BxMx(Btech CSE-MBA)
Are Big tech companies(i.e. Amazon, Google and Facebook) bigger than government
and democracy? There is no perfect and preceding way of questioning their authenticity
and power. India’s presidency during the G-20(19 countries and European union)
companies should be regulated by the the government as it question the authority of the
world leaders and democracy and justice system employed by the government.
These Big Tech companies works on views, as users increases, their influence over
market increases. Many countries have applied safety and privacy laws and some
offensive statement are to be deleted and controlled by this developers; who’s to say
what is valid, true and allowed and what not is allowed to say. By this means, there
influence over market is incredibly strong. To regulate the power between tech
companies, there are four major areas companies should focus on:- Safety, privacy,
Abuse of power from these Tech giants is undermined and ignored because what they
provide in return has become more essential to consumers. These digital giants escape
the anger and judgement of public opinion, which is so quite to ignite because like other
big companieslike standard oil and etc, it is not easy to break these companies up as
they have become important aspects of everyone’s day-to-day lives. If decided to break
these companies up, it would be confronted by enraged users for whom the universe
nature of these platforms are reasons they use them. Hate speech, disinformation and
conspiracy theories spreaded on these platforms undermines the actual and factual
Another important reason for why the government should intervene in the issue is the
privacy of its users. The activist tristan harris called is data voodoo doll, as we and
government have exactly idea of how much of our data is exactly floating on the
internet. Large technology companies collect and monitor vast amounts of private
information with insufficient user consent and also without adequate understanding.
Issues that are commonly faced are transportation of our information without our
permission, these may know more about us than we know ourself; these algorithms
suggest us products and manipulate our decisions . Without a doubt, stronger privacy
European Union-will drive more transparency and accountability, hence more effective
ways of making individuals master their personal information. Even when privacy law is
applied, this big Tech giants lacks transparency and coherence. Australian government
has even implied the law where social media such as meta, spotify and other social
media platforms will be banned for teens under age 16. This law will be applied from
next years. Many platforms have expressed their discomfort over this law but the
industries unjustifiably and hold full power over these industries. For instance, google’s
control over search engine and networks creates huge wall for smaller competitors.
behvaiours and user/consumer have no place to go. Let’s see the example of Tech
that largest two was 64% and that of largest four was 90%. As for Google, it ruled the
market by 86% users, that largest two was 93%and of largest 4 was 99%(luigi Zingales,
2018, para. 8). Due to minimum competition , no big innovations are being
invented.These tech companies infact uses the direct or indirect loops to draw
consumers in i.e. for uber more number of drivers available, less the customers wait,
thus more customer will reach for uber, leading to leading to more networth thus
resulting in increasing the number of drivers in uber; this way customer preferring uber
will also increase and will be stuck in this loop without them knowing(HEC paris insights,
2024, para. 5). From these types of loops Tech companies attract more users in which
funding of research and development, supporting new firms and start-ups, governments
can improve innovation. Funding, for instance, for AI and 5G technology will guarantee
that new tech pays dividends and keeps domestic industries in contention.
Most important reason why government should regulate Big tech companies is because
of their honesty. Companies like Google and Facebook are complete opaque. The third
is that of governmental overreach and, in particular, inefficiencies inherent in
bureaucratic constructs. It is claimed that governmental bodies rarely have the expertise
to operate complex technological systems; hence, they may come up with poorly
Overarching, the phenomenon of regulating Big Tech is a very large issue with broad
sociopolitical and economic consequences, as a rule. On one hand they believe that
monopolization. This is because such firms are monopolistic; they pride in enormous
market power through which they are capable of operating in defiance of the ethicist
used in exerting pressure to demand for transparency for the purpose of ensuring that
such firms can also operate for the benefit of the public.
However, over regulation of the technology as per the critics has the following dangers
of exaggerating the positives of the technology; slows down the advancement and
invention of new techniques, foul-mouthed freedom of speech, and costs business firms
highly. To this they can explain that the regulation by the government or by the free
What this means is that the appropriate description of both these circumstances has to
be called to the realization of a balanced model. The governments should derive the
regulation from which they could easily blacklist or eliminate or at least reduce some
evils or harms to society without being detrimental to the growth of the creative and
NGOs and policy makers in setting and implementing good standards of play that are
efficient, effective, sustainable and forward looking. Thus it may be concluded to some
extent that the regulation of ‘big tech platforms also indicates the avowal of change for
the sake of becoming the development of dominance of technologies for those with, not
against it and, at the same time, without causing any harm on the adversities which may
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