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2 authors, including:
Camilo Pardo-Beainy
Saint Thomas University
All content following this page was uploaded by Camilo Pardo-Beainy on 04 June 2022.
Abstract: Computer Vision technology can be very efficient in tracking and analyzing
agricultural produce, enabling the collection of useful data and implementation of future
strategies, while being extremely cost effective compared to sensor technologies used in
the past. It can be useful in rural areas as a part of precision agriculture. A simple system
consisting of only a webcam can be used for detection, tracking, and measurement of a
fruit by utilizing simple computer vision algorithms and image processing techniques, as
is indicated in this paper. Tomato has been selected as the trial fruit for this project, which
is widely cultivated in India. In order to emphasize the simplicity and cost effectiveness
of such a system, acquisition has been made with an inbuilt webcam on a computer.
Common algorithms and techniques have been used in the pre-processing and
segmentation stages, followed by measurements of a few sample tomatoes. The paper
also contains an overview of the processes involved. The results obtained through the
system have been compared with physical measurements and the percentage difference
between the two observations has been tabulated, to show the reliability of even such an
inexpensive model.
Universidad de Pamplona
In India, the agricultural sector is the largest The discipline of Computer Vision uses many
source of livelihood. The country accounts for different types of cameras based on the required
10.9% and 8.6% of the world fruit and vegetable applications. Some of the cameras used
production, respectively. However, it is the commonly are linear cameras, 3-D cameras,
majority of the rural households that depend on high-speed cameras, infrared and thermal
agriculture with around 82% farmers being small cameras, etc.
and marginal (India at a Glance | FAO in
India | Food and Agriculture Organization of the For the implementation of this project however, a
United Nations, n.d.). Due to limited resources, it simple webcam has been used, as it serves the
is the cost-effective methods of precision
purpose of capturing objects clearly from a close
agriculture that can greatly help such farmers.
Computer vision has paved way for finding such
solutions as presented in (Tripathi & Maktedar,
2020) (Kakani et al., 2020). 2.3 Methodology
There are several major tomato producing states The following methodological design was
in India. While these states produce a high yield followed in this project.
of tomatoes, these tomatoes are often prone to
several diseases such as Early Blight which can 2.3.1 Acquisition
result in lesions that cover a significant part of The integrated webcam cam (Realtek) along with
the fruit. While grading, such rotten and a stable and constant light source for luminosity
damaged fruits should be removed, and only the is required for the acquisition of image frames.
healthy and clean fruits should be selected. Size
of the tomato has to be considered as well. Size Luminosity plays a very important role in any
grading is done by retailers for local markets. computer vision system and can greatly affect the
Bureau of Indian Standards has specified four results, especially since the colour space used in
grades as Super A, Super, Fancy and this project is HSV, and the thresholding values
Commercial for tomato crop (National are kept fixed.
Horticulture Board, n.d.). Thus, it is important to
select tomatoes in the right color range and size. 2.3.2 Pre-processing
Pre-processing includes performing certain
The system, once developed further, can help operations on the input data without which noise
local farmers with limited resources estimate the and other effects degrade its quality and do not
quality of the produce based on the color, count,
provide correct information for further
and size of the fruit, which can save time and be
processing (Arakeri & Lakshmana, 2016).
also used for real-time data collection.
Changing colour spaces, applying filters, scaling,
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS translation, etc. are some techniques applied at
this stage, shown in Fig.1.
2.1 Computer Vision
Universidad de Pamplona
2.3.3 Segmentation
Image segmentation, with its operations shown
Fig. 2. RGB (left) and HSV (right) colorspaces. in Fig.4, is typically used to detect contours and
(Ireri et al., 2019) areas of the image, among other features.
Universidad de Pamplona
Universidad de Pamplona
Universidad de Pamplona
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Universidad de Pamplona