Lesson 6 the Teacher's Notes
Lesson 6 the Teacher's Notes
Lesson 6 the Teacher's Notes
• How does John see his relationship kind of surrender and faith must come
with Jesus? from God to us as well.
• Why was it more difficult for his
disciples to be humble about it? Bible Verses:
• Why do you think both ministries
worked side by side at first? And John 1:32-36
how did this lead to some friction
between the disciples? • How did John’s testimony of Jesus
being the Lamb of God indicate that
Monday: A New he more clearly understood God’s
mission than most Jews did?
Understanding of the • How does our national pride prevent
Messiah us from seeing and knowing God
more intimately?
• What is the best and only way for us
There was little humility in the minds of
to know who God truly is?
most Jews at the time of Christ. They had
come to believe that not only would a
Messiah overthrow the vast Roman Tuesday: Acceptance and
Empire, but that He would make Israel a
great and powerful nation again. Their
national pride was paramount in their
The feeding of the 5,000 with just a few
loaves of bread was one of the early
miracles that impressed the disciples of
John the Baptist had a much truer
Jesus. See John 6:1-14. But, later, in Jesus’
understanding of the Messiah’s work,
preaching, He declared Himself to be the
however. Twice he declared Him to be the
bread of life, the living bread which came
Lamb of God, not the Lion of the tribe of
down from heaven as manna (John 6:48,
Judah that most of them were looking for
51). He further explained that this bread
(Revelation 5:5). That prophecy of a King
symbolized His flesh. But many
figure wouldn’t be fulfilled until Christ’s
questioned how He could give His flesh to
Second Coming.
eat (John 6:52)–once again, taking literally
something that was meant to have
At His baptism, John pointed out the
spiritual meaning.
Lamb of God, emphasizing His priestly,
sacrificial work for the sins of the world.
What was particularly sad about their
And the next day, he repeated the
quarrelling over this was that many of those
proclamation in front of two of his disciples.
who had started to follow Him turned
Calling Him the Lamb of God came directly
away from Jesus at this point. A large
from God’s word. Isaiah 53:7 described
portion of the multitude rejected Him,
the Messiah as a lamb being brought to
causing Jesus to be saddened with the
the slaughter.
knowledge that many of those who turned
away would later betray Him, calling for
John’s knowledge hadn’t come from the
His execution.
learned teachers of the time, nor from any
worldly philosophy or science. It came from
God Himself. Anything that produces that
Jesus was evidently so concerned and The sacrificial death of Jesus is perhaps the
troubled about this that He asked His close most stunning witness of His Father’s glory,
disciples if they wanted to continue however. Only a loving, just God would
following Him (John 6:67). To his credit, dare to give His own life, so others could be
Simon Peter reaffirmed their belief that fully pardoned and be with Him in heaven.
He was Christ, the Son of the living God The earth shook, the sky darkened, and
(John 6:68-69). That must have been good to the temple curtain was ripped in two
hear, but even so, Jesus revealed that one of when Jesus died. God’s grief and
them would later prove disloyal. disappointment were evident and showed
the divine nature of the One they had
Bible Verses: killed.
There were also the Scriptures, that bore There were arresting officers in the crowd,
testimony that Jesus was the Messiah. Many who went to the Pharisees and chief priests,
Old Testament verses prophetically wondering why they hadn’t been called to
revealed exact details of His humble birth arrest such a contentious preacher. They
and ministry. were told that none of the Pharisees
believed the claims of Jesus. However, one There were a few who were willing to stand
of them, Nicodemus, quietly defended for Jesus and speak the truth about who He
Jesus by reminding them that a person was. Most notably were John the Baptist and
shouldn’t be judged until he was fully a few of Jesus’ close disciples, especially
heard and known to be guilty. This caused Peter. But the truths they testified about
suspicion to be on Nicodemus, as well. were seldom accepted by the majority of
They wondered if he might also be from Israel during the time of Christ’s ministry.
Galilee, pointing out that no prophet had Many divisions arose when humility and
ever come from Galilee. See John 7:45-52. love were cast off in favour of pride and
Bible Verses:
It was humility and love that caused Jesus to
John 7:37-38 give His disciples (and all of us) the choice
of whether to follow Him or not. When He
• What did Jesus mean by these asked the twelve if they wanted to leave
words? Him, Peter spoke healing words by declaring
that Jesus was the Son of the living God.
John 7:39-44 Jesus had become their anchor. And to “be
adrift [without this anchor] was to be adrift
• Why is it important to have all the on a dark and stormy sea.” Ellen G.
knowledge we can about someone White, The Desire of Ages, p. 393
before judging them?
• Is this knowledge even possible, and Next Week: Blessed Are Those Who
what are its limits? Believe