motion in plane practice set 1

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Topie 1: Vectors 12.

The resultant of A x 0 will be equal to

(a) zero (b) A
Which of the following conditions are sufficient and (c) zero vector (d) unit vector
essential for a quantity to be a vector? 13. In a clockwise system
(a) Magnitude and direction (b) ix k=0
(b) Magnitude and addition, subtraction, multiplication (a) jxk=i
by ordinary rules of algebra (d) kxil
(c) Magnitude, direction, and addition, subtraction (c) j* j=l
multiplication and division by vector laws
(d) Magnitude, direction and combination of vectors by 14. If =4i+3j and B=3i+4j then cosine ofangle between
ordinary rules of algebra Šand  +B is
2 Ife is the angle between two vectors, then the resultant 9W2
vector is maximum, when value of is (a) (b) s (c) (d)
(a) 0° (b) 90° 5 49 28
(c) 180° (d) Same in all cases 1s. Consider the following statements and select the correct
3. How many minimum number of vectors in ifferent planes statements from the following.
can be added to give zero resultant? I. Addition and subtraction of scalars make sense only
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 for quantities with same units
4 Let A =iA cos0 + jA sin 0 be any vector. Another vector Multiplication and division of scalars with different
B, which is normal to A can be expressed as units is possible
IIIL Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of
(a) iBcos 9- Bsin 9 (b) iBcos + jB sin 9 scalars with same unit is possible
(a) Iand II (b) I and II
(c) iB sin 9- Bcos (d) iB sin 0+ jB cos (c) I and III (d) L, Il and III
5. If A =i+j+k and B- 2i-j+4k then the unit vector 16. Which of the following is'are correct?
along A +B is Äx B=-BxA
3i+sk 3i-SÉ Åx B BxA
(a) (b)
J34 I. (8+©) =(ÃxB) +
(a) I only (b) Il and III
3i +sk (b) Iand II (d) Iand II
(d) None of these
(e) 34 17. It is found that |A+ B|=|A|. This necessarily implies,
6. If , b and are three unit vectors such that + b+=0 (a) B= 0
(b) A and B are antiparallel
then the value of .b +b.+. is (c) A and B are perpendicular
(a) 3 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d (d) A.B<0
18. The position vector a of particle is
7. Let be the angle between two vectors A and B,then
r=(a cos e)i + (a sin 0)j
is equal to The distance from origin & direction of the particle is
(a) a directed towards the origin
(a) sin 0 (b) cos0 (c) tan (d) cot
(b) a, directed away from the origin
8. If 0.4i+0.7j+ck is a unit vector, then the value of cis (c) a', parallel to the position vector
(a) J0.67 (b) Vo.12 (b) 44 (d) Jo.35 (d) a directed away from origin.
9 The unit vectors along the three o-ordinate axes are related as 19. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
I. A Scalar quantity is the one that is conserved in a
(a) i> j>k1 (b) i=j=k=0 process.
(©) i-j=k=l (d) i=j=k=l II. A scalar quantity is the one that can never take
negative values.
10. The angle between the direction of i and (i+j) is III. A Sscalar quantity has the same value for observers
(a) 90° (b) 0° (c) 45° (d) 180 with different orientations of the axes.
11. Acceleration due to gravity (a) I and II (b) II only
(a) a Scalar (b) a vector (c) Il and III (d) Iand II
(c) polar vector (d) None of these
20. For the figure, which of the following is correct? 27. Two vectors A and B lie in a plane, a third vector C lies
outside this plane, the sum of these vectors A + B+ C
(a) Å+ B.G (a) can be zero
(b) B+-Å (b) can never be zero
(c) lies in a plane containing A+B
(c) +Å-B (d) lies in a plane containing xB
(d) A+ B+ - 0 28. ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. The centre of hexagon is
a point O. Then the value of
21. Six vectors, through havethe AB +AC +AD +AE + AF is
magnitudes and directions
indicated in the figure. Which of (a) 2AO (b) 4A0 (c) 6Ao (d) Zero
the following statements is true? 29. For two vectors A and B, | A + B|= |A - Bis always
true when
(a) 6+=j (b) d+=j (a) |A |=| B| 0 (b) |AIB
(c) d+=j (d) b+=} (c) |A|=| B|=0 and AandBare parallel or anti parallel
22, Three vectors A, B and Cadd up to zero. Select the correct (d) None of these
I (A x B).Cis not zero unless B, C are parallel 30. If a vector 2í+3j+sk is perpendicular to the vector
II IfA,B,C define a plane, (A x B) ×C is in that plane 4j-4i+ak, then the value of ais
II (A x B) .C = | A|B |C|C-A+ B (a) 1/2 (b) -1/2 (c) I (d) -1
(a) and II (b) II and II
(c) Iand III (d) 1, II and III 31. The velocity vof aparticle moving in the xy - plane is
23. For which angle between two equal vectors A and B will
the magnitude of the sum of two vectors be equal to the
given by = (6 -4r)i8j,with in m/s and t(> 0) in
magnitude of each vector? second
(a) 60° (b) =120°
= 90° Match the following columns :
(c) = 0° (d) Column II
24. A can be written in terms of components as (A) Acceleration magnitude is 10 m/s (1) 34 s
Ã= Axí +Ayi+ Azk . When will | be zero at a time
(B) Acceleration zero at time (2) never
(a) Ax =Ay =0&Az 0 (b) Ax = Ay =Az 0
(d) |A can never be zero. (C) velocity zero at time (3) 1 s
(c) Ax = Ay = Az =0
(D) The speed 10 m/s at a time (4) 2 s
25. Given two vectors; A= i+j and B=i-j. Then match (a) (A)’(4); (B)’(1); C-{2); (D)(3)
the following columns: (b) (A)2); (B)’(4); C3); (D)1)
Column-I Column - || (c) (A)-+3); (B)+(2); C(4); (D)(|)
(d) (A)2); (B)-(4); C1); (D)(3)
(A) ( (1) i
32. The component of vector å=2i+3j along the vector
(B) (A-®)/2 (2) i itjis.
( (Ã-B)2 (3) -k (a) (b) 1042 (c) 542 (d) s
(D) ( (4) 0 33. What is the area of triangle formed by A -2i-3i+4k
(a) (A)+(4); (B)’(1); C{2); (D){2) and B i-k and their resultant?
(b) (A2); (B)4); C+(3); (D)’(1) (a) 13.5 units (b) 13.5 units
(c) (A3); (B)-(2); C-4); (D)’() (c) 38.7 units (d) 38.7 units
(d) (A)’); (B)’(2); C4); (D)+(3) 34. If A -4i+6j and B -2i+3j. Then
26. Which law is governed by the given figure? B (a) A.B - 29
(a) Associative law of vector
addition (b) A xB =0
(b) Commutative law of vector
addition (C)
(c) Associative law of vector multiplication |A| 1
(d) Commutative law of vector multiplication (d) angle between A and B is 30°

37° with the X-axis. At = 0 the particle is at the origin

35. The vector = ai+2+ BÉ lies in the plane of the vectors and its velocity is 8.0 m/s along the X-axis. Find the
b =i+jand = +k and bisects the angle between b position of the particle at = 4.0 s.
and a. Then which one of the following gives possible (a) (41.6m, 7.2 m) (b) (50.3 m, 8.2 m)
values of a and B? (c) (60.2 m, 8.2 m) (d) (11.2 m, 8 m)
(a) a=2, B=2 (b) a=1, B=2
(d) a= 1, B= 1 A particle moving with velocity ù k(yi +x), where k
(c) a=2, B= 1 43.
36. The vectors of magnitude s1 ,making equal angles with the = constant. The general equation for its path is
[C= constant)
vectors =i-2j+ 2): b=i-3) and Z=j (a) y=x'+C (b) y=x+C
(d) yx²+c
are (c) xy= C
44. The coordinates of a particle moving in x-y plane at any
(a) +aj-3k) (0) -4j-s4) instant of time t are x = 4t; y= 3t. The speed of the
particle at that instant is
(c)ti+j+9 (d) None of these (a) 10 t (b) 5t (c) 3t (d) 2t
is 45. For motion in two or three dimensions, the angle between
37. The position vector of particle velocity and acceleration is
f= (a cos ot)i +(a sin ot)/ The velocity vector of the (a) 0°
particle is (b) 90°
(a) directed towards the origin (c) 180°
(d) Any angle between 0 & 180°
(b) directed away from the origin
(c) parallel to the position vector 46. A particle moves in a plane with a constant acceleration
(d) perpendicular to the position vector in a direction different from the initial velocity. The path
of the particle is a/an
Topic 2: Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration & (a) straight line (b) arc of a circle
Projectile Motion (c) parabola (d) ellipse
47. The shape of trajectory of the motion of an object is
38. Aparticle crossing the origin of co-ordinates at time t=0, determined by
moves in the xy-plane with aconstant acceleration a in the (a) acceleration (b) initial position
y-direction. If its equation of motion is y= bx? (b is a (c) initial velocity (d) All of these
constant), its velocity component in the x-direction is 48. If t, is the time taken by a projectile to achieve the
25a (b) maximum height, then the total time of flight T, related to
(a) e) (d) Va L, as
(a) tm=2 T, (b) T=tm
39. The position of particle is given by F= 2ti+3tj+4k, (c) T= 2tm (d) None of these
where t is in second and the coefficients have proper units 49. Ifu is the initial velocity of a projectile and v is the velocity
for f to be in metre. The a(t) of the particle at t= lsis at any instant, then the maximum horizontal range R is
(a) 4ms along y-direction equal to
(b) 3 ms along x-direction
(c) 4 ms along x-direction (a) R = u´sin (b) R =Y
(d) 2 ms along z-direction
40. Abody moves in X-Y plane under the action ofacceleration v sin 20
(c) Rm= 8
(d) Rm
given by =(6ti +4) . Asuming that the body is at rest at 50. In the projectile motion, if air resistance is ignored, the
time = 0, the velocity of body at t= 3 sec is horizontal motion is at
(b) 18i+6j (a) constant acceleration (b) constant velocity
(a) 9i+6j (b) variable acceleration (d) constant retardation
(c) 18i+12j (d) 12i+68j SI. A bullet is dropped from the same height when another
bullet is fired horizontally. They will hit the ground
41. A particle has an initial velocity 3i+4j and an (a) one after the other
acceleration of 0.4i +0.3j. Its speed after 10 sec is (b) simultaneously
(a) 7/2 units (b) 7 units (c) depends on the observer
(c) 8.5 units (d) 10 units (d) None of these
42. A particle moves in the X-Y plane with a constant 52. The time of flight of a projectile on an upward inclined
plane depends upon
acceleration I.5 m/s in the direction making an angle of
(a) angle of inclination of the plane
the vertical velocity component remains same. Ball stops
(b) angle of projection after hitting the ground. Match the statement of column I
(c) the value of acceleration due to gravity
with the distance of the wall from the point of throw in
(d) all of the above. column lI.
53 At the highest point on the trajectory of a projectile, its Column I Column II
(a) acceleration is minimum
(b) velocity is maximum (A) Ball strikes the wall directly (1) 8 m
(c) acceleration is maximum (B) Ball strikes the ground at x = 12 m (2) 10 m
(d) velocity is minimum. from the wall
54. In a projectile motion, velocity at maximum height is (C) Ball strikes the groundatx= 10m (3) Om
u cos
(a) (b) u cos
from the wall
2 (D)) Ball strikes the ground at x =5 m (4) 25 m
u sin
(c) (d) None of these from the wall
55. For angle ...X.., the projectile has maximum range and it (a) (A)+1,2); (B)’); C(2): (D)(4)
is equal to ...X...Here, X andY refer to (b) (A)(2); (B)-+(3); C+); (D)’(2)
(c) (A)2); (B)’(3); C(1); (D)+(4)
(b) and o (d) (A)3); (B)-’(4); C(3); (D)2)
2g g 60. The velocity of a projectile at the ‘Y
(C) 1 and (d) initial point Ais (21+3)) m/s its
velocity (in m/s) at point B is
56. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the acceleration x
is (a) -2i+3j (b) 2i-3j
(a) maximum (b) minimum
(c) zero (d) constant (g)
(e) 2i+3j (d) -2i-3)
57. A particle is projected with some angle from the surface of 61. Abody is projected from the ground with avelocity 50 m/s
at an angle of 30°. It crosses a wall after 3 sec. How far
the planet. The motion of the particle is described by the beyond the wall the stone will strike the ground?
equation; x=1,y=(-t. Then match the following columns: [take g = 10 m/s']
Column. Column II
(a) 86.6 m (b) 96.2 m
(quantity) (magnitude only)
(A) Velocity of projection (1) (c) 100.Im (d) 111.l m
(B) Acceleration (2) 2 62. Astone is projected horizontally with a 5m/s from the top
(C) Time of flight (3) 2 of a plane inclined at an angle 45° with the horizontal.
How far from the point of projection will the particle strike
(D) Maximum height atained (4) the plane?
(a) (A4); (B)-+(1); C+2): (D)2) (a) s2 m (b) lW2m
(b) (A)’(2); (B)-+(3); C); (D)+(2)
(c) (A(2); (B)<3); C-+(1); (D)’(4) (c) 12/2m (d) 15V2 m
(d) (A}+(3); (B)’{4); C(3); (D)+(2) 63. Assertion : The horizontal range is same when the angle
58. IfV, is velocity of abody projected of projection is greater than 45° by certain value and less
from the point A and V, is the V, than 45° by the same value.
velocity of a body projected from Reason : Ife =45°+a then
point Bwhich is vertically below the u'sin 2(45°+a)u'cos 2a
highest point C. if both the bodies R, =
collide, then
(a) (b) Ife =45°-a, then R, = u'sin2(45°-a) u' cos2au
(c) V,=V, (d) Two bodies can't collide. (a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a
59. A ball is thrown at an angle 75° with the horizontal at a correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not
speed of 20 m/s towards a high wall at a distance d. If the a correct explanation for assertion
ball strikes the wall, its horizontal velocity component
(c) Assertion is correct, rcason is incorrect
reverses the direction without change in magnitude and (d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
64. A stone is projected horizontally with velocity u from a 75. Two pegs A and B thrown with speeds the ratio
height H. It's time of flight is: 1:3 acquired the same heights. IfA is thrown at an angle
(a) 2H/g (b) 2/H/gu of 30° with the horizontal, the angle of projection of B
will be
(e) H/2gu (d) 4/H/g
65. A body is projected horizontally with velocity 3 m/s froma
height Sm. It's horizontal range is
(a) 0° () sin
(a) 3 m (b) 5 m (c) 10m (d) 12 m
66. Two bullets are fired horizontally with different velocities
from the same height. Which will reach the ground first? (d)
(a) Slower one
(b) Faster one 76. A body projected at an angle with the horizontal has a
(c) Both will reach simultaneously range 300 m. If the time of flight is 6 s, then the horizontal
(d) It cannot be predicted component of velocity is
67. Two balls are projected at an angle and (90°- 0) to the (a) 30 ms (b) 50 ms-!
horizontal with the same speed. The ratio oftheir maximum (c) 40 ms-! (d) 45 ms-!
vertical heights is 77. A particle of unit mass is projected with velocity u at an
(a) 1:1 (b) tan 0:1(c) 1 :tan (d) tan :1 inclination a above the horizon in a medium whose
68. Abody is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 ms making an resistance is k times the velocity. Its direction will again
angle of 30° with the horizontal. It will hit the ground make an angle a with the horizon after a time
after a time
(a) 3.0 s (b) 2.0 s (c) 1.5 s (d) 1s (a) -sin a
69. The velocity of projection of a body is increased by 2%.
Other factors remaining unchanged, what will be the
percentage change in the maximum height attained? (c) ku sin a (d) Zk sing
(a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 4 % (d) 8% 3g
70. Acricket ball is hit with avelocity 25 ms, 60° above the 78. The greatest range of a particle, projected with a given
horizontal. How far above the ground, ball passes over a velocity on an inclined plane, isx times the greatest vertical
fielder 50mfrom the bat (consider the ball is struck very altitude above the inclined plane. Find the value of x.
close to the ground)? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d)i/2
Take 3 =l.7 and g =10 ms2 79. A body is projected vertically upwards with a velocity u,
(a) 6.8 m (b) 7 m (c) 5 m (d) 10 m after time t another body is projected vertically upwards
71. Amissile is fired for maximum range with an initial velocity from the same point with a velocity v, where v<u. If they
meet as soon as possible, then choose the correct option
of 20m/s. lfg = 10 m/s, the range of the missile is
(a) 40 m (b) 50 m (c) 60 m (d) 20 m
(b) =
72. A stone is thrown from a point with a speed 5 m/s at an
elevation angle of0. From the same point and at the same -v+u?2
instant, a person starts running with a constant speed 2.5
m/s to catch the stone. If the person will be able to catch (c) (d)
the ball then, what should be the angle of projection 0?
(a) 75° (b) 30° (c) 60° (d) 45° 80. The range ofa projectile is Rwhen the angle of projection
is 40°. For the same velocity of projection and range, the
73. A projectilel can have the same range R for two angles of other possible angle of projection is
projection. If t, and t, be the times of flight in two cases, (a) 45° (b) 50° (c) 60° (d) 40°
then what is the product of two times of flight?
81. If the angles of projection of a projectile with same initial
(a) t,t, c R (b) t,t, c R² velocity exceed or fall short of 45° by equal amounts, then
(c) tit, <1/R (d) t,t, x I/R? the ratio of horizontal ranges is
74. Aparticle of mass mis projected with a velocity making (a) 1:2 (b) 1:3 (c) 1:4 (d) 1:1
an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The magnitude of (V,
xh) of the projectile when the particle is at its maximum 82. The equation of a projectile is
The angle of projection is given by
(b) zero (a) tan e= (b) tan =3
(c) (d) (c) (d) zero.
16 g
83. A plane flying horizontally at a height of 1500 m with a identical with the trajectory of the projectile fired from the
velocity of 200 ms passes directly overhead on antiaircraft earth. The value of the acceleration due to gravity on the
gun. Then the angle with the horizontal at which the gun planet is (in ms) given g=9.8 m/s
should be fired from the shell with a muzzle velocity of (a) 3.5 (b) 5.9 (c) 16.3 (d) 110.8
400 ms-l to hit the plane, is
(a) 90° (b) 60° (c) 30° (d) 45° Topic 3: Relative Velocity in Two
84. The equation of trajectory of projectile is given by Dimensions & Uniform Circular Motion
V=-3 where x and yare in metre. 92. A river flow with a speed more than the maximum speed
V3 20 with which a person can swim in the still water. He intends
The maximum range of the projectile is to cross
the river by shortest possible path (i.e., he wants
() to reach the point on the opposite bank which directly
opposite to the starting point). Which of the following
85. Astone is just relcased from the window of amoving train correct?
moving along a horizontal straight track The stone will (a) He should start normal to the river bank.
hit the ground following a (b) He should start in such a way that, he moves normal
(a) straight line path (b) circular path to the bank, relative to the bank.
(c) parabolic path (d) hyperbolic path (c) He should start in a particular (calculated) direction
86. A ball is thrown from rear end of the compartment of train
to the front end which is moving at a constant horizontal
making an obtuse angle with the direction of water
velocity. An observer Asitting in the compartment and (d) The man cannot cross the river, in that way.
another observer B standing on the ground draw the 93 Amoves with 65 km/h while Bis coming back ofAwith
trajectory. They will have 80 km/h. The relative velocity of Bwith respect to Ais
(a) equal horizontal and equal vertical ranges (a) 80 km/h (b) 60 km/h (c) 15 km/h (d) 145 km/h
(b) equal vertical ranges but different horizontal ranges 94.
(c) diferent vertical ranges but equal horizontal ranges A boat crosses a river with a velocity of 8 km/h. If the
(d) diferent and different horizontal ranges resulting velocity of boat is 10 km/h then the velocity of
river water is
87. Two balls are projected simultaneously in the same vertical
(a) 4 km/h (b) 6 km/h (c) 8 km/h (d) 10 km/h
plane from the same point with velocities v, and v, with
angle 0, and 8, respectively with the horizontal. Ifv, cos 95. bank
Aperson aiming to reach the exactly opposite point on the
of a stream is swimming with a speed of 0.5 m/s at
8, =v, cos 6,, the path of one ball as seen from the position
of other ball is: an angle of 120° with the direction of flow of water. The
(a) parabola speed of water in the stream is
(b) horizontal straight line (a) Im/s (b) 0.5 m/s (c) 0.25 m/s (d) 0.433 m/s
(c) vertical straight line 96. Aboat is moving with a velocity 3i +4j with respect to
(d) straight line making 45° with the vertical ground. The water in the river is moving with a velocity
88. A bullet is fired with a speed of 1500 m/s in order to hit a
target 100 m away. If g = 10 m/s. The gun should be -3i -4j with respect to ground. The relative velocity of
aimed the boat with respect to water is
(a) 15 cm above the target
(b) 10 cm above the target (a) 8j (b) -6i -8i(c) 6i+8i (d) sv2
97. Aboat which has a speed of 5km/hr in still water crosses
(c) 2.2 cm above the target
a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in
(d) directly towards the target 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water in km/hr is
89. A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an
angle of 60° with the horizontal direction with a velocity (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) V21 (d) 1
of 147 ms. Then the time after which its inclination with 98. A boat B is moving
the horizontal is 45°, is upstream
with velocity 3 m/s with
(a) 15 s (b) 10.98 s (c) 5.49 s (d) 2.74S s respect to ground. An observer
90. A particle is projected with a velocity v such that its standing on boat observes that
range on the horizontal plane is twice the greatest height a swimmer S is crossing the
attained by it. The range of the projectile is (where g is river perpendicular to the
acceleration due to gravity) direction of motion of boat.. If river flow velocity is 4 m/s
4g 4y and swimmer crosses the river of width 100 m in 50 sec,
(a) (b) (c) then
8 (a) velocity of swimmer w.r.t ground is V13 m/s
91. A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a
(b) drift of swimmer along river is zero
velocity of S ms and angle with the horizontal. Another (c) drift of swimmer along river will be 50 m
projectile fired from another planet with a velocity of (d) velocity of swimmer w.r.t ground is 2 m/s
3 ms at the same angle follows a trajectory which is
99 Centripetal acceleration is 108. A particle moves in a circle of radius 4 cm clockwise at
(a) a constant vector constant speed 2 cm/s. If & and ù are unit acceleration
(b) a constant scalar vectors along X and Y-axis respectively (in cm/s), the
(c) a magnitude changing vector
(d) not a constant vector acceleration of the particle at the instant half way between
P and Q is given by
100. Two stones are moving with same angular speeds in the
radii of circular paths I m and 2 m. The ratio of their (a) -4(& +ù)
linear speed is ...X... Here, X refers to (b) 4(& +9)
(a) 2 (b) I/2 (c) 1/3 (d) 3
101. The direction of the angular velocity vector is along (c) (â+ 9)/42
(a) the tangt to the circular path
(b) the inward radius
(d) (i-j)/4
(c) the outward radius 109. Assertion :The magnitude of velocityof two boats relative
(d) the axis of rotation
to river is same. Both boats start simultaneously from same
point on one bank may reach opposite bank simultaneously
102. Ifa, and a, represent radial and tangential accelerations, moving along different paths.
the motion of particle will be uniformly circular, if Reason : For boats to cross the river in same time. The
(a) a, = 0 and a, = 0 (b) a, = 0 but a, 0
component of their velocity relative to river in direction
(c) a, * 0 and a, = 0 (d) a, = 0 and a, * 0 normal to flow should be same.
103. In uniform circular motion
(a) both velocity and acceleration are constant (a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a
correct explanation for assertion.
(b) acceleration and speed are constant but velocity (b) Assertion is correct, reason is corrTect; reason is not
changes a correct explanation for assertion
(c) both acceleration and velocity change (c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(d) both acceleration and speed are constant (d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
104. A body is moving with a constant speed v in a circle of
radiue 110. Aboat which has a speed of S km h-l in still water crosses
Its angular acceleration is ariver of width 1km along the shortest possible path in 15
(a) vr (b) v/r (c) zero (d) vr² minutes. The velocity of the river water is
105. Astone of mass mis tied to a string of length ( and rotated (a) 1km h-! (b) 3 km h-!
in a circle with a constant speed v, if the string is released
fliesoutwaro (C) 4km h-l (d) 41 kmh-!
(a) 111. If rain falls vertically with a velocity V, and wind blows
(b) radially inward With avelocity v from east to west, then a person standing
(c) tangentially outward on the roadside should hold the umbrella in the direction
(d) with an acceleration mv²lt
106. Choose the correct statement(s) from the following. (a) tan - (b) tan =
If speed of a body in a curved path is constant it has
zero acceleration
VvrVu2 () tan9-
When a body moves on a curved path with a constant (c) tan 0 =
speed, it has acceleration perpendicular to the direction
of motion 112. IfVr is the velocity of rain falling vertically and Vm is the
(a) I only (b) Il only velocity ofa man walking on a level road, and 0 is the
(c) Iand II (d) None of these angle with vertical at which he should hold the umbrella
107. A SWimmer wants to croSs
river straight. He swim at to protect himself, than the relative velocity of rain w.r.t.
5 km/hr in still water. A river l km wide flows at the rate the man is given by:
of3 km/hr. Which of the following figure shows the correct
direction for the swimmer along which he should strike? (a) Vm =ve+ Vm² +2VrVmcose
(V,’ velocity of swimmer, V, velocity of river, V-’
resultant velocity) (b) Vm =Vr²+Vm?-2VrVm cos e

(c) Vom = vr Vm?

(a (b)
-4 (d) vm : Jve- Vm?
113. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop of radius 1.00 km
with a stedy speed of 900 km/h. The ratio of centripetal
acceleration to acceleration due to gravity is [g = 9.8
(c) (d) (a) 6.38 (b) 9.98 (c) 11.33 (d) 12.13
114. A particle isis going parallel to X-axis with constant speed
vat a distance a from the axis. Then its angular
velocity (a) 0 msl (b) 2V2ms-!
about an axis passing through the origin O, at the instant (c) 8 ms-! (d) 4 m s-!
when radial vector of the particle makes angle with the
X-axis is 119. A particle moves along a circle of radiusmwith
constant tangential acceleration. It the velocityyofparticle
(a) sine (b) cos?
(c) sin (d) sin² 8 is 80 m/sec at end of second revolution after motionn has
115. Two particles A and B separated by a distance 2R are begun, the tangential acceleration is
moving counter clockwise along the same circular pathth of (a) 40 m/sec? (b) 40 m/sec?
radius R each with uniform speed v. At time t= 0, A is (c) 640 n m/sec? (d) 160r m/sec
120. A stone tied to the end ofa string of l m long is whirled in
given a tangential acceleration of magnitude a = 72v a horizontal circle with a con stant speed. If the stone makes
22 revolution in 44 seconds, what is the magnitude and
direction of acceleration of the stone?
(a) ²m s² and direction along the radius towards the
(a) the time lapse for the two bodies to collide is 5y
(b) m s and direction along the radius away from
(b) the angle covered by Ais lI/6 the centre.
1lv (c) r'ms and direction along the tangent to the circle.
(c) angular velocity of Ais (d) r/4 m s and direction along the radius towards
(d) radial acceleration of A is 289+2/5R the centre.
121. A cone filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of
116. The length of second's hand in a watch is I cm. The change radius 4 m and the water does not fall down. What must
in velocity of its tip in 15 seconds is: be the maximum period of revolution?
(a) 2s (b) 4s (c) l s (d) 6s
(a) zero (b)
3042 122. Aparticle moves along a circle of radius Rwith constant
angular velocity o. Its displacement magnitude in time
(c)cm/s (d) cm/s (a) o (b) 2R sin o
(c) 2R cos o (d) 2Rsin
117. Fora particle in uniform circular motion, the acceleration 2
at a point P(R,0) on the circle of radius R is (Here is 123. Two bodies are moving in concentric orbits of radii 2cm
measured from the x-axis) and 4 cm such that their time periods are the same. The
ratio of their centripetal accelerations is :
(a) -sin 4
(a) (b) 8 (c) 73 (d) 9
(b) 124. A particle P is moving in a circle of radius 'a' with a
uniform speed v. Cis the centre of the circle and AB is a
diameter. When passing through B the angular velocity
R-cos0 i-sin 9j
of P about A and C are in the ratio:
(a) 1:1 (b) I:2 (c) 2:1 (d) 4:I
125. A particle moves in a circle of radius 30 cm. Its linear
speed is given by : V=2t, where t in second and v in m/s.
118. A particle describes uniform circular motion in a circle of Find out its radial and tangential acceleration at t =3 sec
radius 2 m, with the angular speed of 2 rad s. The respectively.
magnitude ofthe change in its velocity in sis (a) 220 m/sec, 50 m/se (b) 110 m/sec, Sm/sec?
(c) 120 m/sec?, 2 m/sec? (d) 110 m/sec?, 10 m/sec?

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