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Schaeffler Rolling Bearing Grease

Arcanol LOAD400
Properties, Bearing grease for universal applications, high dynamic secondary stress, high loads,
applications: low starting temperatures, low starting friction over a wide speed range, also for
applications with vertical shaft

Characteristics Value Unit Test method

Temperature range: -40 to 130 °C DIN 51825 /
Schaeffler Spec.
Longtime limit temperature: 80 °C
Density: 0.93 kg/dm³
Thickener: lithium/calcium
Type of base oil: mineral oil
Base oil viscosity at 40 °C: 400 mm²/s DIN 51562 - 1
at 100 °C: 25 mm²/s DIN 51562 - 1
Worked penetration: 265-295 0.1 mm DIN ISO 2137
NLGI grade: 2 DIN 51518
Drop point: ≥ 170 °C DIN ISO 2176
Water resistance: ≤ 1-90 Range DIN 51807 - 1
Corrosion Emcor Test: ≤ 0/0 Corr. Grade DIN 51802
with 1 % NaCl: ≤ 0/1 Corr. Grade
Copper corrosion after 24 h/120 °C: ≤ 1 Corr. Grade DIN 51811
FE8 tests run wear behaviour, Running time 500 hours without failure
536048 - 75/80-RT vWk50 ≤ 35 mg DIN 51819
FE9 tests run (grease service lifetime)
B/1500/6000-130 F50 ≥ 200 h DIN 51821-02
no failure < 100 h
Speed range: Unit Ball bearings and Other roller
cylindrical roller bearings bearings*)
Speed limit n*dm mm/min 400,000 200,000
*) not cylindrical roller thrust bearings and spherical roller thrust bearings

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The data are based on actual knowledge at the time of print and refer to the respective test method. Guaranteed properties or
warranties cannot be taken over.

Edition: 04.08.2023

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