Counterflow Cooler Brochure June 2024

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Counterflow Cooler

Counterflow coolers have been an industry standard for over 20 years in


pelleted feed. In the last 10 years they have also became popular in many
other applications for cooling of granular products and meal.

Compact design
Meash feed cooling
Drying and cooling
High capacity

The advantages in footprint, energy efficiency, maintenance costs and

investment costs have made this type of cooler the preferred choice
for nearly every user of pellet mills, flaking mills, expanders,

extruders, heat treatment systems, conditioners, etc.

Counterflow Theory

Product Flow
For granular products, Counterflow coolers typically operate in a continuous, First
In First Out mode with the discharge system slowly discharging product into the
hopper, based on signals received from a product sensor in the bin walls.
However, for meal type products it is necessary to apply fluidization of the
product bed in order to get sufficient air to flow through. As a result it is better to
cool in batch mode, usually in two steps, to allow each batch to be fluidized for a
pre-set period of time. Discharging is therefore no longer driven by the product
sensor, but by timers.

Simple Excellence
The CPM counterflow cooler is the
most reliable and strong
counterflow cooler available. With High hygienic standards
a wide range of different discharge
High energy efficiency
systems, grid sizes, bin wall
heights, cyclones and air fans,
Low maintenance

there is a customized solution Low operating costs

available for every type of product Low investment
and every cooling requirement. All
Limited space
CPM Counterflow coolers are built
to high specifications. Cooler hood requirement
and bin walls are always in Easy installation
stainless steel to prolong lifetime
Easy operation
and guarantee clean operation. Air
systems can be designed to meet Easy cleaning
your specific cooling needs. Long lifetime
Counterflow Theory




The Principle of Operation of the Counterflow Cooler

The warm product enters the bin (4) through the inlet rotary valve (1). Underneath the
inlet rotary valve a distributor (3) ensures even distribution of product in the cooler. The
product is being cooled in the bin by means of an air flow, which enters the bin through
the discharge gate (5) and leaves the bin through the air outlet (10). Product layer
height is controlled by a level sensor (8), which is adjustable in height. The level sensor
ensures that the product layer is kept at a predetermined height. As soon as product
activates the level sensor the discharger (5) is operated and product is discharged
through the hopper (7). Discharging stops as soon as the product gets below the level
sensor. In order to prevent overflow, the cooler has been provided with an overflow
sensor (9), which stops product supply to the cooler.
One of biggest selling points of all
CPM counterflow coolers is the fact
that they run reliably with an absolute
Triple discharge grid
minimum of maintenance. There are
just a few electrical items to be
connected and no wear parts.

Popular Options
Intermediate cooling deck to buffer
product temporarily when switching to
a new recipe. This avoids loss of time
and capacity during a change over.
Swivle valve discharge

Air flow control valve to automatically

stabilize air volume in the cooler,
independent of fluctuations in pressure

Clam shell inlet valve to temporarily

store small quantities of fat sprayed
product to allow the fat to be absorbed
by the hot product before cooling Discharge drive


Rotating distrubuter
Discharge Systems

The Triple Grid Discharger is typically used for easy-

flowing, pelleted products. This cooler is the ultimate in
simplicity, there is just about nothing that can go wrong.
Product Flow is First In First Out, with gradual discharge
into the hopper. This system allows easy adjustment to
handle pellet sizes between 3 and 10 mm (or 3 and 18
mm with a special grid). The pneumatic system for clean
out ensures a totally empty cooler at the end of each
production run.

The Batch Discharger is used to dump its entire

product bed in one movement. Used typically to
cool meal or mash type products, its opening
sequence is timer driven.

The Swivel Valve Discharger can be applied to nearly

every type of product, including those that have very
difficult flowing characteristics. Bridging and blocking
cannot occur with this discharger. It also conforms with
the highest sanitary requirements. Here also, product
flow is First In First Out. The swivel valve discharge system
can handle everything from fine meal up to big lumps. It is
used for cooling pellets, lumps, chips, flakes, expanded
products, extruded products, meal and many other
granular products. The integral emptying system ensures
a totally empty cooler at the end of each batch.

From the food you eat to the fuels you require, CPM plays an important role in
building a better world. Our experienced team and family of trusted brands are
working together to make our planet a better place to live.


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