ADEK_EEI_Admissions Policy_EN
ADEK_EEI_Admissions Policy_EN
ADEK_EEI_Admissions Policy_EN
This policy sets out the appropriate standards for a fair admissions system that provides equal
opportunities for all children. It regulates the requirements for the admission, enrollment, and
placement of children in Early Education Institutions (EEIs) through a transparent and effective
admissions process and sets clear expectations for all stakeholders (EEI management and staff,
parents, regulators, service providers, etc.).
800 555 | | Abu Dhabi, UAE September 2024 | Version 1.0 | ADEK EEI Admissions Policy
Admission The process by which parents apply to an EEI to enroll their child.
A person under the age of 4 years, as per Federal Decree Law No. (51) of
2022 Regulating Nurseries.
Early Education
Institutions All ADEK-licensed institutions that offer early years service (e.g., nurseries).
Enrollment The act of signing up for an EEI and/or specific activities at that EEI.
The process where an EEI can apply to ADEK to inform them through a
Inability to variety of evidence of their inability to accommodate the child within the
Accommodate EEI. This process includes medical/clinical reports, child observations,
Notification adapted assessments, physical environments, and any other information
Gifted and talented children demonstrate exceptional ability in one or
Gifted and
more domains. Talented children are those who can transform their
giftedness into exceptional performance.
The staff responsible for overseeing the EEI-based staff and daily
Management operations, such as the EE Director, their deputy, as well as any other
member of staff to whom they have delegated specific authorities.
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All EEIs shall develop and implement an Admissions Policy, which clearly mandates:
b) Upholding the principles of Federal Law No. (29) of 2006 Concerning the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities and its amendments, and ensuring that children with
additional learning needs shall not be denied a place at their preferred EEI, as
long as the EEI has the capacity to accommodate them in the appropriate age
group (see ADEK EEI Inclusion Policy for more details).
EEIs shall clearly indicate the age range of children they cater to as permitted by
their license. Children shall be more than 1 day old and less than 4 years of age at
the time of enrollment.
EEIs shall offer admissions on a first-come, first-served basis. However, EEIs may
apply admission priorities if there are more requests than available seats, and these
priorities shall be specified in the EEI’s Admissions Policy (see ADEK EEI Admissions
Policy Guide for examples).
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1.4 Admission of Children with Additional Learning Needs
Every new applicant with identified additional learning needs shall be directly
referred to the Early Education (EE) Director, who shall assess how best to
accommodate the child’s needs.
EEIs shall record the details of children with additional learning needs via the ALN
Module on eSIS, as required by ADEK.
The EEI shall follow the guidelines specified by ADEK with regard to discussing the
next steps with parents (see ADEK EEI Inclusion Policy for more details).
EEIs shall comply with the space requirements set out in the ADEK EEI Physical
Environment Policy.
EEIs shall offer a flexible program of full- or part-time attendance for the children,
subject to space availability. The attendance options shall clearly be communicated
on the registration form and the official website.
EEIs shall have and communicate a clear admission process that is followed for all
new and existing children. The process shall specify whether re-enrollment of
existing children is conducted monthly, termly, or annually.
EEIs shall collect the following documents before a child can begin attending:
a) Basic registration details (full name in both Arabic (if available) and English, date
and place of birth, nationality, current and permanent address, parent
information, emergency contact details, etc.).
b) Official documents (e.g., copies of Emirates ID, current and valid passport, visa of
the child and parents, the child’s birth certificate, passport-sized photographs,
800 555 | | Abu Dhabi, UAE September 2024 | Version 1.0 | ADEK EEI Admissions Policy
e) Documentation for children with additional learning needs, such as relevant
assessments, previous individual education plans, advanced learning plans, and
other provisions, if needed.
EEIs shall officially register a child with ADEK once they decide to enroll them. This
shall be done using the Electronic Student Information System (eSIS). The records of
the child shall also be updated online in the system during re-enrollment.
a) Medical Records: EEIs shall create and maintain a medical record file for each
enrolled child and these files shall be kept in a secure place that ensures the
confidentiality of health information. All requests to release health information
from children’s medical records shall be approved by the DOH.
b) Storage of Records: EEIs shall keep records of all children’s admission files,
including all required information and documents. This includes:
2. Ensuring the confidentiality of information as per Federal Decree Law No. (45)
of 2021 Concerning the Protection of Personal Data and as per the UAE
Ministry of Education Regulatory Compliance Manual for Early Childhood
Institutions (MoE, 2020) (see ADEK EEI Child Protection and Safeguarding
800 555 | | Abu Dhabi, UAE September 2024 | Version 1.0 | ADEK EEI Admissions Policy
4. Compliance
4.1 This policy shall be effective as of the start of the Academic Year 2024/25 (Fall term).
EEIs are expected to be fully compliant with this policy by the start of the Academic
Year 2025/26 (Fall term).
4.2 Failure to comply with this policy shall be subject to legal accountability and the
penalties stipulated in accordance with the ADEK’s regulations, policies, and
requirements, notwithstanding any other penalties imposed by Federal Decree Law
No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties and its amendments or any
other relevant law. ADEK reserves the right to intervene if the EEI is found to be in
violation of its obligations.
• Federal Decree Law No. (3) of 2016 Concerning Child Rights (Wadeema)
• Federal Decree Law No. (29) of 2006 Concerning the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and
its amendments
• Federal Decree Law No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties and its
• Federal Decree Law No. (45) of 2021 Concerning the Protection of Personal Data
• Federal Decree Law No. (51) for 2022 Regulating Nurseries
• Ministry of Education (MoE). (2020). Regulatory Compliance Manual for Early Childhood
800 555 | | Abu Dhabi, UAE September 2024 | Version 1.0 | ADEK EEI Admissions Policy