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Work and family are the central components in people

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Work and family are the central components in people’s lives and these demand a great deal of time

and energy managing multiple responsibilities. This creates potential problem of managing work and
family role. In general, work-family conflict or family-work conflict is often associated with negative
consequences both in organization and family.



Moreover, Habiburrahim, Risdaneva, Putri, Dahliana, and Muluk (2020) in “The effect of psychological
factors on students’ academic ability” stated that motivation, learning strategy, self-regulating capacity,
self-deirected learning, self-esteem, and self-efficacy affected academic performance positively.
Furthermore, many experts pointed out that psychological factors gave the most positive influence on
the students’ learning outcomes (Mallare, 2020)

Habiburrahim, Risdaneva, Putri, G., Dahliana, S., Muluk, S. (2020) The effect of psychological factors on
students’ academic ability. The Qualitative Report. 25(1) 254-270

Mallare (2020) Students’ academic achievement is positively influenced by effective school

management. School managers shoul plan school activities and provides guidelines to the school
stakeholders. Psychological factors shoul be considered by the school managers to increase or enhance
pupils’ academic performance.

From some local study, motivation is either intrinsic or extrinsic; a positive force that drives an individual
to pursue towards achievement. It has been exhaustedly believed that students’ motivation is relevant
in attaining high academic performance. Balacuit and Inabangan study (2019), cited Hanrahan’s concept
about both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation could lead to deep involvement in learning, but the
preponderance of teacher-centered method of instruction that greatly matters. He cited also Gbollie &
Keamu’s idea, that teachers’ significant role on motivating their students is to believe in their abilities
and to do well to promote self-efficacies is worth a keen attention

Balacuit, V. C. and Inabangan, J. E. (2019) Influence of Motivation Towards the Academic Performance in
Games and sports among BSEd MAPEH interns in SDSSU-Main Campus: International Journal of Physical
education, Sports and Health 2019; 6(3): 2020-224

On the other hand, one way to empower students is to focus onlearning strategies. Learning strategies
can be defined as thoughts and behaviors intended to influence the learner’s ability to select, acquire,
organize, and integrate new knowledge. Learning strategies are designed to teach learners how to learn.
Effective learning involves knowing when to use a specific strategy, how to access that particular
strategy, as well as when to abandon an ineffective strategy. Both less proficient and more proficient
students are able sto develop effective learning strategies (Canoza, 2021)

MARISSA R. CANOZA, 2021 Time management, motivation and learning strategies on grade students’
academic performance in MPAEH under New Normal

Academic Resilience is defined as a learner’s capacity to function well in school despite coming from a
low-income family, or, more particularly, the enhanced chance of academic achievement despite early
qualities, circumstances, and experiences (Ye, Strietholt, & Blomeke, 2021)
Ye, W., Strietholt, R., & Blomeke, S. (2021). Academic resilience: Underlying norms and validity of
definitions. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 169-202.

Moreover, individuals with a high level of resilience perceive adversity as a learning opportunity. They
feel more in control of life events, which enables them to maintain their cool during times of stress and
crisis, resulting in improved adaption and academic performance, as well as less test anxiety. Academic
resilience, in general, enables individuals to cope with variables that contribute to poor academic
performance, successfully adjust to inevitable obstacles and risks, as well as maintain mental health and
well-being and respond successfully (Hayat, Choupani, & Dehsorkhi, 2021).

Hayat, A., Choupani, H., & Dehsorkhi, H. (2021). The mediating role of students’ academic resilience in
the relationship between self-eficacy and test anxiety. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 10(1),
297. https://doi.org/10.4103/jehp/jehp_35_21

To operationalize student background, three particular background factors were used in addition to the
common composite socio-economic index: economic, cultural, and social. These indicators were used to
determine if a student came from a disadvantaged background or had a high level of performance. As a
result, the validity of sixteen distinct conceptualizations of academic resilience were assessed using four
different background indicators and two different types of thresholds (Ye, Strietholt, & Blomeke, 2021)

Achievement goal orientations, according to a large body of research, are significant in encouraging
academic progress among students, as well as in increasing their involvement with and enjoyment of
their academic work. This is also the reasons for students engaging in various accomplishment behaviors
in a given scenario. It is also advantageous because it reduces psychological stress and increases the use
of active learning methodologies, both of which lead to exceptional academic achievement.
Furthermore, some emotional states, such as stress, anxiety, sadness, and burnout, are inextricably
linked to achievement goal orientations (Li, Zha0, Tian, Sun, et al., 2021).

Li, Q. L., Zhao, J. Y., Tian, J., Sun, T., Zhao, C. X., Guo, H. C., Zhu, L. Y., Gao R., Yang, L. B., Cao, D. P., &
Zhang, S. E. (2021). The association among achievement goal orientations, academic performance, and
academic well being among Chinese medical students: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychology,
12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.694019


Trigueros et al., (2020) and Hassan Dzakiria (2019) in a study conducted at university students found
that academic stress negatively predicted motivation, critical thinking, and academic performance.
Academic predicted metacognitive strategies and critical thinking.

Trigueros, R., Padilla, A., Para, J., M., A., Lirola, M., J., Garcia-Luengo, A., V., Rocamora-Perez , P. & Lopez-
Liria, R. (2020), The Influence of Teachers on Motivation and Academic Stress and Their Effect on the
Learning Strategies of Unviversity students, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Meanwhile, Mirzaei-Alavijeh, et al., (2018) showed positive relationship between self-esteem and
students’ learning. Similarly, Doodman, et al. (2017) reveal that weaker learning achievement is a main
cause of lower self-esteem and higher self-esteem cause better educational success. Similarly, Noronha
et al., (2018) state that high self-esteem resolves the conflicts and enable students to perform better in
educational accomplishment. In addition, Fu et. Al, (2020) demonstrate that students’ academic sel-
perceptions play a critical role in student’s academic performance.

Mirzaei-Alavijeh, M., Rahimi, H., Matin, B. K., &Jalilian, F. (2018). Sel-Esteem and Academic Achievement
Among Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Educational Research in medical
sciences, 7(1), 90-105

Doodman, P., Zadeh, M. A., & Changizi, B. (2017). Study the relationship between self-esteem and
academic achievement among high school students in Lamerd City. International Journal of scientific
study, 5, 221-226

Noronha, L., Monteiro, M., & Pinto, N. (2018). A study on the self-esteem and academic performance
among the students. International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 2 (1), 190-211.

Fu, R.;Lee, J.; Chen, X.; Wang, L. (2020). Academic Self-Perceptions and Academic achievement in
Chinese Children: A Multiwave Longitudinal Study. Child Dev., 91, 17618-1732

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance and achievements.
Each and every student shoukd have time management ability which includes setting goals & priorities,
using time management mechanism and being organized in using time. Here time management is only
possible through sel-motivation; performance, ability and motivation. These are the few activities
performed by today’s university students, which act as a barrier between them and their academic
performance. Due to mismanagement of time they gap behind. This stsudy will help to analyze the
positive or negative impact of time management on academic performance of students. It will also help
to make some decision about changes we would like to make to use our time more effectively. There is
no one right way to manage our time; however; it is important to get to know our self, so we can make
good decisions about how to use our time. Likewise, in the process of providing educational services this
issue has been a subject of interest discussed and emphatized in several platforms and an attempt has
been initiated to assess and analyze time and the time management attitudes and behaviors of students
in educational institutes (Denlinger, 2019)

Denlinger, J. C. (2019). The effects of Time Management on College Students’ Academic Performance,
Ball State Unviersity, Fact Book (students/enrollment).

In a college chemistry class, Zusho et al., (2019), found that self-eficacy and task value, which were two
motivational components, were the best predictors of students’ performance. Meanwhile, Glynn et al.
(2019), exhibited that intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy had a strong influence on students’

Zusho, A., Pintrich, P. R. and Coppola, B. (2019). Skill and will: The role of motivation and cognition in the
learning of college chemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1081-1094
Glynn, S. M., Taasoobshirazi, G. and Brickman, P. (2019). Science motivation questionnaire: Construct
validation with non-science majors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 127-146

The findings of Fernandez et al., (2019), stated that self-regulation is closely linked to motivational
variables influencing it, such as, goal settings, self-efficacy, the expectations, the attitude adopted
towards goal, and subsequent academic performance. Likewise, one of the universities’ main goals, in
general, is for students to be able to control their learning process and acquire competences they can
use inside and outside the classroom environment, and the central axis is the autonomous learning that
will help them for life.

Fernandez, e., Bernardo, A., Suarez, N., Cerezo, R., Nuñez, J. C., & Rosario, P. (2019). Prediccion del uso
de estrategias de autorregulacion en educacion superior. Anales de Psicologia, 29(3), 865-875.

Guide questions for Qualitative Part of the study

(Marissa R. canoza)

1. Describe your strategies in studying graduate school.

2. How important are time management, motivation and learning strategies in inproving your
academic performance in graduate studies?
3. What are the things that keep you motivated in graduate school?

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