. iii) Grand canonical Ensemble
6 is function of chemical potential, volume and temperature.
E=Consllllt so. I,dE=O(consemtion of energy) ... (2)
Multiplying eqtlllion (I) by a and eqllllion (2) by P, where a and /J are arbitrary b) Give an expression of B-E statistics and hence obtain Plank's law of black body
--■nlS. we get adn, + /Jde, = 0 •· • (3)
radiation. [WBUT 2018(O0D))
According to Bose - Einstein statistics we may write the distribution of particles in
JOII Put: Rt/a to Qwstion No. 2.5(1"' Part).
different energy states as n, = ,,,;; .
2.14. Write clown the blslc poatulltN of BE 1lltlstics. Define fermions. e -1
[WBUT 2014(ODDH To find the number of photons in the frequency interval v and v + dv and substituting
A-. &, = & =hv we have, number of photons in the said frequency interval
111 Put: llef,r to Quation No. 2.JJ(J• Part) (iii). g(v)dv
n(v)dv = ~ ... ( I)
e - I
2.. Part: In (I) term g(v) gives the number of cells in phase space volume lying in the energy
TIie puticlcs which obey F.D statistics and Pauli's exclcsion principle having hair
integral spin an: known as Fu,,uo,u. interval (companment) between v and v+ dv Corresponding momentum p = - and
Eumple: electron. proron. neutron. positron C
p+dp = h(v+dv) . The number of cells in the phase space in the momentum interval
LoDJ Answer Type Questions C
between p and p + dp is given by
3.1. •l Wrlta down about (I) macrusute (Ill microstate (iii) ensemble.
[WBUT 2018(0001) ( )d 4,rVp ' dp
g P p = --h-,-
Amwer: Due to property of polarization of photons i.e., one set of photon has lefi handed
polari1.a1ion and the other set has right handed polarization. Therefore, the number of
In Slalist~ mechanics. a microstate describes a specific detailed microscopic
config,ntion ofa system that the system visits in the course of its thermal nuctuations. cells for both kind of photons, is given by
(B)M.,._,,e ( )d 2 x 4,rVp dp _ 8,rVp' dp
g P p- h' - - h-,-
A ~ of the ~ is defmcd by specifying the external parameters, and any
Olhcr comlranu to which the system is subiect. For example if we are dealing with an . . the value of p =-hv
isolaled ~ (i.e.. one that can nctlhC: exchange heat ~ith nor do work on its
subshtutmg and dp =-h d u we have
swroundmgs) lben the macrostate might be specified by giving the values of the volume
IOcal energy. For• many-particle system there are generally a very grial g(v)dv = 8,rV h' v' . hdv
nwn mlCIOllllel which are consistent with a given ~acrostate. h' c' c
I.ff' .
gta•)Jv • - ,v·Ja•
c · (I) we have•
r .1A•""":
1 arc identical
d d" ·
• h bl ) . .
for Ml! Stat1.ft1cs let us consider three particles be dcsignat d b ( .
e as a, , c smce t ey
Pulling die o.pres.1io11 of ,<v) ia die eqUlhOII an 1stmgu1s n e are distributed so that total energy is 3E units.
possible macrostatcs are
I.ff" • I Encr~v units ➔ OE
11(1•),11• =-,-1•·Jv--;;-.;-- E 2£ JE
t: t -1 2 0 0 I
Since ca,:11 photoo his ene'I) l,v. the energy density E(v)dv defined as t~e amount of Distribution ➔ I I I 0
Cllef&) per unit ,-olume ~in& between the frequencies v and v + d v 1s given bi. 0 3 0 0
hn1(1•)Jv •.
Microstates of the corresponding mncrostates can be determined using w = N, n !:.!.._
y I N,!
l,vn( ,.)J,• S..-m.> I where g, is the number of degeneracy of the panicular level Here g, = 1
£(1•)J1• = -=-,Jv--;;;,.,,-
J' ,: t -1 We have the number of microstates corresponding to macrostates (2,0,0, I) is 3, for
&.l,v' ... (2) (1,1, 1,0) is _6 and for (0,3,0,0) is I. So /ti/al 1111mber micr11st11tes il· JO.
£(1•lJ1• = , ., "' I
t: t -
Equation(~) 15 lulo\\ll IS Pla■ck's law of black body ra~iation in terms of frequ,IIC) ii) For BE Statistics particles are identical and indistinguishable
or ndialio■. Plancl..'s law accurately fits m the experimental resu lts regarding lhc , g, [(g, + N, - 1)1]
distribution ofcncrg)· \\ith \\a,-clength in the spectrum due to radiations from black bodi Using IV.. = n,-'-"-'---'----'
g, 'N,'
--"- . As before g, =I . We have the number of
c) 3 dlstlngulshlbla particles uc:h of which can be in one of the E, 2E, 3E, 4E , microstates corresponding 10 macrostates (2,0,0,1) is I , for (1,1,1,0) is I and for
energy state of tObll ■-rgy &E.
Find all possible number of distributions of 111 · (0,3,0,0) is I. So t11ta/ 1111111ber micros/ates is J.
particlas In the anargy states. Find no. of mlcroatate in each case.
[WBUT 2018(0DD)J d) Evaluate the absolute temperature at which a state with an energy 0.5 eV above
A-er: Ref~r to Quation No. 21 (a) & (b). tht Fermi energy will have 1 % probability of being occupied by an electron.
(WBUT 2019(EVEN))
l l ■1 Draw th■ Fanni distribution curve of (I) T = 0 K and (ii) T > OK. Explain their Answer:
algnlftc■nce. (WBUT 2019(EVEN)) The FD distrib111ion is f ( c)
Amwer: Ref~r to Question No. J.J(a).
c, is the Fermi energy
bl Whit ■ra fennlons and bosons? Give two examples of each. K, = Boltzmann constunt
[WBUT 2013(0D0), 2014(EVEN), 2019(EVEN))
Allllt'er: Given, c=(c, + O.S}cV
Bose Ei_nstein's S~tist1cs is applicable to the i~entical and indistinguishable particles of 1
zero or mtegral spm. These particles arc called bosons. Thus, / (c) = __!_ =
100 l +e""'•'
Ex.mpla: photons. phonons.
1 0.5
~ermi One Statistics 1npplicable to the and indistinguishahlc particles of half• or,001 = --
I +,/
where, x=--
mlqral spm. These part1clcs obey Pauh exclusion principle and arc called fermions K"T
E,a,,npla: electrons. protons. neutrons etc. or, 0.01 + 0.01.r = I
or, e' = ~ = 99
c) Conalclar I thraa particle system nch of which can exist In a state O. ~. 2£ ancf 0 01
JE • Th■ total energy of tha system la 3E. What are the possible mlcrostates ii Ill•
particles obey (1) MB at■tlatlca, (II) BE at■tlatlca. [WBUT 2019(EVEN)) or, x = 2.303 iog 10 99 = ~
PH-298 PH-299
O 109xl.6xlr° 1264K
So. T• IJlxlO.., • T>OK
Average energy can be expressed ass ~ -• - - -
,. (2mkr) '.
~ (2n11rkT) 1 '·'
(rasmSllledabovel n is given by
The volume occupied by the pan1cle in the quantum mechanical descriptio
'1• 1.-f' ,ri;;idc l ½dc ,,,
'j = •
= N4,rV h'
-N-- i= ) :? •
&=2c,·Y, [
t""'r· " 2 I( 3 - 3
=½c,·" s&''1 =5&1 hence& =5&1 Again the average volume occupied by a panicle in classical descriptio
n in ( ~ ) , so
--ve sign for B.E and +ve sign for F.D . The symbols have their
usual meaning. states of energy o
c) 2 distinguishable particles are distributed in 2 non-degenerate to the state
I' "
. nprobabiny-'-= I and e. List all the microsta tes and find the total energy correspo
So occupallO [--'•)- [WBUT 2011(ODO)]
with maximum number of microsta tes.
g, ••.,±I Answer:
The Slllle in Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) distribution will be 0 e
I AB 0 Max imum number of Macrostate:;:; 2
n, I ... (2)
;:= ,[-~) 2 0
Correspo nding energy= &
es to MB
Now comparing equation (I) and (2) we can write FD and BE approach 1 B ,I
dlSlributioa when
3.1. a) What do you moan by p and r -phase space? Find the
area In the phase
)-iJ-) » I ... (3) space of a one-dime nsional harmonic osclllator of mass m whose total energy Is E.
the assumpti ons
Enequality (3) holds good for any value of c, b) Derive Planck's radiation Jaw from BE statistics. State clearly
made In the theory.
\lr'hcn &, =0, so, (3) reduces to••» I c) What Is Fermi energy? ty that a state
d) Evaluate the temperat ure at which there Is one per cent probabili
-;; »I ... (4) With energy of 0.6 eV above the Fermi energy will be occupied by an electron.
[WBUT 201 Z(EVEN)]
so h'
Writ• down th• postulates of B-E statistics and write down the B-E distributio
:,;;,; ,o QWS1MHf No. 2.4(.J. • :nctton explaining the symbols. At what condition BE-statistics will yield classical
stattstlcs? (WBUT 2012(ODD))
. . of energy with wav~lengt~ ~n the case of black i..._
II) ~ ' s law of ~~ basis of Bose • Einstein stat1st1cs. . """I Answer:
a) Density of state ' g(E)dE' is defined as the number of states per unit volume in
radilllOIIS can be derived on tassical theory the frequency of this radiation I'
Ar.r~ Acconl:O ':.etc infinity. But it has been obse"'.ed that these radiati: energy interval,£ and £ + dE.
( E)dE = no. of states between E and £ + dE m a metal piece
conunuously ~ .15 or bundles or quanta. According to quantum thccii-
~ _energy frcqUCIIC)'
m discrelChasun•• quantum energy, h where h is Planck's •constant ...; ~~
g Volume of that metal piece
radllllOR of
hv ticre c is the velocity of light. These quanta are known as phoiOIII
momentum p = - \1i
..... _:., _rtit-les. The radiations inside the hollow enclosure consist of
and can ""' ~ as r--· . h d'ffi I
umber f photons of different energies as these ave 1 erent wavelen~
~~ i e s ) .,.; can be supposed to fonn a photon gas. :~e distribution of energy
• L - ..i...tnnc ·nsidc the enclosure obeys the law of stalist1cs.
. . h
Since the pholons haw integral spin angular momentum m units of iir they obey BE
The positive octani of n - space
Hat Part: lt.eftr to Qutstio,r No. J.l (b), of
The number of states with a particular value of E depends on how many combinations
c) The maximum energy levels up10 which all the energy states are completely full al OK !he quantum numbers result m the same value of II Smee we are dealing with almost
we may construct a space of points represented by the values
and abcM: which the energy states arc empty (or probability of electron occupancy is one continuum of energy levels,
half at any temperature greater than OK). n,, n, and 11, and let each point with integer values of the coordinates represent an energy
Let us calculate the density of states in a cubical metal piece with sides 'a'. Let 11,, 11, and
d) From the FD distribution function/ (c) = (1-1,J{, n, be the coordinate axes. Draw a sphere in these axes wi<h radius 11' = 11; + 11; + 11; and
l+e "
energy E (Figure shown above).
So as per the problem we have ...!... = __(o,)/
I_ This sphere eontams a series of shells. Each shell denotes a particular radius (or)
" particular energy value. Any change in the 11., 11, and 11, will change E and hence the
IHI/ (UI/ radius ' 11' .
or, l+e Tar =100 or, e hr =99 Suppose we want 10 find the m1mber of states in between £ and E + dE . This
equivalent to say that the number of s1n1cs in a shell thickness An al a distance II in the
Taking loprithm on both sides (to the base e) we have coordinate system formed by 11 ,. 111 and 11, will take only +ve values, in that sphere 1/8
!! 06 ill volume wi ll salisfy this condition. Further in lhal octant we require only the sw:11
lne" = ln99 ➔..:.... = 4.S9S
kT thickness of 611 al II distnnce 11.
06 T 1514K · 6 G = number of slntes in the shell of thickness & 1 at a distance II from origin
or.~= T or,T= ·
4.595k 4.S9Sx8.62 xl0·' or, = I
which is the rcquiml temperature = - x 4m,' & 1
:-:•i:I=.~ - of ltataa of fTH electrons having energy between E and E+ Ag = ~ = ~
2 2
... (I)
PH-304 PH-305
,.211- .•. (2) WIie" &,
> o from the inequality (3) we can say Jti'))1
We b1wr dlllE • a.t (2mlrkr}3'2 (-v) >> 1
,.: • I
Since e >>
h1 n
... (7)
Ditraeatminl, (2) we get dE =2ndn g,na1
bove expression is the mathematical condition for which BE statistics give the same
dE81ml The a . .
So iamnging lhe tcrmS we havendn =-vr result as MB stausucs.
Again the average volume occupied by a particle in classical description in ( ~ }, so
From equation (2) we get n = h
ical description will be valid if
Sm,stibain& n ~ ndn from above two expression in equation (I) we have y
- >>
1 • or.
(2m;rkT) •
- >> I (8)
,c £i lB1111i2)t dESma 2
=~ (smi 0 1 El dE n (1m;rkT) · h n
Ag= 2 Ii 2h2 2 2h' Equation (7) and (8) are same. Both the inequalities are valid for large T value and
Since volume of the metal V= a' • (;) is large, i.e. /ow density (or low pressure)
HCl!Ce Ag=_;(ami yfi dE ··· (J)
4h" Hence, BE statistics approach to MB statistics under high temperature, and low particle
• t.g
_. Nwnberof SllleS per unit volume in the energy range E and E + dE =11 = g(E)dE deasity ( i,e. low pressure).
3.8. a) Apply B-E statistics to a photon and deduce Planck's law of special energy
or. Density of SllleSg(E)dE =~( Jfl dE
density of black body radiation.
Answer: Refer to Q11estio11 No. 3.6(b).
[WBUT 2013(EVEN), 2014(EVEN))
b) 1• Pan: Reftr to Quyation No. 2.JJ(lst Part) (ii). b) Deline Microstates and Macrostates with suitable examples. [WBUT 2013(EVEN))
Answer: Refer to Q11estio11 No. 3. 1(a) (i) & (ii).
Rat Part:
1 c) A box contains 5 red balls and 3 white balls. The balls except their colours, are
B-E distribution fwlction can be represented as f (c,) = 3- = - ,,- - Identical. What Is the probability that, on two Independent draws, 1 ball is red and 1
g, 17 1 I ball la white? [WBUT 2013(EVEN)]
e -
wherelhe general form of the B.E distribution laws are given by n, = (••*) ... (4) There are two ways of drawing one red nnd one white ball. One way is in which Ist ball
is white and the second ball is red. The other wny would be m which Ist ball 1s red and
e -1
2nd white. In first case the probability of Isl ball being white = 3/8. The probability that
where the symbols have their usual meaning. The same in Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) 2nd is red = 5/8 . Therefore, the probability that one ball is white and other red would be
distribmionwillbe 11
Ht) ...(5) the combined probability p11 = 3/8 x 5/8 = 15/64 In the second case, the probability of 1st
ball being red = 5/8 and the probability that second ball is white 3/8 Thus combmed
e probability p11 • 15/64 Since there nre two ways of this kind of a draw. the total
Now comparing equation (4) and (S) we can say BE approaches to MB distribution when
piobability would be the sum of two probabilities, i.e., 15/64 + 15/64 = 30/64 = 15/32
l·.!i.\u »I ... (6)
d) What do you mean by Macro-canonical and Micro-canonical ensemble?
= O, so, (3) reduces to e• » 1. [WBUT 2013(EVEN))
Eaequality (6) holds good for any value of E, . When £,
!al -ble is a theoretical tool used to a ~ I 2 J
➔ W (n,+g, -1)1 (2+3 -1)! 4! 432'
In Slllistical
. ..a..c . lhe - ~
..,.;SICS. In such- 1 5"S(em. the macrostate of the svsternnaJ}'lt
has ~I AA 0 0 n, !(g, -1)! 2! 2! =2! 2! = 2! 2i =6 ways
111isolalled lhennodynanuc 5)-SU:-one and t~ same probability for every access· 1 -r 0 AA 0
fixed given enef!D' and thereical ·--1.1e
microsllle. The ffllCl'OCIIIOII
dcsaibes a sysaem
~ ·(E)
•ilh a fixed
cm<11 " '
number of
is also called the NYE ensem hie bee ib1t
ause ·
(N), a fixed volume (V), and a r~ --
In sWislical mechanics.• crud canonical ensemble (or macrocanomcal ensemble) . 6 A
a problbillly dislribuhon of micro5COPic states for an ope~ syste'.'1, which is bci IS 7f0 stausucs one dparticle
Fo · be
· can
can go to one energy state so the poss1·ble d.1str1·bullon
mamlained in lhermod)ll&IIIIC equilibrium (thermal and chemical) with_a reservoir ~ be rtpresented as state low.
S\"Slffll is open in the sense that it is allowed to fluctuate between various microsc . No. of 2 3
si.ies (microstalCS) \\ith differing energies ·and differing numbers of particles,op~ ll'll)'S
➔ using formula we have JV_ g, ! =..2!_ _ 3! 2!_ 3
exchanging these with I reservoir. The system's volume and shape are, however, llOt ~
,IA 0
n, !(g, - n,) I 2! I! - 2! - ways
aUc,,.-ed ID fluctmte. 2 0 A A
The macroscopic vanables of the grand canonical ensemble are µ (chemical potential) y 3 A 0 A
('volume}, and T(tempcrature), and this ensemble is therefo~ sometimes called theµVJ' which verifies the possible distribution.
naemble. Its cbaractmslic Stale function is the Grand potential <l>G.
3.10. 1) Draw the Fermi distribution function for I) r =OK ii) r > OK .
3.1. Therl ,,. two particles In thrH quantum states g, = I, 2,3 . Distribute the . [WBUT 2014(EVEN)]
p■rtlcln according to MB. BE and FD statistics. [WBUT 2013(00D1] Answer:
A-r. Diagram: Refer to Q11estio11 No. 3.3(a).
For M.B Slllistic:s parucles are tdenucal and distinguishable and in one energy states Where the symbols have their usual meaning.
more than one particle can go. So the possible distribution can be represented as stated
below. b) Find out t~• n_umbers of p~ssib_le arrangement of thru particles in two cells for
No. of ways Nwnbcr of nu•iclcs in the enenrv slates I) M-B statistics, 11) B-E statistics, hi) F-0 statistics. [WBUT 2014(EVEN J
2 3 Aaswtr: )
I AB 0 0 (Q For MB
.J I I d d. · · h
Statistics let us consider three particles be designated as a, b. c (since lhey are
2 0 AB 0 ..en 1ca an 1stmgu1s abIe) are distributed in two cells.
3 0 0 AB
4 A B 0 Cell I Ctll 2
s A 0 B 0 abe
6 B A 0 abc 0
7 B 0 A ab C
8 0 A B ac b
9 0 B A be a
using formula we have w= (g, )' =9 WO)'! a be
\\ill B-E
For • 1e can go to one state so the possible distribulloo
be mtistics more than one parttc
b ac
C ab
So lollll number of microstntcs for MB stallsllcs will be 8
(ii) For BE Slat's!' I . , . .
ldcnllcal a . 1. u:s cl_us consider three particles be designated as a, a, a (since they are
nd md1stmg111shnble) are distributed in 1he two cells.
PH-308 PH-309
- -
ce111 Cell2
-.. .. 0
prot,ability (thennodynamic) for 2 particles in a same state will be 3
probability (thermodynamic) for 2 particles in a different state will be 6
.... ratio of the above two result is 3+6 =.!_
~u~ 2
- I
The possible diSlribution in MB statistics is as follows
ltval Is 1.6 eV. (Given, Boltzmann constant= 1.38 x10-23 J(KJ-1; man of electron=
Noof Number of particles in
e~states 9.1 x 10'"31 Kg). [WBUT 2014(ODO))
I 2 3 Answer:
I AB 0 0 From the expression of energy c1 = .!.mv} we have the Fermi velocity as
2 0 AB 0 2
3 0 0 AB _ {2c; _
v,-v~- 2x l.6 x l.6 x l0-" _
9.l x lo-"
, I
- 7.5" 10 ms
6 A 0 B If fermi temperature is represented as 01 .
7 B 0 A
I 0 A B Then from 0
=&1 we have 0
=1·6 x 1·6 x Io-i• 18544K required Fermi temperature
9 0 B A k l.38 x l0-n
TCIIII mmiber of S1a1a is 9
PH-310 PH-311
d) llluatrate mlcroatates and macro state• with suitable examp1... El
concept of energy level• and energy states. lWBUT 201
' A description of a system that specifies the .prop~rties (position and/or rnorne
·of each individual particle of a system is called m1cr~state. . nturn,
A more generalized description of the system; it can be m terms of Ill
quantities, such as p and V, or it can be in terms of the numbe r of parti cfr,
proper ties fall within a given range. · . es ""-e
In general, each macro state contains a large number of m1crostate.
Example: If three distingishable balls are distributed in two compartments then
arrang ements are stated as follows l>Ossa~
Macros tate M icrostates -
Possibl e arrangement
Compa rtment I Compartment 2 -
0,3 I -
0 abc
a be
b ca ► 1,2 3
C ab
ab C
ac b ►2, I 3
be a
0 abc )Q 3 I
3.12. a) Three particles each of which can be in one of the E,2&,3& & 4&
states have total energy 6& . Find the numbe r of micros tates and macrostates
particl es obey (i) M-8 statisti cs and (ii) B-E statisti cs.
of fne
b) The Fermi energy of silver is 5.5 eV. Calcul ate the averag e energy
[WBUT 2015(EVE N)J
electro ns in silver at T =OK.
Answe r:
a) Refer to Questi on No. 2.6(b).
3x5 5
· -
b) Averag e energy E =-3£1-· = · =3.3e V
5 5