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Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
(An Empowered Autonomous Institute, affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
T. Y. B. Tech. Syllabus
To be implemented for 2022-26 Batch
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Class:-T.Y. B. Tech Mech Semester-V L T P Credits

Course Code: ME313 Course Name: Kinematics
3 -- -- 3
and Dynamics of Machines

Course Description:
The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the kinematics,
mechanisms and dynamic behavior of machines, balancing procedure for balancing of different
types of engines, vibration phenomenon, causes, effect and remedies of vibrations. As a
Mechanical Engineering student, this course has very much importance to analysis and design of
many industrial types of machinery for getting smooth, precise operation and comfort with
higher accuracy.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to,
1. Select suitable mechanism to get desired motion.
2. Analyze the mechanism for velocity and acceleration.
3. Demonstrate the gyroscopic effect and functioning of governors.
4. Evaluate dynamic forces & its effects on mechanical system.
5. Analyze vibration of single degrees of freedom system.

Applied Mechanics, Engineering Mathematics viz. Differential Equations and its Solution

Course Content
Description Hrs
1. Mechanisms and machines: 06
Introduction, mechanisms and machines, terminology, planar mechanism -
Kinematic diagram and inversion, Mobility, Coincident joints, Grubbler and
Grashoff’s law, Four bar, single and double slider mechanisms and their
inversions.Cams: Types of cams – Types of followers – Definitions – Motions
of the followers – Layout of cam profiles. Gear: terminology, fundamental of
gearing, involute profile, interference and undercutting, minimum number of
teeth, contact ratio - Gear trains: simple, compound.
2. Velocity and Accelerations in Mechanisms: 06
Velocity and acceleration in planar mechanisms - Relative velocity method,
Coriolis component of acceleration, Kennedy’s Theorem, Instantaneous
Centre method
3. Governors and Gyroscope: 06
Governors: Centrifugal Governors- types and its characteristics - Working
principle of electronic governor. Gyroscope – Gyroscopic Effects on the
Movement of airplanes and Ships – Gyroscope Stabilization.

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K.E. Society’s
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
(An Empowered Autonomous Institute, affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
T. Y. B. Tech. Syllabus
To be implemented for 2022-26 Batch
Department of Mechanical Engineering
4. Balancing of Rotary and Reciprocating Masses: 06
Balancing of several masses rotating in same plane, Balancing of several
masses rotating in different planes, Balancing of single cylinder, Multi-
cylinder inline engine, Balancing of radial engines, Field balancing, Balancing
5. Free Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom(SDOF)System: 06
Fundamentals of Vibrations: Definitions, Terminology and Classification of
vibration, Undamped Free Vibrations, Damped Free Vibrations : Different
types of damping, free vibration with viscous damping – overdamped,
critically damped and underdamped systems, logarithmic decrement
6. Forced Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom System: 06
Forced vibrations with constant harmonic excitations, Frequency response
plot, Forced vibrations with rotating and reciprocating unbalance, Forced
vibrations due to base excitations, Force transmissibility, Motion
transmissibility, Vibration Measuring Instruments.

References -

Text Books:
 Ratan S.S , Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.
 P.L.Ballany, Theory of Machines& Mechanism, Khanna Publication, New Delhi.
 V.P. Singh, Theory of Machines, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
 S Graham Kelly, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations, Tata McGraw-Hill.
 G.K. Groover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nemchand & Brothers .

Reference Books:
 Uicker, J.J., Pennock G.R and Shigley, J.E., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,
Oxford University Press.
 Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, CBS Publishers and Distributors.
 Robert L. Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Tata McGraw-Hill.
 S. S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, Pearson Publication.
 Pujara K, Vibration & noise for Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Company.
 Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
 Shigley, Theory of Machines and Mechanism, McGraw Hill, New York.
 J.S. Rao and R.V. Dukipatti, Theory of Machines and Mechanism, New Age Int.
Publications Ltd. New Delhi.

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