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Dlp-sets (Grade 7)

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Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Observation date: NOVEMBER 22-27, 2024 Quarter: 2ND QUARTER

NAME: Ancero, Ma. Andrey Cristel M.

I. Layunin (Objectives)
A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman (Content Standard)
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
B.Pamantayang Pagganap (Performance Standard)
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve them
using various strategies.
C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto/ (Most Essential Learning Competencies)
The learner illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null sets, the cardinality of sets,
union, and intersection of sets, and the difference of two sets
D. Layunin (Objectives)
Sa araling ito ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a. Describe if a given set is well-defined or not well-defined,
b. Identify the elements of a given set,
c. Write a set in its roster form and ruler form
II. CONTENT (Nilalaman)
Sets and Subsets
III. LEARNING RESOURCES (Kagamitang Pangturo)
A. References (Sanggunian)
Mathcounts Textbook For Grade 7, page 152
B. Other Learning Resources (Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo): Powerpoint, mga larawan(google),
tarpapel, at sagutang papel.
IV. Pamamaraan (Procedure)

 PRAYER Indicators/Objectives
I LOVE MATH, I LOVE MATH. (Repeat it 3 times)

A. (Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson)

In this lesson, you will explore the concept of sets and subsets. Think of sets
as containers that help us organize and group numbers and objects. Within
these sets, you will uncover subsets of specialized groups within sets.
Before proceeding in the lesson
Direction: Look around your classroom. On a sheet of paper, list down objects
with common characteristics and group them.
Example: Group A: a group of writing materials (chalk ballpen, and pencil)

B. (Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

Indicator 2
A set is a well-defined collection of objects with a common description or
characteristic. A set is represented by a capital letter. Indicator 9
in creating a set, you must clearly describe the objects that belong to it.
A set is well-defined if it's clear which objects belong to the set and which do
not. A set is not well defined if it cannot be decided whether a given object
belongs to a set.
these examples of sets are well-defined sets,
1. The list of all the subjects taken by the grade 7 students.
2. The set of whole numbers from 1 to 10.
these examples of sets are not well-defined sets,
1. The set of good looking in your school.
2. The set of honest politicians in the Philippines.
The examples are now well-defined because what is good-looking to one
person may not be to another.

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa bagong aralin (Presenting

examples/ instances of the new lesson)

To identify the elements of a set, look for items listed inside curly brackets Indicators 1,3,4
separated by commas.
and 5


Since a set is usually represented by a capital letter. For example:

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Thus, A is the set and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are the elements of the set or
members of the set. The elements that are written in the set can be in any
order but cannot be repeated. All the set elements are represented in small
letters in the case of the alphabet.
Another example:
Set of vowels
There are 5 vowels, which are, a,e,I,o,and u, therefore our final set will be

D. (Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1)

Representation of sets Indicators 1,2,3,

The sets are represented in curly braces, {}. For example, {2,3,4} or {a,b,c} or and 4
{Bat, Ball, Wickets}. The elements in the sets are depicted in either
the Statement form, Roster Form, or Set Builder Form.

Statement Form
In statement form, the well-defined descriptions of a member of a set are
written and enclosed in the curly brackets.
For example, the set of even numbers is less than 15.
In statement form, it can be written as {even numbers less than 15}.

E (Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2)

The Roster Form, where the elements of a set are listed inside braces, Indicators 6 and
separated by commas
For example, the set of colors of the Philippines flag.
C = White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Therefore, the set is C = {white, yellow, red,

The set of distinct letters of the word “Mathematics”

M = m,a,t,h,e,t,i,c,s, Therefore, the set is M = {m,a,t,h,e,t,i,c,s}

In writing set using the roster method, you should remember the following:
1. The order of elements inside the braces is not important.
2. Repeated elements must be written once.
3. The elements are written in small letter
The rule method, where a phrase that describes each element of a set is
enclosed in braces.
The rule method starts with the symbol “ x Ι x ”, for example:
The set of distinct letters of the word “Mathematics”
In roster method: M = {m,a,t,h,e,t,i,c,s}
In rule method: M= { x Ι x is a letters in the word “Mathematics”}

F. (Developing Mastery)

 Individual Indicators 4 to
Direction: Take a look at the pictures below, and answer the following 7
questions. Write it on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. How many sets of objects are there?

2. Does each object belong to set?
3. List down the set of objects in rule form.

G. (Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living;

values integration)

 Group activity Indicators 2,3

The class will be divided into 4 groups. and 7
Direction: Each group will have to Give 10 examples of well-defined sets
and write the given examples of set in roster and rule form.

Criteria 20 points 15 10 Score

Cooperation All members Limited Poor

collaborate cooperation; cooperation;
effectively; some significant
supports and members conflicts or
values each dominate or disengagement
other's withdraw.
All tasks Some tasks
Time frame Many tasks
completed late; time
incomplete or
ahead of management
schedule; needs
late; poor time
effective use improvement
of time. .
Creativity Exceptional Work is Poor quality;
quality; acceptable minimal effort;
demonstrates but lacks lacks creativity
high effort effort or or originality.
and creativity;
creativity. meets basic

Group Clear, Explanation Unclear

explanation thorough, is basic; explanation;
and engaging limited minimal
explanation; participation participation;
all members from some lack of clarity
participate members. or depth.


H. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Generalization and abstractions about the


Sets, in mathematics, are an organized collection of objects and can be Indicators 9

represented in set-builder form or roster form. Usually, sets are represented
in curly braces {}, for example, A = {1,2,3,4} is a set.

I. Pagtataya ng Aralin (Evaluation)

On a ½ sheet of paper answer the following questions. Answers only. Indicators

Determine if the given set is well-defined or not well-defined. 2,3,5,7 and 9
1. Top 5 soccer player
2. Numbers in a 12-hour clock
3. Letters in the word GAMES
4. List of the presidents of the Philippines
5. Most powerful heroes
Write each of the following sets in the Roster form
1. Name of months in a year
2. Even numbers between 4 and 9.
3. The letters of the word ‘BASKET
4. The set of consonants in the word “possession”
Write the following sets using rule method.
1. A = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100}
2. B = { 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48}
3. C = {S, M, I, L, E}
4. D = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
J. Karagdagang Gawain at Remediation (Additional Activities for
Application/ Remediation)

Answer the following questions
2,3,5,7 and 9
1. What is the meaning of a subsets?
2. How will we determine the number of subsets?

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