Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” covers exclu- Folding machines and long folding machines
sively power-operated folding and long folding do not fall within the scope of Annex IV of MD
machines, no muscle-powered machines. The [6].
subject of the accuracy requirements, e. g. in
conjunction with the parallelism of upper Forming by bending with linear tool movement
beams, lower beams and folding beams to
means that the tool parts effecting the shaping
each other as well as the pivot axis to the
perform a linear movement (see Figure 3). This
bending axis is also excluded from the scope.
includes press-brake bending, in which the
workpiece is bent between bending punch and
bending die up to the end position of the
1 Difference between
workpiece. The manufacturing process „press-
folding and press braking brake bending“ is applied for press brakes.
bending Press brakes fall within the scope of Annex IV
The manufacturing process „forming by of MD which usually requires an obligatory EC
bending“ [5] comprises all processes for the type testing. Since press brakes are covered
production of geometrically defined solid by product standard DIN EN 12622 [7], they
bodies. Forming by bending is a subgroup of are not further dealt with in this “Fachbereich
the forming process and is subdivided into AKTUELL”.
forming by bending with rotating tool movement
and forming by bending with linear tool
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
2 Differences between
folding machines and long
folding machines
Both, the folding machine as well as the long
folding machine, bend sheet metal in a
clamped position between the upper beam and
lower beam by the folding beam. The usual
bending variant is the movement of the folding
beam around its pivot point upwards. In this
Figure 4 – Example of a folding machine with
process, it rolls off the material, as shown in
segmented bending bar (front) on the upper
Figure 2. Newer machines have the option to
bend in both directions (folding machines) as a
result of a modified design of the folding beam
At the folding machine in Figure 1, the upper
or they have two independent folding beams
(long folding machines, compare Figure 8), i. e. and the folding beam are each provided with a
one folding beam moves around its pivot point continuous bending bar, while in Figure 4, the
upwards, the other one around its pivot point bending bar of the upper beam is segmented.
downwards. In the segmented design of the upper beam,
different bending tools can be used, e. g.
A further distinction is in the way of guiding the folding rail (folding blade), round rail (radius
upper, lower and folding beam. While the three blade) or a bitefoot rail (goat’s foot blade) so
cheek elements on a folding machine are that different bending geometries can be
laterally guided by a side stand, the cheek implemented. The lengths of the segments
elements on a long folding machine are depend on the workpiece and are thus
laterally open and guided by a random number
determined by the application. The advantage
of C-shaped frames which are arranged behind
is that a workpiece with, for example, three
the machine (multiple-column system).
different bending geometries can be finished
without the need for changing to a different
2.1 Folding machines
bending tool. The segmentation enables the
Folding machines are currently available up to
creation of circumferential upstands on sheet
a machining length of approx. 6 m. In the basic
metal profiles (box shape) without the use of
design, the machines are composed of a left
additional (and not permitted) chocks.
(1) and a right (2) machine column (see Figure
4) between which the upper beam (3, vertical
movement) and folding beam (4, rotating For an easy handling of the sheet metal,
movement) are attached. The control panel (5) folding machines are usually equipped at the
as shown in the Figure is firmly installed. back with a feed table and motor-driven depth-
Machines with smaller machine columns on control stop for setting the bending length in
each side are normally fitted with deflector relation to the bending line of the sheet metal
plates which should prevent squeeze and part (see Figure 5).
shear points between machine columns (1, 2)
and folding beam.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
folding machine) and for the power-operated are kept away in a sufficient distance from
depth-control stops. hazardous places (e. g. clamping position, etc.)
according to DIN EN ISO 13857.
Safely stopped, prevented, monitored or
reduced means that no hazards shall occur to If the risk assessment permits, in the case of
persons in case of malfunctions in the control small machines in which the operator can
system due to internal faults or external easily view all machine areas from the location
interference (interference pulses). of command action, rear safeguards can be
dispensed with.
The safety-related parts of electromechanical
control systems should reach at least “Per- 3.1.1 Emergency stop device
formance Level c” category 1 and those of For stopping a hazardous movement, a
electronic and programmable electronic control manually-operated emergency stop device
systems at least „Performance-Level c“ cate- shall be provided on the control panel or in the
gory 2 according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1 [8]. immediate vicinity.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
The effect of the emergency stop device for the switches provided for the bending assistants
folding machine as well as for the long folding should remain effective as stop switch.
machine shall correspond to that of the foot
switch „pedal fully pressed down“ or position 2 For changing over from one-person operation
in table 2. to multi-person operation and vice versa, a
lockable selection switch which is lockable in
The requirement of easy operation of a each position has to be provided. The lockable
pressure sensitive wire or bar is fulfilled if it is selection switch can also be replaced by a safe
located vertically underneath the front edge of and reliable software solution.
the lower beam, approx. 200 mm above the
floor and initiates the emergency stop function
when it is lightly pushed (compare Figure 7).
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
With the protective measure „safeguarding by 3.1.6 Cutting device (long folding machines)
laser beams“, the hands of all operators The movement of the cutting device can be
involved are equally protected and one single generated in hold-to-run operation or by start
foot switch can be used with several people. initiation in conjunction with protective devices
(e. g. laser beams and cut-off clips).
Additionally, the protective measure
„intermediate stop“ can be deactivated in In the hold-to-run operation, the operator must
favour of the protective measure „safeguarding actuate the start button and the bending
by laser beams“. For switching-over, a mode assistants the enabling switch during the entire
selection switch (key switch) or an equivalent duration of the forward/backward movement of
solution by access code has to be provided. the cutting device. If the start button and/or the
enabling switch are released, the cutting device
3.1.5 Safeguarding by light curtain or laser has to stop after a short overtravel.
There are also folding machines available A short overtravel of the cutting device is
which can be operated from the rear side. considered to be a maximum overtravel
These folding machines must be at least distance of 60 mm in idle running, i.e. without
equipped with the following: material. This value has to be adhered to even
after ageing signs, so that the overtravel
● lockable selection switch for changing be distance must already be lower for new
tween front or rear operation and,
machines. Longer overtravel distances
● light curtain or laser scanner at the front so
exceeding 60 mm are not acceptable and
that no one can reach the area of the folding
beam or protruding sheet metal parts, and induce a reduction of the maximum cutting
● foot switch for operating the upper beam and speed.
folding beam, and
● setting depth-control stop by hold-to-run op On initiation of the start in conjunction with
eration or reduced speed protective devices, the overtravel according to
DIN EN ISO 13855 [13] should be so low that a
part of the body between the cutting device and
the workpiece or fixed parts of the surrounding
cannot be injured.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
This “Fachbereich AKTUELL” replaces the [8] DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Sicherheit von Ma
DGUV-Information with the same title, schinen - Sicherheitsbezogene Teile von Steu
published 08/2017. erungen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Gestaltungsleit
sätze, Ausgabe 2016-06, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
Further “Fachbereich AKTUELL” and
[9] DIN EN ISO 13856-2 Sicherheit von Ma
Information Sheets of the expert committee
schinen, Druckempfindliche Schutzeinrichtun
Woodworking and Metalworking (Fachbereich
gen Teil 2: Allgemeine Leitsätze für die Gestal
Holz und Metall) can be downloaded from the
tung und Prüfung von Schaltleisten und
internet [16]. Schaltstangen, Ausgabe 2013-08, Beuth-Ver
lag, Berlin
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Photo Credits
The DGUV Expert Committees are governed
The pictures shown have been kindly provided directly by the public sector accident insurers
by: (UKs), the institutions for statutory accident
insurance and prevention (BGs) and the
● Figure 1, 9, Hans Schröder
umbrella association, the DGUV. The
12: Maschinenbau GmbH
Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall
Feuchten 2
(accident insurer for woodworking and
82405 Wessobrunn-Forst
metalworking branches) is responsible for the
● Figure 2, 3, BGHM, FBHM,
Expert Committee Wood-working and
6, 10, 16: SG MRF
Metalworking and thus the main contact on
● Figure 4, 5, 8, RAS Reinhardt
federal level for questions concerning safety
15: Maschinenbau GmbH
and health at work in these areas.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Annex −Tables 2a, 2b and Tables 3a,3b – Example operation modes with 2- or 3-pedal foot switch
Protect. measure Left pedal (upper beam) Position Right pedal (folding beam)
Upper beam moves with max. speed during period of actuation. Position 2 • upper beam not in clamping position:
pedal fully pressed down Upper beam moves with max. speed to an opening
height of at least 80 mm.
• upper beam in clamping position:
folding beam stop, upper beam stop
➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam remains in the current position.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Table 2b – Example − operation mode laser beams with 2-pedal foot switch
Protect. measure Left pedal (upper beam) Position Right Pedal ( folding beam)
Upper beam moves with max. speed during period of actuation. Position 2 • upper beam not in clamping position:
pedal fully pressed down Upper beam moves with max. speed to an opening
height of at least
80 mm.
• upper beam in clamping position:
folding beam stop, upper beam stop
➊ On release of the pedal, before the intermediate stop is reached, the upper beam remains in the current position.
➋ On release of the pedal, the upper beam remains in the current position.
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Fachbereich AKTUELL FBHM-033
Table 3b – Example − operation mode laser beams with 3-pedal foot switch