Muhas Cat 1 November 2017 Unbold 1-1
Muhas Cat 1 November 2017 Unbold 1-1
Muhas Cat 1 November 2017 Unbold 1-1
14 November 2017
3. The most important buffering system for maintaining proper blood pH is:
A. The charges on the amino acids
B. The bicarbonate buffer system of CO2, carbonic acid, and bicarbonate
C. Phosphate groups of serum phosphoproteins
D. Phosphoric acid and its conjugate base
A. .
B. .
C. .
D. .
8. Lactose intolerance of the kind that develops with age is caused by a deficiency
A. α-amylase.
B. β-galactosidase(lactase).
C. Glucosidase
D. The enzyme that breaks Glucβ1β6Gluc
9. Lactose intolerance of the kind that develops with age is caused by a deficiency
A. α-amylase.
B. β-galactosidase(lactase).
C. Glucosidase
D. Hexokinase
C. -(1,4), -(1,6)
D. -(1,4), β -(1,6)
A. Sucrose a disaccharide
B. Lactose a disaccharide
C. A repeating init in cellulose
D. Portion of a hyaluronic acid a type of glycosaminoglycan
15. The name carbohydrate means a "hydrate of carbon." The general formula of
carbohydrate is
A. Cx(H2O)y
B. Cx(H2Ox)y
C. Cx(H2)yO
D. (C H2)xOy
A. Sphingosine
B. Ceramide
C. Cerebroside
D. Glycerolipid
A. Cerebrocide
B. Steroid
C. Ganglioside
D. Neutral lipid
A) A and B
B) B and C A B
C) C and D
D) D and E
26. What protein structure involves interaction between two portions of the same
chain in the form of H bonds perpendicular to the axis of the molecule?
A. α-helix
B. Supers secondary structure
C. β-pleated sheet
D. Primary structure
28. If there are only different 20 amino acids that are inserted into proteins, how do
amino acids, which are not among the twenty (like hydroxylysine and
hydroxyproline), get into proteins?
A. They are present before synthesis.
B. Amino acids inserted during synthesis are altered later.
C. They are added after synthesis.
D. There is so far no precise explanation for this observation
29. Which one of the following molecules will elute last from size exclusion gel
filtration column? (Assume that all amino acids have the same molecular weight.)
A. A globular protein composed of 188 amino acids
B. A globular protein with 165 amino acids
C. A globular protein consisting of 69 amino acids
D. A fibrous protein of 188 amino acids
30. Which technique combines the effects of isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE to
purify proteins?
A. Ion exchange chromatography
C. Three-dimensional gel electrophoresis
D. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
34. You use the affinity column that you have designed to purify protein Q.
Electrophoresis of the purified protein in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS) (following reduction of the protein) shows a single band of 60,000 daltons. In
a gel filtration experiment, protein Q elutes between alcohol dehydrogenase (MW =
160,000) and B-amylase (MW=190,000). How many subunits are in intact protein
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
39. Hemoglobin binds oxygen cooperatively whereas myoglobin does not. What is
the best explanation for the difference?
A. Myoglobin contains mostly beta sheets while hemoglobin has none.
B. Heme lies on the surface of myoglobin while hemoglobin binds heme in a
hydrophobic pocket.
C. Myoglobin contains Fe2+ while hemoglobin contains Fe3+.
D. Myoglobin is monomeric while hemoglobin in multimeric.
42. A dietary deficiency of the following cofactor can lead to the Wernicke-
Korsakoff syndrome.
A. Thiamine
B. Niacin
C. Riboflavin
D. Biotin
43.Which protease (secreted by the pancreas) cleaves proteins on the carboxyl side
of aromatic side chains
A. Trypsin
B. Pepsin
C. Chymotrypsin
D. Proelastase
49.The following form of vitamin D is the most active in stimulating Ca++ transport
in the gut.
A. Cholecalciferol
B. 25 hydroxycholecalciferol
C. 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol
D. 24,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol
52.Sulfanilamide and its derivates are antibiotics that are structural analogues of
C. N5,N10-Methylene-THF
D. N5-Formyl-THF,
54. The concept of "induced fit" as a theory of enzyme action implies that
A. The lock-and-key theory adequately explains the mechanism of enzyme
B. The active site is flexible; the catalytic group(s) of the enzyme is(are)
brought into proper alignment by the substrate.
C. The conformation of the substrate and enzyme are as rigid as key and lock .
D. Both D- and L-isomers ca be catalysed at the active site of the enzyme
56. To overcome an energy barrier between reactants and products, energy must
be provided to get the reaction started. This energy, which is recovered as the
reaction proceeds, is called:
A. Activation energy
B. Initiation energy
C. Kinetic energy
D. Potential energy
57. In the graph reaction rate vs substrate concentration shown below, the reason
that the curve reaches a plateau, and does not increase any further at high
substrate concentration is that:
60. The primary structure of the collagen alpha-chain is best represented by which
ONE of the following? X, Y, and Z represent any amino acid and n=250-400.
A. (X-Gly)n
B. (Pro-Y-Z)n
C. (Lys-Pro-Z)n
D. (X-Y-Gly)n
66. Refer to the following graph. The solid curve and the dashed curve represent
alternate pathways for the same reaction. One pathway is enzyme catalyzed.
67. An enzyme catalyzes the reaction X→ Y. The initial rate of the reaction was
measured as a function of the concentration of
Y. The following data were obtained
80 30
120 36
400 40
620 50
800 65
940 80
1200 80
The Km was
A. 80
B. 1000
C. 400
D. 7000
68.α-helix has
A. 2.4 amino acid residues per turn
B. 3.6 amino acid residues per turn
C. 6.6 amino acid residues per turn
D. 5.0 amino acid residues per turn
E. 6.3 amino acid residues per turn
69. In hemoglobin, the iron of the heme is bonded to the four nitrogens of
porphyrin and to the proximal ______________ residue of the globin chain.
A. Valine
B. Serine
C. Histidine
D. Cysteine
E. Phenylalanine
73. Aspirin acetylates Serine 530 residue in active site of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-
1) enzyme consequently preventing synthesis of prostaglandins. This is a good
example of
A. Serine blockade inhibition
B. Suicide inhibition
C. Protein inhibition
D. Terminal inhibition
75. Which of the following statements best describes an allosteric binding site?
A. It is a binding site containing amino acids with aliphatic side chains.
B. It is a binding site that can accept a wide variety of differently shaped
C. It is a binding site, which is separate from the active site, and affects the
activity of an enzyme when it is occupied by a ligand.
D. It is a description of an active site which has undergone an induced fit.
76. Some enzymes covalently bind a non-protein organic molecule to the active
site. The organic molecule concerned is required if the enzyme is to catalyze a
reaction on a substrate. What is the term used for such a molecule?
A. Prosthetic group
B. Cofactor
C. Co-enzyme
79. From the graph below, the Vmax of the enzyme in the absence of an inhibitor is
A. 5.0
B. 2.5
C. 2.0
D. 0.4
E. 0.2
80,the following amino acidpair have propensity of breaking(destabilizing ) α-
A. Asp,Glu
B. Pro,Gly
C. Cys ,Met
D. Val,Leu