Sample Solution
Sample Solution
Sample Solution
X 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9
Y 4.3 3.9 5.3 5.8 5.2 7.4 6.1 8.1 7.2 7.4 8.4
-1.9818 -2.3818 -0.9818 -0.4818 -1.0818 1.1182 -0,1818 1.8182 0.9182 1.1182 2.1182
The estimated linear regression model obtained is: tổng x = 72, y = 69.1
mean: x = 6.5455, y= 6.2818
5. A regression model with 34 observations, has a sample variance σ̂ 2 = 12.6 and ESS = 378. Then the number of
independent variables is:
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
A. β2 = β3 = β4 = 0 B. β2 + β3 + β4 = 0 C. β2 + β3 + β4 = 1 D. β2 = β3 = β4 = 1
7. In a laboratory experiment, data were collected on longevity (Y in months) based on daily protein intake (X1 )
and a dummy variable X2 (whether a longevity extender be added to the diet of rats or not) with
0 if extender is not added,
X2 =
1 if extender is added.
From the experimental results, the regression model is obtained as follows: Ŷ = 36 + 0.8X1 + 2.7X2 . From these
results, the average lifespan of a mouse supplemented with a longevity extender every day and provided with 2
units of protein is:
36 + 0.8 × 2 + 2.7 × 1 = 40.3
8. Suppose we have a regression model of salary estimated based on experience and gender as follows:
wage = 15 + 13 exper + 2 gender,
where gender is a dummy variable with gender = 1 for men and gender = 0 for women. If we estimate another
regression model, with the gender variable reset to gender = 1 for women and gender = 0 for men, the results of
estimating the new model will be:
A. Not change compared to the old model C. wage = 17 + 13 exper + 2 gender
B. wage = 15 + 13 exper - 2 gender D. wage = 17 + 13 exper - 2 gender
Income = 11 + 0.24 GPA − 0.15 Female + 0.14 Married − 0.01 Married × Female,
where Female is a dummy variable for gender, with: Female = 1 if the interviewee is female and Female = 0 if
the interviewee is male; Married is a dummy variable for marital status, with: Married = 1 if the interviewee
is married and Married = 0 otherwise. Consider married individuals with equal GPAs. The above estimation
results show that compared to women’s income, men’s income is higher by an amount:
Use the following data for questions 10 – 13: Let Y : Chicken meat consumption/person/year (kg); X2 : disposable
income/person/year (dollars); X3 : retail price of chicken; X4 : retail price of pork; X5 : retail price of beef. From
the data obtained, we have the following estimated results:
Source | SS df MS Number o f obs = 20
=============+================================== F( , ) = 89.928
Model | Prob > F =
Residual | 21.127 R=s q u a r e d =
=============+================================== Adj R=s q u a r e d =
Total | Root MSE =
Y | Coefficient Std . e r r . t P>| t | [95% c o n f . i n t e r v a l ]
X2 | 0.372 0.083 A 0.0007
X3 | = 0.292 B = 4.55
X4 | 0.128 0.099 C
X5 | 0.091 D 0.904
_cons | 2.189 E 14.602 0.0000
10. Calculate A, B, C, D, E:
A = 0.372/0.083 = 4.482.
B = −0.292/(−4.55) = 0.064.
C = 0.128/0.099 = 1.293.
D = 0.091/0.904 = 0.101.
E = 2.189/14.602 = 0.15.
11. The 95% confidence interval of β2 (the coefficient of X2 ) is
0.372 ± t0.025 (15) × 0.083 = (0.21, 0.54).
12. Is β3 (the coefficient of X3 ) statistically significant at the 5% significance level?
Yes, because |t| = 4.55 > t0.025 (15) = 2.06.
13. Is the model statistically significant at the 5% significance level?
Yes, because F = 89.928 > F0.05 (4, 15) = 3.056.
14. Consider the following least squares estimation model:
ln Ŷ = 1.2 + 57.1 ln X.
According to this equation, how much does Y change when X increases by 1%, on average?
Y increases by 57.1%.
Write your detailed answer to the following questions. Calculation should be correct to at least two decimal places.
15. Consider the multivariate regression model
Since F > F0.05 (2; 60), we reject H0 . Therefore, (U) is more appropriate.
16. Consider a data set on employee salaries including the following variables:
X2 : education level (number of years of schooling),
X3 : age,
X4 : experience (number of months worked),
X5 : starting salary (USD),
Y : current salary (USD),
G: gender (1 for male and 0 for female),
L: job position (1: employee, 2: team leader/foreman, 3: manager),
For the job position variable, using the dummy variable technique, we set:
( (
1 : manager, 1 : team leader/team leader/foreman,
L1 = L2 =
0 : other, 0 : other,
Y | Coefficient Std . e r r . t P>| t | [95% c o n f . i n t e r v a l ]
X2 | 4726.227 ? 2.236999
X3 | = 277.3656 260.2222 = 1.065880
X4 | 10.32685 26.29294 0.392761
X5 | 2.068516 0.409791 5.047738
G | 23483.66 18167.30 1.292634
c . X2#c .G | ? 2013.930 = 1.962362
L1 | = 36568.83 17644.68 = 2.072513
L2 | = 4389.050 2444.130 ?
_cons | = 21795.14 17345.88 = 1.256502
(a) Calculate the coefficient of determination.
Adj R-squared: Ra2 = 1 − (1 − R2 ) n−p−1 .
Hence R2 = 1 − (1 − Ra2 ) n−p−1 39−8−1
n−1 = 1 − (1 − 0.875232) 39−1 = 0.9015.
(b) Calculate the F statistic.
(n−p−1)R2 (39−8−1)0.9015
F = p(1−R2 ) = 8(1−0.9015) = 34.3211.
(c) Calculate the standard error of β2 .
4726.227/2.236999 = 2112.7533.
(d) Calculate the point estimate of coefficient of X2 G.
2013.930 × (−1.962362) = −3952.0597.
(e) Test the hypothesis H0 : β9 ≥ −4000 against H1 : β9 < −4000.
t = −4389.050+4000
2444.130 = −0.16.
Since t > −t0.05 (39 − 8 − 1) = −1.7, we cannot reject H0 .
(f) What is economic interpretation of regression coefficients β5 , β7 , β8 , β9 ?
If starting salary increases by 1 USD, then the current salary increases by β5 USD.
β7 is the difference of current salary increases of males and females when the years of schooling increases
by 1 year.
Current salary of managers is greater than that of employees β8 USD.
Current salary of team leaders/foremen is greater than that of employees β9 USD.