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Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Folding machines and long folding machines:

Protective measures

Subcommittee Machinery, Robotics and Automation

Date: 09.11.2023

Folding machines and long folding

machines are used for bending sheet metal.
Their areas of application are, for example,
in heating and ventilation engineering, in
machinery and vehicle construction, in
plumbing and roofing as well as in hall
construction or in contract manufacturing.
These machines fall within the scope of the
Machinery Directive (in the following called:
MD) [1].
Figure 1– Example folding machine (front with
continuous bending bar on upper beam and
folding beam)

There are no harmonized European product

standards available for folding machines and
Contents long folding machines. In order to comply with
the legally binding essential health and safety
1 Difference between folding and press requirements of Annex I of the MD which are
braking bending................................... 2 formulated as protective goals, the non-specific
2 Differences between folding machines basic and group standards (e.g. DIN EN ISO
and long folding machines ................. 3 12100 [2], DIN EN ISO 13857 [3]) for the
3 Protective measures ........................... 4 design and construction of machines can be
4 Older machines.................................... 9 applied. However, since the requirements
5 Operation of folding machines and therein are rather general, this “Fachbereich
long folding machines....................... 10 AKTUELL” recommends specific protective
6 Summary and limits of application... 11

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” covers exclu- Folding machines and long folding machines
sively power-operated folding and long folding do not fall within the scope of Annex IV of MD
machines, no muscle-powered machines. The [6].
subject of the accuracy requirements, e. g. in
conjunction with the parallelism of upper Forming by bending with linear tool movement
beams, lower beams and folding beams to
means that the tool parts effecting the shaping
each other as well as the pivot axis to the
perform a linear movement (see Figure 3). This
bending axis is also excluded from the scope.
includes press-brake bending, in which the
workpiece is bent between bending punch and
bending die up to the end position of the
1 Difference between
workpiece. The manufacturing process „press-
folding and press braking brake bending“ is applied for press brakes.
bending Press brakes fall within the scope of Annex IV
The manufacturing process „forming by of MD which usually requires an obligatory EC
bending“ [5] comprises all processes for the type testing. Since press brakes are covered
production of geometrically defined solid by product standard DIN EN 12622 [7], they
bodies. Forming by bending is a subgroup of are not further dealt with in this “Fachbereich
the forming process and is subdivided into AKTUELL”.
forming by bending with rotating tool movement
and forming by bending with linear tool

Figure 2 – Principle folding, rotating movement

Forming by bending with a rotating tool

movement means that the tool parts effecting
the shaping perform a rotating movement. (see
Figure 2). This includes folding, in which the
folding beam is applied to the part of a work-
piece protruding from a saving and is pivoted
Figure 3 – For comparison: principle press-
therewith around the bending edge. The
brake bending with linear movement, not
manufacturing process „folding“ is applied to
further dealt with here
folding machines and long folding machines.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

2 Differences between
folding machines and long
folding machines
Both, the folding machine as well as the long
folding machine, bend sheet metal in a
clamped position between the upper beam and
lower beam by the folding beam. The usual
bending variant is the movement of the folding
beam around its pivot point upwards. In this
Figure 4 – Example of a folding machine with
process, it rolls off the material, as shown in
segmented bending bar (front) on the upper
Figure 2. Newer machines have the option to
bend in both directions (folding machines) as a
result of a modified design of the folding beam
At the folding machine in Figure 1, the upper
or they have two independent folding beams
(long folding machines, compare Figure 8), i. e. and the folding beam are each provided with a
one folding beam moves around its pivot point continuous bending bar, while in Figure 4, the
upwards, the other one around its pivot point bending bar of the upper beam is segmented.
downwards. In the segmented design of the upper beam,
different bending tools can be used, e. g.
A further distinction is in the way of guiding the folding rail (folding blade), round rail (radius
upper, lower and folding beam. While the three blade) or a bitefoot rail (goat’s foot blade) so
cheek elements on a folding machine are that different bending geometries can be
laterally guided by a side stand, the cheek implemented. The lengths of the segments
elements on a long folding machine are depend on the workpiece and are thus
laterally open and guided by a random number
determined by the application. The advantage
of C-shaped frames which are arranged behind
is that a workpiece with, for example, three
the machine (multiple-column system).
different bending geometries can be finished
without the need for changing to a different
2.1 Folding machines
bending tool. The segmentation enables the
Folding machines are currently available up to
creation of circumferential upstands on sheet
a machining length of approx. 6 m. In the basic
metal profiles (box shape) without the use of
design, the machines are composed of a left
additional (and not permitted) chocks.
(1) and a right (2) machine column (see Figure
4) between which the upper beam (3, vertical
movement) and folding beam (4, rotating For an easy handling of the sheet metal,
movement) are attached. The control panel (5) folding machines are usually equipped at the
as shown in the Figure is firmly installed. back with a feed table and motor-driven depth-
Machines with smaller machine columns on control stop for setting the bending length in
each side are normally fitted with deflector relation to the bending line of the sheet metal
plates which should prevent squeeze and part (see Figure 5).
shear points between machine columns (1, 2)
and folding beam.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Figure 5 – Example of a feed table on the back

of a folding machine Figure 6 – Long folding machine with power-
operated cutting device (orange), limited
insertion depth and an emergency stop
2.2 Long folding machines pressure sensitive bar (red)
Long folding machines are currently available
up to a machining length of approx. 18 m. In
the basic design, the machine is composed of
a multiple-column system, i. e. in a distance of
approx. 1 m, the upper beam and the folding
beam are fastened. As a result, the surfaces
for holding the bending tool on the upper beam
and the folding beam can be considerably Figure 7 – Example long folding machine with
red emergency stop pressure sensitive bar (in
smaller since the static deflection with a
analogy to Figure 6)
column distance of approx. 1 m is considerably
less than at a distance of 6 m.
3 Protective measures
As a result of the massive stand construction of Hazardous movements on folding machines
the long folding machine, the maximum and long folding machines can be found
insertion depth of approx. 1,5 m is low in particularly on the following elements:
comparison to design-related unlimited
● upper beam (also known as clamping beam)
insertion depths on folding machines (comp.
● folding beam
Figure 6, insertion depth).
● power-operated depth-control stops
● cutting device (long folding machine only)
Most of the long folding machines also have a
power-operated cutting device (comp. Figure
Unexpected start-ups, for example due to
11), by means of which the clamped sheet malfunction in electronic control systems, have
metal can be cut to final size prior to bending to be safely prevented for: the downward
movement of the upper beam, the downward
and upward movement of the folding beam, the
power-operated cutting device (only long

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

folding machine) and for the power-operated are kept away in a sufficient distance from
depth-control stops. hazardous places (e. g. clamping position, etc.)
according to DIN EN ISO 13857.
Safely stopped, prevented, monitored or
reduced means that no hazards shall occur to If the risk assessment permits, in the case of
persons in case of malfunctions in the control small machines in which the operator can
system due to internal faults or external easily view all machine areas from the location
interference (interference pulses). of command action, rear safeguards can be
dispensed with.
The safety-related parts of electromechanical
control systems should reach at least “Per- 3.1.1 Emergency stop device
formance Level c” category 1 and those of For stopping a hazardous movement, a
electronic and programmable electronic control manually-operated emergency stop device
systems at least „Performance-Level c“ cate- shall be provided on the control panel or in the
gory 2 according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1 [8]. immediate vicinity.

Folding machines with a machining length

exceeding 2,5 m shall be at least equipped with
two emergency stop devices (compare Figure
9) which are easily accessible from the
operating positions or with a pressure sensitive
wire or bar which is mounted over the whole
machining length (DIN EN ISO 13856-2 [9]) as
emergency stop device which can be easily
actuated by foot and which should be coloured
striking red (compare Figure 7).

Long folding machines of a machining length

exceeding 2,50 m shall be equipped with a
Figure 8 – Example of a long folding machine pressure sensitive wire or bar which is
with two folding beams, i. e. bending upwards mounted over the whole machining length as
and bending downwards emergency stop device which can be easily
actuated by foot and which should be coloured
3.1 Machines under manual striking red (compare. Figure 7).
A machine is manually controlled if all
processing steps, if necessary, with the support
of an NC-processing program, are individually
started and thus controlled by the operator
(manual operation). For this purpose, the
operator must be able to view all machine
areas from the location of command action, in
order to start the next processing step only in
the absence of persons in the hazard area.
Figure 9 – Example of a folding machine with
The lateral and rear access to the machine emergency stop button on both machine
must be designed in such a way that persons columns (left, right)

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

The effect of the emergency stop device for the switches provided for the bending assistants
folding machine as well as for the long folding should remain effective as stop switch.
machine shall correspond to that of the foot
switch „pedal fully pressed down“ or position 2 For changing over from one-person operation
in table 2. to multi-person operation and vice versa, a
lockable selection switch which is lockable in
The requirement of easy operation of a each position has to be provided. The lockable
pressure sensitive wire or bar is fulfilled if it is selection switch can also be replaced by a safe
located vertically underneath the front edge of and reliable software solution.
the lower beam, approx. 200 mm above the
floor and initiates the emergency stop function
when it is lightly pushed (compare Figure 7).

3.1.2 Foot switch

For operating the machine with a foot switch,
the operator requires at least a 2-pedal foot
switch. Examples of operating modes with 2- or
Figure 10 – Example 1-pedal foot switch with
3-pedal foot switches are shown in table 2 und
reset button as enabling switch for bending
table 3 at the end of this “Fachbereich
In case of multi-person operation, the hazar-
In case of multi- person operation, a foot switch
dous movement, in particular the closing of the
as enabling switch is required for each bending
upper beam or the movement of the cutting
assistant in addition. The number of required
device must not be started until the control
enabling switches is among other factors
devices are simultaneously actuated. On
dependent on the machining length of the
release of one of the controls, the respective
machine. It is useful to provide two enabling
control command must be cancelled.
switches from a machining length of 8 m
(operator plus two bending assistants). This Simultaneous actuation means the continuous
consequently requires a selection switch with actuation of all controls during the same period
the three-position control. of time, independent of the time shift between
the start of an input signal and the start of a
For this reason, it is sufficient to provide a 1-
different one. [10]. Simultaneity is ensured for
pedal foot switch to the bending assistants with
example, if a simultaneity relay is used which
the three positions
cancels a given control command after max.
3 s if the enabling command is not confirmed
● OFF – not actuated
by the other controls. If there is no confirmation
● Release (enabling) – actuated in center posi­
tion by all controls, all controls have to be brought
● Stop – actuated in lowest position (emer­ to a rest position before a new control
gency stop) command can be initiated. If relays with
adjustable time delay are used, unauthorized
(see Figure 10). In cases in which operation is change of the preset delay time has to be
set for single-person operation, the foot prevented.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Simultaneous monitoring can be dispensed DIN EN ISO 13849-1 „Performance Level c“

with, if category 2, an additional testing device has to
be created. This may be an additionally
● it is ensured by control measures that all ac­ mounted hardware switch which is preset to a
tuated foot switches have been released fixed value. An information provided by IFA on
prior to each cycle (clamping, bending) (posi­ the change of DIN EN ISO 13849 states about
tion 0), and the test rate: „For category 2, it exclusively
● each switching position of the foot switch is applied the rule of a requirement rate ≤ 1/100
queried by the control system, and of the test rate so far. Alternatively, testing can
● the foot switches are regularly checked for be done immediately on requesting the safety
their functionality, i. e. at least on each start function if the total time for detecting the failure
of the machine. and for bringing the machine into a safe state
(normally the machine will be stopped) is
3.1.3 Intermediate stop at 15 mm shorter that the time to reach the hazard“. [11]
Folding machines and long folding machines
use an intermediate stop which enables the 3.1.4 Safeguarding by laser beams
operators to remove the fingers from the The safeguarding shown on the long folding
hazardous area between upper beam and machine in the example (comp. Figure 11) is
lower beam prior to the final clamping. implemented by means of laser beams above
the lower beam or folding beam and can be
The closing movement of the upper beam has applied on laterally open machines. As soon as
to make an automatic intermediate stop at a laser beam is interrupted, the closing
15 mm above the maximum permissible sheet movement of the upper beam or the travel
metal thickness. The upper beam must only movement of the cutting device is stopped.
move to the lowest position (clamping position)
after the foot switch has been actuated again.
The closing speed has to be ≤ 10 mm/s from
the intermediate stop. For machines with
eccentric drive, the average closing speed can
be applied from the intermediate stop due to
design-related reasons.

The movement of the folding beam must not be

started until the clamping process has been
completed. In case of long folding machines,
the cutting device has to be located additionally
outside the range of motion of the folding

An electronic position measuring system for

controlling the upper beam should also be used
Figure 11 – Example of laser protection with
for controlling the intermediate stop. This has
AKAS-SBMA during cutting process. Light
the advantage that a manual adjustment of the
beam 1 is active during cutting process and
hardware limit switches (e. g. position switch)
light beam 2 for inserting and clamping the
to the individual sheet metal thickness can be
sheets [12]
omitted. To ensure that the position measuring
system meets the requirements according to

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

With the protective measure „safeguarding by 3.1.6 Cutting device (long folding machines)
laser beams“, the hands of all operators The movement of the cutting device can be
involved are equally protected and one single generated in hold-to-run operation or by start
foot switch can be used with several people. initiation in conjunction with protective devices
(e. g. laser beams and cut-off clips).
Additionally, the protective measure
„intermediate stop“ can be deactivated in In the hold-to-run operation, the operator must
favour of the protective measure „safeguarding actuate the start button and the bending
by laser beams“. For switching-over, a mode assistants the enabling switch during the entire
selection switch (key switch) or an equivalent duration of the forward/backward movement of
solution by access code has to be provided. the cutting device. If the start button and/or the
enabling switch are released, the cutting device
3.1.5 Safeguarding by light curtain or laser has to stop after a short overtravel.
There are also folding machines available A short overtravel of the cutting device is
which can be operated from the rear side. considered to be a maximum overtravel
These folding machines must be at least distance of 60 mm in idle running, i.e. without
equipped with the following: material. This value has to be adhered to even
after ageing signs, so that the overtravel
● lockable selection switch for changing be­ distance must already be lower for new
tween front or rear operation and,
machines. Longer overtravel distances
● light curtain or laser scanner at the front so
exceeding 60 mm are not acceptable and
that no one can reach the area of the folding
beam or protruding sheet metal parts, and induce a reduction of the maximum cutting
● foot switch for operating the upper beam and speed.
folding beam, and
● setting depth-control stop by hold-to-run op­ On initiation of the start in conjunction with
eration or reduced speed protective devices, the overtravel according to
DIN EN ISO 13855 [13] should be so low that a
part of the body between the cutting device and
the workpiece or fixed parts of the surrounding
cannot be injured.

The run-in points of the roller cutters have to be

adequately protected against reaching into
(compare Figure 13). The opening width of the
cutting device has to be restricted to a
maximum dimension of 6 mm at a minimum
safety distance of 10 mm to the cutting edge to
Figure 12 – Example folding machine, front prevent injuries of the fingertips (compare table
side, safeguarded by a light curtain (green 4 of DIN EN ISO 13857).

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Figure 13 – Example of finger safe cutting


3.2 Machines with automatic

processing steps Figure 14 – Example long folding machine as
double bend with vertical and horizontal light
All machines which can automatically process
curtain as access protection and step-behind
a bending sequence, must be fitted with a protection as well as protective fence and laser
surrounding access protection and should only beams (compare chapter 3.1.4)
be operated from one side.
If the reset button is accessible from inside the
A sufficient minimum distance in combination work area, a step-behind protection has to be
with protective devices consisting of at least provided by means of horizontally mounted
one light barrier with three single beams light curtains or comparable technical safety
according to table E.1 of DIN EN ISO 13855 is measures. In addition, the functional control
considered as access protection for the time it is prevented that due to daily routine
operating side. activities inadvertency may lead to an accident.

Owing to the visibility of the work area in front 4 Older machines

of the machine, a reset button (hand or foot- Older folding machines and long folding
operated) is sufficient to actuate the protective machines are often not equipped with safety
device in the absence of persons within the devices such as multi-pedal foot switches for
work area. The reset button must be located the operator, enabling foot switches for the
outside the work area and must not be bending assistants and mode selection
accessible from inside the work area. switches (key switches or access code).
Furthermore, the intermediate stop may not be

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

available on older machines or is adjusted to a 5 Operation of folding

different opening width than shown in Table 1.
This is generally due to the fact that some
machines and long folding
manufacturers offered the protective measure machines
„intermediate stop“ as an option at extra charge According to the provisions of the BetrSichV
in the course of the introduction of this [14], the user or employer has to assess the
safeguard. As a result, types of folding occurring hazards prior to using work
machines and long folding machines of the equipment (risk assessment) and derive and
same year of construction are available with implement necessary and appropriate safety
and without intermediate stop. measures. The state of the art has to be taken
into account. For determining the state of the
Table 1 – „History“ of intermediate stop art, the publication on operational safety
BekBS 1114 „Anpassung an den Stand der
since Intermediate stop of the Technik bei der Verwendung von
upper beam Arbeitsmitteln“ [15] can be used.
before 05.1983 No intermediate stop available
The measures for working safety during the
05.1983 - up to 8 mm two-hand control
- from 8 mm foot switch operation of folding or long folding machines
also comprise non-technical measures in
Value taken from a Danish study saying that bruise
injuries of fingers from 8 mm can be cured. addition to the technical safety measures which
are basically given preference. The non-
01.1990 - up to 13 mm two-hand control
- from 13 mm foot switch technical measures also comprise the
Change resulting from knowledge from accident in­ behaviour of users. This includes for example:
06.1990 - 25 mm intermediate stop, ● display operating instructions on the folding
- only foot switch machine or long folding machine
Change due to accident prevention. ● operation by instructed and charged persons
12.1999 - 15 mm intermediate stop
- only foot switch ● inspection of safeguards to effectiveness
New findings from accident investigations. At 25 prior to work
mm, the operator does not perceive that hands are ● application of safety devices provided for
within the hazard zone due to the lack of pressure. multi-person operation (mode selection
10.2007 - 15 mm intermediate stop switch, enabling foot switch for the bending
- foot switch only assistants).
- speed ≤ 10 mm/s

The users of folding machines or long folding

Due to the existing hazard, all older folding machines have to be made familiar with the
machines and long folding machines in service hazards by the user or employer by regular
should be retrofitted at least with an inter- instructions. (at least once a year).
mediate stop at 15 mm above the maximum
permissible sheet metal thickness.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

6 Summary and limits of

German Bibliography
This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” is based on [1] Richtlinie 2006/42/EG (Maschinenrichtlinie)
expert knowledge gathered by the expert Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
committee Woodworking and Metalworking, Nr. L 157/24 vom 09.06.2006 mit Berichtigung
subcommittee Machinery, Robotics and im Amtsblatt L76/35 vom 16.03.2007.
Automation when placing onto the market and
[2] DIN EN ISO 12100 Sicherheit von Maschi­
operating new and used (second-hand) folding
nen – Allgemeine Gestaltungsleitsätze – Risi­
machines and long folding machines. kobeurteilung und Risikominderung, Ausgabe
2010-03, Beuth Verlag, Berlin
It is particularly intended to provide guidance to
traders, purchasers, safety specialists and [3] DIN EN ISO 13857 Sicherheit von Maschi­
safety inspectors in the visual inspection of the nen - Sicherheitsabstände gegen das Errei­
state of the safety equipment. chen von Gefährdungsbereichen mit den obe­
ren und unteren Gliedmaßen, Ausgabe 2008-
The provisions according to individual laws and 06, Beuth Verlag, Berlin
regulations remain unaffected by this
[4] DIN 55802 Werkzeugmaschinen, Schwenk­
“Fachbereich AKTUELL”. The requirements of
biegemaschinen, Abnahmebedingungen; Aus­
the legal regulations apply unrestrictedly. In
gabe 1979-12, Beuth Verlag, Berlin
order to get complete information, it is
necessary to consult all applicable regulation [5] DIN 8586 Fertigungsverfahren Biegeumfor­
texts and current standards. men Einordnung, Unterteilung, Begriffe, Aus­
gabe 2003-09, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
The expert committee Woodworking and
Metalworking is composed of representatives [6] Consolidated Minutes of the Machinery
of the German Social Accident Insurance Working Group, 23.-24 October 2003,
Institutions, federal authorities, social partners, Doc.2003.09, European Commission, >12.
manufacturers and users. Translation of Machinery Directive, Annex IV,
No 9 (Doc.2003.09)<.
This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” is the English
[7] DIN EN 12622 Sicherheit von Maschinen –
translation of the German issue “FB HM-033” Hydraulische Gesenkbiegepressen, Ausgabe
of 10/2023. 2014-02, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin

This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” replaces the [8] DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Sicherheit von Ma­
DGUV-Information with the same title, schinen - Sicherheitsbezogene Teile von Steu­
published 08/2017. erungen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Gestaltungsleit­
sätze, Ausgabe 2016-06, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
Further “Fachbereich AKTUELL” and
[9] DIN EN ISO 13856-2 Sicherheit von Ma­
Information Sheets of the expert committee
schinen, Druckempfindliche Schutzeinrichtun­
Woodworking and Metalworking (Fachbereich
gen Teil 2: Allgemeine Leitsätze für die Gestal­
Holz und Metall) can be downloaded from the
tung und Prüfung von Schaltleisten und
internet [16]. Schaltstangen, Ausgabe 2013-08, Beuth-Ver­
lag, Berlin

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

[10] DIN EN 574:2008-12 Sicherheit von Ma­ Richard-Wagner-Straße 4-10

schinen – Zweihandschaltungen – Funktionelle 71065 Sindelfingen
Aspekte − Gestaltungsleitsätze; Kapitel 3.4, ● Figure 7, 13 Sperr & Lechner GmbH & Co.
Beuth-Verlag GmbH, Berlin KG
Hertlingweg 26
[11] Vierte Ausgabe der DIN EN ISO 13849-1 74613 Öhringen-Ohrnberg
– Die wesentlichen Neuerungen aus 2023 im ● Figure 11 Fiessler Elektronik GmbH &
Überblick vom Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Co. KG
Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung Kastellstraße 9
(IFA), Stand Juli 2023. 73734 Esslingen
● Figure 14 Jorns AG
[12] SBMA-Absicherung, Fa. Fiessler Elektro­ Kirchgasse 12
nik GmbH & Co. KG, Esslingen CH-4932 Lotzwil

[13] DIN EN ISO 13855 Sicherheit von Ma­

schinen – Anordnung von Schutzeinrichtungen
im Hinblick auf Annäherungsgeschwindigkeiten
von Körperteilen, Ausgabe 2010-10, Beuth-
Verlag, Berlin German Social Accident Insurance

[14] Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (Be­ Deutsche Gesetzliche

trSichV) – Verordnung über Sicherheit und Ge­ Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)
sundheitsschutz bei der Verwendung von Ar­
beitsmitteln vom 3. Februar 2015 (BGBl. I S. Glinkastraße 40
49), geändert 13. Juli 2015 (BGBl. I S. 1187). 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 13001-0 (switchboard)
[15] Bekanntmachungen zur Betriebssicher­
Fax: +49 30 13001-9876
heit >Anpassungen an den Stand der Technik
Email: info@dguv.de
bei der Verwendung von Arbeitsmitteln< (Be­
Internet: www.dguv.de
kBS 1114), Ausgabe März 2015, GMBl 2015 S.
331 [Nr. 17/18], korrigiert: GMBl 2015 S. 542
[Nr. 27], BAuA Subcommittee Machines, Robotics and
[16] Internet: www.dguv.de/fb-holzundmetall Expert Committee Woodworking and
Publikationen oder www.bghm.de Webcode: Metalworking
<626> of the DGUV www.dguv.de
Webcode: d544779

Photo Credits
The DGUV Expert Committees are governed
The pictures shown have been kindly provided directly by the public sector accident insurers
by: (UKs), the institutions for statutory accident
insurance and prevention (BGs) and the
● Figure 1, 9, Hans Schröder
umbrella association, the DGUV. The
12: Maschinenbau GmbH
Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall
Feuchten 2
(accident insurer for woodworking and
82405 Wessobrunn-Forst
metalworking branches) is responsible for the
● Figure 2, 3, BGHM, FBHM,
Expert Committee Wood-working and
6, 10, 16: SG MRF
Metalworking and thus the main contact on
● Figure 4, 5, 8, RAS Reinhardt
federal level for questions concerning safety
15: Maschinenbau GmbH
and health at work in these areas.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Annex −Tables 2a, 2b and Tables 3a,3b – Example operation modes with 2- or 3-pedal foot switch

Figure 1: Example of 2-pedal foot switch

Table 1a – Example − operation mode intermediate stop with 2-pedal foot switch

Protect. measure Left pedal (upper beam) Position Right pedal (folding beam)

OFF Position 0 OFF

Upper beam is in in initial position. pedal not actuated Folding beam is in initial position (rest position).

• closing of upper beam in hold-to-run operation, ➊ Position 1

• automatic stop of upper beam at intermediate stop at 15 mm pedal against pressure point start of folding beam cycle, when clamping position is
above the max. permissible sheet metal thickness. reached
• after releasing and new actuation, upper beam closes in
Intermediate stop
hold-to-run operation with max. 10 mm/s. ➋

Upper beam moves with max. speed during period of actuation. Position 2 • upper beam not in clamping position:
pedal fully pressed down Upper beam moves with max. speed to an opening
height of at least 80 mm.
• upper beam in clamping position:
folding beam stop, upper beam stop

➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam remains in the current position.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Table 2b – Example − operation mode laser beams with 2-pedal foot switch

Protect. measure Left pedal (upper beam) Position Right Pedal ( folding beam)

Off Position 0 OFF

Upper beam is in initial position. pedal not actuated Folding beam is in initial position (rest position).

• Upper beam moves downwards in hold-to-run operation with Position 1

unlimited speed, as far as no laser beams are interrupted. pedal against pressure point start of folding beam cycle, when clamping position is
• stop of upper beam if a laser beam is interrupted. After new reached
actuation of foot switch and continuously uninterrupted laser
beam (e. g. corrugated sheet metal), reduction of speed to
max. 10 mm/s.
Laser beams • switching off laser beams after having safely reached the
speed of max. 10 mm/s

Upper beam moves with max. speed during period of actuation. Position 2 • upper beam not in clamping position:
pedal fully pressed down Upper beam moves with max. speed to an opening
height of at least
80 mm.
• upper beam in clamping position:
folding beam stop, upper beam stop

➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam remains in the current position.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Figure 2 – Example 3-pedal foot switch

Table 3a – Example − operation mode intermediate stop with 3-pedal foot switch
Pedal position Left pedal Center pedal Right pedal Protective
Position 0 OFF OFF OFF
(not actuated) Upper beam is in initial position. Folding beam is in initial posi­ Upper beam (and folding beam) is in initial po­
tion. sition.
Position 1 • closing of upper beam in hold-to-run operation ➊ Start of folding beam cycle, • Folding beam is in initial position
(actuated up to when clamping position has
pressure point, automatic stop of upper beam at intermediate stop at been reached • Upper beam opens in hold-to-run operation
center Position) 15 mm above the maximum admissible sheet metal • folding beam swivelled-out
thickness ➊ in automatic mode: Intermediate
Folding beam moves to initial position (hold-
• After releasing and new actuation, upper beam closes After bending, the upper beam stop
to-run operation)
in hold-to-run operation with max. 10 mm/s. ➋ opens automatically up to the
After release and new actuation, upper beam
programmed value.
opens in hold-to-run mode
Position 2
Upper beam moves to an opening height of at least Stop
(fully pressed
80 mm, as far as collision with folding beam is pre­ Folding beam stops immedi­ Not existent!
vented. ately.
lowest position)
➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam or the folding beam remains in the current position.

Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033

Table 3b – Example − operation mode laser beams with 3-pedal foot switch

Pedal position Left pedal Center pedal Right pedal Protective

Position 0 OFF OFF OFF
(not actuated) Upper beam is in initial position. Folding beam is in initial posi­ Upper beam (and folding beam) is in initial po­
tion sition
Position 1 • moving down of upper beam in hold-to-run operation Start of folding beam cycle, • Folding beam is in initial position
(actuated up to with unlimited speed, provided no laser beams are when clamping position has
● Upper beam opens in hold-to-run operation
pressure point, interrupted. ➋ been reached
center position) • stop of upper beam, when laser beam is interrupted. • folding beam swivelled-out
After new actuation of foot switch and continuously in automatic mode: Folding beam moves to initial position (hold-
After bending, the upper beam Laser beams
uninterrupted laser beam (e. g. corrugated sheet to-run operation)
metal), reduction of speed to max. 10 mm/s. opens automatically up to the After release and further actuation, upper
• shut-off of laser beams after having safely reached the programmed value. beam opens in hold-to-run operation.
speed of max. 10 mm/s ➋
Position 2
Upper beam moves at an opening height of at least Stop
(fully pressed
80 mm, as far as collision with the folding beam is pre­ Folding beam stops immedi­ Not existent!
vented. ately.
lowest position)
➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam or the folding beam remains in the current position.


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